Source code for deepmd.descriptor.loc_frame

# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
from typing import (

import numpy as np

from deepmd.env import (
from deepmd.utils.graph import (
from deepmd.utils.sess import (

from .descriptor import (

[docs]@Descriptor.register("loc_frame") class DescrptLocFrame(Descriptor): """Defines a local frame at each atom, and the compute the descriptor as local coordinates under this frame. Parameters ---------- rcut The cut-off radius sel_a : list[int] The length of the list should be the same as the number of atom types in the system. `sel_a[i]` gives the selected number of type-i neighbors. The full relative coordinates of the neighbors are used by the descriptor. sel_r : list[int] The length of the list should be the same as the number of atom types in the system. `sel_r[i]` gives the selected number of type-i neighbors. Only relative distance of the neighbors are used by the descriptor. sel_a[i] + sel_r[i] is recommended to be larger than the maximally possible number of type-i neighbors in the cut-off radius. axis_rule: list[int] The length should be 6 times of the number of types. - axis_rule[i*6+0]: class of the atom defining the first axis of type-i atom. 0 for neighbors with full coordinates and 1 for neighbors only with relative distance. - axis_rule[i*6+1]: type of the atom defining the first axis of type-i atom. - axis_rule[i*6+2]: index of the axis atom defining the first axis. Note that the neighbors with the same class and type are sorted according to their relative distance. - axis_rule[i*6+3]: class of the atom defining the second axis of type-i atom. 0 for neighbors with full coordinates and 1 for neighbors only with relative distance. - axis_rule[i*6+4]: type of the atom defining the second axis of type-i atom. - axis_rule[i*6+5]: index of the axis atom defining the second axis. Note that the neighbors with the same class and type are sorted according to their relative distance. """ def __init__( self, rcut: float, sel_a: List[int], sel_r: List[int], axis_rule: List[int], **kwargs, ) -> None: """Constructor.""" self.sel_a = sel_a self.sel_r = sel_r self.axis_rule = axis_rule self.rcut_r = rcut # ntypes and rcut_a === -1 self.ntypes = len(self.sel_a) assert self.ntypes == len(self.sel_r) self.rcut_a = -1 # numb of neighbors and numb of descrptors self.nnei_a = np.cumsum(self.sel_a)[-1] self.nnei_r = np.cumsum(self.sel_r)[-1] self.nnei = self.nnei_a + self.nnei_r self.ndescrpt_a = self.nnei_a * 4 self.ndescrpt_r = self.nnei_r * 1 self.ndescrpt = self.ndescrpt_a + self.ndescrpt_r self.davg = None self.dstd = None self.place_holders = {} avg_zero = np.zeros([self.ntypes, self.ndescrpt]).astype( GLOBAL_NP_FLOAT_PRECISION ) std_ones = np.ones([self.ntypes, self.ndescrpt]).astype( GLOBAL_NP_FLOAT_PRECISION ) sub_graph = tf.Graph() with sub_graph.as_default(): name_pfx = "d_lf_" for ii in ["coord", "box"]: self.place_holders[ii] = tf.placeholder( GLOBAL_NP_FLOAT_PRECISION, [None, None], name=name_pfx + "t_" + ii ) self.place_holders["type"] = tf.placeholder( tf.int32, [None, None], name=name_pfx + "t_type" ) self.place_holders["natoms_vec"] = tf.placeholder( tf.int32, [self.ntypes + 2], name=name_pfx + "t_natoms" ) self.place_holders["default_mesh"] = tf.placeholder( tf.int32, [None], name=name_pfx + "t_mesh" ) ( self.stat_descrpt, descrpt_deriv, rij, nlist, axis, rot_mat, ) = op_module.descrpt( self.place_holders["coord"], self.place_holders["type"], self.place_holders["natoms_vec"], self.place_holders["box"], self.place_holders["default_mesh"], tf.constant(avg_zero), tf.constant(std_ones), rcut_a=self.rcut_a, rcut_r=self.rcut_r, sel_a=self.sel_a, sel_r=self.sel_r, axis_rule=self.axis_rule, ) self.sub_sess = tf.Session(graph=sub_graph, config=default_tf_session_config)
[docs] def get_rcut(self) -> float: """Returns the cut-off radius.""" return self.rcut_r
[docs] def get_ntypes(self) -> int: """Returns the number of atom types.""" return self.ntypes
[docs] def get_dim_out(self) -> int: """Returns the output dimension of this descriptor.""" return self.ndescrpt
[docs] def get_nlist(self) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, List[int], List[int]]: """Returns ------- nlist Neighbor list rij The relative distance between the neighbor and the center atom. sel_a The number of neighbors with full information sel_r The number of neighbors with only radial information """ return self.nlist, self.rij, self.sel_a, self.sel_r
[docs] def compute_input_stats( self, data_coord: list, data_box: list, data_atype: list, natoms_vec: list, mesh: list, input_dict: dict, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Compute the statisitcs (avg and std) of the training data. The input will be normalized by the statistics. Parameters ---------- data_coord The coordinates. Can be generated by deepmd.model.make_stat_input data_box The box. Can be generated by deepmd.model.make_stat_input data_atype The atom types. Can be generated by deepmd.model.make_stat_input natoms_vec The vector for the number of atoms of the system and different types of atoms. Can be generated by deepmd.model.make_stat_input mesh The mesh for neighbor searching. Can be generated by deepmd.model.make_stat_input input_dict Dictionary for additional input **kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """ all_davg = [] all_dstd = [] if True: sumv = [] sumn = [] sumv2 = [] for cc, bb, tt, nn, mm in zip( data_coord, data_box, data_atype, natoms_vec, mesh ): sysv, sysv2, sysn = self._compute_dstats_sys_nonsmth(cc, bb, tt, nn, mm) sumv.append(sysv) sumn.append(sysn) sumv2.append(sysv2) sumv = np.sum(sumv, axis=0) sumn = np.sum(sumn, axis=0) sumv2 = np.sum(sumv2, axis=0) for type_i in range(self.ntypes): davg = sumv[type_i] / sumn[type_i] dstd = self._compute_std(sumv2[type_i], sumv[type_i], sumn[type_i]) for ii in range(len(dstd)): if np.abs(dstd[ii]) < 1e-2: dstd[ii] = 1e-2 all_davg.append(davg) all_dstd.append(dstd) self.davg = np.array(all_davg) self.dstd = np.array(all_dstd)
[docs] def build( self, coord_: tf.Tensor, atype_: tf.Tensor, natoms: tf.Tensor, box_: tf.Tensor, mesh: tf.Tensor, input_dict: dict, reuse: Optional[bool] = None, suffix: str = "", ) -> tf.Tensor: """Build the computational graph for the descriptor. Parameters ---------- coord_ The coordinate of atoms atype_ The type of atoms natoms The number of atoms. This tensor has the length of Ntypes + 2 natoms[0]: number of local atoms natoms[1]: total number of atoms held by this processor natoms[i]: 2 <= i < Ntypes+2, number of type i atoms box_ : tf.Tensor The box of the system mesh For historical reasons, only the length of the Tensor matters. if size of mesh == 6, pbc is assumed. if size of mesh == 0, no-pbc is assumed. input_dict Dictionary for additional inputs reuse The weights in the networks should be reused when get the variable. suffix Name suffix to identify this descriptor Returns ------- descriptor The output descriptor """ davg = self.davg dstd = self.dstd with tf.variable_scope("descrpt_attr" + suffix, reuse=reuse): if davg is None: davg = np.zeros([self.ntypes, self.ndescrpt]) if dstd is None: dstd = np.ones([self.ntypes, self.ndescrpt]) t_rcut = tf.constant( np.max([self.rcut_r, self.rcut_a]), name="rcut", dtype=GLOBAL_TF_FLOAT_PRECISION, ) t_ntypes = tf.constant(self.ntypes, name="ntypes", dtype=tf.int32) self.t_avg = tf.get_variable( "t_avg", davg.shape, dtype=GLOBAL_TF_FLOAT_PRECISION, trainable=False, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(davg), ) self.t_std = tf.get_variable( "t_std", dstd.shape, dtype=GLOBAL_TF_FLOAT_PRECISION, trainable=False, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(dstd), ) coord = tf.reshape(coord_, [-1, natoms[1] * 3]) box = tf.reshape(box_, [-1, 9]) atype = tf.reshape(atype_, [-1, natoms[1]]) ( self.descrpt, self.descrpt_deriv, self.rij, self.nlist, self.axis, self.rot_mat, ) = op_module.descrpt( coord, atype, natoms, box, mesh, self.t_avg, self.t_std, rcut_a=self.rcut_a, rcut_r=self.rcut_r, sel_a=self.sel_a, sel_r=self.sel_r, axis_rule=self.axis_rule, ) self.descrpt = tf.reshape(self.descrpt, [-1, self.ndescrpt]) tf.summary.histogram("descrpt", self.descrpt) tf.summary.histogram("rij", self.rij) tf.summary.histogram("nlist", self.nlist) return self.descrpt
[docs] def get_rot_mat(self) -> tf.Tensor: """Get rotational matrix.""" return self.rot_mat
[docs] def prod_force_virial( self, atom_ener: tf.Tensor, natoms: tf.Tensor ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """Compute force and virial. Parameters ---------- atom_ener The atomic energy natoms The number of atoms. This tensor has the length of Ntypes + 2 natoms[0]: number of local atoms natoms[1]: total number of atoms held by this processor natoms[i]: 2 <= i < Ntypes+2, number of type i atoms Returns ------- force The force on atoms virial The total virial atom_virial The atomic virial """ [net_deriv] = tf.gradients(atom_ener, self.descrpt) tf.summary.histogram("net_derivative", net_deriv) net_deriv_reshape = tf.reshape( net_deriv, [ np.asarray(-1, dtype=np.int64), natoms[0] * np.asarray(self.ndescrpt, dtype=np.int64), ], ) force = op_module.prod_force( net_deriv_reshape, self.descrpt_deriv, self.nlist, self.axis, natoms, n_a_sel=self.nnei_a, n_r_sel=self.nnei_r, ) virial, atom_virial = op_module.prod_virial( net_deriv_reshape, self.descrpt_deriv, self.rij, self.nlist, self.axis, natoms, n_a_sel=self.nnei_a, n_r_sel=self.nnei_r, ) tf.summary.histogram("force", force) tf.summary.histogram("virial", virial) tf.summary.histogram("atom_virial", atom_virial) return force, virial, atom_virial
def _compute_dstats_sys_nonsmth( self, data_coord, data_box, data_atype, natoms_vec, mesh ): dd_all = run_sess( self.sub_sess, self.stat_descrpt, feed_dict={ self.place_holders["coord"]: data_coord, self.place_holders["type"]: data_atype, self.place_holders["natoms_vec"]: natoms_vec, self.place_holders["box"]: data_box, self.place_holders["default_mesh"]: mesh, }, ) natoms = natoms_vec dd_all = np.reshape(dd_all, [-1, self.ndescrpt * natoms[0]]) start_index = 0 sysv = [] sysn = [] sysv2 = [] for type_i in range(self.ntypes): end_index = start_index + self.ndescrpt * natoms[2 + type_i] dd = dd_all[:, start_index:end_index] dd = np.reshape(dd, [-1, self.ndescrpt]) start_index = end_index # compute sumv = np.sum(dd, axis=0) sumn = dd.shape[0] sumv2 = np.sum(np.multiply(dd, dd), axis=0) sysv.append(sumv) sysn.append(sumn) sysv2.append(sumv2) return sysv, sysv2, sysn def _compute_std(self, sumv2, sumv, sumn): return np.sqrt(sumv2 / sumn - np.multiply(sumv / sumn, sumv / sumn))
[docs] def init_variables( self, graph: tf.Graph, graph_def: tf.GraphDef, suffix: str = "", ) -> None: """Init the embedding net variables with the given dict. Parameters ---------- graph : tf.Graph The input frozen model graph graph_def : tf.GraphDef The input frozen model graph_def suffix : str, optional The suffix of the scope """ self.davg = get_tensor_by_name_from_graph(graph, f"descrpt_attr{suffix}/t_avg") self.dstd = get_tensor_by_name_from_graph(graph, f"descrpt_attr{suffix}/t_std")
[docs] @classmethod def update_sel(cls, global_jdata: dict, local_jdata: dict): """Update the selection and perform neighbor statistics. Parameters ---------- global_jdata : dict The global data, containing the training section local_jdata : dict The local data refer to the current class """ return local_jdata