


Calculate model deviation of force.

calc_model_devi_e(→ numpy.ndarray)

Calculate model deviation of total energy per atom.

calc_model_devi_v(→ tuple[numpy.ndarray, ...)

Calculate model deviation of virial.

write_model_devi_out(devi, fname[, header, atomic])

Write output of model deviation.

_check_tmaps(tmaps[, ref_tmap])

Check whether type maps are identical.

calc_model_devi(coord, box, atype, models[, fname, ...])

Python interface to calculate model deviation.

make_model_devi(*, models, system, output, frequency)

Make model deviation calculation.

Module Contents#

deepmd.infer.model_devi.calc_model_devi_f(fs: numpy.ndarray, real_f: numpy.ndarray | None = None, relative: float | None = None, atomic: Literal[False] = ...) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray][source]#
deepmd.infer.model_devi.calc_model_devi_f(fs: numpy.ndarray, real_f: numpy.ndarray | None = None, relative: float | None = None, atomic: Literal[True] = ...) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]
deepmd.infer.model_devi.calc_model_devi_f(fs: numpy.ndarray, real_f: numpy.ndarray | None = None, relative: float | None = None, atomic: bool = False) tuple[numpy.ndarray, Ellipsis]

Calculate model deviation of force.


size of n_models x n_frames x n_atoms x 3

real_fnumpy.ndarray or None

real force, size of n_frames x n_atoms x 3. If given, the RMS real error is calculated instead.

relativefloat, default: None

If given, calculate the relative model deviation of force. The value is the level parameter for computing the relative model deviation of the force.

atomicbool, default: False

Whether return deviation of force in all atoms


maximum deviation of force in all atoms


minimum deviation of force in all atoms


average deviation of force in all atoms


deviation of force in all atoms, returned if atomic=True

deepmd.infer.model_devi.calc_model_devi_e(es: numpy.ndarray, real_e: numpy.ndarray | None = None) numpy.ndarray[source]#

Calculate model deviation of total energy per atom.

Here we don’t use the atomic energy, as the decomposition of energy is arbitrary and not unique. There is no fitting target for atomic energy.


size of `n_models x n_frames x 1


real energy, size of n_frames x 1. If given, the RMS real error is calculated instead.


maximum deviation of energy

deepmd.infer.model_devi.calc_model_devi_v(vs: numpy.ndarray, real_v: numpy.ndarray | None = None, relative: float | None = None) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray][source]#

Calculate model deviation of virial.


size of n_models x n_frames x 9


real virial, size of n_frames x 9. If given, the RMS real error is calculated instead.

relativefloat, default: None

If given, calculate the relative model deviation of virial. The value is the level parameter for computing the relative model deviation of the virial.


maximum deviation of virial in 9 elements


minimum deviation of virial in 9 elements


average deviation of virial in 9 elements

deepmd.infer.model_devi.write_model_devi_out(devi: numpy.ndarray, fname: str, header: str = '', atomic: bool = False)[source]#

Write output of model deviation.


the first column is the steps index


the file name to dump

headerstr, default=””

the header to dump

atomicbool, default: False

whether atomic model deviation is printed

deepmd.infer.model_devi._check_tmaps(tmaps, ref_tmap=None)[source]#

Check whether type maps are identical.

deepmd.infer.model_devi.calc_model_devi(coord, box, atype, models, fname=None, frequency=1, mixed_type=False, fparam: numpy.ndarray | None = None, aparam: numpy.ndarray | None = None, real_data: dict | None = None, atomic: bool = False, relative: float | None = None, relative_v: float | None = None)[source]#

Python interface to calculate model deviation.

coordnumpy.ndarray, n_frames x n_atoms x 3

Coordinates of system to calculate

boxnumpy.ndarray or None, n_frames x 3 x 3

Box to specify periodic boundary condition. If None, no pbc will be used

atypenumpy.ndarray, n_atoms x 1

Atom types

modelslist of DeepPot models

Models used to evaluate deviation

fnamestr or None

File to dump results, default None


Steps between frames (if the system is given by molecular dynamics engine), default 1


Whether the input atype is in mixed_type format or not


frame specific parameters


atomic specific parameters

real_datadict, optional

real data to calculate RMS real error

atomicbool, default: False

If True, calculate the force model deviation of each atom.

relativefloat, default: None

If given, calculate the relative model deviation of force. The value is the level parameter for computing the relative model deviation of the force.

relative_vfloat, default: None

If given, calculate the relative model deviation of virial. The value is the level parameter for computing the relative model deviation of the virial.

model_devinumpy.ndarray, n_frames x 8

Model deviation results. The first column is index of steps, the other 7 columns are max_devi_v, min_devi_v, avg_devi_v, max_devi_f, min_devi_f, avg_devi_f, devi_e.


>>> from import calc_model_devi
>>> from import DeepPot as DP
>>> import numpy as np
>>> coord = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1.5], [1, 0, 3]]).reshape([1, -1])
>>> cell = np.diag(10 * np.ones(3)).reshape([1, -1])
>>> atype = [1, 0, 1]
>>> graphs = [DP("graph.000.pb"), DP("graph.001.pb")]
>>> model_devi = calc_model_devi(coord, cell, atype, graphs)
deepmd.infer.model_devi.make_model_devi(*, models: list, system: str, output: str, frequency: int, real_error: bool = False, atomic: bool = False, relative: float | None = None, relative_v: float | None = None, **kwargs)[source]#

Make model deviation calculation.


A list of paths of models to use for making model deviation


The path of system to make model deviation calculation


The output file for model deviation results


The number of steps that elapse between writing coordinates in a trajectory by a MD engine (such as Gromacs / LAMMPS). This parameter is used to determine the index in the output file.

real_errorbool, default: False

If True, calculate the RMS real error instead of model deviation.

atomicbool, default: False

If True, calculate the force model deviation of each atom.

relativefloat, default: None

If given, calculate the relative model deviation of force. The value is the level parameter for computing the relative model deviation of the force.

relative_vfloat, default: None

If given, calculate the relative model deviation of virial. The value is the level parameter for computing the relative model deviation of the virial.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.