Source code for deepmd.train.trainer

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from deepmd.descriptor.descriptor import Descriptor
import logging
import os
import glob
import time
import shutil
import google.protobuf.message
import numpy as np
from packaging.version import Version

from deepmd.env import tf, tfv2
from deepmd.env import get_tf_session_config
from deepmd.env import GLOBAL_TF_FLOAT_PRECISION
from deepmd.env import GLOBAL_ENER_FLOAT_PRECISION
from import EnerFitting, WFCFitting, PolarFittingLocFrame, PolarFittingSeA, GlobalPolarFittingSeA, DipoleFittingSeA
from deepmd.descriptor import Descriptor
from deepmd.model import EnerModel, WFCModel, DipoleModel, PolarModel, GlobalPolarModel
from deepmd.loss import EnerStdLoss, EnerDipoleLoss, TensorLoss
from deepmd.utils.errors import GraphTooLargeError
from deepmd.utils.learning_rate import LearningRateExp
from deepmd.utils.neighbor_stat import NeighborStat
from deepmd.utils.sess import run_sess
from deepmd.utils.type_embed import TypeEmbedNet
from deepmd.utils.graph import load_graph_def, get_tensor_by_name_from_graph

from tensorflow.python.client import timeline
from deepmd.env import op_module, TF_VERSION
from deepmd.utils.errors import GraphWithoutTensorError

# load grad of force module
import deepmd.op

from deepmd.common import j_must_have, ClassArg, data_requirement, get_precision

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _is_subdir(path, directory):
    path = os.path.realpath(path)
    directory = os.path.realpath(directory)
    if path == directory:
        return False
    relative = os.path.relpath(path, directory) + os.sep
    return not relative.startswith(os.pardir + os.sep)

[docs]class DPTrainer (object): def __init__(self, jdata, run_opt, is_compress = False): self.run_opt = run_opt self._init_param(jdata) self.is_compress = is_compress def _init_param(self, jdata): # model config model_param = j_must_have(jdata, 'model') descrpt_param = j_must_have(model_param, 'descriptor') fitting_param = j_must_have(model_param, 'fitting_net') typeebd_param = model_param.get('type_embedding', None) self.model_param = model_param self.descrpt_param = descrpt_param # descriptor try: descrpt_type = descrpt_param['type'] except KeyError: raise KeyError('the type of descriptor should be set by `type`') self.descrpt = Descriptor(**descrpt_param) # fitting net fitting_type = fitting_param.get('type', 'ener') self.fitting_type = fitting_type fitting_param.pop('type', None) fitting_param['descrpt'] = self.descrpt if fitting_type == 'ener': self.fitting = EnerFitting(**fitting_param) # elif fitting_type == 'wfc': # self.fitting = WFCFitting(fitting_param, self.descrpt) elif fitting_type == 'dipole': if descrpt_type == 'se_e2_a': self.fitting = DipoleFittingSeA(**fitting_param) else : raise RuntimeError('fitting dipole only supports descrptors: se_e2_a') elif fitting_type == 'polar': # if descrpt_type == 'loc_frame': # self.fitting = PolarFittingLocFrame(fitting_param, self.descrpt) if descrpt_type == 'se_e2_a': self.fitting = PolarFittingSeA(**fitting_param) else : raise RuntimeError('fitting polar only supports descrptors: loc_frame and se_e2_a') elif fitting_type == 'global_polar': if descrpt_type == 'se_e2_a': self.fitting = GlobalPolarFittingSeA(**fitting_param) else : raise RuntimeError('fitting global_polar only supports descrptors: loc_frame and se_e2_a') else : raise RuntimeError('unknow fitting type ' + fitting_type) # type embedding if typeebd_param is not None: self.typeebd = TypeEmbedNet( neuron=typeebd_param['neuron'], resnet_dt=typeebd_param['resnet_dt'], activation_function=typeebd_param['activation_function'], precision=typeebd_param['precision'], trainable=typeebd_param['trainable'], seed=typeebd_param['seed'] ) else: self.typeebd = None # init model # infer model type by fitting_type if fitting_type == 'ener': self.model = EnerModel( self.descrpt, self.fitting, self.typeebd, model_param.get('type_map'), model_param.get('data_stat_nbatch', 10), model_param.get('data_stat_protect', 1e-2), model_param.get('use_srtab'), model_param.get('smin_alpha'), model_param.get('sw_rmin'), model_param.get('sw_rmax') ) # elif fitting_type == 'wfc': # self.model = WFCModel(model_param, self.descrpt, self.fitting) elif fitting_type == 'dipole': self.model = DipoleModel( self.descrpt, self.fitting, model_param.get('type_map'), model_param.get('data_stat_nbatch', 10), model_param.get('data_stat_protect', 1e-2) ) elif fitting_type == 'polar': self.model = PolarModel( self.descrpt, self.fitting, model_param.get('type_map'), model_param.get('data_stat_nbatch', 10), model_param.get('data_stat_protect', 1e-2) ) elif fitting_type == 'global_polar': self.model = GlobalPolarModel( self.descrpt, self.fitting, model_param.get('type_map'), model_param.get('data_stat_nbatch', 10), model_param.get('data_stat_protect', 1e-2) ) else : raise RuntimeError('get unknown fitting type when building model') # learning rate lr_param = j_must_have(jdata, 'learning_rate') scale_by_worker = lr_param.get('scale_by_worker', 'linear') if scale_by_worker == 'linear': self.scale_lr_coef = float(self.run_opt.world_size) elif scale_by_worker == 'sqrt': self.scale_lr_coef = np.sqrt(self.run_opt.world_size).real else: self.scale_lr_coef = 1. lr_type = lr_param.get('type', 'exp') if lr_type == 'exp': = LearningRateExp(lr_param['start_lr'], lr_param['stop_lr'], lr_param['decay_steps']) else : raise RuntimeError('unknown learning_rate type ' + lr_type) # loss # infer loss type by fitting_type loss_param = jdata.get('loss', None) loss_type = loss_param.get('type', 'ener') if fitting_type == 'ener': loss_param.pop('type', None) loss_param['starter_learning_rate'] = if loss_type == 'ener': self.loss = EnerStdLoss(**loss_param) elif loss_type == 'ener_dipole': self.loss = EnerDipoleLoss(**loss_param) else: raise RuntimeError('unknow loss type') elif fitting_type == 'wfc': self.loss = TensorLoss(loss_param, model = self.model, tensor_name = 'wfc', tensor_size = self.model.get_out_size(), label_name = 'wfc') elif fitting_type == 'dipole': self.loss = TensorLoss(loss_param, model = self.model, tensor_name = 'dipole', tensor_size = 3, label_name = 'dipole') elif fitting_type == 'polar': self.loss = TensorLoss(loss_param, model = self.model, tensor_name = 'polar', tensor_size = 9, label_name = 'polarizability') elif fitting_type == 'global_polar': self.loss = TensorLoss(loss_param, model = self.model, tensor_name = 'global_polar', tensor_size = 9, atomic = False, label_name = 'polarizability') else : raise RuntimeError('get unknown fitting type when building loss function') # training tr_data = jdata['training'] self.disp_file = tr_data.get('disp_file', 'lcurve.out') self.disp_freq = tr_data.get('disp_freq', 1000) self.save_freq = tr_data.get('save_freq', 1000) self.save_ckpt = tr_data.get('save_ckpt', 'model.ckpt') self.display_in_training = tr_data.get('disp_training', True) self.timing_in_training = tr_data.get('time_training', True) self.profiling = self.run_opt.is_chief and tr_data.get('profiling', False) self.profiling_file = tr_data.get('profiling_file', 'timeline.json') self.enable_profiler = tr_data.get('enable_profiler', False) self.tensorboard = self.run_opt.is_chief and tr_data.get('tensorboard', False) self.tensorboard_log_dir = tr_data.get('tensorboard_log_dir', 'log') self.tensorboard_freq = tr_data.get('tensorboard_freq', 1) self.mixed_prec = tr_data.get('mixed_precision', None) if self.mixed_prec is not None: if (self.mixed_prec['compute_prec'] != 'float16' or self.mixed_prec['output_prec'] != 'float32'): raise RuntimeError( "Unsupported mixed precision option [output_prec, compute_prec]: [%s, %s], " " Supported: [float32, float16], Please set mixed precision option correctly!" % (self.mixed_prec['output_prec'], self.mixed_prec['compute_prec'])) # self.sys_probs = tr_data['sys_probs'] # self.auto_prob_style = tr_data['auto_prob'] self.useBN = False if fitting_type == 'ener' and self.fitting.get_numb_fparam() > 0 : self.numb_fparam = self.fitting.get_numb_fparam() else : self.numb_fparam = 0 if tr_data.get("validation_data", None) is not None: self.valid_numb_batch = tr_data["validation_data"].get("numb_btch", 1) else: self.valid_numb_batch = 1 # if init the graph with the frozen model self.frz_model = None self.model_type = None
[docs] def build (self, data = None, stop_batch = 0) : self.ntypes = self.model.get_ntypes() self.stop_batch = stop_batch if self.numb_fparam > 0 :"training with %d frame parameter(s)" % self.numb_fparam) else:"training without frame parameter") if not self.is_compress: # Usually, the type number of the model should be equal to that of the data # However, nt_model > nt_data should be allowed, since users may only want to # train using a dataset that only have some of elements if self.ntypes < data.get_ntypes(): raise ValueError( "The number of types of the training data is %d, but that of the " "model is only %d. The latter must be no less than the former. " "You may need to reset one or both of them. Usually, the former " "is given by `model/type_map` in the training parameter (if set) " "or the maximum number in the training data. The latter is given " "by `model/descriptor/sel` in the training parameter." % ( data.get_ntypes(), self.ntypes )) self.type_map = data.get_type_map() self.batch_size = data.get_batch_size() if self.run_opt.init_mode not in ('init_from_model', 'restart', 'init_from_frz_model'): # self.saver.restore (in self._init_session) will restore avg and std variables, so data_stat is useless # init_from_frz_model will restore data_stat variables in `init_variables` method"data stating... (this step may take long time)") self.model.data_stat(data) # config the init_frz_model command if self.run_opt.init_mode == 'init_from_frz_model': self._init_from_frz_model() # neighbor_stat is moved to as duplicated # TODO: this is a simple fix but we should have a clear # architecture to call neighbor stat else : graph, graph_def = load_graph_def(self.model_param['compress']['model_file']) self.descrpt.enable_compression(self.model_param['compress']["min_nbor_dist"], self.model_param['compress']['model_file'], self.model_param['compress']['table_config'][0], self.model_param['compress']['table_config'][1], self.model_param['compress']['table_config'][2], self.model_param['compress']['table_config'][3]) self.fitting.init_variables(graph, graph_def) # for fparam or aparam settings in 'ener' type fitting net if self.fitting_type == 'ener': self.fitting.enable_compression(self.model_param['compress']['model_file']) if self.is_compress or self.model_type == 'compressed_model': tf.constant("compressed_model", name = 'model_type', dtype = tf.string) else: tf.constant("original_model", name = 'model_type', dtype = tf.string) if self.mixed_prec is not None: self.descrpt.enable_mixed_precision(self.mixed_prec) self.fitting.enable_mixed_precision(self.mixed_prec) self._build_lr() self._build_network(data) self._build_training()
def _build_lr(self): self._extra_train_ops = [] self.global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() self.learning_rate =, self.stop_batch)"built lr") def _build_network(self, data): self.place_holders = {} if self.is_compress : for kk in ['coord', 'box']: self.place_holders[kk] = tf.placeholder(GLOBAL_TF_FLOAT_PRECISION, [None], 't_' + kk) self._get_place_horders(data_requirement) else : self._get_place_horders(data.get_data_dict()) self.place_holders['type'] = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], name='t_type') self.place_holders['natoms_vec'] = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [self.ntypes+2], name='t_natoms') self.place_holders['default_mesh'] = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], name='t_mesh') self.place_holders['is_training'] = tf.placeholder(tf.bool) self.model_pred\ = (self.place_holders['coord'], self.place_holders['type'], self.place_holders['natoms_vec'], self.place_holders['box'], self.place_holders['default_mesh'], self.place_holders, self.frz_model, suffix = "", reuse = False) self.l2_l, self.l2_more\ = (self.learning_rate, self.place_holders['natoms_vec'], self.model_pred, self.place_holders, suffix = "test") if self.mixed_prec is not None: self.l2_l = tf.cast(self.l2_l, get_precision(self.mixed_prec['output_prec']))"built network") def _build_training(self): trainable_variables = tf.trainable_variables() if self.run_opt.is_distrib: if self.scale_lr_coef > 1.:'Scale learning rate by coef: %f', self.scale_lr_coef) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate*self.scale_lr_coef) else: optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate) optimizer = self.run_opt._HVD.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer) else: optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = self.learning_rate) if self.mixed_prec is not None: _TF_VERSION = Version(TF_VERSION) # check the TF_VERSION, when TF < 1.12, mixed precision is not allowed if _TF_VERSION < Version('1.14.0'): raise RuntimeError("TensorFlow version %s is not compatible with the mixed precision setting. Please consider upgrading your TF version!" % TF_VERSION) elif _TF_VERSION < Version('2.4.0'): optimizer = tf.train.experimental.enable_mixed_precision_graph_rewrite(optimizer) else: optimizer = tf.mixed_precision.enable_mixed_precision_graph_rewrite(optimizer) apply_op = optimizer.minimize(loss=self.l2_l, global_step=self.global_step, var_list=trainable_variables, name='train_step') train_ops = [apply_op] + self._extra_train_ops self.train_op =*train_ops)"built training") def _init_session(self): config = get_tf_session_config() device, idx = self.run_opt.my_device.split(":", 1) if device == "gpu": config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = idx self.sess = tf.Session(config=config) # Initializes or restore global variables init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() if self.run_opt.is_chief: self.saver = tf.train.Saver(save_relative_paths=True) if self.run_opt.init_mode == 'init_from_scratch' :"initialize model from scratch") run_sess(self.sess, init_op) if not self.is_compress: fp = open(self.disp_file, "w") fp.close () elif self.run_opt.init_mode == 'init_from_model' :"initialize from model %s" % self.run_opt.init_model) run_sess(self.sess, init_op) self.saver.restore (self.sess, self.run_opt.init_model) run_sess(self.sess, self.global_step.assign(0)) fp = open(self.disp_file, "w") fp.close () elif self.run_opt.init_mode == 'restart' :"restart from model %s" % self.run_opt.restart) run_sess(self.sess, init_op) self.saver.restore (self.sess, self.run_opt.restart) elif self.run_opt.init_mode == 'init_from_frz_model' :"initialize training from the frozen model") run_sess(self.sess, init_op) fp = open(self.disp_file, "w") fp.close () else : raise RuntimeError ("unkown init mode") else: run_sess(self.sess, init_op) self.saver = None # Ensure variable consistency among tasks when training starts if self.run_opt.is_distrib: bcast_op = self.run_opt._HVD.broadcast_global_variables(0) if self.run_opt.is_chief:'broadcast global variables to other tasks') else:'receive global variables from task#0') run_sess(self.sess, bcast_op)
[docs] def train (self, train_data = None, valid_data=None) : # if valid_data is None: # no validation set specified. # valid_data = train_data # using training set as validation set. stop_batch = self.stop_batch self._init_session() # Before data shard is enabled, only cheif do evaluation and record it # self.print_head() fp = None if self.run_opt.is_chief : fp = open(self.disp_file, "a") cur_batch = run_sess(self.sess, self.global_step) is_first_step = True self.cur_batch = cur_batch"start training at lr %.2e (== %.2e), decay_step %d, decay_rate %f, final lr will be %.2e" % (run_sess(self.sess, self.learning_rate),,,, ) prf_options = None prf_run_metadata = None if self.profiling: prf_options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE) prf_run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata() # set tensorboard execution environment if self.tensorboard: summary_merged_op = tf.summary.merge_all() # Remove TB old logging directory from previous run try: shutil.rmtree(self.tensorboard_log_dir) except FileNotFoundError: pass # directory does not exist, this is OK except Exception as e: # general error when removing directory, warn user log.exception( f"Could not remove old tensorboard logging directory: " f"{self.tensorboard_log_dir}. Error: {e}" ) else: log.debug("Removing old tensorboard log directory.") tb_train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(self.tensorboard_log_dir + '/train', self.sess.graph) tb_valid_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(self.tensorboard_log_dir + '/test') else: tb_train_writer = None tb_valid_writer = None if self.enable_profiler: # tfv2.profiler.experimental.start(self.tensorboard_log_dir) train_time = 0 while cur_batch < stop_batch : # first round validation: train_batch = train_data.get_batch() if self.display_in_training and is_first_step: if self.run_opt.is_chief: valid_batches = [valid_data.get_batch() for ii in range(self.valid_numb_batch)] if valid_data is not None else None self.valid_on_the_fly(fp, [train_batch], valid_batches, print_header=True) is_first_step = False if self.timing_in_training: tic = time.time() train_feed_dict = self.get_feed_dict(train_batch, is_training=True) # use tensorboard to visualize the training of deepmd-kit # it will takes some extra execution time to generate the tensorboard data if self.tensorboard and (cur_batch % self.tensorboard_freq == 0): summary, _ = run_sess(self.sess, [summary_merged_op, self.train_op], feed_dict=train_feed_dict, options=prf_options, run_metadata=prf_run_metadata) tb_train_writer.add_summary(summary, cur_batch) else: run_sess(self.sess, [self.train_op], feed_dict=train_feed_dict, options=prf_options, run_metadata=prf_run_metadata) if self.timing_in_training: toc = time.time() if self.timing_in_training: train_time += toc - tic cur_batch = run_sess(self.sess, self.global_step) self.cur_batch = cur_batch # on-the-fly validation if self.display_in_training and (cur_batch % self.disp_freq == 0): if self.timing_in_training: tic = time.time() if self.run_opt.is_chief: valid_batches = [valid_data.get_batch() for ii in range(self.valid_numb_batch)] if valid_data is not None else None self.valid_on_the_fly(fp, [train_batch], valid_batches) if self.timing_in_training: toc = time.time() test_time = toc - tic"batch %7d training time %.2f s, testing time %.2f s" % (cur_batch, train_time, test_time)) train_time = 0 if self.save_freq > 0 and cur_batch % self.save_freq == 0 and self.saver is not None: self.save_checkpoint(cur_batch) if (self.save_freq == 0 or cur_batch == 0 or cur_batch % self.save_freq != 0) and self.saver is not None: self.save_checkpoint(cur_batch) if self.run_opt.is_chief: fp.close () if self.profiling and self.run_opt.is_chief : fetched_timeline = timeline.Timeline(prf_run_metadata.step_stats) chrome_trace = fetched_timeline.generate_chrome_trace_format() with open(self.profiling_file, 'w') as f: f.write(chrome_trace) if self.enable_profiler and self.run_opt.is_chief: tfv2.profiler.experimental.stop()
[docs] def save_checkpoint(self, cur_batch: int): try: ckpt_prefix = (self.sess, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.save_ckpt), global_step=cur_batch) except google.protobuf.message.DecodeError as e: raise GraphTooLargeError( "The graph size exceeds 2 GB, the hard limitation of protobuf." " Then a DecodeError was raised by protobuf. You should " "reduce the size of your model." ) from e # make symlinks from prefix with step to that without step to break nothing # get all checkpoint files original_files = glob.glob(ckpt_prefix + ".*") for ori_ff in original_files: new_ff = self.save_ckpt + ori_ff[len(ckpt_prefix):] try: # remove old one os.remove(new_ff) except OSError: pass os.symlink(ori_ff, new_ff)"saved checkpoint %s" % self.save_ckpt)
[docs] def get_feed_dict(self, batch, is_training): feed_dict = {} for kk in batch.keys(): if kk == 'find_type' or kk == 'type': continue if 'find_' in kk: feed_dict[self.place_holders[kk]] = batch[kk] else: feed_dict[self.place_holders[kk]] = np.reshape(batch[kk], [-1]) for ii in ['type']: feed_dict[self.place_holders[ii]] = np.reshape(batch[ii], [-1]) for ii in ['natoms_vec', 'default_mesh']: feed_dict[self.place_holders[ii]] = batch[ii] feed_dict[self.place_holders['is_training']] = is_training return feed_dict
[docs] def get_global_step(self): return run_sess(self.sess, self.global_step)
# def print_head (self) : # depreciated # if self.run_opt.is_chief: # fp = open(self.disp_file, "a") # print_str = "# %5s" % 'batch' # print_str += self.loss.print_header() # print_str += ' %8s\n' % 'lr' # fp.write(print_str) # fp.close ()
[docs] def valid_on_the_fly(self, fp, train_batches, valid_batches, print_header=False): train_results = self.get_evaluation_results(train_batches) valid_results = self.get_evaluation_results(valid_batches) cur_batch = self.cur_batch current_lr = run_sess(self.sess, self.learning_rate) if print_header: self.print_header(fp, train_results, valid_results) self.print_on_training(fp, train_results, valid_results, cur_batch, current_lr)
[docs] @staticmethod def print_header(fp, train_results, valid_results): print_str = '' print_str += "# %5s" % 'step' if valid_results is not None: prop_fmt = ' %11s %11s' for k in train_results.keys(): print_str += prop_fmt % (k + '_val', k + '_trn') else: prop_fmt = ' %11s' for k in train_results.keys(): print_str += prop_fmt % (k + '_trn') print_str += ' %8s\n' % 'lr' fp.write(print_str) fp.flush()
[docs] @staticmethod def print_on_training(fp, train_results, valid_results, cur_batch, cur_lr): print_str = '' print_str += "%7d" % cur_batch if valid_results is not None: prop_fmt = " %11.2e %11.2e" for k in valid_results.keys(): # assert k in train_results.keys() print_str += prop_fmt % (valid_results[k], train_results[k]) else: prop_fmt = " %11.2e" for k in train_results.keys(): print_str += prop_fmt % (train_results[k]) print_str += " %8.1e\n" % cur_lr fp.write(print_str) fp.flush()
[docs] def get_evaluation_results(self, batch_list): if batch_list is None: return None numb_batch = len(batch_list) sum_results = {} # sum of losses on all atoms sum_natoms = 0 for i in range(numb_batch): batch = batch_list[i] natoms = batch["natoms_vec"] feed_dict = self.get_feed_dict(batch, is_training=False) results = self.loss.eval(self.sess, feed_dict, natoms) for k, v in results.items(): if k == "natoms": sum_natoms += v else: sum_results[k] = sum_results.get(k, 0.) + v * results["natoms"] avg_results = {k: v / sum_natoms for k, v in sum_results.items() if not k == "natoms"} return avg_results
[docs] def save_compressed(self): """ Save the compressed graph """ self._init_session() if self.is_compress: (self.sess, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.save_ckpt))
def _get_place_horders(self, data_dict): for kk in data_dict.keys(): if kk == 'type': continue prec = GLOBAL_TF_FLOAT_PRECISION if data_dict[kk]['high_prec'] : prec = GLOBAL_ENER_FLOAT_PRECISION self.place_holders[kk] = tf.placeholder(prec, [None], name = 't_' + kk) self.place_holders['find_' + kk] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name = 't_find_' + kk) def _init_from_frz_model(self): try: graph, graph_def = load_graph_def(self.run_opt.init_frz_model) except FileNotFoundError as e: # throw runtime error if there's no frozen model raise RuntimeError( "The input frozen model %s (%s) does not exist! Please check the path of the frozen model. " % (self.run_opt.init_frz_model, os.path.abspath(self.run_opt.init_frz_model)) ) from e # get the model type from the frozen model(self.run_opt.init_frz_model) try: t_model_type = get_tensor_by_name_from_graph(graph, 'model_type') except GraphWithoutTensorError as e: # throw runtime error if the frozen_model has no model type information... raise RuntimeError( "The input frozen model: %s has no 'model_type' information, " "which is not supported by the 'dp train init-frz-model' interface. " % self.run_opt.init_frz_model ) from e else: self.model_type = bytes.decode(t_model_type) if self.model_type == 'compressed_model': self.frz_model = self.run_opt.init_frz_model self.model.init_variables(graph, graph_def, model_type=self.model_type)