Source code for

import numpy as np

from dpdata.format import Format
from import QuipGapxyzSystems
from import coord_to_xyz, xyz_to_coord

[docs] @Format.register("xyz") class XYZFormat(Format): """XYZ foramt. Examples -------- >>>"xyz", "") """
[docs] def to_system(self, data, file_name, **kwargs): buff = [] types = np.array(data["atom_names"])[data["atom_types"]] for cc in data["coords"]: buff.append(coord_to_xyz(cc, types)) with open(file_name, "w") as fp: fp.write("\n".join(buff))
[docs] def from_system(self, file_name, **kwargs): with open(file_name) as fp: coords, types = xyz_to_coord( atom_names, atom_types, atom_numbs = np.unique( types, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True ) return { "atom_names": list(atom_names), "atom_numbs": list(atom_numbs), "atom_types": atom_types, "coords": coords.reshape((1, *coords.shape)), "cells": np.eye(3).reshape((1, 3, 3)) * 100, "nopbc": True, "orig": np.zeros(3), }
[docs] @Format.register("quip/gap/xyz") @Format.register("quip/gap/xyz_file") class QuipGapXYZFormat(Format):
[docs] def from_labeled_system(self, data, **kwargs): return data
[docs] def from_multi_systems(self, file_name, **kwargs): # here directory is the file_name return QuipGapxyzSystems(file_name)