Source code for deepmd.train.trainer

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import glob
import logging
import os
import platform
import shutil
import time

import google.protobuf.message
import numpy as np
from packaging.version import (
from tensorflow.python.client import (

# load grad of force module
import deepmd.op  # noqa: F401
from deepmd.common import (
from deepmd.descriptor.descriptor import (
from deepmd.env import (
from import (
from deepmd.loss import (
from deepmd.model import (
from deepmd.utils import random as dp_random
from deepmd.utils.argcheck import (
from deepmd.utils.errors import (
from deepmd.utils.graph import (
from deepmd.utils.learning_rate import (
from deepmd.utils.sess import (
from deepmd.utils.type_embed import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# nvnmd
from deepmd.nvnmd.utils.config import (

def _is_subdir(path, directory):
    path = os.path.realpath(path)
    directory = os.path.realpath(directory)
    if path == directory:
        return False
    relative = os.path.relpath(path, directory) + os.sep
    return not relative.startswith(os.pardir + os.sep)

[docs]class DPTrainer: def __init__(self, jdata, run_opt, is_compress=False): self.run_opt = run_opt self._init_param(jdata) self.is_compress = is_compress def _init_param(self, jdata): # model config model_param = j_must_have(jdata, "model") self.multi_task_mode = "fitting_net_dict" in model_param descrpt_param = j_must_have(model_param, "descriptor") fitting_param = ( j_must_have(model_param, "fitting_net") if not self.multi_task_mode else j_must_have(model_param, "fitting_net_dict") ) typeebd_param = model_param.get("type_embedding", None) self.model_param = model_param self.descrpt_param = descrpt_param # nvnmd self.nvnmd_param = jdata.get("nvnmd", {}) nvnmd_cfg.init_from_jdata(self.nvnmd_param) if nvnmd_cfg.enable: nvnmd_cfg.init_from_deepmd_input(model_param) nvnmd_cfg.disp_message() # descriptor try: descrpt_type = descrpt_param["type"] self.descrpt_type = descrpt_type except KeyError: raise KeyError("the type of descriptor should be set by `type`") explicit_ntypes_descrpt = ["se_atten"] hybrid_with_tebd = False if descrpt_param["type"] in explicit_ntypes_descrpt: descrpt_param["ntypes"] = len(model_param["type_map"]) elif descrpt_param["type"] == "hybrid": for descrpt_item in descrpt_param["list"]: if descrpt_item["type"] in explicit_ntypes_descrpt: descrpt_item["ntypes"] = len(model_param["type_map"]) hybrid_with_tebd = True if self.multi_task_mode: descrpt_param["multi_task"] = True self.descrpt = Descriptor(**descrpt_param) # fitting net def fitting_net_init(fitting_type_, descrpt_type_, params): if fitting_type_ == "ener": return EnerFitting(**params) elif fitting_type_ == "dipole": return DipoleFittingSeA(**params) elif fitting_type_ == "polar": return PolarFittingSeA(**params) # elif fitting_type_ == 'global_polar': # if descrpt_type_ == 'se_e2_a': # return GlobalPolarFittingSeA(**params) # else: # raise RuntimeError('fitting global_polar only supports descrptors: loc_frame and se_e2_a') else: raise RuntimeError("unknown fitting type " + fitting_type_) if not self.multi_task_mode: fitting_type = fitting_param.get("type", "ener") self.fitting_type = fitting_type fitting_param.pop("type", None) fitting_param["descrpt"] = self.descrpt self.fitting = fitting_net_init(fitting_type, descrpt_type, fitting_param) else: self.fitting_dict = {} self.fitting_type_dict = {} self.nfitting = len(fitting_param) for item in fitting_param: item_fitting_param = fitting_param[item] item_fitting_type = item_fitting_param.get("type", "ener") self.fitting_type_dict[item] = item_fitting_type item_fitting_param.pop("type", None) item_fitting_param["descrpt"] = self.descrpt self.fitting_dict[item] = fitting_net_init( item_fitting_type, descrpt_type, item_fitting_param ) # type embedding padding = False if descrpt_type == "se_atten" or hybrid_with_tebd: padding = True if typeebd_param is not None: self.typeebd = TypeEmbedNet( neuron=typeebd_param["neuron"], resnet_dt=typeebd_param["resnet_dt"], activation_function=typeebd_param["activation_function"], precision=typeebd_param["precision"], trainable=typeebd_param["trainable"], seed=typeebd_param["seed"], padding=padding, ) elif descrpt_type == "se_atten" or hybrid_with_tebd: default_args = type_embedding_args() default_args_dict = { i.default for i in default_args} self.typeebd = TypeEmbedNet( neuron=default_args_dict["neuron"], resnet_dt=default_args_dict["resnet_dt"], activation_function=None, precision=default_args_dict["precision"], trainable=default_args_dict["trainable"], seed=default_args_dict["seed"], padding=padding, ) else: self.typeebd = None # init model # infer model type by fitting_type if not self.multi_task_mode: if self.fitting_type == "ener": self.model = EnerModel( self.descrpt, self.fitting, self.typeebd, model_param.get("type_map"), model_param.get("data_stat_nbatch", 10), model_param.get("data_stat_protect", 1e-2), model_param.get("use_srtab"), model_param.get("smin_alpha"), model_param.get("sw_rmin"), model_param.get("sw_rmax"), ) # elif fitting_type == 'wfc': # self.model = WFCModel(model_param, self.descrpt, self.fitting) elif self.fitting_type == "dipole": self.model = DipoleModel( self.descrpt, self.fitting, self.typeebd, model_param.get("type_map"), model_param.get("data_stat_nbatch", 10), model_param.get("data_stat_protect", 1e-2), ) elif self.fitting_type == "polar": self.model = PolarModel( self.descrpt, self.fitting, self.typeebd, model_param.get("type_map"), model_param.get("data_stat_nbatch", 10), model_param.get("data_stat_protect", 1e-2), ) # elif self.fitting_type == 'global_polar': # self.model = GlobalPolarModel( # self.descrpt, # self.fitting, # model_param.get('type_map'), # model_param.get('data_stat_nbatch', 10), # model_param.get('data_stat_protect', 1e-2) # ) else: raise RuntimeError("get unknown fitting type when building model") else: # multi-task mode self.model = MultiModel( self.descrpt, self.fitting_dict, self.fitting_type_dict, self.typeebd, model_param.get("type_map"), model_param.get("data_stat_nbatch", 10), model_param.get("data_stat_protect", 1e-2), model_param.get("use_srtab"), model_param.get("smin_alpha"), model_param.get("sw_rmin"), model_param.get("sw_rmax"), ) # learning rate lr_param = j_must_have(jdata, "learning_rate") scale_by_worker = lr_param.get("scale_by_worker", "linear") if scale_by_worker == "linear": self.scale_lr_coef = float(self.run_opt.world_size) elif scale_by_worker == "sqrt": self.scale_lr_coef = np.sqrt(self.run_opt.world_size).real else: self.scale_lr_coef = 1.0 lr_type = lr_param.get("type", "exp") if lr_type == "exp": = LearningRateExp( lr_param["start_lr"], lr_param["stop_lr"], lr_param["decay_steps"] ) else: raise RuntimeError("unknown learning_rate type " + lr_type) # loss # infer loss type by fitting_type def loss_init(_loss_param, _fitting_type, _fitting, _lr): _loss_type = _loss_param.get("type", "ener") if _fitting_type == "ener": _loss_param.pop("type", None) _loss_param["starter_learning_rate"] = _lr.start_lr() if _loss_type == "ener": loss = EnerStdLoss(**_loss_param) elif _loss_type == "ener_dipole": loss = EnerDipoleLoss(**_loss_param) else: raise RuntimeError("unknown loss type") elif _fitting_type == "wfc": loss = TensorLoss( _loss_param, model=_fitting, tensor_name="wfc", tensor_size=_fitting.get_out_size(), label_name="wfc", ) elif _fitting_type == "dipole": loss = TensorLoss( _loss_param, model=_fitting, tensor_name="dipole", tensor_size=3, label_name="dipole", ) elif _fitting_type == "polar": loss = TensorLoss( _loss_param, model=_fitting, tensor_name="polar", tensor_size=9, label_name="polarizability", ) elif _fitting_type == "global_polar": loss = TensorLoss( _loss_param, model=_fitting, tensor_name="global_polar", tensor_size=9, atomic=False, label_name="polarizability", ) else: raise RuntimeError( "get unknown fitting type when building loss function" ) return loss if not self.multi_task_mode: loss_param = jdata.get("loss", {}) self.loss = loss_init(loss_param, self.fitting_type, self.fitting, else: self.loss_dict = {} loss_param_dict = jdata.get("loss_dict", {}) for fitting_key in self.fitting_type_dict: loss_param = loss_param_dict.get(fitting_key, {}) self.loss_dict[fitting_key] = loss_init( loss_param, self.fitting_type_dict[fitting_key], self.fitting_dict[fitting_key],, ) # training tr_data = jdata["training"] self.fitting_weight = tr_data.get("fitting_weight", None) if self.multi_task_mode: self.fitting_key_list = [] self.fitting_prob = [] for fitting_key in self.fitting_type_dict: self.fitting_key_list.append(fitting_key) # multi-task mode must have self.fitting_weight self.fitting_prob.append(self.fitting_weight[fitting_key]) self.disp_file = tr_data.get("disp_file", "lcurve.out") self.disp_freq = tr_data.get("disp_freq", 1000) self.save_freq = tr_data.get("save_freq", 1000) self.save_ckpt = tr_data.get("save_ckpt", "model.ckpt") self.display_in_training = tr_data.get("disp_training", True) self.timing_in_training = tr_data.get("time_training", True) self.profiling = self.run_opt.is_chief and tr_data.get("profiling", False) self.profiling_file = tr_data.get("profiling_file", "timeline.json") self.enable_profiler = tr_data.get("enable_profiler", False) self.tensorboard = self.run_opt.is_chief and tr_data.get("tensorboard", False) self.tensorboard_log_dir = tr_data.get("tensorboard_log_dir", "log") self.tensorboard_freq = tr_data.get("tensorboard_freq", 1) self.mixed_prec = tr_data.get("mixed_precision", None) if self.mixed_prec is not None: if ( self.mixed_prec["compute_prec"] not in ("float16", "bfloat16") or self.mixed_prec["output_prec"] != "float32" ): raise RuntimeError( "Unsupported mixed precision option [output_prec, compute_prec]: [%s, %s], " " Supported: [float32, float16/bfloat16], Please set mixed precision option correctly!" % (self.mixed_prec["output_prec"], self.mixed_prec["compute_prec"]) ) # self.sys_probs = tr_data['sys_probs'] # self.auto_prob_style = tr_data['auto_prob'] self.useBN = False if not self.multi_task_mode: if self.fitting_type == "ener" and self.fitting.get_numb_fparam() > 0: self.numb_fparam = self.fitting.get_numb_fparam() else: self.numb_fparam = 0 if tr_data.get("validation_data", None) is not None: self.valid_numb_batch = tr_data["validation_data"].get("numb_btch", 1) else: self.valid_numb_batch = 1 else: self.numb_fparam_dict = {} self.valid_numb_batch_dict = {} for fitting_key in self.fitting_type_dict: if ( self.fitting_type_dict[fitting_key] == "ener" and self.fitting_dict[fitting_key].get_numb_fparam() > 0 ): self.numb_fparam_dict[fitting_key] = self.fitting_dict[ fitting_key ].get_numb_fparam() else: self.numb_fparam_dict[fitting_key] = 0 data_dict = tr_data.get("data_dict", None) for systems in data_dict: if data_dict[systems].get("validation_data", None) is not None: self.valid_numb_batch_dict[systems] = data_dict[systems][ "validation_data" ].get("numb_btch", 1) else: self.valid_numb_batch_dict[systems] = 1 # if init the graph with the frozen model self.frz_model = None self.ckpt_meta = None self.model_type = None
[docs] def build(self, data=None, stop_batch=0, origin_type_map=None, suffix=""): self.ntypes = self.model.get_ntypes() self.stop_batch = stop_batch if not self.multi_task_mode: if not self.is_compress and data.mixed_type: assert self.descrpt_type in [ "se_atten" ], "Data in mixed_type format must use attention descriptor!" assert self.fitting_type in [ "ener" ], "Data in mixed_type format must use ener fitting!" if self.numb_fparam > 0:"training with %d frame parameter(s)" % self.numb_fparam) else:"training without frame parameter") else: assert ( not self.is_compress ), "You should not reach here, multi-task input could not be compressed! " self.valid_fitting_key = [] for fitting_key in data: self.valid_fitting_key.append(fitting_key) if data[fitting_key].mixed_type: assert self.descrpt_type in ["se_atten"], ( "Data for fitting net {} in mixed_type format " "must use attention descriptor!".format(fitting_key) ) assert self.fitting_type_dict[fitting_key] in [ "ener" ], "Data for fitting net {} in mixed_type format must use ener fitting!".format( fitting_key ) if self.numb_fparam_dict[fitting_key] > 0: "fitting net %s training with %d frame parameter(s)" % (fitting_key, self.numb_fparam_dict[fitting_key]) ) else: "fitting net %s training without frame parameter" % fitting_key ) if not self.is_compress: # Usually, the type number of the model should be equal to that of the data # However, nt_model > nt_data should be allowed, since users may only want to # train using a dataset that only have some of elements if not self.multi_task_mode: single_data = data else: single_data = data[list(data.keys())[0]] if self.ntypes < single_data.get_ntypes(): raise ValueError( "The number of types of the training data is %d, but that of the " "model is only %d. The latter must be no less than the former. " "You may need to reset one or both of them. Usually, the former " "is given by `model/type_map` in the training parameter (if set) " "or the maximum number in the training data. The latter is given " "by `model/descriptor/sel` in the training parameter." % (single_data.get_ntypes(), self.ntypes) ) self.type_map = single_data.get_type_map() if not self.multi_task_mode: self.batch_size = data.get_batch_size() else: self.batch_size = {} for fitting_key in data: self.batch_size[fitting_key] = data[fitting_key].get_batch_size() if self.run_opt.init_mode not in ( "init_from_model", "restart", "init_from_frz_model", "finetune", ): # self.saver.restore (in self._init_session) will restore avg and std variables, so data_stat is useless # init_from_frz_model will restore data_stat variables in `init_variables` method"data stating... (this step may take long time)") self.model.data_stat(data) # config the init_frz_model command if self.run_opt.init_mode == "init_from_frz_model": self._init_from_frz_model() elif self.run_opt.init_mode == "init_model": self._init_from_ckpt(self.run_opt.init_model) elif self.run_opt.init_mode == "restart": self._init_from_ckpt(self.run_opt.restart) elif self.run_opt.init_mode == "finetune": self._init_from_pretrained_model( data=data, origin_type_map=origin_type_map ) # neighbor_stat is moved to as duplicated # TODO: this is a simple fix but we should have a clear # architecture to call neighbor stat else: graph, graph_def = load_graph_def( self.model_param["compress"]["model_file"] ) self.descrpt.enable_compression( self.model_param["compress"]["min_nbor_dist"], graph, graph_def, self.model_param["compress"]["table_config"][0], self.model_param["compress"]["table_config"][1], self.model_param["compress"]["table_config"][2], self.model_param["compress"]["table_config"][3], ) # for fparam or aparam settings in 'ener' type fitting net self.fitting.init_variables(graph, graph_def) if self.is_compress or self.model_type == "compressed_model": tf.constant("compressed_model", name="model_type", dtype=tf.string) else: tf.constant("original_model", name="model_type", dtype=tf.string) if self.mixed_prec is not None: self.descrpt.enable_mixed_precision(self.mixed_prec) if not self.multi_task_mode: self.fitting.enable_mixed_precision(self.mixed_prec) else: for fitting_key in self.fitting_dict: self.fitting_dict[fitting_key].enable_mixed_precision( self.mixed_prec ) self._build_lr() self._build_network(data, suffix) self._build_training()
def _build_lr(self): self._extra_train_ops = [] self.global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() self.learning_rate =, self.stop_batch)"built lr") def _build_network(self, data, suffix=""): self.place_holders = {} if self.is_compress: for kk in ["coord", "box"]: self.place_holders[kk] = tf.placeholder( GLOBAL_TF_FLOAT_PRECISION, [None], "t_" + kk ) self._get_place_horders(data_requirement) else: if not self.multi_task_mode: self._get_place_horders(data.get_data_dict()) else: self._get_place_horders(data[list(data.keys())[0]].get_data_dict()) self.place_holders["type"] = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], name="t_type") self.place_holders["natoms_vec"] = tf.placeholder( tf.int32, [self.ntypes + 2], name="t_natoms" ) self.place_holders["default_mesh"] = tf.placeholder( tf.int32, [None], name="t_mesh" ) self.place_holders["is_training"] = tf.placeholder(tf.bool) self.model_pred = self.place_holders["coord"], self.place_holders["type"], self.place_holders["natoms_vec"], self.place_holders["box"], self.place_holders["default_mesh"], self.place_holders, frz_model=self.frz_model, ckpt_meta=self.ckpt_meta, suffix=suffix, reuse=False, ) if not self.multi_task_mode: self.l2_l, self.l2_more = self.learning_rate, self.place_holders["natoms_vec"], self.model_pred, self.place_holders, suffix="test", ) if self.mixed_prec is not None: self.l2_l = tf.cast( self.l2_l, get_precision(self.mixed_prec["output_prec"]) ) else: self.l2_l, self.l2_more = {}, {} for fitting_key in self.fitting_type_dict: self.l2_l[fitting_key], self.l2_more[fitting_key] = self.loss_dict[ fitting_key ].build( self.learning_rate, self.place_holders["natoms_vec"], self.model_pred[fitting_key], self.place_holders, suffix=fitting_key, ) if self.mixed_prec is not None: self.l2_l[fitting_key] = tf.cast( self.l2_l[fitting_key], get_precision(self.mixed_prec["output_prec"]), )"built network") def _build_training(self): trainable_variables = tf.trainable_variables() if self.run_opt.is_distrib: if self.scale_lr_coef > 1.0:"Scale learning rate by coef: %f", self.scale_lr_coef) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( self.learning_rate * self.scale_lr_coef ) else: optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate) optimizer = self.run_opt._HVD.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer) else: optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate) if self.mixed_prec is not None: _TF_VERSION = Version(TF_VERSION) # check the TF_VERSION, when TF < 1.12, mixed precision is not allowed if _TF_VERSION < Version("1.14.0"): raise RuntimeError( "TensorFlow version %s is not compatible with the mixed precision setting. Please consider upgrading your TF version!" % TF_VERSION ) elif _TF_VERSION < Version("2.4.0"): optimizer = tf.train.experimental.enable_mixed_precision_graph_rewrite( optimizer ) else: optimizer = tf.mixed_precision.enable_mixed_precision_graph_rewrite( optimizer ) if not self.multi_task_mode: apply_op = optimizer.minimize( loss=self.l2_l, global_step=self.global_step, var_list=trainable_variables, name="train_step", ) train_ops = [apply_op] + self._extra_train_ops self.train_op =*train_ops) else: self.train_op = {} for fitting_key in self.fitting_type_dict: apply_op = optimizer.minimize( loss=self.l2_l[fitting_key], global_step=self.global_step, var_list=trainable_variables, name=f"train_step_{fitting_key}", ) train_ops = [apply_op] + self._extra_train_ops self.train_op[fitting_key] =*train_ops)"built training") def _init_session(self): config = get_tf_session_config() device, idx = self.run_opt.my_device.split(":", 1) if device == "gpu": config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = idx self.sess = tf.Session(config=config) # Initializes or restore global variables init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() if self.run_opt.is_chief: self.saver = tf.train.Saver(save_relative_paths=True) if self.run_opt.init_mode == "init_from_scratch":"initialize model from scratch") run_sess(self.sess, init_op) if not self.is_compress: fp = open(self.disp_file, "w") fp.close() elif self.run_opt.init_mode == "init_from_model":"initialize from model %s" % self.run_opt.init_model) run_sess(self.sess, init_op) self.saver.restore(self.sess, self.run_opt.init_model) run_sess(self.sess, self.global_step.assign(0)) fp = open(self.disp_file, "w") fp.close() elif self.run_opt.init_mode == "restart":"restart from model %s" % self.run_opt.restart) run_sess(self.sess, init_op) self.saver.restore(self.sess, self.run_opt.restart) elif self.run_opt.init_mode == "init_from_frz_model":"initialize training from the frozen model") run_sess(self.sess, init_op) fp = open(self.disp_file, "w") fp.close() elif self.run_opt.init_mode == "finetune":"initialize training from the frozen pretrained model") run_sess(self.sess, init_op) fp = open(self.disp_file, "w") fp.close() else: raise RuntimeError("unknown init mode") else: run_sess(self.sess, init_op) self.saver = None # Ensure variable consistency among tasks when training starts if self.run_opt.is_distrib: bcast_op = self.run_opt._HVD.broadcast_global_variables(0) if self.run_opt.is_chief:"broadcast global variables to other tasks") else:"receive global variables from task#0") run_sess(self.sess, bcast_op)
[docs] def train(self, train_data=None, valid_data=None): # if valid_data is None: # no validation set specified. # valid_data = train_data # using training set as validation set. stop_batch = self.stop_batch self._init_session() # Before data shard is enabled, only cheif do evaluation and record it # self.print_head() fp = None if self.run_opt.is_chief: fp = open(self.disp_file, "a") cur_batch = run_sess(self.sess, self.global_step) is_first_step = True self.cur_batch = cur_batch "start training at lr %.2e (== %.2e), decay_step %d, decay_rate %f, final lr will be %.2e" % ( run_sess(self.sess, self.learning_rate),,,,, ) ) prf_options = None prf_run_metadata = None if self.profiling: prf_options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE) prf_run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata() # set tensorboard execution environment if self.tensorboard: summary_merged_op = tf.summary.merge_all() # Remove TB old logging directory from previous run try: shutil.rmtree(self.tensorboard_log_dir) except FileNotFoundError: pass # directory does not exist, this is OK except Exception as e: # general error when removing directory, warn user log.exception( f"Could not remove old tensorboard logging directory: " f"{self.tensorboard_log_dir}. Error: {e}" ) else: log.debug("Removing old tensorboard log directory.") tb_train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( self.tensorboard_log_dir + "/train", self.sess.graph ) tb_valid_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(self.tensorboard_log_dir + "/test") else: tb_train_writer = None tb_valid_writer = None if self.enable_profiler: # tfv2.profiler.experimental.start(self.tensorboard_log_dir) train_time = 0 total_train_time = 0.0 while cur_batch < stop_batch: # first round validation: if not self.multi_task_mode: train_batch = train_data.get_batch() batch_train_op = self.train_op else: fitting_idx = dp_random.choice( np.arange(self.nfitting), p=np.array(self.fitting_prob) ) fitting_key = self.fitting_key_list[fitting_idx] train_batch = train_data[fitting_key].get_batch() batch_train_op = self.train_op[fitting_key] if self.display_in_training and is_first_step: if self.run_opt.is_chief: if not self.multi_task_mode: valid_batches = ( [ valid_data.get_batch() for ii in range(self.valid_numb_batch) ] if valid_data is not None else None ) self.valid_on_the_fly( fp, [train_batch], valid_batches, print_header=True ) else: train_batches = {} valid_batches = {} # valid_numb_batch_dict for fitting_key in train_data: train_batches[fitting_key] = [ train_data[fitting_key].get_batch() ] valid_batches[fitting_key] = ( [ valid_data[fitting_key].get_batch() for ii in range( self.valid_numb_batch_dict[fitting_key] ) ] if fitting_key in valid_data else None ) self.valid_on_the_fly( fp, train_batches, valid_batches, print_header=True ) is_first_step = False if self.timing_in_training: tic = time.time() train_feed_dict = self.get_feed_dict(train_batch, is_training=True) # use tensorboard to visualize the training of deepmd-kit # it will takes some extra execution time to generate the tensorboard data if self.tensorboard and (cur_batch % self.tensorboard_freq == 0): summary, _ = run_sess( self.sess, [summary_merged_op, batch_train_op], feed_dict=train_feed_dict, options=prf_options, run_metadata=prf_run_metadata, ) tb_train_writer.add_summary(summary, cur_batch) else: run_sess( self.sess, [batch_train_op], feed_dict=train_feed_dict, options=prf_options, run_metadata=prf_run_metadata, ) if self.timing_in_training: toc = time.time() if self.timing_in_training: train_time += toc - tic cur_batch = run_sess(self.sess, self.global_step) self.cur_batch = cur_batch # on-the-fly validation if self.display_in_training and (cur_batch % self.disp_freq == 0): if self.timing_in_training: tic = time.time() if self.run_opt.is_chief: if not self.multi_task_mode: valid_batches = ( [ valid_data.get_batch() for ii in range(self.valid_numb_batch) ] if valid_data is not None else None ) self.valid_on_the_fly(fp, [train_batch], valid_batches) else: train_batches = {} valid_batches = {} for fitting_key in train_data: train_batches[fitting_key] = [ train_data[fitting_key].get_batch() ] valid_batches[fitting_key] = ( [ valid_data[fitting_key].get_batch() for ii in range( self.valid_numb_batch_dict[fitting_key] ) ] if fitting_key in valid_data else None ) self.valid_on_the_fly(fp, train_batches, valid_batches) if self.timing_in_training: toc = time.time() test_time = toc - tic "batch %7d training time %.2f s, testing time %.2f s" % (cur_batch, train_time, test_time) ) # the first training time is not accurate if cur_batch > self.disp_freq or stop_batch < 2 * self.disp_freq: total_train_time += train_time train_time = 0 if ( self.save_freq > 0 and cur_batch % self.save_freq == 0 and self.saver is not None ): self.save_checkpoint(cur_batch) if ( self.save_freq == 0 or cur_batch == 0 or cur_batch % self.save_freq != 0 ) and self.saver is not None: self.save_checkpoint(cur_batch) if self.run_opt.is_chief: fp.close() if self.timing_in_training and stop_batch // self.disp_freq > 0: if stop_batch >= 2 * self.disp_freq: "average training time: %.4f s/batch (exclude first %d batches)", total_train_time / (stop_batch // self.disp_freq * self.disp_freq - self.disp_freq), self.disp_freq, ) else: "average training time: %.4f s/batch", total_train_time / (stop_batch // self.disp_freq * self.disp_freq), ) if self.profiling and self.run_opt.is_chief: fetched_timeline = timeline.Timeline(prf_run_metadata.step_stats) chrome_trace = fetched_timeline.generate_chrome_trace_format() with open(self.profiling_file, "w") as f: f.write(chrome_trace) if self.enable_profiler and self.run_opt.is_chief: tfv2.profiler.experimental.stop()
[docs] def save_checkpoint(self, cur_batch: int): try: ckpt_prefix = self.sess, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.save_ckpt), global_step=cur_batch, ) except google.protobuf.message.DecodeError as e: raise GraphTooLargeError( "The graph size exceeds 2 GB, the hard limitation of protobuf." " Then a DecodeError was raised by protobuf. You should " "reduce the size of your model." ) from e # make symlinks from prefix with step to that without step to break nothing # get all checkpoint files original_files = glob.glob(ckpt_prefix + ".*") for ori_ff in original_files: new_ff = self.save_ckpt + ori_ff[len(ckpt_prefix) :] try: # remove old one os.remove(new_ff) except OSError: pass if platform.system() != "Windows": # by default one does not have access to create symlink on Windows os.symlink(ori_ff, new_ff) else: shutil.copyfile(ori_ff, new_ff)"saved checkpoint %s" % self.save_ckpt)
[docs] def get_feed_dict(self, batch, is_training): feed_dict = {} for kk in batch.keys(): if kk == "find_type" or kk == "type" or kk == "real_natoms_vec": continue if "find_" in kk: feed_dict[self.place_holders[kk]] = batch[kk] else: feed_dict[self.place_holders[kk]] = np.reshape(batch[kk], [-1]) for ii in ["type"]: feed_dict[self.place_holders[ii]] = np.reshape(batch[ii], [-1]) for ii in ["natoms_vec", "default_mesh"]: feed_dict[self.place_holders[ii]] = batch[ii] feed_dict[self.place_holders["is_training"]] = is_training return feed_dict
[docs] def get_global_step(self): return run_sess(self.sess, self.global_step)
# def print_head (self) : # depreciated # if self.run_opt.is_chief: # fp = open(self.disp_file, "a") # print_str = "# %5s" % 'batch' # print_str += self.loss.print_header() # print_str += ' %8s\n' % 'lr' # fp.write(print_str) # fp.close ()
[docs] def valid_on_the_fly(self, fp, train_batches, valid_batches, print_header=False): train_results = self.get_evaluation_results(train_batches) valid_results = self.get_evaluation_results(valid_batches) cur_batch = self.cur_batch current_lr = run_sess(self.sess, self.learning_rate) if print_header: self.print_header(fp, train_results, valid_results, self.multi_task_mode) self.print_on_training( fp, train_results, valid_results, cur_batch, current_lr, self.multi_task_mode, )
[docs] @staticmethod def print_header(fp, train_results, valid_results, multi_task_mode=False): print_str = "" print_str += "# %5s" % "step" if not multi_task_mode: if valid_results is not None: prop_fmt = " %11s %11s" for k in train_results.keys(): print_str += prop_fmt % (k + "_val", k + "_trn") else: prop_fmt = " %11s" for k in train_results.keys(): print_str += prop_fmt % (k + "_trn") else: for fitting_key in train_results: if valid_results[fitting_key] is not None: prop_fmt = " %11s %11s" for k in train_results[fitting_key].keys(): print_str += prop_fmt % (k + "_val", k + "_trn") else: prop_fmt = " %11s" for k in train_results[fitting_key].keys(): print_str += prop_fmt % (k + "_trn") print_str += " %8s\n" % "lr" fp.write(print_str) fp.flush()
[docs] @staticmethod def print_on_training( fp, train_results, valid_results, cur_batch, cur_lr, multi_task_mode=False ): print_str = "" print_str += "%7d" % cur_batch if not multi_task_mode: if valid_results is not None: prop_fmt = " %11.2e %11.2e" for k in valid_results.keys(): # assert k in train_results.keys() print_str += prop_fmt % (valid_results[k], train_results[k]) else: prop_fmt = " %11.2e" for k in train_results.keys(): print_str += prop_fmt % (train_results[k]) else: for fitting_key in train_results: if valid_results[fitting_key] is not None: prop_fmt = " %11.2e %11.2e" for k in valid_results[fitting_key].keys(): # assert k in train_results[fitting_key].keys() print_str += prop_fmt % ( valid_results[fitting_key][k], train_results[fitting_key][k], ) else: prop_fmt = " %11.2e" for k in train_results[fitting_key].keys(): print_str += prop_fmt % (train_results[fitting_key][k]) print_str += " %8.1e\n" % cur_lr fp.write(print_str) fp.flush()
[docs] @staticmethod def eval_single_list(single_batch_list, loss, sess, get_feed_dict_func, prefix=""): if single_batch_list is None: return None numb_batch = len(single_batch_list) sum_results = {} # sum of losses on all atoms sum_natoms = 0 for i in range(numb_batch): batch = single_batch_list[i] natoms = batch["natoms_vec"] feed_dict = get_feed_dict_func(batch, is_training=False) results = loss.eval(sess, feed_dict, natoms) for k, v in results.items(): if k == "natoms": sum_natoms += v else: sum_results[k] = sum_results.get(k, 0.0) + v * results["natoms"] single_results = { prefix + k: v / sum_natoms for k, v in sum_results.items() if not k == "natoms" } return single_results
[docs] def get_evaluation_results(self, batch_list): if not self.multi_task_mode: avg_results = self.eval_single_list( batch_list, self.loss, self.sess, self.get_feed_dict ) else: avg_results = {} for fitting_key in batch_list: avg_results[fitting_key] = self.eval_single_list( batch_list[fitting_key], self.loss_dict[fitting_key], self.sess, self.get_feed_dict, prefix=f"{fitting_key}_", ) return avg_results
[docs] def save_compressed(self): """Save the compressed graph.""" self._init_session() if self.is_compress:, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.save_ckpt))
def _get_place_horders(self, data_dict): for kk in data_dict.keys(): if kk == "type": continue prec = GLOBAL_TF_FLOAT_PRECISION if data_dict[kk]["high_prec"]: prec = GLOBAL_ENER_FLOAT_PRECISION self.place_holders[kk] = tf.placeholder(prec, [None], name="t_" + kk) self.place_holders["find_" + kk] = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, name="t_find_" + kk ) def _init_from_frz_model(self): try: graph, graph_def = load_graph_def(self.run_opt.init_frz_model) except FileNotFoundError as e: # throw runtime error if there's no frozen model raise RuntimeError( "The input frozen model %s (%s) does not exist! Please check the path of the frozen model. " % ( self.run_opt.init_frz_model, os.path.abspath(self.run_opt.init_frz_model), ) ) from e # get the model type from the frozen model(self.run_opt.init_frz_model) try: t_model_type = get_tensor_by_name_from_graph(graph, "model_type") except GraphWithoutTensorError as e: # throw runtime error if the frozen_model has no model type information... raise RuntimeError( "The input frozen model: %s has no 'model_type' information, " "which is not supported by the 'dp train init-frz-model' interface. " % self.run_opt.init_frz_model ) from e else: self.model_type = bytes.decode(t_model_type) if self.model_type == "compressed_model": self.frz_model = self.run_opt.init_frz_model self.model.init_variables(graph, graph_def, model_type=self.model_type) def _init_from_ckpt(self, ckpt_meta: str): with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph: tf.train.import_meta_graph(f"{ckpt_meta}.meta", clear_devices=True) # get the model type from the model try: t_model_type = get_tensor_by_name_from_graph(graph, "model_type") except GraphWithoutTensorError as e: self.model_type = "original_model" else: self.model_type = bytes.decode(t_model_type) if self.model_type == "compressed_model": self.ckpt_meta = ckpt_meta def _init_from_pretrained_model( self, data, origin_type_map=None, bias_shift="delta" ): """Init the embedding net variables with the given frozen model. Parameters ---------- data : DeepmdDataSystem The training data. origin_type_map : list The original type_map in dataset, they are targets to change the energy bias. bias_shift : str The mode for changing energy bias : ['delta', 'statistic'] 'delta' : perform predictions on energies of target dataset, and do least sqaure on the errors to obtain the target shift as bias. 'statistic' : directly use the statistic energy bias in the target dataset. """ try: graph, graph_def = load_graph_def(self.run_opt.finetune) except FileNotFoundError as e: # throw runtime error if there's no frozen model raise RuntimeError( "The input frozen pretrained model %s (%s) does not exist! " "Please check the path of the frozen pretrained model. " % (self.run_opt.finetune, os.path.abspath(self.run_opt.finetune)) ) from e # get the model type from the frozen model(self.run_opt.finetune) try: t_model_type = get_tensor_by_name_from_graph(graph, "model_type") except GraphWithoutTensorError as e: # throw runtime error if the frozen_model has no model type information... raise RuntimeError( "The input frozen pretrained model: %s has no 'model_type' information, " "which is not supported by the 'dp train finetune' interface. " % self.run_opt.finetune ) from e else: self.model_type = bytes.decode(t_model_type) assert ( self.model_type != "compressed_model" ), "Compressed models are not supported for finetuning!" self.model.init_variables(graph, graph_def, model_type=self.model_type) "Changing energy bias in pretrained model for types {}... " "(this step may take long time)".format(str(origin_type_map)) ) self._change_energy_bias( data, self.run_opt.finetune, origin_type_map, bias_shift ) def _change_energy_bias( self, data, frozen_model, origin_type_map, bias_shift="delta" ): full_type_map = data.get_type_map() assert ( self.fitting_type == "ener" ), "energy bias changing only supports 'ener' fitting net!" self.model.fitting.change_energy_bias( data, frozen_model, origin_type_map, full_type_map, bias_shift=bias_shift, ntest=self.model_param.get("data_bias_nsample", 10), )