3.1. Overall

A model has two parts, a descriptor that maps atomic configuration to a set of symmetry invariant features, and a fitting net that takes descriptor as input and predicts the atomic contribution to the target physical property. It’s defined in the model section of the input.json, for example,

    "model": {
        "type_map":	["O", "H"],
        "descriptor" :{
            "...": "..."
        "fitting_net" : {
            "...": "..."

The two subsections, descriptor and fitting_net, define the descriptor and the fitting net, respectively.

The type_map is optional, which provides the element names (but not necessarily same as the actual name of the element) of the corresponding atom types. A water model, as in this example, has two kinds of atoms. The atom types are internally recorded as integers, e.g., 0 for oxygen and 1 for hydrogen here. A mapping from the atom type to their names is provided by type_map.

DeePMD-kit implements the following descriptors:

  1. se_e2_a: DeepPot-SE constructed from all information (both angular and radial) of atomic configurations. The embedding takes the distance between atoms as input.

  2. se_e2_r: DeepPot-SE constructed from radial information of atomic configurations. The embedding takes the distance between atoms as input.

  3. se_e3: DeepPot-SE constructed from all information (both angular and radial) of atomic configurations. The embedding takes angles between two neighboring atoms as input.

  4. se_a_mask: DeepPot-SE constructed from all information (both angular and radial) of atomic configurations. The input frames in one system can have a varied number of atoms. Input particles are padded with virtual particles of the same length.

  5. loc_frame: Defines a local frame at each atom and compute the descriptor as local coordinates under this frame.

  6. hybrid: Concate a list of descriptors to form a new descriptor.

The fitting of the following physical properties is supported

  1. ener: Fit the energy of the system. The force (derivative with atom positions) and the virial (derivative with the box tensor) can also be trained.

  2. dipole: The dipole moment.

  3. polar: The polarizability.