Source code for dargs.dargs

r"""Some (ocaml) pseudo-code here to show the intended type structure.

    type args = {key: str; value: data; optional: bool; doc: str} list
    and  data =
           | Arg of dtype
           | Node of args
           | Repeat of args
           | Variant of (str * args) list

In actual implementation, We flatten this structure into on tree-like class
`Argument` with (optional) attribute `dtype`, `sub_fields`, `repeat` and
`sub_variants` to mimic the union behavior in the type structure.

Due to the complexity of *Variant* structure, it is implemented into a
separate class `Variant` so that multiple choices can be handled correctly.
We also need to pay special attention to flat the keys of its choices.

import difflib
import fnmatch
import json
import re
from copy import deepcopy
from enum import Enum
from textwrap import indent
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Union

    from typing import get_origin
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import get_origin

import typeguard

INDENT = "    "  # doc is indented by four spaces
RAW_ANCHOR = False  # whether to use raw html anchors or RST ones

# the third argument is the base path
HookArgKType = Callable[["Argument", dict, List[str]], None]
HookArgVType = Callable[["Argument", Any, List[str]], None]
HookVrntType = Callable[["Variant", dict, List[str]], None]

def _DUMMYHOOK(a, x, p):
    # for doing nothing in traversing

class _Flags(Enum):
    NONE = 0  # for no value in dict (when optional)
    EMPTY_DICT = 1  # for empty dict as default value

[docs] class ArgumentError(Exception): """Base error class for invalid argument values in argchecking.""" def __init__( self, path: Union[None, str, List[str]] = None, message: Optional[str] = None ): super().__init__(message) if path is None: path = "" if not isinstance(path, str): path = "/".join(path) self.path = path.strip("/") self.message = message def __str__(self) -> str: loc_msg = "at root location" if not self.path else f"at location `{self.path}`" return f"[{loc_msg}] {self.message}"
[docs] class ArgumentKeyError(ArgumentError): """Error class for missing or invalid argument keys.""" pass
[docs] class ArgumentTypeError(ArgumentError): """Error class for invalid argument data types.""" pass
[docs] class ArgumentValueError(ArgumentError): """Error class for missing or invalid argument values.""" pass
[docs] class Argument: """Define possible arguments and their types and properties. Each `Argument` instance contains a `name` and a `dtype`, that correspond to the key and value type of the actual argument. Additionally, it can include `sub_fields` and `sub_variants` to deal with nested dict arguments. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the current argument, i.e. the key in the arg dict. dtype : type or list of type The value type of the current argument, can be a list of possible types. `None` will be treated as `NoneType` sub_fields: list of Argument, optional If given, `dtype` is assumed to be dict, whose items correspond to the `Argument`s in the `sub_fields` list. sub_variants: list of Variants, optional If given, `dtype` is assumed to be dict, and its items are determined by the `Variant`s in the given list and the value of their flag keys. repeat: bool, optional If true, `dtype` is assume to be list of dict and each dict consists of sub fields and sub variants described above. Defaults to false. optional: bool, optional If true, consider the current argument to be optional in checking. default: any value type The default value of the argument,used in normalization. alias: list of str Alternative names of the current argument, used in normalization. extra_check: callable Additional check to be done on the value of the argument. Should be a function that takes the value and returns whether it passes. doc: str The doc string of the argument, used in doc generation. fold_subdoc: bool, optional If true, no doc will be generated for sub args. extra_check_errmsg : str The error message if extra_check fails Examples -------- >>> ca = Argument("base", dict, [Argument("sub", int)]) >>> ca.check({"base": {"sub1": 1}}) >>> ca.check_value({"sub1": 1}) for more detailed examples, please check the unit tests. """ def __init__( self, name: str, dtype: Union[None, type, Iterable[type]], sub_fields: Optional[Iterable["Argument"]] = None, sub_variants: Optional[Iterable["Variant"]] = None, repeat: bool = False, optional: bool = False, default: Any = _Flags.NONE, alias: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, extra_check: Optional[Callable[[Any], bool]] = None, doc: str = "", fold_subdoc: bool = False, extra_check_errmsg: str = "", ): = name self.dtype = dtype self.sub_fields: Dict[str, "Argument"] = {} self.sub_variants: Dict[str, "Variant"] = {} self.repeat = repeat self.optional = optional self.default = default self.alias = alias if alias is not None else [] self.extra_check = extra_check self.doc = doc self.fold_subdoc = fold_subdoc self.extra_check_errmsg = extra_check_errmsg # adding subfields and subvariants self.extend_subfields(sub_fields) self.extend_subvariants(sub_variants) # handle the format of dtype, makeit a tuple self._reorg_dtype() def __eq__(self, other: "Argument") -> bool: # do not compare doc and default # since they do not enter to the type checking def fkey(f): return def vkey(v): return v.flag_name return ( == and set(self.dtype) == set(other.dtype) and self.sub_fields == other.sub_fields and self.sub_variants == other.sub_variants and self.repeat == other.repeat and self.optional == other.optional ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Argument {}: {' | '.join(self._get_type_name(dd) for dd in self.dtype)}>" def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> "Argument": key = key.lstrip("/") if key in ("", "."): return self if key.startswith("["): vkey, rkey = key[1:].split("]", 1) if vkey.count("=") == 1: fkey, ckey = vkey.split("=") else: [fkey] = self.sub_variants.keys() ckey = vkey return self.sub_variants[fkey][ckey][rkey] p1, p2 = key.find("/"), key.find("[") if max(p1, p2) < 0: # not found return self.sub_fields[key] else: # at least one found p = p1 if p2 < 0 or 0 < p1 < p2 else p2 skey, rkey = key[:p], key[p:] return self[skey][rkey] @property def I(self): # noqa:E743 # return a dummy argument that only has self as a sub field # can be used in indexing return Argument("_", dict, [self]) def _reorg_dtype(self): if ( isinstance(self.dtype, type) or isinstance(get_origin(self.dtype), type) or self.dtype is None ): self.dtype = [self.dtype] # remove duplicate self.dtype = { dt if type(dt) is type or type(get_origin(dt)) is type else type(dt) for dt in self.dtype } # check conner cases if self.sub_fields or self.sub_variants: self.dtype.add(list if self.repeat else dict) if ( self.optional and self.default is not _Flags.NONE and all(not isinstance_annotation(self.default, tt) for tt in self.dtype) ): self.dtype.add(type(self.default)) # and make it compatible with `isinstance` self.dtype = tuple(self.dtype)
[docs] def set_dtype(self, dtype: Union[None, type, Iterable[type]]): """Change the dtype of the current Argument.""" self.dtype = dtype self._reorg_dtype()
[docs] def set_repeat(self, repeat: bool = True): """Change the repeat attribute of the current Argument.""" self.repeat = repeat self._reorg_dtype()
[docs] def extend_subfields(self, sub_fields: Optional[Iterable["Argument"]]): """Add a list of sub fields to the current Argument.""" if sub_fields is None: return assert all(isinstance(s, Argument) for s in sub_fields) update_nodup( self.sub_fields, ((, s) for s in sub_fields), err_msg=f"building Argument `{}`", ) self._reorg_dtype()
[docs] def add_subfield(self, name: Union[str, "Argument"], *args, **kwargs) -> "Argument": """Add a sub field to the current Argument.""" if isinstance(name, Argument): newarg = name else: newarg = Argument(name, *args, **kwargs) self.extend_subfields([newarg]) return newarg
[docs] def extend_subvariants(self, sub_variants: Optional[Iterable["Variant"]]): """Add a list of sub variants to the current Argument.""" if sub_variants is None: return assert all(isinstance(s, Variant) for s in sub_variants) update_nodup( self.sub_variants, ((s.flag_name, s) for s in sub_variants), exclude=self.sub_fields.keys(), err_msg=f"building Argument `{}`", ) self._reorg_dtype()
[docs] def add_subvariant( self, flag_name: Union[str, "Variant"], *args, **kwargs ) -> "Variant": """Add a sub variant to the current Argument.""" if isinstance(flag_name, Variant): newvrnt = flag_name else: newvrnt = Variant(flag_name, *args, **kwargs) self.extend_subvariants([newvrnt]) return newvrnt
# above are creation part # below are general traverse part
[docs] def flatten_sub(self, value: dict, path=None) -> Dict[str, "Argument"]: sub_dicts = [self.sub_fields] sub_dicts.extend( vrnt.flatten_sub(value, path) for vrnt in self.sub_variants.values() ) flat_subs = {} update_nodup( flat_subs, *sub_dicts, err_msg=f"flattening variants of {}" ) return flat_subs
[docs] def traverse( self, argdict: dict, key_hook: HookArgKType = _DUMMYHOOK, value_hook: HookArgVType = _DUMMYHOOK, sub_hook: HookArgKType = _DUMMYHOOK, variant_hook: HookVrntType = _DUMMYHOOK, path: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): # first, do something with the key # then, take out the vaule and do something with it if path is None: path = [] key_hook(self, argdict, path) if in argdict: value = argdict[] value_hook(self, value, path) newpath = [*path,] # this is the key step that we traverse into the tree self.traverse_value( value, key_hook, value_hook, sub_hook, variant_hook, newpath )
[docs] def traverse_value( self, value: Any, key_hook: HookArgKType = _DUMMYHOOK, value_hook: HookArgVType = _DUMMYHOOK, sub_hook: HookArgKType = _DUMMYHOOK, variant_hook: HookVrntType = _DUMMYHOOK, path: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): # this is not private, and can be called directly # in the condition where there is no leading key if path is None: path = [] if isinstance(value, dict): self._traverse_sub( value, key_hook, value_hook, sub_hook, variant_hook, path ) if isinstance(value, list) and self.repeat: for idx, item in enumerate(value): self._traverse_sub( item, key_hook, value_hook, sub_hook, variant_hook, [*path, str(idx)], )
def _traverse_sub( self, value: dict, key_hook: HookArgKType = _DUMMYHOOK, value_hook: HookArgVType = _DUMMYHOOK, sub_hook: HookArgKType = _DUMMYHOOK, variant_hook: HookVrntType = _DUMMYHOOK, path: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): assert isinstance(value, dict) if path is None: path = [] sub_hook(self, value, path) for subvrnt in self.sub_variants.values(): variant_hook(subvrnt, value, path) for subarg in self.flatten_sub(value, path).values(): subarg.traverse(value, key_hook, value_hook, sub_hook, variant_hook, path) # above are general traverse part # below are type checking part
[docs] def check(self, argdict: dict, strict: bool = False): """Check whether `argdict` meets the structure defined in self. Will recursively check nested dicts according to sub_fields and sub_variants. Raise an error if the check fails. Parameters ---------- argdict : dict The arg dict to be checked strict : bool, optional If true, only keys defined in `Argument` are allowed. """ if strict and len(argdict) != 1: raise ArgumentKeyError( None, "only one single key of arg name is allowed " "for check in strict mode at top level, " "use check_value if you are checking subfields", ) self.traverse( argdict, key_hook=Argument._check_exist, value_hook=Argument._check_data, sub_hook=Argument._check_strict if strict else _DUMMYHOOK, )
[docs] def check_value(self, value: Any, strict: bool = False): """Check the value without the leading key. Same as `check({ value})`. Raise an error if the check fails. Parameters ---------- value : any value type The value to be checked strict : bool, optional If true, only keys defined in `Argument` are allowed. """ self.traverse_value( value, key_hook=Argument._check_exist, value_hook=Argument._check_data, sub_hook=Argument._check_strict if strict else _DUMMYHOOK, )
def _check_exist(self, argdict: dict, path=None): if self.optional is True: return if not in argdict: raise ArgumentKeyError( path, f"key `{}` is required " "in arguments but not found" ) def _check_data(self, value: Any, path=None): try: typeguard.check_type( value, self.dtype, collection_check_strategy=typeguard.CollectionCheckStrategy.ALL_ITEMS, ) except typeguard.TypeCheckError as e: raise ArgumentTypeError( path, f"key `{}` gets wrong value type, " f"requires <{'|'.join(self._get_type_name(dd) for dd in self.dtype)}> " f"but " + str(e), ) from e if self.extra_check is not None and not self.extra_check(value): raise ArgumentValueError( path, f"key `{}` gets bad value " "that fails to pass its extra checking. " + self.extra_check_errmsg, ) def _check_strict(self, value: dict, path=None): allowed_keys = self.flatten_sub(value, path).keys() # curpath = [*path,] if not len(allowed_keys): # no allowed keys defined, allow any keys return for name in value.keys(): if name not in allowed_keys: dym_message = did_you_mean(name, allowed_keys) raise ArgumentKeyError( path, f"undefined key `{name}` is not allowed in strict mode. {dym_message}", ) # above are type checking part # below are normalizing part
[docs] def normalize( self, argdict: dict, inplace: bool = False, do_default: bool = True, do_alias: bool = True, trim_pattern: Optional[str] = None, ): """Modify `argdict` so that it meets the Argument structure. Normalization can add default values to optional args, substitute alias by its standard names, and discard unnecessary args following given pattern. Parameters ---------- argdict : dict The arg dict to be normalized. inplace : bool, optional If true, modify the given dict. Otherwise return a new one. do_default : bool, optional Whether to add default values. do_alias : bool, optional Whether to transform alias names. trim_pattern : str, optional If given, discard keys that matches the glob pattern. Returns ------- dict: The normalized arg dict. """ if not inplace: argdict = deepcopy(argdict) if do_alias: self.traverse( argdict, key_hook=Argument._convert_alias, variant_hook=Variant._convert_choice_alias, ) if do_default: self.traverse(argdict, key_hook=Argument._assign_default) self.traverse(argdict, key_hook=Argument._handle_empty_dict) if trim_pattern is not None: trim_by_pattern(argdict, trim_pattern, reserved=[]) self.traverse( argdict, sub_hook=lambda a, d, p: trim_by_pattern( d, trim_pattern, a.flatten_sub(d, p).keys() ), ) return argdict
[docs] def normalize_value( self, value: Any, inplace: bool = False, do_default: bool = True, do_alias: bool = True, trim_pattern: Optional[str] = None, ): """Modify the value so that it meets the Argument structure. Same as `normalize({ value})[]`. Parameters ---------- value : any value type The arg value to be normalized. inplace : bool, optional If true, modify the given dict. Otherwise return a new one. do_default : bool, optional Whether to add default values. do_alias : bool, optional Whether to transform alias names. trim_pattern : str, optional If given, discard keys that matches the glob pattern. Returns ------- value: The normalized arg value. """ if not inplace: value = deepcopy(value) if do_alias: self.traverse_value( value, key_hook=Argument._convert_alias, variant_hook=Variant._convert_choice_alias, ) if do_default: self.traverse_value(value, key_hook=Argument._assign_default) self.traverse_value(value, key_hook=Argument._handle_empty_dict) if trim_pattern is not None: self.traverse_value( value, sub_hook=lambda a, d, p: trim_by_pattern( d, trim_pattern, a.flatten_sub(d, p).keys() ), ) return value
def _assign_default(self, argdict: dict, path=None): if ( not in argdict and self.optional and self.default is not _Flags.NONE ): default = self.default if self.default != {} else _Flags.EMPTY_DICT argdict[] = default def _handle_empty_dict(self, argdict: dict, path=None): if argdict.get(, None) is _Flags.EMPTY_DICT: argdict[] = {} def _convert_alias(self, argdict: dict, path=None): if not in argdict: for alias in self.alias: if alias in argdict: argdict[] = argdict.pop(alias) return # above are normalizing part # below are doc generation part
[docs] def gen_doc(self, path: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs) -> str: """Generate doc string for the current Argument.""" # the actual indentation is done here, and ONLY here if path is None: path = [] sub_paths = [*path,] doc_list = [ self.gen_doc_head(sub_paths, **kwargs), indent(self.gen_doc_path(sub_paths, **kwargs), INDENT), indent(self.gen_doc_body(sub_paths, **kwargs), INDENT), ] return "\n".join(filter(None, doc_list))
[docs] def gen_doc_head(self, path: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs) -> str: typesig = "| type: " + " | ".join( [f"``{self._get_type_name(dt)}``" for dt in self.dtype] ) if self.optional: typesig += ", optional" if self.default == "": typesig += ", default: (empty string)" elif self.default is not _Flags.NONE: typesig += f", default: ``{self.default}``" if self.alias: typesig += f", alias{'es' if len(self.alias) > 1 else ''}: " typesig += ", ".join(f"*{al}*" for al in self.alias) head = f"{}: " if kwargs.get("use_sphinx_domain", False): head = f".. dargs:argument:: {}:\n :path: {'/'.join(path)}\n" head += f"\n{indent(typesig, INDENT)}" if kwargs.get("make_anchor"): head = f"{make_rst_refid(path)}\n" + head return head
[docs] def gen_doc_path(self, path: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs) -> str: if path is None: path = [] pathdoc = f"| argument path: ``{'/'.join(path)}``\n" return pathdoc
[docs] def gen_doc_body(self, path: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs) -> str: body_list = [] if self.doc: body_list.append(self.doc + "\n") if not self.fold_subdoc: if self.repeat: body_list.append( "This argument takes a list with " "each element containing the following: \n" ) if self.sub_fields: # body_list.append("") # genetate a blank line # body_list.append("This argument accept the following sub arguments:") for subarg in self.sub_fields.values(): body_list.append(subarg.gen_doc(path, **kwargs)) if self.sub_variants: showflag = len(self.sub_variants) > 1 for subvrnt in self.sub_variants.values(): body_list.append(subvrnt.gen_doc(path, showflag, **kwargs)) body = "\n".join(body_list) return body
def _get_type_name(self, dd) -> str: """Get type name for doc/message generation.""" return str(dd) if isinstance(get_origin(dd), type) else dd.__name__
[docs] class Variant: """Define multiple choices of possible argument sets. Each Variant contains a `flag_name` and a list of choices that are represented by `Argument`s. The choice is picked if its name matches the value of `flag_name` in the actual arguments. The actual arguments should then be a dict containing `flag_name` and sub fields of the picked choice. Parameters ---------- flag_name: str The name of the key to be used as the switching flag. choices: list of Argument A list of possible choices. Each of them should be an `Argument`. The name of the `Argument` serves as the tag in the switching flag. optional: bool, optional If true, the flag_name can be optional and defaults to `defalut_flag`. default_tag: str, optional Needed if optional is true. doc: str, optional The doc string used in document generation. Notes ----- This class should only be used in sub variants of the `Argument` class. """ def __init__( self, flag_name: str, choices: Optional[Iterable["Argument"]] = None, optional: bool = False, default_tag: str = "", # this is indeed necessary in case of optional doc: str = "", ): self.flag_name = flag_name self.choice_dict: Dict[str, Argument] = {} self.choice_alias: Dict[str, str] = {} self.extend_choices(choices) self.optional = optional if optional and not default_tag: raise ValueError("default_tag is needed if optional is set to be True") self.set_default(default_tag) self.doc = doc def __eq__(self, other: "Variant") -> bool: # do not compare doc return ( self.flag_name == other.flag_name and self.choice_dict == other.choice_dict and self.optional == other.optional and self.default_tag == other.default_tag ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"<Variant {self.flag_name} in {{ {', '.join(self.choice_dict.keys())} }}>" ) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> "Argument": return self.choice_dict[key]
[docs] def set_default(self, default_tag: Union[bool, str]): """Change the default tag of the current Variant.""" if not default_tag: self.optional = False self.default_tag = "" else: if default_tag not in self.choice_dict: raise ValueError(f"trying to set invalid default_tag `{default_tag}`") self.optional = True self.default_tag = default_tag
[docs] def extend_choices(self, choices: Optional[Iterable["Argument"]]): """Add a list of choice Arguments to the current Variant.""" # choices is a list of arguments # whose name is treated as the switch tag # we convert it into a dict for better reference # and avoid duplicate tags if choices is None: return update_nodup( self.choice_dict, ((, c) for c in choices), exclude={self.flag_name}, err_msg=f"Variant with flag `{self.flag_name}`", ) update_nodup( self.choice_alias, *[[(a, for a in c.alias] for c in choices], exclude={self.flag_name, *self.choice_dict.keys()}, err_msg=f"building alias dict for Variant with flag `{self.flag_name}`", )
[docs] def add_choice( self, tag: Union[str, "Argument"], _dtype: Union[None, type, Iterable[type]] = dict, *args, **kwargs, ) -> "Argument": """Add a choice Argument to the current Variant.""" if isinstance(tag, Argument): newarg = tag else: newarg = Argument(tag, _dtype, *args, **kwargs) self.extend_choices([newarg]) return newarg
[docs] def dummy_argument(self): return Argument( name=self.flag_name, dtype=str, optional=self.optional, default=self.default_tag, sub_fields=None, sub_variants=None, repeat=False, alias=None, extra_check=None, doc=f"dummy Argument converted from Variant {self.flag_name}", )
# above are creation part # below are helpers for traversing
[docs] def get_choice(self, argdict: dict, path=None) -> "Argument": if self.flag_name in argdict: tag = argdict[self.flag_name] if tag in self.choice_dict: return self.choice_dict[tag] elif tag in self.choice_alias: return self.choice_dict[self.choice_alias[tag]] else: raise ArgumentValueError( path, f"get invalid choice `{tag}` for flag key `{self.flag_name}`." + did_you_mean( tag, list(self.choice_dict.keys()) + list(self.choice_alias.keys()), ), ) elif self.optional: return self.choice_dict[self.default_tag] else: raise ArgumentKeyError( path, f"key `{self.flag_name}` is required " "to choose variant but not found.", )
[docs] def flatten_sub(self, argdict: dict, path=None) -> Dict[str, "Argument"]: choice = self.get_choice(argdict, path) fields = { self.flag_name: self.dummy_argument(), # as a placeholder **choice.flatten_sub(argdict, path), } return fields
def _convert_choice_alias(self, argdict: dict, path=None): if self.flag_name in argdict: tag = argdict[self.flag_name] if tag not in self.choice_dict and tag in self.choice_alias: argdict[self.flag_name] = self.choice_alias[tag] # above are traversing part # below are doc generation part
[docs] def gen_doc( self, path: Optional[List[str]] = None, showflag: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> str: body_list = [""] body_list.append( f"Depending on the value of *{self.flag_name}*, " "different sub args are accepted. \n" ) body_list.append(self.gen_doc_flag(path, showflag=showflag, **kwargs)) fnstr = f"*{self.flag_name}*" if kwargs.get("make_link"): if not kwargs.get("make_anchor"): raise ValueError("`make_link` only works with `make_anchor` set") fnstr, target = make_ref_pair([*path, self.flag_name], fnstr, "flag") body_list.append(target + "\n") for choice in self.choice_dict.values(): body_list.append("") choice_path = self._make_cpath(, path, showflag) if kwargs.get("make_anchor"): body_list.append(make_rst_refid(choice_path)) c_alias = ( f" (or its alias{'es' if len(choice.alias) > 1 else ''} " + ", ".join(f"``{al}``" for al in choice.alias) + ")" if choice.alias else "" ) body_list.extend( [ f"When {fnstr} is set to ``{}``{c_alias}: \n", choice.gen_doc_body(choice_path, **kwargs), ] ) body = "\n".join(body_list) return body
[docs] def gen_doc_flag(self, path: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs) -> str: headdoc = f"{self.flag_name}:" typedoc = "| type: ``str`` (flag key)" if self.optional: typedoc += f", default: ``{self.default_tag}``" typedoc = indent(typedoc, INDENT) if path is None: path = [] arg_path = [*path, self.flag_name] if kwargs.get("use_sphinx_domain", False): headdoc = f".. dargs:argument:: {self.flag_name}:\n :path: {'/'.join(arg_path)}\n" pathdoc = indent(f"| argument path: ``{'/'.join(arg_path)}`` ", INDENT) if kwargs.get("make_link"): if not kwargs.get("make_anchor"): raise ValueError("`make_link` only works with `make_anchor` being set") l_choice, l_target = zip( *( make_ref_pair( self._make_cpath(, path, kwargs["showflag"]), text=f"``{}``", prefix="code", ) for c in self.choice_dict.values() ) ) targetdoc = indent("\n".join(l_target) + "\n", INDENT) else: l_choice = [ for c in self.choice_dict.values()] targetdoc = None choicedoc = indent("| possible choices: " + ", ".join(l_choice), INDENT) realdoc = indent(self.doc + "\n", INDENT) if self.doc else None anchor = make_rst_refid(arg_path) if kwargs.get("make_anchor") else None allparts = [ anchor, headdoc, typedoc, pathdoc, choicedoc, "", realdoc, targetdoc, ] return "\n".join([x for x in allparts if x is not None])
def _make_cpath( self, cname: str, path: Optional[List[str]] = None, showflag: bool = False ): f_str = f"{self.flag_name}=" if showflag else "" c_str = f"[{f_str}{cname}]" cpath = [*path[:-1], path[-1] + c_str] if path else [c_str] return cpath
[docs] def make_rst_refid(name): if not isinstance(name, str): name = "/".join(name) return ( f".. _`{name}`: \n" if not RAW_ANCHOR else f'.. raw:: html\n\n <a id="{name}"></a>' )
[docs] def make_ref_pair(path, text=None, prefix=None): if not isinstance(path, str): path = "/".join(path) tgt = f"`{path}`_" if not RAW_ANCHOR else f"#{path}" ref = ("" if not prefix else f"{prefix}:") + path inline = f"`{ref}`_" if not text else f"|{ref}|_" target = f".. _`{ref}`: {tgt}" if text: target = f".. |{ref}| replace:: {text}\n" + target return inline, target
[docs] def update_nodup( this: dict, *others: Union[dict, Iterable[tuple]], exclude: Optional[Iterable] = None, err_msg: Optional[str] = None, ): for pair in others: if isinstance(pair, dict): pair = pair.items() for k, v in pair: if k in this or (exclude and k in exclude): raise ValueError( f"duplicate key `{k}` when updating dict" + ("" if err_msg is None else f"in {err_msg}") ) this[k] = v return this
[docs] def trim_by_pattern( argdict: dict, pattern: str, reserved: Optional[List[str]] = None, use_regex: bool = False, ): rep = fnmatch.translate(pattern) if not use_regex else pattern rem = re.compile(rep) if reserved: conflict = list(filter(rem.match, reserved)) if conflict: raise ValueError( f"pattern `{pattern}` conflicts with the " f"following reserved names: {', '.join(conflict)}" ) unrequired = list(filter(rem.match, argdict.keys())) for key in unrequired: argdict.pop(key)
[docs] def isinstance_annotation(value, dtype) -> bool: """Same as isinstance(), but supports arbitrary type annotations.""" try: typeguard.check_type( value, dtype, collection_check_strategy=typeguard.CollectionCheckStrategy.ALL_ITEMS, ) except typeguard.TypeCheckError as e: return False return True
[docs] class ArgumentEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Extended JSON Encoder to encode Argument object. Examples -------- >>> json.dumps(some_arg, cls=ArgumentEncoder) """
[docs] def default(self, obj) -> Dict[str, Union[str, bool, List]]: """Generate a dict containing argument information, making it ready to be encoded to JSON string. Notes ----- All object in the dict should be JSON serializable. Returns ------- dict: Dict a dict containing argument information """ if isinstance(obj, Argument): output = { "object": "Argument", "name":, "type": obj.dtype, "optional": obj.optional, "alias": obj.alias, "doc": obj.doc, "repeat": obj.repeat, "sub_fields": obj.sub_fields, "sub_variants": obj.sub_variants, } if obj.optional and obj.default is not _Flags.NONE: output["default"] = obj.default return output elif isinstance(obj, Variant): return { "object": "Variant", "flag_name": obj.flag_name, "optional": obj.optional, "default_tag": obj.default_tag, "choice_dict": obj.choice_dict, "choice_alias": obj.choice_alias, "doc": obj.doc, } elif isinstance(get_origin(obj), type): return get_origin(obj).__name__ elif isinstance(obj, type): return obj.__name__ return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
[docs] def did_you_mean(choice: str, choices: List[str]) -> str: """Get did you mean message. Parameters ---------- choice : str the user's wrong choice choices : list[str] all the choices Returns ------- str did you mean error message """ matches = difflib.get_close_matches(choice, choices) return f"Did you mean: {matches[0]}?" if matches else ""