Source code for deepmd.utils.plugin

# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Base of plugin systems."""
# copied from

import difflib
from abc import (
from typing import (

[docs] class Plugin: """A class to register and restore plugins. Attributes ---------- plugins : Dict[str, object] plugins Examples -------- >>> plugin = Plugin() >>> @plugin.register("xx") def xxx(): pass >>> print(plugin.plugins["xx"]) """ def __init__(self): self.plugins = {}
[docs] def __add__(self, other) -> "Plugin": self.plugins.update(other.plugins) return self
[docs] def register(self, key: str) -> Callable[[object], object]: """Register a plugin. Parameters ---------- key : str key of the plugin Returns ------- Callable[[object], object] decorator """ def decorator(object: object) -> object: self.plugins[key] = object return object return decorator
[docs] def get_plugin(self, key) -> object: """Visit a plugin by key. Parameters ---------- key : str key of the plugin Returns ------- object the plugin """ return self.plugins[key]
[docs] class VariantMeta:
[docs] def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Remove `type` and keys that starts with underline.""" obj = cls.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) kwargs.pop("type", None) to_pop = [] for kk in kwargs: if kk[0] == "_": to_pop.append(kk) for kk in to_pop: kwargs.pop(kk, None) obj.__init__(*args, **kwargs) return obj
[docs] class VariantABCMeta(VariantMeta, ABCMeta): pass
[docs] class PluginVariant(metaclass=VariantABCMeta): """A class to remove `type` from input arguments.""" pass
[docs] def make_plugin_registry(name: Optional[str] = None) -> Type[object]: """Make a plugin registry. Parameters ---------- name : Optional[str] the name of the registry for the error message, e.g. descriptor, backend, etc. Examples -------- >>> class BaseClass(make_plugin_registry()): pass """ if name is None: name = "class" class PR: __plugins = Plugin() @staticmethod def register(key: str) -> Callable[[object], object]: """Register a descriptor plugin. Parameters ---------- key : str the key of a descriptor Returns ------- callable[[object], object] the registered descriptor Examples -------- >>> @BaseClass.register("some_class") class SomeClass(BaseClass): pass """ return PR.__plugins.register(key) @classmethod def get_class_by_type(cls, class_type: str) -> Type[object]: """Get the class by the plugin type.""" if class_type in PR.__plugins.plugins: return PR.__plugins.plugins[class_type] else: # did you mean matches = difflib.get_close_matches( class_type, PR.__plugins.plugins.keys() ) dym_message = f"Did you mean: {matches[0]}?" if matches else "" raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown {name} type: {class_type}. {dym_message}") @classmethod def get_plugins(cls) -> Dict[str, Type[object]]: """Get all the registered plugins.""" return PR.__plugins.plugins return PR