The atomic model provides the prediction of some property on each atom. All the atomic models are not supposed to be directly accessed by users, but it provides a convenient interface for the implementation of models.
Taking the energy models for example, the developeres only needs to implement the atomic energy prediction via an atomic model, and the model can be automatically made by the deepmd.dpmodel.make_model method. The DPModel is made by `
DPModel = make_model(DPAtomicModel)
- deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.base_atomic_model
- deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.dipole_atomic_model
- deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.dos_atomic_model
- deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.dp_atomic_model
- deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.energy_atomic_model
- deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.linear_atomic_model
- deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.make_base_atomic_model
- deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.pairtab_atomic_model
- deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.polar_atomic_model
- deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.property_atomic_model
Base Atomic Model provides the interfaces of an atomic model. | |
Model give atomic prediction of some physical property. | |
Model give atomic prediction of some physical property. | |
Model give atomic prediction of some physical property. | |
Model give atomic prediction of some physical property. | |
Model linearly combine a list of AtomicModels. | |
Linear model make linear combinations of several existing models. | |
Pairwise tabulation energy model. | |
Model give atomic prediction of some physical property. |
| Make the base class for the atomic model. |
Package Contents#
- class deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.BaseAtomicModel(type_map: list[str], atom_exclude_types: list[int] = [], pair_exclude_types: list[tuple[int, int]] = [], rcond: float | None = None, preset_out_bias: dict[str, numpy.ndarray] | None = None)[source]#
Base Atomic Model provides the interfaces of an atomic model.
- type_map#
- rcond#
- preset_out_bias#
- atomic_output_def() deepmd.dpmodel.output_def.FittingOutputDef [source]#
Get the output def of the atomic model.
By default it is the same as FittingOutputDef, but it allows model level wrapper of the output defined by the developer.
- change_type_map(type_map: list[str], model_with_new_type_stat=None) None [source]#
Change the type related params to new ones, according to type_map and the original one in the model. If there are new types in type_map, statistics will be updated accordingly to model_with_new_type_stat for these new types.
- forward_common_atomic(extended_coord: numpy.ndarray, extended_atype: numpy.ndarray, nlist: numpy.ndarray, mapping: numpy.ndarray | None = None, fparam: numpy.ndarray | None = None, aparam: numpy.ndarray | None = None) dict[str, numpy.ndarray] [source]#
Common interface for atomic inference.
This method accept extended coordinates, extended atom typs, neighbor list, and predict the atomic contribution of the fit property.
- Parameters:
- extended_coord
extended coordinates, shape: nf x (nall x 3)
- extended_atype
extended atom typs, shape: nf x nall for a type < 0 indicating the atomic is virtual.
- nlist
neighbor list, shape: nf x nloc x nsel
- mapping
extended to local index mapping, shape: nf x nall
- fparam
frame parameters, shape: nf x dim_fparam
- aparam
atomic parameter, shape: nf x nloc x dim_aparam
- Returns:
dict of output atomic properties. should implement the definition of fitting_output_def. ret_dict[“mask”] of shape nf x nloc will be provided. ret_dict[“mask”][ff,ii] == 1 indicating the ii-th atom of the ff-th frame is real. ret_dict[“mask”][ff,ii] == 0 indicating the ii-th atom of the ff-th frame is virtual.
- call(extended_coord: numpy.ndarray, extended_atype: numpy.ndarray, nlist: numpy.ndarray, mapping: numpy.ndarray | None = None, fparam: numpy.ndarray | None = None, aparam: numpy.ndarray | None = None) dict[str, numpy.ndarray] [source]#
Forward pass in NumPy implementation.
- classmethod deserialize(data: dict) BaseAtomicModel [source]#
- apply_out_stat(ret: dict[str, numpy.ndarray], atype: numpy.ndarray)[source]#
Apply the stat to each atomic output. The developer may override the method to define how the bias is applied to the atomic output of the model.
- Parameters:
- ret
The returned dict by the forward_atomic method
- atype
The atom types. nf x nloc
- class deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.DPDipoleAtomicModel(descriptor, fitting, type_map, **kwargs)[source]#
Model give atomic prediction of some physical property.
- Parameters:
- descriptor
- fitting_net
Fitting net
- type_map
Mapping atom type to the name (str) of the type. For example type_map[1] gives the name of the type 1.
- apply_out_stat(ret: dict[str, numpy.ndarray], atype: numpy.ndarray)[source]#
Apply the stat to each atomic output. The developer may override the method to define how the bias is applied to the atomic output of the model.
- Parameters:
- ret
The returned dict by the forward_atomic method
- atype
The atom types. nf x nloc
- class deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.DPDOSAtomicModel(descriptor, fitting, type_map, **kwargs)[source]#
Model give atomic prediction of some physical property.
- Parameters:
- descriptor
- fitting_net
Fitting net
- type_map
Mapping atom type to the name (str) of the type. For example type_map[1] gives the name of the type 1.
- class deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.DPAtomicModel(descriptor, fitting, type_map: list[str], **kwargs)[source]#
Model give atomic prediction of some physical property.
- Parameters:
- descriptor
- fitting_net
Fitting net
- type_map
Mapping atom type to the name (str) of the type. For example type_map[1] gives the name of the type 1.
- type_map#
- descriptor#
- fitting#
- fitting_output_def() deepmd.dpmodel.output_def.FittingOutputDef [source]#
Get the output def of the fitting net.
- mixed_types() bool [source]#
If true, the model 1. assumes total number of atoms aligned across frames; 2. uses a neighbor list that does not distinguish different atomic types.
If false, the model 1. assumes total number of atoms of each atom type aligned across frames; 2. uses a neighbor list that distinguishes different atomic types.
- need_sorted_nlist_for_lower() bool [source]#
Returns whether the atomic model needs sorted nlist when using forward_lower.
- enable_compression(min_nbor_dist: float, table_extrapolate: float = 5, table_stride_1: float = 0.01, table_stride_2: float = 0.1, check_frequency: int = -1) None [source]#
Call descriptor enable_compression().
- Parameters:
- min_nbor_dist
The nearest distance between atoms
- table_extrapolate
The scale of model extrapolation
- table_stride_1
The uniform stride of the first table
- table_stride_2
The uniform stride of the second table
- check_frequency
The overflow check frequency
- forward_atomic(extended_coord: numpy.ndarray, extended_atype: numpy.ndarray, nlist: numpy.ndarray, mapping: numpy.ndarray | None = None, fparam: numpy.ndarray | None = None, aparam: numpy.ndarray | None = None) dict[str, numpy.ndarray] [source]#
Models’ atomic predictions.
- Parameters:
- extended_coord
coordinates in extended region
- extended_atype
atomic type in extended region
- nlist
neighbor list. nf x nloc x nsel
- mapping
mapps the extended indices to local indices. nf x nall
- fparam
frame parameter. nf x ndf
- aparam
atomic parameter. nf x nloc x nda
- Returns:
the result dict, defined by the FittingOutputDef.
- change_type_map(type_map: list[str], model_with_new_type_stat=None) None [source]#
Change the type related params to new ones, according to type_map and the original one in the model. If there are new types in type_map, statistics will be updated accordingly to model_with_new_type_stat for these new types.
- base_descriptor_cls#
The base descriptor class.
- base_fitting_cls#
The base fitting class.
- classmethod deserialize(data) DPAtomicModel [source]#
- class deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.DPEnergyAtomicModel(descriptor, fitting, type_map, **kwargs)[source]#
Model give atomic prediction of some physical property.
- Parameters:
- descriptor
- fitting_net
Fitting net
- type_map
Mapping atom type to the name (str) of the type. For example type_map[1] gives the name of the type 1.
- class deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.DPZBLLinearEnergyAtomicModel(dp_model: deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.dp_atomic_model.DPAtomicModel, zbl_model: deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.pairtab_atomic_model.PairTabAtomicModel, sw_rmin: float, sw_rmax: float, type_map: list[str], smin_alpha: float | None = 0.1, **kwargs)[source]#
Model linearly combine a list of AtomicModels.
- Parameters:
- dp_model
The DPAtomicModel being combined.
- zbl_model
The PairTable model being combined.
- sw_rmin
The lower boundary of the interpolation between short-range tabulated interaction and DP.
- sw_rmax
The upper boundary of the interpolation between short-range tabulated interaction and DP.
- type_map
Mapping atom type to the name (str) of the type. For example type_map[1] gives the name of the type 1.
- smin_alpha
The short-range tabulated interaction will be switched according to the distance of the nearest neighbor. This distance is calculated by softmin.
- sw_rmin#
- sw_rmax#
- smin_alpha#
- classmethod deserialize(data) DPZBLLinearEnergyAtomicModel [source]#
- _compute_weight(extended_coord: numpy.ndarray, extended_atype: numpy.ndarray, nlists_: list[numpy.ndarray]) list[numpy.ndarray] [source]#
ZBL weight.
- Returns:
]the atomic ZBL weight for interpolation. (nframes, nloc, 1)
- class deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.LinearEnergyAtomicModel(models: list[deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.base_atomic_model.BaseAtomicModel], type_map: list[str], **kwargs)[source]#
Linear model make linear combinations of several existing models.
- Parameters:
- models
] A list of models to be combined. PairTabAtomicModel must be used together with a DPAtomicModel.
- type_map
] Mapping atom type to the name (str) of the type. For example type_map[1] gives the name of the type 1.
- models
- models#
- type_map#
- mapping_list#
- mixed_types_list#
- mixed_types() bool [source]#
If true, the model 1. assumes total number of atoms aligned across frames; 2. uses a neighbor list that does not distinguish different atomic types.
If false, the model 1. assumes total number of atoms of each atom type aligned across frames; 2. uses a neighbor list that distinguishes different atomic types.
- need_sorted_nlist_for_lower() bool [source]#
Returns whether the atomic model needs sorted nlist when using forward_lower.
- change_type_map(type_map: list[str], model_with_new_type_stat=None) None [source]#
Change the type related params to new ones, according to type_map and the original one in the model. If there are new types in type_map, statistics will be updated accordingly to model_with_new_type_stat for these new types.
- get_model_nsels() list[int] [source]#
Get the processed sels for each individual models. Not distinguishing types.
- enable_compression(min_nbor_dist: float, table_extrapolate: float = 5, table_stride_1: float = 0.01, table_stride_2: float = 0.1, check_frequency: int = -1) None [source]#
Compress model.
- Parameters:
- min_nbor_dist
The nearest distance between atoms
- table_extrapolate
The scale of model extrapolation
- table_stride_1
The uniform stride of the first table
- table_stride_2
The uniform stride of the second table
- check_frequency
The overflow check frequency
- forward_atomic(extended_coord, extended_atype, nlist, mapping: numpy.ndarray | None = None, fparam: numpy.ndarray | None = None, aparam: numpy.ndarray | None = None) dict[str, numpy.ndarray] [source]#
Return atomic prediction.
- Parameters:
- extended_coord
coordinates in extended region, (nframes, nall * 3)
- extended_atype
atomic type in extended region, (nframes, nall)
- nlist
neighbor list, (nframes, nloc, nsel).
- mapping
mapps the extended indices to local indices.
- fparam
frame parameter. (nframes, ndf)
- aparam
atomic parameter. (nframes, nloc, nda)
- Returns:
the result dict, defined by the fitting net output def.
- static remap_atype(ori_map: list[str], new_map: list[str]) numpy.ndarray [source]#
This method is used to map the atype from the common type_map to the original type_map of indivial AtomicModels.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- fitting_output_def() deepmd.dpmodel.output_def.FittingOutputDef [source]#
Get the output def of developer implemented atomic models.
- classmethod deserialize(data: dict) LinearEnergyAtomicModel [source]#
- _compute_weight(extended_coord: numpy.ndarray, extended_atype: numpy.ndarray, nlists_: list[numpy.ndarray]) list[numpy.ndarray] [source]#
This should be a list of user defined weights that matches the number of models to be combined.
- deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.make_base_atomic_model(t_tensor, fwd_method_name: str = 'forward_atomic')[source]#
Make the base class for the atomic model.
- Parameters:
- t_tensor
The type of the tensor. used in the type hint.
- fwd_method_name
Name of the forward method. For dpmodels, it should be “call”. For torch models, it should be “forward”.
- class deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.PairTabAtomicModel(tab_file: str, rcut: float, sel: int | list[int], type_map: list[str], rcond: float | None = None, atom_ener: list[float] | None = None, **kwargs)[source]#
Pairwise tabulation energy model.
This model can be used to tabulate the pairwise energy between atoms for either short-range or long-range interactions, such as D3, LJ, ZBL, etc. It should not be used alone, but rather as one submodel of a linear (sum) model, such as DP+D3.
Do not put the model on the first model of a linear model, since the linear model fetches the type map from the first model.
At this moment, the model does not smooth the energy at the cutoff radius, so one needs to make sure the energy has been smoothed to zero.
- Parameters:
- tab_file#
- rcut#
- type_map#
- tab#
- ntypes#
- rcond#
- atom_ener#
- fitting_output_def() deepmd.dpmodel.output_def.FittingOutputDef [source]#
Get the output def of developer implemented atomic models.
- get_nsel() int [source]#
Returns the total number of selected neighboring atoms in the cut-off radius.
- mixed_types() bool [source]#
If true, the model 1. assumes total number of atoms aligned across frames; 2. uses a neighbor list that does not distinguish different atomic types.
If false, the model 1. assumes total number of atoms of each atom type aligned across frames; 2. uses a neighbor list that distinguishes different atomic types.
- need_sorted_nlist_for_lower() bool [source]#
Returns whether the atomic model needs sorted nlist when using forward_lower.
- change_type_map(type_map: list[str], model_with_new_type_stat=None) None [source]#
Change the type related params to new ones, according to type_map and the original one in the model. If there are new types in type_map, statistics will be updated accordingly to model_with_new_type_stat for these new types.
- classmethod deserialize(data) PairTabAtomicModel [source]#
- forward_atomic(extended_coord, extended_atype, nlist, mapping: numpy.ndarray | None = None, fparam: numpy.ndarray | None = None, aparam: numpy.ndarray | None = None) dict[str, numpy.ndarray] [source]#
- _pair_tabulated_inter(nlist: numpy.ndarray, i_type: numpy.ndarray, j_type: numpy.ndarray, rr: numpy.ndarray) numpy.ndarray [source]#
Pairwise tabulated energy.
- Parameters:
- nlist
The unmasked neighbour list. (nframes, nloc)
- i_type
The integer representation of atom type for all local atoms for all frames. (nframes, nloc)
- j_type
The integer representation of atom type for all neighbour atoms of all local atoms for all frames. (nframes, nloc, nnei)
- rr
The salar distance vector between two atoms. (nframes, nloc, nnei)
- nlist
- Returns:
The masked atomic energy for all local atoms for all frames. (nframes, nloc, nnei)
- Raises:
If the distance is beyond the table.
This function is used to calculate the pairwise energy between two atoms. It uses a table containing cubic spline coefficients calculated in PairTab.
- static _get_pairwise_dist(coords: numpy.ndarray, nlist: numpy.ndarray) numpy.ndarray [source]#
Get pairwise distance dr.
- Parameters:
- coords
The coordinate of the atoms, shape of (nframes, nall, 3).
- nlist
The masked nlist, shape of (nframes, nloc, nnei).
- coords
- Returns:
The pairwise distance between the atoms (nframes, nloc, nnei).
- static _extract_spline_coefficient(i_type: numpy.ndarray, j_type: numpy.ndarray, idx: numpy.ndarray, tab_data: numpy.ndarray, nspline: numpy.int64) numpy.ndarray [source]#
Extract the spline coefficient from the table.
- Parameters:
- i_type
The integer representation of atom type for all local atoms for all frames. (nframes, nloc)
- j_type
The integer representation of atom type for all neighbour atoms of all local atoms for all frames. (nframes, nloc, nnei)
- idx
The index of the spline coefficient. (nframes, nloc, nnei)
- tab_data
The table storing all the spline coefficient. (ntype, ntype, nspline, 4)
- nspline
The number of splines in the table.
- i_type
- Returns:
The spline coefficient. (nframes, nloc, nnei, 4), shape may be squeezed.
- static _calculate_ener(coef: numpy.ndarray, uu: numpy.ndarray) numpy.ndarray [source]#
Calculate energy using spline coeeficients.
- Parameters:
- coef
The spline coefficients. (nframes, nloc, nnei, 4)
- uu
The atom displancemnt used in interpolation and extrapolation (nframes, nloc, nnei)
- coef
- Returns:
The atomic energy for all local atoms for all frames. (nframes, nloc, nnei)
- class deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.DPPolarAtomicModel(descriptor, fitting, type_map, **kwargs)[source]#
Model give atomic prediction of some physical property.
- Parameters:
- descriptor
- fitting_net
Fitting net
- type_map
Mapping atom type to the name (str) of the type. For example type_map[1] gives the name of the type 1.
- apply_out_stat(ret: dict[str, numpy.ndarray], atype: numpy.ndarray)[source]#
Apply the stat to each atomic output.
- Parameters:
- ret
The returned dict by the forward_atomic method
- atype
The atom types. nf x nloc