Source code for dpdata.plugins.orca

import numpy as np

from dpdata.format import Format
from dpdata.orca.output import read_orca_sp_output
from dpdata.unit import EnergyConversion, ForceConversion

energy_convert = EnergyConversion("hartree", "eV").value()
force_convert = ForceConversion("hartree/bohr", "eV/angstrom").value()

[docs] @Format.register("orca/spout") class ORCASPOutFormat(Format): """ORCA single point energy output. Note that both the energy and the gradient should be printed into the output file. """
[docs] def from_labeled_system(self, file_name: str, **kwargs) -> dict: """Read from ORCA single point energy output. Parameters ---------- file_name : str file name **kwargs keyword arguments Returns ------- dict system data """ symbols, coord, energy, forces = read_orca_sp_output(file_name) atom_names, atom_types, atom_numbs = np.unique( symbols, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True ) natoms = coord.shape[0] return { "atom_types": atom_types, "atom_names": list(atom_names), "atom_numbs": list(atom_numbs), "coords": coord.reshape((1, natoms, 3)), "energies": np.array([energy * energy_convert]), "forces": (forces * force_convert).reshape((1, natoms, 3)), "cells": np.zeros((1, 3, 3)), "orig": np.zeros(3), "nopbc": True, }