Program Listing for File SimulationRegion_Impl.h

Return to documentation for file (source/lib/include/SimulationRegion_Impl.h)

// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
#ifndef __SimulationRegion_Impl_h_wanghan__
#define __SimulationRegion_Impl_h_wanghan__

// #include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <typeinfo>

#include "errors.h"

template <typename VALUETYPE>
SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::~SimulationRegion() {}

template <typename VALUETYPE>
SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::SimulationRegion() {
  is_periodic[0] = is_periodic[1] = is_periodic[2] = true;
  std::fill(boxt, boxt + SPACENDIM * SPACENDIM, 0);
  std::fill(boxt_bk, boxt_bk + SPACENDIM * SPACENDIM, 0);
  std::fill(origin, origin + SPACENDIM, 0);

template <typename VALUETYPE>
void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::defaultInitBox(double *my_boxv,
                                                 double *my_orig,
                                                 bool *period) const {
  // by default is a 1,1,1 logical box
  for (int ii = 0; ii < SPACENDIM; ++ii) {
    for (int jj = 0; jj < SPACENDIM; ++jj) {
      my_boxv[ii * 3 + jj] = 0.;
  // origin is at 0,0,0
  for (int jj = 0; jj < SPACENDIM; ++jj) {
    my_boxv[jj * 3 + jj] = 1.;
  for (int ii = 0; ii < SPACENDIM; ++ii) {
    my_orig[ii] = 0.;
    period[ii] = true;

template <typename VALUETYPE>
void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::backup() {
  for (int ii = 0; ii < SPACENDIM * SPACENDIM; ++ii) {
    boxt_bk[ii] = boxt[ii];

template <typename VALUETYPE>
void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::recover() {

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::reinitBox(const double *boxv_) {
  for (int ii = 0; ii < SPACENDIM * SPACENDIM; ++ii) {
    boxt[ii] = boxv_[ii];

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::affineTransform(
    const double *affine_map) {
  tensorDotVector(boxt + SPACENDIM * 0, affine_map, boxt + SPACENDIM * 0);
  tensorDotVector(boxt + SPACENDIM * 1, affine_map, boxt + SPACENDIM * 1);
  tensorDotVector(boxt + SPACENDIM * 2, affine_map, boxt + SPACENDIM * 2);

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::reinitOrigin(const double *orig) {
  for (int ii = 0; ii < SPACENDIM; ++ii) {
    origin[ii] = orig[ii];

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::reinitOrigin(
    const std::vector<double> &orig) {
  for (int ii = 0; ii < SPACENDIM; ++ii) {
    origin[ii] = orig[ii];

template <typename VALUETYPE>
void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::computeShiftVec() {
  int tmp_idx[3];
  int &ii(tmp_idx[0]);
  int &jj(tmp_idx[1]);
  int &kk(tmp_idx[2]);
  for (ii = -DBOX_XX; ii <= DBOX_XX; ++ii) {
    for (jj = -DBOX_YY; jj <= DBOX_YY; ++jj) {
      for (kk = -DBOX_ZZ; kk <= DBOX_ZZ; ++kk) {
        double *posi = getShiftVec(getShiftIndex(tmp_idx));
        double *inter_posi = getInterShiftVec(getShiftIndex(tmp_idx));
        inter_posi[0] = ii;
        inter_posi[1] = jj;
        inter_posi[2] = kk;
        // inter2Phys (posi, inter_posi);
        tensorTransDotVector(posi, boxt, inter_posi);

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline double *SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::getShiftVec(const int index) {
  return shift_vec + SPACENDIM * index;

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline const double *SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::getShiftVec(
    const int index) const {
  return shift_vec + SPACENDIM * index;

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline double *SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::getInterShiftVec(const int index) {
  return inter_shift_vec + SPACENDIM * index;

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline const double *SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::getInterShiftVec(
    const int index) const {
  return inter_shift_vec + SPACENDIM * index;

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline int SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::getShiftIndex(const int *idx) const {
  return index3to1(idx[0], idx[1], idx[2]);

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline int SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::getNullShiftIndex() const {
  return index3to1(0, 0, 0);

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline int SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::compactIndex(const int *idx) {
  return index3to1(idx[0], idx[1], idx[2]);

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::shiftCoord(const int *idx,
                                                    VALUETYPE &x,
                                                    VALUETYPE &y,
                                                    VALUETYPE &z) const {
  const double *shift = getShiftVec(getShiftIndex(idx));
  x += shift[0];
  y += shift[1];
  z += shift[2];

// template<typename VALUETYPE>
// inline void
// SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::
// diffNearestNeighbor (const VALUETYPE x0,
//           const VALUETYPE y0,
//           const VALUETYPE z0,
//           const VALUETYPE x1,
//           const VALUETYPE y1,
//           const VALUETYPE z1,
//           VALUETYPE & dx,
//           VALUETYPE & dy,
//           VALUETYPE & dz) const
// {
//   dx = x0 - x1;
//   dy = y0 - y1;
//   dz = z0 - z1;
// }

// template<typename VALUETYPE>
// inline void
// SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::
// diffNearestNeighbor (const VALUETYPE x0,
//           const VALUETYPE y0,
//           const VALUETYPE z0,
//           const VALUETYPE x1,
//           const VALUETYPE y1,
//           const VALUETYPE z1,
//           VALUETYPE & dx,
//           VALUETYPE & dy,
//           VALUETYPE & dz,
//           int & shift_x,
//           int & shift_y,
//           int & shift_z) const
// {
//   shift_x = shift_y = shift_z = 0;
//   diffNearestNeighbor (x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, dx, dy, dz);
// }

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::apply_periodic(int dim,
                                                        double *dd) const {
  if (!is_periodic[dim]) {
  if (dd[dim] >= static_cast<double>(0.5)) {
    dd[dim] -= static_cast<double>(1.);
  } else if (dd[dim] < -static_cast<double>(0.5)) {
    dd[dim] += static_cast<double>(1.);

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::apply_periodic(int dim,
                                                        double *dd,
                                                        int &shift) const {
  shift = 0;
  if (!is_periodic[dim]) {
  if (dd[dim] >= static_cast<double>(0.5)) {
    dd[dim] -= static_cast<double>(1.);
    shift = -1;
  } else if (dd[dim] < -static_cast<double>(0.5)) {
    dd[dim] += static_cast<double>(1.);
    shift = 1;

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::diffNearestNeighbor(
    const VALUETYPE *r0, const VALUETYPE *r1, VALUETYPE *phys) const {
  double inter[3];
  for (int dd = 0; dd < 3; ++dd) {
    phys[dd] = r0[dd] - r1[dd];
  SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::phys2Inter(inter, phys);
  for (int dd = 0; dd < 3; ++dd) {
    apply_periodic(dd, inter);
  SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::inter2Phys(phys, inter);

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::diffNearestNeighbor(
    const VALUETYPE x0,
    const VALUETYPE y0,
    const VALUETYPE z0,
    const VALUETYPE x1,
    const VALUETYPE y1,
    const VALUETYPE z1,
    VALUETYPE &dx,
    VALUETYPE &dy,
    VALUETYPE &dz) const {
  // diffNearestNeighbor (0, x0, x1, dx);
  // diffNearestNeighbor (1, y0, y1, dy);
  // diffNearestNeighbor (2, z0, z1, dz);
  VALUETYPE phys[3];
  double inter[3];
  phys[0] = x0 - x1;
  phys[1] = y0 - y1;
  phys[2] = z0 - z1;
  SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::phys2Inter(inter, phys);
  apply_periodic(0, inter);
  apply_periodic(1, inter);
  apply_periodic(2, inter);
  SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::inter2Phys(phys, inter);
  dx = phys[0];
  dy = phys[1];
  dz = phys[2];

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::diffNearestNeighbor(
    const VALUETYPE x0,
    const VALUETYPE y0,
    const VALUETYPE z0,
    const VALUETYPE x1,
    const VALUETYPE y1,
    const VALUETYPE z1,
    VALUETYPE &dx,
    VALUETYPE &dy,
    VALUETYPE &dz,
    int &shift_x,
    int &shift_y,
    int &shift_z) const {
  // diffNearestNeighbor (0, x0, x1, dx, shift_x);
  // diffNearestNeighbor (1, y0, y1, dy, shift_y);
  // diffNearestNeighbor (2, z0, z1, dz, shift_z);
  VALUETYPE phys[3];
  double inter[3];
  phys[0] = x0 - x1;
  phys[1] = y0 - y1;
  phys[2] = z0 - z1;
  SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::phys2Inter(inter, phys);
  apply_periodic(0, inter, shift_x);
  apply_periodic(1, inter, shift_y);
  apply_periodic(2, inter, shift_z);
  SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::inter2Phys(phys, inter);
  dx = phys[0];
  dy = phys[1];
  dz = phys[2];

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::diffNearestNeighbor(
    const VALUETYPE x0,
    const VALUETYPE y0,
    const VALUETYPE z0,
    const VALUETYPE x1,
    const VALUETYPE y1,
    const VALUETYPE z1,
    VALUETYPE &dx,
    VALUETYPE &dy,
    VALUETYPE &dz,
    VALUETYPE &shift_x,
    VALUETYPE &shift_y,
    VALUETYPE &shift_z) const {
  // diffNearestNeighbor (0, x0, x1, dx, shift_x);
  // diffNearestNeighbor (1, y0, y1, dy, shift_y);
  // diffNearestNeighbor (2, z0, z1, dz, shift_z);
  VALUETYPE phys[3];
  double inter[3];
  phys[0] = x0 - x1;
  phys[1] = y0 - y1;
  phys[2] = z0 - z1;
  SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::phys2Inter(inter, phys);
  int i_shift_x, i_shift_y, i_shift_z;
  apply_periodic(0, inter, i_shift_x);
  apply_periodic(1, inter, i_shift_y);
  apply_periodic(2, inter, i_shift_z);
  SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::inter2Phys(phys, inter);
  dx = phys[0];
  dy = phys[1];
  dz = phys[2];
  const double *tmp_shift(
      getShiftVec(index3to1(i_shift_x, i_shift_y, i_shift_z)));
  shift_x = tmp_shift[0];
  shift_y = tmp_shift[1];
  shift_z = tmp_shift[2];

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::phys2Inter(
    double *i_v, const VALUETYPE *p_v_) const {
  double p_v[3];
  for (int dd = 0; dd < 3; ++dd) {
    p_v[dd] = p_v_[dd];
  tensorDotVector(i_v, rec_boxt, p_v);

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::inter2Phys(VALUETYPE *p_v_,
                                                    const double *i_v) const {
  double p_v[3];
  tensorTransDotVector(p_v, boxt, i_v);
  for (int dd = 0; dd < 3; ++dd) {
    p_v_[dd] = p_v[dd];

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::toFaceDistance(double *dd) const {
  double tmp[3];
  deepmd::cprod(boxt + 3, boxt + 6, tmp);
  dd[0] = volume * deepmd::invsqrt(deepmd::dot3(tmp, tmp));
  deepmd::cprod(boxt + 6, boxt + 0, tmp);
  dd[1] = volume * deepmd::invsqrt(deepmd::dot3(tmp, tmp));
  deepmd::cprod(boxt + 0, boxt + 3, tmp);
  dd[2] = volume * deepmd::invsqrt(deepmd::dot3(tmp, tmp));

// static int tmp_count = 0;

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::copy(double *o_v,
                                              const double *i_v) const {
  assert(o_v != i_v);
  o_v[0] = i_v[0];
  o_v[1] = i_v[1];
  o_v[2] = i_v[2];

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::naiveTensorDotVector(
    double *o_v, const double *i_t, const double *i_v) const {
  o_v[0] = i_v[0] * i_t[0 * 3 + 0] + i_v[1] * i_t[0 * 3 + 1] +
           i_v[2] * i_t[0 * 3 + 2];
  o_v[1] = i_v[0] * i_t[1 * 3 + 0] + i_v[1] * i_t[1 * 3 + 1] +
           i_v[2] * i_t[1 * 3 + 2];
  o_v[2] = i_v[0] * i_t[2 * 3 + 0] + i_v[1] * i_t[2 * 3 + 1] +
           i_v[2] * i_t[2 * 3 + 2];

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::naiveTensorTransDotVector(
    double *o_v, const double *i_t, const double *i_v) const {
  o_v[0] = i_v[0] * i_t[0 * 3 + 0] + i_v[1] * i_t[1 * 3 + 0] +
           i_v[2] * i_t[2 * 3 + 0];
  o_v[1] = i_v[0] * i_t[0 * 3 + 1] + i_v[1] * i_t[1 * 3 + 1] +
           i_v[2] * i_t[2 * 3 + 1];
  o_v[2] = i_v[0] * i_t[0 * 3 + 2] + i_v[1] * i_t[1 * 3 + 2] +
           i_v[2] * i_t[2 * 3 + 2];

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::tensorDotVector(
    double *o_v, const double *i_t, const double *i_v) const {
  // the compiler will auto-matically optimize the following code away...
  // const double * tmp_v (i_v);
  // if (o_v == i_v){
  //   double ii_v[3];
  //   copy (ii_v, i_v);
  //   tmp_v = ii_v;
  // }
  naiveTensorDotVector(o_v, i_t, i_v);

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::tensorTransDotVector(
    double *o_v, const double *i_t, const double *i_v) const {
  naiveTensorTransDotVector(o_v, i_t, i_v);

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::computeVolume() {
  volume = boxt[0 * 3 + 0] * (boxt[1 * 3 + 1] * boxt[2 * 3 + 2] -
                              boxt[2 * 3 + 1] * boxt[1 * 3 + 2]) -
           boxt[0 * 3 + 1] * (boxt[1 * 3 + 0] * boxt[2 * 3 + 2] -
                              boxt[2 * 3 + 0] * boxt[1 * 3 + 2]) +
           boxt[0 * 3 + 2] * (boxt[1 * 3 + 0] * boxt[2 * 3 + 1] -
                              boxt[2 * 3 + 0] * boxt[1 * 3 + 1]);
  volume = std::abs(volume);
  volumei = static_cast<VALUETYPE>(1.) / volume;

template <typename VALUETYPE>
inline void SimulationRegion<VALUETYPE>::computeRecBox() {
  // rec_boxt[0*3+0] =( boxt[1*3+1]*boxt[2*3+2] - boxt[2*3+1]*boxt[1*3+2]) *
  // volumei; rec_boxt[1*3+1] =( boxt[0*3+0]*boxt[2*3+2] -
  // boxt[2*3+0]*boxt[0*3+2]) * volumei; rec_boxt[2*3+2] =(
  // boxt[0*3+0]*boxt[1*3+1] - boxt[1*3+0]*boxt[0*3+1]) * volumei;
  // rec_boxt[1*3+0] =(-boxt[1*3+0]*boxt[2*3+2] + boxt[2*3+0]*boxt[1*3+2]) *
  // volumei; rec_boxt[2*3+0] =( boxt[1*3+0]*boxt[2*3+1] -
  // boxt[2*3+0]*boxt[1*3+1]) * volumei; rec_boxt[0*3+1]
  // =(-boxt[0*3+1]*boxt[2*3+2] + boxt[2*3+1]*boxt[0*3+2]) * volumei;
  // rec_boxt[2*3+1] =(-boxt[0*3+0]*boxt[2*3+1] + boxt[2*3+0]*boxt[0*3+1]) *
  // volumei; rec_boxt[0*3+2] =( boxt[0*3+1]*boxt[1*3+2] -
  // boxt[1*3+1]*boxt[0*3+2]) * volumei; rec_boxt[1*3+2]
  // =(-boxt[0*3+0]*boxt[1*3+2] + boxt[1*3+0]*boxt[0*3+2]) * volumei;

  rec_boxt[0 * 3 + 0] =
      (boxt[1 * 3 + 1] * boxt[2 * 3 + 2] - boxt[2 * 3 + 1] * boxt[1 * 3 + 2]) *
  rec_boxt[1 * 3 + 1] =
      (boxt[0 * 3 + 0] * boxt[2 * 3 + 2] - boxt[2 * 3 + 0] * boxt[0 * 3 + 2]) *
  rec_boxt[2 * 3 + 2] =
      (boxt[0 * 3 + 0] * boxt[1 * 3 + 1] - boxt[1 * 3 + 0] * boxt[0 * 3 + 1]) *
  rec_boxt[0 * 3 + 1] =
      (-boxt[1 * 3 + 0] * boxt[2 * 3 + 2] + boxt[2 * 3 + 0] * boxt[1 * 3 + 2]) *
  rec_boxt[0 * 3 + 2] =
      (boxt[1 * 3 + 0] * boxt[2 * 3 + 1] - boxt[2 * 3 + 0] * boxt[1 * 3 + 1]) *
  rec_boxt[1 * 3 + 0] =
      (-boxt[0 * 3 + 1] * boxt[2 * 3 + 2] + boxt[2 * 3 + 1] * boxt[0 * 3 + 2]) *
  rec_boxt[1 * 3 + 2] =
      (-boxt[0 * 3 + 0] * boxt[2 * 3 + 1] + boxt[2 * 3 + 0] * boxt[0 * 3 + 1]) *
  rec_boxt[2 * 3 + 0] =
      (boxt[0 * 3 + 1] * boxt[1 * 3 + 2] - boxt[1 * 3 + 1] * boxt[0 * 3 + 2]) *
  rec_boxt[2 * 3 + 1] =
      (-boxt[0 * 3 + 0] * boxt[1 * 3 + 2] + boxt[1 * 3 + 0] * boxt[0 * 3 + 2]) *
