Source code for deepmd.calculator

"""ASE calculator interface module."""

from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from ase.calculators.calculator import (
    Calculator, all_changes, PropertyNotImplementedError

from deepmd import DeepPotential

    from ase import Atoms

__all__ = ["DP"]

[docs]class DP(Calculator): """Implementation of ASE deepmd calculator. Implemented propertie are `energy`, `forces` and `stress` Parameters ---------- model : Union[str, Path] path to the model label : str, optional calculator label, by default "DP" type_dict : Dict[str, int], optional mapping of element types and their numbers, best left None and the calculator will infer this information from model, by default None Examples -------- Compute potential energy >>> from ase import Atoms >>> from deepmd.calculator import DP >>> water = Atoms('H2O', >>> positions=[(0.7601, 1.9270, 1), >>> (1.9575, 1, 1), >>> (1., 1., 1.)], >>> cell=[100, 100, 100], >>> calculator=DP(model="frozen_model.pb")) >>> print(water.get_potential_energy()) >>> print(water.get_forces()) Run BFGS structure optimization >>> from ase.optimize import BFGS >>> dyn = BFGS(water) >>> >>> print(water.get_positions()) """ name = "DP" implemented_properties = ["energy", "free_energy", "forces", "virial", "stress"] def __init__( self, model: Union[str, "Path"], label: str = "DP", type_dict: Dict[str, int] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: Calculator.__init__(self, label=label, **kwargs) self.dp = DeepPotential(str(Path(model).resolve())) if type_dict: self.type_dict = type_dict else: self.type_dict = dict( zip(self.dp.get_type_map(), range(self.dp.get_ntypes())) )
[docs] def calculate( self, atoms: Optional["Atoms"] = None, properties: List[str] = ["energy", "forces", "virial"], system_changes: List[str] = all_changes, ): """Run calculation with deepmd model. Parameters ---------- atoms : Optional[Atoms], optional atoms object to run the calculation on, by default None properties : List[str], optional unused, only for function signature compatibility, by default ["energy", "forces", "stress"] system_changes : List[str], optional unused, only for function signature compatibility, by default all_changes """ if atoms is not None: self.atoms = atoms.copy() coord = self.atoms.get_positions().reshape([1, -1]) if sum(self.atoms.get_pbc()) > 0: cell = self.atoms.get_cell().reshape([1, -1]) else: cell = None symbols = self.atoms.get_chemical_symbols() atype = [self.type_dict[k] for k in symbols] e, f, v = self.dp.eval(coords=coord, cells=cell, atom_types=atype) self.results['energy'] = e[0][0] # see self.results['free_energy'] = e[0][0] self.results['forces'] = f[0] self.results['virial'] = v[0].reshape(3, 3) # convert virial into stress for lattice relaxation if "stress" in properties: if sum(atoms.get_pbc()) > 0: # the usual convention (tensile stress is positive) # stress = -virial / volume stress = -0.5 * (v[0].copy() + v[0].copy().T) / atoms.get_volume() # Voigt notation self.results['stress'] = stress.flat[[0, 4, 8, 5, 2, 1]] else: raise PropertyNotImplementedError