


Deep WFC model.

Module Contents#

class deepmd.infer.deep_wfc.DeepWFC(model_file: str, *args: Any, auto_batch_size: bool | int | deepmd.utils.batch_size.AutoBatchSize = True, neighbor_list: ase.neighborlist.NewPrimitiveNeighborList | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: deepmd.infer.deep_tensor.OldDeepTensor

Deep WFC model.


The name of the frozen model file.


Positional arguments.

auto_batch_sizebool or int or AutoBatchSize, default: True

If True, automatic batch size will be used. If int, it will be used as the initial batch size.

neighbor_listase.neighborlist.NewPrimitiveNeighborList, optional

The ASE neighbor list class to produce the neighbor list. If None, the neighbor list will be built natively in the model.


Keyword arguments.

property output_tensor_name: str[source]#

The name of the tensor.

property output_def: deepmd.dpmodel.output_def.ModelOutputDef[source]#

Get the output definition of this model.