Defines a local frame at each atom, and the compute the descriptor as local |
Module Contents#
- class float, sel_a: list[int], sel_r: list[int], axis_rule: list[int], **kwargs)[source]#
Defines a local frame at each atom, and the compute the descriptor as local coordinates under this frame.
- Parameters:
- rcut
The cut-off radius
- sel_a
] The length of the list should be the same as the number of atom types in the system. sel_a[i] gives the selected number of type-i neighbors. The full relative coordinates of the neighbors are used by the descriptor.
- sel_r
] The length of the list should be the same as the number of atom types in the system. sel_r[i] gives the selected number of type-i neighbors. Only relative distance of the neighbors are used by the descriptor. sel_a[i] + sel_r[i] is recommended to be larger than the maximally possible number of type-i neighbors in the cut-off radius.
- axis_rule: list[int]
The length should be 6 times of the number of types. - axis_rule[i*6+0]: class of the atom defining the first axis of type-i atom. 0 for neighbors with full coordinates and 1 for neighbors only with relative distance. - axis_rule[i*6+1]: type of the atom defining the first axis of type-i atom. - axis_rule[i*6+2]: index of the axis atom defining the first axis. Note that the neighbors with the same class and type are sorted according to their relative distance. - axis_rule[i*6+3]: class of the atom defining the second axis of type-i atom. 0 for neighbors with full coordinates and 1 for neighbors only with relative distance. - axis_rule[i*6+4]: type of the atom defining the second axis of type-i atom. - axis_rule[i*6+5]: index of the axis atom defining the second axis. Note that the neighbors with the same class and type are sorted according to their relative distance.
- compute_input_stats(data_coord: list, data_box: list, data_atype: list, natoms_vec: list, mesh: list, input_dict: dict, **kwargs) None [source]#
Compute the statisitcs (avg and std) of the training data. The input will be normalized by the statistics.
- Parameters:
- data_coord
The coordinates. Can be generated by
- data_box
The box. Can be generated by
- data_atype
The atom types. Can be generated by
- natoms_vec
The vector for the number of atoms of the system and different types of atoms. Can be generated by
- mesh
The mesh for neighbor searching. Can be generated by
- input_dict
Dictionary for additional input
- **kwargs
Additional keyword arguments.
- build(coord_:, atype_:, natoms:, box_:, mesh:, input_dict: dict, reuse: bool | None = None, suffix: str = '') [source]#
Build the computational graph for the descriptor.
- Parameters:
- coord_
The coordinate of atoms
- atype_
The type of atoms
- natoms
The number of atoms. This tensor has the length of Ntypes + 2 natoms[0]: number of local atoms natoms[1]: total number of atoms held by this processor natoms[i]: 2 <= i < Ntypes+2, number of type i atoms
- box_
The box of the system
- mesh
For historical reasons, only the length of the Tensor matters. if size of mesh == 6, pbc is assumed. if size of mesh == 0, no-pbc is assumed.
- input_dict
Dictionary for additional inputs
- reuse
The weights in the networks should be reused when get the variable.
- suffix
Name suffix to identify this descriptor
- Returns:
The output descriptor
- prod_force_virial(atom_ener:, natoms: tuple[,,] [source]#
Compute force and virial.
- Parameters:
- atom_ener
The atomic energy
- natoms
The number of atoms. This tensor has the length of Ntypes + 2 natoms[0]: number of local atoms natoms[1]: total number of atoms held by this processor natoms[i]: 2 <= i < Ntypes+2, number of type i atoms
- Returns:
The force on atoms
The total virial
The atomic virial
- init_variables(graph:, graph_def:, suffix: str = '') None [source]#
Init the embedding net variables with the given dict.