dargs package#
- class dargs.Argument(name: str, dtype: None | type | Iterable[type | Any | None], sub_fields: Iterable[Argument] | None = None, sub_variants: Iterable[Variant] | None = None, repeat: bool = False, optional: bool = False, default: Any = _Flags.NONE, alias: Iterable[str] | None = None, extra_check: Callable[[Any], bool] | None = None, doc: str = '', fold_subdoc: bool = False, extra_check_errmsg: str = '')[source]#
Define possible arguments and their types and properties.
Each Argument instance contains a name and a dtype, that correspond to the key and value type of the actual argument. Additionally, it can include sub_fields and sub_variants to deal with nested dict arguments.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The name of the current argument, i.e. the key in the arg dict.
- dtypetype or list of type
The value type of the current argument, can be a list of possible types. None will be treated as NoneType
- sub_fields: list of Argument, optional
If given, dtype is assumed to be dict, whose items correspond to the Argument`s in the `sub_fields list.
- sub_variants: list of Variants, optional
If given, dtype is assumed to be dict, and its items are determined by the `Variant`s in the given list and the value of their flag keys.
- repeat: bool, optional
If true, dtype is assume to be list of dict or dict of dict, and each dict consists of sub fields and sub variants described above. Defaults to false.
- optional: bool, optional
If true, consider the current argument to be optional in checking.
- default: any value type
The default value of the argument,used in normalization.
- alias: list of str
Alternative names of the current argument, used in normalization.
- extra_check: callable
Additional check to be done on the value of the argument. Should be a function that takes the value and returns whether it passes.
- doc: str
The doc string of the argument, used in doc generation.
- fold_subdoc: bool, optional
If true, no doc will be generated for sub args.
- extra_check_errmsgstr
The error message if extra_check fails
- Attributes:
- I
(name, *args, **kwargs)Add a sub field to the current Argument.
(flag_name, *args, **kwargs)Add a sub variant to the current Argument.
(argdict[, strict])Check whether argdict meets the structure defined in self.
(value[, strict])Check the value without the leading key.
(sub_fields)Add a list of sub fields to the current Argument.
(sub_variants)Add a list of sub variants to the current Argument.
([path])Generate doc string for the current Argument.
(argdict[, inplace, do_default, ...])Modify argdict so that it meets the Argument structure.
(value[, inplace, ...])Modify the value so that it meets the Argument structure.
(dtype)Change the dtype of the current Argument.
([repeat])Change the repeat attribute of the current Argument.
>>> ca = Argument("base", dict, [Argument("sub", int)]) >>> ca.check({"base": {"sub1": 1}}) >>> ca.check_value({"sub1": 1})
for more detailed examples, please check the unit tests.
- property I#
- add_subfield(name: str | Argument, *args, **kwargs) Argument [source]#
Add a sub field to the current Argument.
- add_subvariant(flag_name: str | Variant, *args, **kwargs) Variant [source]#
Add a sub variant to the current Argument.
- check(argdict: dict, strict: bool = False)[source]#
Check whether argdict meets the structure defined in self.
Will recursively check nested dicts according to sub_fields and sub_variants. Raise an error if the check fails.
- Parameters:
- argdictdict
The arg dict to be checked
- strictbool, optional
If true, only keys defined in Argument are allowed.
- check_value(value: Any, strict: bool = False)[source]#
Check the value without the leading key.
Same as check({self.name: value}). Raise an error if the check fails.
- Parameters:
- valueany value type
The value to be checked
- strictbool, optional
If true, only keys defined in Argument are allowed.
- extend_subfields(sub_fields: Iterable[Argument] | None)[source]#
Add a list of sub fields to the current Argument.
- extend_subvariants(sub_variants: Iterable[Variant] | None)[source]#
Add a list of sub variants to the current Argument.
- gen_doc(path: list[str] | None = None, **kwargs) str [source]#
Generate doc string for the current Argument.
- normalize(argdict: dict, inplace: bool = False, do_default: bool = True, do_alias: bool = True, trim_pattern: str | None = None)[source]#
Modify argdict so that it meets the Argument structure.
Normalization can add default values to optional args, substitute alias by its standard names, and discard unnecessary args following given pattern.
- Parameters:
- argdictdict
The arg dict to be normalized.
- inplacebool, optional
If true, modify the given dict. Otherwise return a new one.
- do_defaultbool, optional
Whether to add default values.
- do_aliasbool, optional
Whether to transform alias names.
- trim_patternstr, optional
If given, discard keys that matches the glob pattern.
- Returns:
- dict:
The normalized arg dict.
- normalize_value(value: Any, inplace: bool = False, do_default: bool = True, do_alias: bool = True, trim_pattern: str | None = None)[source]#
Modify the value so that it meets the Argument structure.
Same as normalize({self.name: value})[self.name].
- Parameters:
- valueany value type
The arg value to be normalized.
- inplacebool, optional
If true, modify the given dict. Otherwise return a new one.
- do_defaultbool, optional
Whether to add default values.
- do_aliasbool, optional
Whether to transform alias names.
- trim_patternstr, optional
If given, discard keys that matches the glob pattern.
- Returns:
- value:
The normalized arg value.
- traverse(argdict: dict, key_hook: ~typing.Callable[[~dargs.dargs.Argument, dict, ~typing.List[str]], None] = <function _DUMMYHOOK>, value_hook: ~typing.Callable[[~dargs.dargs.Argument, ~typing.Any, ~typing.List[str]], None] = <function _DUMMYHOOK>, sub_hook: ~typing.Callable[[~dargs.dargs.Argument, dict, ~typing.List[str]], None] = <function _DUMMYHOOK>, variant_hook: ~typing.Callable[[~dargs.dargs.Variant, dict, ~typing.List[str]], None] = <function _DUMMYHOOK>, path: list[str] | None = None)[source]#
- traverse_value(value: ~typing.Any, key_hook: ~typing.Callable[[~dargs.dargs.Argument, dict, ~typing.List[str]], None] = <function _DUMMYHOOK>, value_hook: ~typing.Callable[[~dargs.dargs.Argument, ~typing.Any, ~typing.List[str]], None] = <function _DUMMYHOOK>, sub_hook: ~typing.Callable[[~dargs.dargs.Argument, dict, ~typing.List[str]], None] = <function _DUMMYHOOK>, variant_hook: ~typing.Callable[[~dargs.dargs.Variant, dict, ~typing.List[str]], None] = <function _DUMMYHOOK>, path: list[str] | None = None)[source]#
- class dargs.ArgumentEncoder(*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)[source]#
Extended JSON Encoder to encode Argument object.
(o)Generate a dict containing argument information, making it ready to be encoded to JSON string.
(o)Return a JSON string representation of a Python data structure.
(o[, _one_shot])Encode the given object and yield each string representation as available.
>>> json.dumps(some_arg, cls=ArgumentEncoder)
- class dargs.Variant(flag_name: str, choices: Iterable[Argument] | None = None, optional: bool = False, default_tag: str = '', doc: str = '')[source]#
Define multiple choices of possible argument sets.
Each Variant contains a flag_name and a list of choices that are represented by Argument`s. The choice is picked if its name matches the value of `flag_name in the actual arguments. The actual arguments should then be a dict containing flag_name and sub fields of the picked choice.
- Parameters:
- flag_name: str
The name of the key to be used as the switching flag.
- choices: list of Argument
A list of possible choices. Each of them should be an Argument. The name of the Argument serves as the tag in the switching flag.
- optional: bool, optional
If true, the flag_name can be optional and defaults to defalut_flag.
- default_tag: str, optional
Needed if optional is true.
- doc: str, optional
The doc string used in document generation.
(tag[, _dtype])Add a choice Argument to the current Variant.
(choices)Add a list of choice Arguments to the current Variant.
(default_tag)Change the default tag of the current Variant.
This class should only be used in sub variants of the Argument class.
- add_choice(tag: str | ~dargs.dargs.Argument, _dtype: None | type | ~typing.Iterable[type] = <class 'dict'>, *args, **kwargs) Argument [source]#
Add a choice Argument to the current Variant.
dargs.check module#
- dargs.check.check(arginfo: Argument | list[Argument] | tuple[Argument, ...], data: dict, strict: bool = True, trim_pattern: str = '_*') dict [source]#
Check and normalize input data.
- Parameters:
- arginfoUnion[Argument, List[Argument], Tuple[Argument, …]]
Argument object
- datadict
data to check
- strictbool, optional
If True, raise an error if the key is not pre-defined, by default True
- trim_patternstr, optional
Pattern to trim the key, by default “_*”
- Returns:
- dict
normalized data
dargs.cli module#
- dargs.cli.check_cli(*, func: str, jdata: list[IO], strict: bool, **kwargs) None [source]#
Normalize and check input data.
- Parameters:
- funcstr
Function that returns an Argument object. E.g., dargs._test.test_arguments
- jdataIO
File object that contains the JSON data
- strictbool
If True, raise an error if the key is not pre-defined
- Returns:
- dict
normalized data
- dargs.cli.main_parser() ArgumentParser [source]#
Create the main parser for the command line interface.
- Returns:
- argparse.ArgumentParser
The main parser
dargs.dargs module#
Some (ocaml) pseudo-code here to show the intended type structure.
type args = {key: str; value: data; optional: bool; doc: str} list and data =
Arg of dtypeNode of argsRepeat of argsVariant of (str * args) list
In actual implementation, We flatten this structure into on tree-like class Argument with (optional) attribute dtype, sub_fields, repeat and sub_variants to mimic the union behavior in the type structure.
Due to the complexity of Variant structure, it is implemented into a separate class Variant so that multiple choices can be handled correctly. We also need to pay special attention to flat the keys of its choices.
- class dargs.dargs.Argument(name: str, dtype: None | type | Iterable[type | Any | None], sub_fields: Iterable[Argument] | None = None, sub_variants: Iterable[Variant] | None = None, repeat: bool = False, optional: bool = False, default: Any = _Flags.NONE, alias: Iterable[str] | None = None, extra_check: Callable[[Any], bool] | None = None, doc: str = '', fold_subdoc: bool = False, extra_check_errmsg: str = '')[source]#
Define possible arguments and their types and properties.
Each Argument instance contains a name and a dtype, that correspond to the key and value type of the actual argument. Additionally, it can include sub_fields and sub_variants to deal with nested dict arguments.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The name of the current argument, i.e. the key in the arg dict.
- dtypetype or list of type
The value type of the current argument, can be a list of possible types. None will be treated as NoneType
- sub_fields: list of Argument, optional
If given, dtype is assumed to be dict, whose items correspond to the Argument`s in the `sub_fields list.
- sub_variants: list of Variants, optional
If given, dtype is assumed to be dict, and its items are determined by the `Variant`s in the given list and the value of their flag keys.
- repeat: bool, optional
If true, dtype is assume to be list of dict or dict of dict, and each dict consists of sub fields and sub variants described above. Defaults to false.
- optional: bool, optional
If true, consider the current argument to be optional in checking.
- default: any value type
The default value of the argument,used in normalization.
- alias: list of str
Alternative names of the current argument, used in normalization.
- extra_check: callable
Additional check to be done on the value of the argument. Should be a function that takes the value and returns whether it passes.
- doc: str
The doc string of the argument, used in doc generation.
- fold_subdoc: bool, optional
If true, no doc will be generated for sub args.
- extra_check_errmsgstr
The error message if extra_check fails
- Attributes:
- I
(name, *args, **kwargs)Add a sub field to the current Argument.
(flag_name, *args, **kwargs)Add a sub variant to the current Argument.
(argdict[, strict])Check whether argdict meets the structure defined in self.
(value[, strict])Check the value without the leading key.
(sub_fields)Add a list of sub fields to the current Argument.
(sub_variants)Add a list of sub variants to the current Argument.
([path])Generate doc string for the current Argument.
(argdict[, inplace, do_default, ...])Modify argdict so that it meets the Argument structure.
(value[, inplace, ...])Modify the value so that it meets the Argument structure.
(dtype)Change the dtype of the current Argument.
([repeat])Change the repeat attribute of the current Argument.
>>> ca = Argument("base", dict, [Argument("sub", int)]) >>> ca.check({"base": {"sub1": 1}}) >>> ca.check_value({"sub1": 1})
for more detailed examples, please check the unit tests.
- property I#
- add_subfield(name: str | Argument, *args, **kwargs) Argument [source]#
Add a sub field to the current Argument.
- add_subvariant(flag_name: str | Variant, *args, **kwargs) Variant [source]#
Add a sub variant to the current Argument.
- check(argdict: dict, strict: bool = False)[source]#
Check whether argdict meets the structure defined in self.
Will recursively check nested dicts according to sub_fields and sub_variants. Raise an error if the check fails.
- Parameters:
- argdictdict
The arg dict to be checked
- strictbool, optional
If true, only keys defined in Argument are allowed.
- check_value(value: Any, strict: bool = False)[source]#
Check the value without the leading key.
Same as check({self.name: value}). Raise an error if the check fails.
- Parameters:
- valueany value type
The value to be checked
- strictbool, optional
If true, only keys defined in Argument are allowed.
- extend_subfields(sub_fields: Iterable[Argument] | None)[source]#
Add a list of sub fields to the current Argument.
- extend_subvariants(sub_variants: Iterable[Variant] | None)[source]#
Add a list of sub variants to the current Argument.
- gen_doc(path: list[str] | None = None, **kwargs) str [source]#
Generate doc string for the current Argument.
- normalize(argdict: dict, inplace: bool = False, do_default: bool = True, do_alias: bool = True, trim_pattern: str | None = None)[source]#
Modify argdict so that it meets the Argument structure.
Normalization can add default values to optional args, substitute alias by its standard names, and discard unnecessary args following given pattern.
- Parameters:
- argdictdict
The arg dict to be normalized.
- inplacebool, optional
If true, modify the given dict. Otherwise return a new one.
- do_defaultbool, optional
Whether to add default values.
- do_aliasbool, optional
Whether to transform alias names.
- trim_patternstr, optional
If given, discard keys that matches the glob pattern.
- Returns:
- dict:
The normalized arg dict.
- normalize_value(value: Any, inplace: bool = False, do_default: bool = True, do_alias: bool = True, trim_pattern: str | None = None)[source]#
Modify the value so that it meets the Argument structure.
Same as normalize({self.name: value})[self.name].
- Parameters:
- valueany value type
The arg value to be normalized.
- inplacebool, optional
If true, modify the given dict. Otherwise return a new one.
- do_defaultbool, optional
Whether to add default values.
- do_aliasbool, optional
Whether to transform alias names.
- trim_patternstr, optional
If given, discard keys that matches the glob pattern.
- Returns:
- value:
The normalized arg value.
- traverse(argdict: dict, key_hook: ~typing.Callable[[~dargs.dargs.Argument, dict, ~typing.List[str]], None] = <function _DUMMYHOOK>, value_hook: ~typing.Callable[[~dargs.dargs.Argument, ~typing.Any, ~typing.List[str]], None] = <function _DUMMYHOOK>, sub_hook: ~typing.Callable[[~dargs.dargs.Argument, dict, ~typing.List[str]], None] = <function _DUMMYHOOK>, variant_hook: ~typing.Callable[[~dargs.dargs.Variant, dict, ~typing.List[str]], None] = <function _DUMMYHOOK>, path: list[str] | None = None)[source]#
- traverse_value(value: ~typing.Any, key_hook: ~typing.Callable[[~dargs.dargs.Argument, dict, ~typing.List[str]], None] = <function _DUMMYHOOK>, value_hook: ~typing.Callable[[~dargs.dargs.Argument, ~typing.Any, ~typing.List[str]], None] = <function _DUMMYHOOK>, sub_hook: ~typing.Callable[[~dargs.dargs.Argument, dict, ~typing.List[str]], None] = <function _DUMMYHOOK>, variant_hook: ~typing.Callable[[~dargs.dargs.Variant, dict, ~typing.List[str]], None] = <function _DUMMYHOOK>, path: list[str] | None = None)[source]#
- class dargs.dargs.ArgumentEncoder(*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)[source]#
Extended JSON Encoder to encode Argument object.
(o)Generate a dict containing argument information, making it ready to be encoded to JSON string.
(o)Return a JSON string representation of a Python data structure.
(o[, _one_shot])Encode the given object and yield each string representation as available.
>>> json.dumps(some_arg, cls=ArgumentEncoder)
- exception dargs.dargs.ArgumentError(path: None | str | list[str] = None, message: str | None = None)[source]#
Base error class for invalid argument values in argchecking.
- exception dargs.dargs.ArgumentKeyError(path: None | str | list[str] = None, message: str | None = None)[source]#
Error class for missing or invalid argument keys.
- exception dargs.dargs.ArgumentTypeError(path: None | str | list[str] = None, message: str | None = None)[source]#
Error class for invalid argument data types.
- exception dargs.dargs.ArgumentValueError(path: None | str | list[str] = None, message: str | None = None)[source]#
Error class for missing or invalid argument values.
- class dargs.dargs.Variant(flag_name: str, choices: Iterable[Argument] | None = None, optional: bool = False, default_tag: str = '', doc: str = '')[source]#
Define multiple choices of possible argument sets.
Each Variant contains a flag_name and a list of choices that are represented by Argument`s. The choice is picked if its name matches the value of `flag_name in the actual arguments. The actual arguments should then be a dict containing flag_name and sub fields of the picked choice.
- Parameters:
- flag_name: str
The name of the key to be used as the switching flag.
- choices: list of Argument
A list of possible choices. Each of them should be an Argument. The name of the Argument serves as the tag in the switching flag.
- optional: bool, optional
If true, the flag_name can be optional and defaults to defalut_flag.
- default_tag: str, optional
Needed if optional is true.
- doc: str, optional
The doc string used in document generation.
(tag[, _dtype])Add a choice Argument to the current Variant.
(choices)Add a list of choice Arguments to the current Variant.
(default_tag)Change the default tag of the current Variant.
This class should only be used in sub variants of the Argument class.
- add_choice(tag: str | ~dargs.dargs.Argument, _dtype: None | type | ~typing.Iterable[type] = <class 'dict'>, *args, **kwargs) Argument [source]#
Add a choice Argument to the current Variant.
- dargs.dargs.did_you_mean(choice: str, choices: Iterable[str]) str [source]#
Get did you mean message.
- Parameters:
- choicestr
the user’s wrong choice
- choiceslist[str]
all the choices
- Returns:
- str
did you mean error message
- dargs.dargs.isinstance_annotation(value, dtype) bool [source]#
Same as isinstance(), but supports arbitrary type annotations.
dargs.json_schema module#
Generate JSON schema from a given dargs.Argument.
- dargs.json_schema.generate_json_schema(argument: Argument, id: str = '') dict [source]#
Generate JSON schema from a given dargs.Argument.
- Parameters:
- argumentArgument
The argument to generate JSON schema.
- idstr, optional
The URL of the schema, by default “”.
- Returns:
- dict
The JSON schema. Use
to save it to a file orjson.dumps()
to get a string.
Dump the JSON schema of DeePMD-kit to a file:
>>> from dargs.json_schema import generate_json_schema >>> from deepmd.utils.argcheck import gen_args >>> import json >>> from dargs import Argument >>> a = Argument("DeePMD-kit", dtype=dict, sub_fields=gen_args()) >>> schema = generate_json_schema(a) >>> with open("deepmd.json", "w") as f: ... json.dump(schema, f, indent=2)
dargs.notebook module#
IPython/Jupyter Notebook display for dargs.
It is expected to be used in Jupyter Notebook, where the IPython module is available.
>>> from dargs.sphinx import _test_argument
>>> from dargs.notebook import JSON
>>> jstr = """
... {
... "test_argument": "test1",
... "test_variant": "test_variant_argument",
... "_comment": "This is an example data"
... }
... """
>>> JSON(jstr, _test_argument())
- dargs.notebook.JSON(data: dict | str, arg: Argument | list[Argument])[source]#
Display JSON data with Argument in the Jupyter Notebook.
- Parameters:
- datadict or str
The JSON data to be displayed, either JSON string or a dict.
- argdargs.Argument or list[dargs.Argument]
The Argument that describes the JSON data.
dargs.sphinx module#
Sphinx extension.
To enable dargs Sphinx extension, add dargs.sphinx
to the extensions of conf.py:
extensions = [
Then dargs directive will be added:
.. dargs::
:module: dargs.sphinx
:func: _test_argument
where _test_argument returns an Argument
. A list
of Argument
is also accepted.
- class dargs.sphinx.DargsDirective(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine)[source]#
dargs directive.
(node)Append self.options['name'] to node['names'] if it exists.
()Throw an ERROR-level DirectiveError if the directive doesn't have contents.
(level, message)Return a DirectiveError suitable for being thrown as an exception.
- class dargs.sphinx.DargsDomain(env: BuildEnvironment)[source]#
Dargs domain.
Includes: - dargs::argument directive - dargs::argument role
(name, objtype)Add an object type.
()Do consistency checks (experimental).
(docname)Remove traces of a document in the domain-specific inventories.
(name)Return a directive adapter class that always gives the registered directive its full name ('domain:name') as
(node)Get type of enumerable nodes (experimental).
(node)Return full qualified name for given node.
()Return an iterable of "object descriptions".
(type[, primary])Return full name for given ObjType.
(docnames, otherdata)Merge in data regarding docnames from a different domaindata inventory (coming from a subprocess in parallel builds).
(env, docname, document)Process a document after it is read by the environment.
(pnode)Process a pending xref created in a doc field.
(env, fromdocname, builder, ...)Resolve the pending_xref node with the given target.
(env, fromdocname, builder, typ, ...)Resolve cross-references.
(name)Return a role adapter function that always gives the registered role its full name ('domain:name') as the first argument.
()Set up domain object.
- directives: ClassVar[dict[str, type[Directive]]] = {'argument': <class 'dargs.sphinx.DargsObject'>}#
directive name -> directive class
- object_types: ClassVar[dict[str, ObjType]] = {'argument': <sphinx.domains.ObjType object>}#
type (usually directive) name -> ObjType instance
- class dargs.sphinx.DargsObject(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine)[source]#
dargs::argument directive.
This directive creates a signature node for an argument.
- Attributes:
Reference to the
object.- domain
Reference to the
(node)Append self.options['name'] to node['names'] if it exists.
(name, sig, signode)Add cross-reference IDs and entries to self.indexnode, if applicable.
()Called after parsing content.
()Throw an ERROR-level DirectiveError if the directive doesn't have contents.
()Called before parsing content.
(level, message)Return a DirectiveError suitable for being thrown as an exception.
()Get current location info for logging.
()Retrieve the signatures to document from the directive arguments.
()Get source and line number.
(sig, signode)Parse the signature sig into individual nodes and append them to signode.
([allow_section_headings])Parse the directive's content into nodes.
(text, *[, lineno])Parse text as inline elements.
([text, offset, ...])Parse text into nodes.
()Main directive entry function, called by docutils upon encountering the directive.
(node)Set source and line number to the node.
(content_node)Called after creating the content through nested parsing, but before the
event is emitted, and before the info-fields are transformed.debug
- add_target_and_index(name, sig, signode)[source]#
Add cross-reference IDs and entries to self.indexnode, if applicable.
name is whatever
- handle_signature(sig, signode)[source]#
Parse the signature sig into individual nodes and append them to signode. If ValueError is raised, parsing is aborted and the whole sig is put into a single desc_name node.
The return value should be a value that identifies the object. It is passed to
unchanged, and otherwise only used to skip duplicates.