Source code for deepmd.utils.tabulate

import re
import math
import logging
import numpy as np
from typing import Callable
from typing import Tuple, List
from deepmd.env import tf
from deepmd.env import op_module
from deepmd.common import ACTIVATION_FN_DICT
from deepmd.utils.sess import run_sess
from deepmd.utils.graph import get_tensor_by_name_from_graph, load_graph_def 
from deepmd.utils.graph import get_embedding_net_nodes_from_graph_def
from tensorflow.python.platform import gfile
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_util

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DPTabulate(): """ Class for tabulation. Compress a model, which including tabulating the embedding-net. The table is composed of fifth-order polynomial coefficients and is assembled from two sub-tables. The first table takes the stride(parameter) as it\'s uniform stride, while the second table takes 10 * stride as it\s uniform stride The range of the first table is automatically detected by deepmd-kit, while the second table ranges from the first table\'s upper boundary(upper) to the extrapolate(parameter) * upper. Parameters ---------- model_file The frozen model type_one_side Try to build N_types tables. Otherwise, building N_types^2 tables exclude_types : List[List[int]] The excluded pairs of types which have no interaction with each other. For example, `[[0, 1]]` means no interaction between type 0 and type 1. activation_function The activation function in the embedding net. Supported options are {"tanh","gelu"} in common.ACTIVATION_FN_DICT. suffix : str, optional The suffix of the scope """ def __init__(self, model_file : str, type_one_side : bool = False, exclude_types : List[List[int]] = [], activation_fn : Callable[[tf.Tensor], tf.Tensor] = tf.nn.tanh, suffix : str = "", ) -> None: """ Constructor """ self.model_file = model_file self.type_one_side = type_one_side self.exclude_types = exclude_types self.suffix = suffix if self.type_one_side and len(self.exclude_types) != 0: raise RuntimeError('"type_one_side" is not compatible with "exclude_types"') # functype if activation_fn == ACTIVATION_FN_DICT["tanh"]: self.functype = 1 elif activation_fn == ACTIVATION_FN_DICT["gelu"]: self.functype = 2 else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown actication function type!") self.activation_fn = activation_fn self.graph, self.graph_def = load_graph_def(self.model_file) self.sess = tf.Session(graph = self.graph) self.sub_graph, self.sub_graph_def = self._load_sub_graph() self.sub_sess = tf.Session(graph = self.sub_graph) try: self.sel_a = self.graph.get_operation_by_name('ProdEnvMatA').get_attr('sel_a') self.descrpt = self.graph.get_operation_by_name ('ProdEnvMatA') except Exception: self.sel_a = self.graph.get_operation_by_name('DescrptSeA').get_attr('sel_a') self.descrpt = self.graph.get_operation_by_name ('DescrptSeA') self.davg = get_tensor_by_name_from_graph(self.graph, f'descrpt_attr{self.suffix}/t_avg') self.dstd = get_tensor_by_name_from_graph(self.graph, f'descrpt_attr{self.suffix}/t_std') self.ntypes = get_tensor_by_name_from_graph(self.graph, 'descrpt_attr/ntypes') self.rcut = self.descrpt.get_attr('rcut_r') self.rcut_smth = self.descrpt.get_attr('rcut_r_smth') self.embedding_net_nodes = get_embedding_net_nodes_from_graph_def(self.graph_def, suffix=self.suffix) for tt in self.exclude_types: if (tt[0] not in range(self.ntypes)) or (tt[1] not in range(self.ntypes)): raise RuntimeError("exclude types" + str(tt) + " must within the number of atomic types " + str(self.ntypes) + "!") if (self.ntypes * self.ntypes - len(self.exclude_types) == 0): raise RuntimeError("empty embedding-net are not supported in model compression!") self.layer_size = len(self.embedding_net_nodes) // ((self.ntypes * self.ntypes - len(self.exclude_types)) * 2) self.table_size = self.ntypes * self.ntypes if type_one_side : self.layer_size = len(self.embedding_net_nodes) // (self.ntypes * 2) self.table_size = self.ntypes # self.value_type = self.embedding_net_nodes["filter_type_0/matrix_1_0"].dtype #"filter_type_0/matrix_1_0" must exit~ # get trained variables self.bias = self._get_bias() self.matrix = self._get_matrix() for item in self.matrix["layer_" + str(self.layer_size)]: if len(item) != 0: self.data_type = type(item[0][0]) self.last_layer_size = item.shape[1] # define tables = {}
[docs] def build(self, min_nbor_dist : float, extrapolate : float, stride0 : float, stride1 : float) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Build the tables for model compression Parameters ---------- min_nbor_dist The nearest distance between neighbor atoms extrapolate The scale of model extrapolation stride0 The uniform stride of the first table stride1 The uniform stride of the second table Returns ---------- lower The lower boundary of environment matrix upper The upper boundary of environment matrix """ # tabulate range [lower, upper] with stride0 'stride0' lower, upper = self._get_env_mat_range(min_nbor_dist) xx = np.arange(lower, upper, stride0, dtype = self.data_type) xx = np.append(xx, np.arange(upper, extrapolate * upper, stride1, dtype = self.data_type)) xx = np.append(xx, np.array([extrapolate * upper], dtype = self.data_type)) self.nspline = int((upper - lower) / stride0 + (extrapolate * upper - upper) / stride1) for ii in range(self.table_size): if self.type_one_side or (ii // self.ntypes, int(ii % self.ntypes)) not in self.exclude_types: vv, dd, d2 = self._make_data(xx, ii) if self.type_one_side: net = "filter_-1_net_" + str(ii) else: net = "filter_" + str(ii // self.ntypes) + "_net_" + str(int(ii % self.ntypes))[net] = np.zeros([self.nspline, 6 * self.last_layer_size], dtype = self.data_type) # for jj in tqdm(range(self.nspline), desc = 'DEEPMD INFO |-> deepmd.utils.tabulate\t\t\t' + net + ', tabulating'): for jj in range(self.nspline): for kk in range(self.last_layer_size): if jj < int((upper - lower) / stride0): tt = stride0 else: tt = stride1 hh = vv[jj + 1][kk] - vv[jj][kk][net][jj][kk * 6 + 0] = vv[jj][kk][net][jj][kk * 6 + 1] = dd[jj][kk][net][jj][kk * 6 + 2] = 0.5 * d2[jj][kk][net][jj][kk * 6 + 3] = (1 / (2 * tt * tt * tt)) * (20 * hh - (8 * dd[jj + 1][kk] + 12 * dd[jj][kk]) * tt - (3 * d2[jj][kk] - d2[jj + 1][kk]) * tt * tt)[net][jj][kk * 6 + 4] = (1 / (2 * tt * tt * tt * tt)) * (-30 * hh + (14 * dd[jj + 1][kk] + 16 * dd[jj][kk]) * tt + (3 * d2[jj][kk] - 2 * d2[jj + 1][kk]) * tt * tt)[net][jj][kk * 6 + 5] = (1 / (2 * tt * tt * tt * tt * tt)) * (12 * hh - 6 * (dd[jj + 1][kk] + dd[jj][kk]) * tt + (d2[jj + 1][kk] - d2[jj][kk]) * tt * tt) return lower, upper
def _load_sub_graph(self): sub_graph_def = tf.GraphDef() with tf.Graph().as_default() as sub_graph: tf.import_graph_def(sub_graph_def, name = "") return sub_graph, sub_graph_def def _get_bias(self): bias = {} for layer in range(1, self.layer_size + 1): bias["layer_" + str(layer)] = [] if self.type_one_side: for ii in range(0, self.ntypes): node = self.embedding_net_nodes[f"filter_type_all{self.suffix}/bias_{layer}_{ii}"] tensor_value = np.frombuffer (node.tensor_content, dtype = tf.as_dtype(node.dtype).as_numpy_dtype) tensor_shape = tf.TensorShape(node.tensor_shape).as_list() bias["layer_" + str(layer)].append(np.reshape(tensor_value, tensor_shape)) else: for ii in range(0, self.ntypes * self.ntypes): if (ii // self.ntypes, int(ii % self.ntypes)) not in self.exclude_types: node = self.embedding_net_nodes[f"filter_type_{ii // self.ntypes}{self.suffix}/bias_{layer}_{ii % self.ntypes}"] tensor_value = np.frombuffer(node.tensor_content, dtype = tf.as_dtype(node.dtype).as_numpy_dtype) tensor_shape = tf.TensorShape(node.tensor_shape).as_list() bias["layer_" + str(layer)].append(np.reshape(tensor_value, tensor_shape)) else: bias["layer_" + str(layer)].append(np.array([])) return bias def _get_matrix(self): matrix = {} for layer in range(1, self.layer_size + 1): matrix["layer_" + str(layer)] = [] if self.type_one_side: for ii in range(0, self.ntypes): node = self.embedding_net_nodes[f"filter_type_all{self.suffix}/matrix_{layer}_{ii}"] tensor_value = np.frombuffer (node.tensor_content, dtype = tf.as_dtype(node.dtype).as_numpy_dtype) tensor_shape = tf.TensorShape(node.tensor_shape).as_list() matrix["layer_" + str(layer)].append(np.reshape(tensor_value, tensor_shape)) else: for ii in range(0, self.ntypes * self.ntypes): if (ii // self.ntypes, int(ii % self.ntypes)) not in self.exclude_types: node = self.embedding_net_nodes[f"filter_type_{ii // self.ntypes}{self.suffix}/matrix_{layer}_{ii % self.ntypes}"] tensor_value = np.frombuffer(node.tensor_content, dtype = tf.as_dtype(node.dtype).as_numpy_dtype) tensor_shape = tf.TensorShape(node.tensor_shape).as_list() matrix["layer_" + str(layer)].append(np.reshape(tensor_value, tensor_shape)) else: matrix["layer_" + str(layer)].append(np.array([])) return matrix # one-by-one executions def _make_data(self, xx, idx): with self.sub_graph.as_default(): with self.sub_sess.as_default(): xx = tf.reshape(xx, [xx.size, -1]) for layer in range(self.layer_size): if layer == 0: xbar = tf.matmul( xx, self.matrix["layer_" + str(layer + 1)][idx]) + self.bias["layer_" + str(layer + 1)][idx] yy = self._layer_0( xx, self.matrix["layer_" + str(layer + 1)][idx], self.bias["layer_" + str(layer + 1)][idx]) dy = op_module.unaggregated_dy_dx_s( yy, self.matrix["layer_" + str(layer + 1)][idx], xbar, tf.constant(self.functype)) dy2 = op_module.unaggregated_dy2_dx_s( yy, dy, self.matrix["layer_" + str(layer + 1)][idx], xbar, tf.constant(self.functype)) else: ybar = tf.matmul( yy, self.matrix["layer_" + str(layer + 1)][idx]) + self.bias["layer_" + str(layer + 1)][idx] tt, zz = self._layer_1( yy, self.matrix["layer_" + str(layer + 1)][idx], self.bias["layer_" + str(layer + 1)][idx]) dz = op_module.unaggregated_dy_dx( zz - tt, self.matrix["layer_" + str(layer + 1)][idx], dy, ybar, tf.constant(self.functype)) dy2 = op_module.unaggregated_dy2_dx( zz - tt, self.matrix["layer_" + str(layer + 1)][idx], dy, dy2, ybar, tf.constant(self.functype)) dy = dz yy = zz vv = zz.eval() dd = dy.eval() d2 = dy2.eval() return vv, dd, d2 def _layer_0(self, x, w, b): return self.activation_fn(tf.matmul(x, w) + b) def _layer_1(self, x, w, b): t = tf.concat([x, x], axis=1) return t, self.activation_fn(tf.matmul(x, w) + b) + t def _save_data(self): for ii in range(self.ntypes * self.ntypes): net = "filter_" + str(ii // self.ntypes) + "_net_" + str(int(ii % self.ntypes)) np.savetxt('data_' + str(ii),[net]) def _get_env_mat_range(self, min_nbor_dist): lower = 100.0 upper = -10.0 sw = self._spline5_switch(min_nbor_dist, self.rcut_smth, self.rcut) for ii in range(self.ntypes): if lower > -self.davg[ii][0] / self.dstd[ii][0]: lower = -self.davg[ii][0] / self.dstd[ii][0] if upper < ((1 / min_nbor_dist) * sw - self.davg[ii][0]) / self.dstd[ii][0]: upper = ((1 / min_nbor_dist) * sw - self.davg[ii][0]) / self.dstd[ii][0]'training data with lower boundary: ' + str(lower))'training data with upper boundary: ' + str(upper)) return math.floor(lower), math.ceil(upper) def _spline5_switch(self, xx, rmin, rmax): if xx < rmin: vv = 1 elif xx < rmax: uu = (xx - rmin) / (rmax - rmin) vv = uu*uu*uu * (-6 * uu*uu + 15 * uu - 10) + 1 else: vv = 0 return vv