Source code for

import warnings
import numpy as np
from typing import Tuple, List

from deepmd.env import tf
from deepmd.common import add_data_requirement, get_activation_func, get_precision, ACTIVATION_FN_DICT, PRECISION_DICT, docstring_parameter
from deepmd.utils.argcheck import list_to_doc
from import one_layer, one_layer_rand_seed_shift
from deepmd.descriptor import DescrptSeA

from deepmd.env import global_cvt_2_tf_float
from deepmd.env import GLOBAL_TF_FLOAT_PRECISION

[docs]class DipoleFittingSeA () : """ Fit the atomic dipole with descriptor se_a Parameters ---------- descrpt : tf.Tensor The descrptor neuron : List[int] Number of neurons in each hidden layer of the fitting net resnet_dt : bool Time-step `dt` in the resnet construction: y = x + dt * \phi (Wx + b) sel_type : List[int] The atom types selected to have an atomic dipole prediction. If is None, all atoms are selected. seed : int Random seed for initializing the network parameters. activation_function : str The activation function in the embedding net. Supported options are {0} precision : str The precision of the embedding net parameters. Supported options are {1} uniform_seed Only for the purpose of backward compatibility, retrieves the old behavior of using the random seed """ @docstring_parameter(list_to_doc(ACTIVATION_FN_DICT.keys()), list_to_doc(PRECISION_DICT.keys())) def __init__ (self, descrpt : tf.Tensor, neuron : List[int] = [120,120,120], resnet_dt : bool = True, sel_type : List[int] = None, seed : int = None, activation_function : str = 'tanh', precision : str = 'default', uniform_seed: bool = False ) -> None: """ Constructor """ if not isinstance(descrpt, DescrptSeA) : raise RuntimeError('DipoleFittingSeA only supports DescrptSeA') self.ntypes = descrpt.get_ntypes() self.dim_descrpt = descrpt.get_dim_out() # args = ClassArg()\ # .add('neuron', list, default = [120,120,120], alias = 'n_neuron')\ # .add('resnet_dt', bool, default = True)\ # .add('sel_type', [list,int], default = [ii for ii in range(self.ntypes)], alias = 'dipole_type')\ # .add('seed', int)\ # .add("activation_function", str, default = "tanh")\ # .add('precision', str, default = "default") # class_data = args.parse(jdata) self.n_neuron = neuron self.resnet_dt = resnet_dt self.sel_type = sel_type if self.sel_type is None: self.sel_type = [ii for ii in range(self.ntypes)] self.sel_type = sel_type self.seed = seed self.uniform_seed = uniform_seed self.seed_shift = one_layer_rand_seed_shift() self.fitting_activation_fn = get_activation_func(activation_function) self.fitting_precision = get_precision(precision) self.dim_rot_mat_1 = descrpt.get_dim_rot_mat_1() self.dim_rot_mat = self.dim_rot_mat_1 * 3 self.useBN = False
[docs] def get_sel_type(self) -> int: """ Get selected type """ return self.sel_type
[docs] def get_out_size(self) -> int: """ Get the output size. Should be 3 """ return 3
[docs] def build (self, input_d : tf.Tensor, rot_mat : tf.Tensor, natoms : tf.Tensor, reuse : bool = None, suffix : str = '') -> tf.Tensor: """ Build the computational graph for fitting net Parameters ---------- input_d The input descriptor rot_mat The rotation matrix from the descriptor. natoms The number of atoms. This tensor has the length of Ntypes + 2 natoms[0]: number of local atoms natoms[1]: total number of atoms held by this processor natoms[i]: 2 <= i < Ntypes+2, number of type i atoms reuse The weights in the networks should be reused when get the variable. suffix Name suffix to identify this descriptor Returns ------- dipole The atomic dipole. """ start_index = 0 inputs = tf.cast(tf.reshape(input_d, [-1, self.dim_descrpt * natoms[0]]), self.fitting_precision) rot_mat = tf.reshape(rot_mat, [-1, self.dim_rot_mat * natoms[0]]) count = 0 for type_i in range(self.ntypes): # cut-out inputs inputs_i = tf.slice (inputs, [ 0, start_index* self.dim_descrpt], [-1, natoms[2+type_i]* self.dim_descrpt] ) inputs_i = tf.reshape(inputs_i, [-1, self.dim_descrpt]) rot_mat_i = tf.slice (rot_mat, [ 0, start_index* self.dim_rot_mat], [-1, natoms[2+type_i]* self.dim_rot_mat] ) rot_mat_i = tf.reshape(rot_mat_i, [-1, self.dim_rot_mat_1, 3]) start_index += natoms[2+type_i] if not type_i in self.sel_type : continue layer = inputs_i for ii in range(0,len(self.n_neuron)) : if ii >= 1 and self.n_neuron[ii] == self.n_neuron[ii-1] : layer+= one_layer(layer, self.n_neuron[ii], name='layer_'+str(ii)+'_type_'+str(type_i)+suffix, reuse=reuse, seed = self.seed, use_timestep = self.resnet_dt, activation_fn = self.fitting_activation_fn, precision = self.fitting_precision, uniform_seed = self.uniform_seed) else : layer = one_layer(layer, self.n_neuron[ii], name='layer_'+str(ii)+'_type_'+str(type_i)+suffix, reuse=reuse, seed = self.seed, activation_fn = self.fitting_activation_fn, precision = self.fitting_precision, uniform_seed = self.uniform_seed) if (not self.uniform_seed) and (self.seed is not None): self.seed += self.seed_shift # (nframes x natoms) x naxis final_layer = one_layer(layer, self.dim_rot_mat_1, activation_fn = None, name='final_layer_type_'+str(type_i)+suffix, reuse=reuse, seed = self.seed, precision = self.fitting_precision, uniform_seed = self.uniform_seed) if (not self.uniform_seed) and (self.seed is not None): self.seed += self.seed_shift # (nframes x natoms) x 1 * naxis final_layer = tf.reshape(final_layer, [tf.shape(inputs)[0] * natoms[2+type_i], 1, self.dim_rot_mat_1]) # (nframes x natoms) x 1 x 3(coord) final_layer = tf.matmul(final_layer, rot_mat_i) # nframes x natoms x 3 final_layer = tf.reshape(final_layer, [tf.shape(inputs)[0], natoms[2+type_i], 3]) # concat the results if count == 0: outs = final_layer else: outs = tf.concat([outs, final_layer], axis = 1) count += 1 tf.summary.histogram('fitting_net_output', outs) return tf.cast(tf.reshape(outs, [-1]), GLOBAL_TF_FLOAT_PRECISION)
# return tf.reshape(outs, [tf.shape(inputs)[0] * natoms[0] * 3 // 3])