Model linearly combine a list of AtomicModels. | |
Package Contents#
- class deepmd.jax.model.DipoleModel[source]#
- class deepmd.jax.model.DOSModel[source]#
- class deepmd.jax.model.DPZBLLinearEnergyAtomicModel(dp_model: deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.dp_atomic_model.DPAtomicModel, zbl_model: deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.pairtab_atomic_model.PairTabAtomicModel, sw_rmin: float, sw_rmax: float, type_map: list[str], smin_alpha: float | None = 0.1, **kwargs)[source]#
Model linearly combine a list of AtomicModels.
- Parameters:
- dp_model
The DPAtomicModel being combined.
- zbl_model
The PairTable model being combined.
- sw_rmin
The lower boundary of the interpolation between short-range tabulated interaction and DP.
- sw_rmax
The upper boundary of the interpolation between short-range tabulated interaction and DP.
- type_map
Mapping atom type to the name (str) of the type. For example type_map[1] gives the name of the type 1.
- smin_alpha
The short-range tabulated interaction will be switched according to the distance of the nearest neighbor. This distance is calculated by softmin.
- forward_common_atomic(extended_coord: deepmd.jax.env.jnp.ndarray, extended_atype: deepmd.jax.env.jnp.ndarray, nlist: deepmd.jax.env.jnp.ndarray, mapping: deepmd.jax.env.jnp.ndarray | None = None, fparam: deepmd.jax.env.jnp.ndarray | None = None, aparam: deepmd.jax.env.jnp.ndarray | None = None) dict[str, deepmd.jax.env.jnp.ndarray] [source]#
Common interface for atomic inference.
This method accept extended coordinates, extended atom typs, neighbor list, and predict the atomic contribution of the fit property.
- Parameters:
- extended_coord
extended coordinates, shape: nf x (nall x 3)
- extended_atype
extended atom typs, shape: nf x nall for a type < 0 indicating the atomic is virtual.
- nlist
neighbor list, shape: nf x nloc x nsel
- mapping
extended to local index mapping, shape: nf x nall
- fparam
frame parameters, shape: nf x dim_fparam
- aparam
atomic parameter, shape: nf x nloc x dim_aparam
- Returns:
dict of output atomic properties. should implement the definition of fitting_output_def. ret_dict[“mask”] of shape nf x nloc will be provided. ret_dict[“mask”][ff,ii] == 1 indicating the ii-th atom of the ff-th frame is real. ret_dict[“mask”][ff,ii] == 0 indicating the ii-th atom of the ff-th frame is virtual.
- class deepmd.jax.model.EnergyModel[source]#