Source code for dpdata.system

# %%
from __future__ import annotations

import glob
import hashlib
import numbers
import os
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import (

import numpy as np

import dpdata

# ensure all plugins are loaded!
import dpdata.plugins
import dpdata.plugins.deepmd
from dpdata.amber.mask import load_param_file, pick_by_amber_mask
from dpdata.data_type import Axis, DataError, DataType, get_data_types
from dpdata.driver import Driver, Minimizer
from dpdata.format import Format
from dpdata.plugin import Plugin
from dpdata.utils import (

    import parmed

[docs] def load_format(fmt): fmt = fmt.lower() formats = Format.get_formats() if fmt in formats: return formats[fmt]() raise NotImplementedError( "Unsupported data format {}. Supported formats: {}".format( fmt, " ".join(formats) ) )
[docs] class System: """The data System. A data System (a concept used by `deepmd-kit <>`_) contains frames (e.g. produced by an MD simulation) that has the same number of atoms of the same type. The order of the atoms should be consistent among the frames in one System. For example, a water system named `d_example` has two molecules. The properties can be accessed by - `d_example['atom_numbs']` : [2, 4] - `d_example['atom_names']` : ['O', 'H'] - `d_example['atom_types']` : [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1] - `d_example['orig']` : [0, 0, 0] - `d_example['cells']` : a numpy array of size nframes x 3 x 3 - `d_example['coords']` : a numpy array of size nframes x natoms x 3 It is noted that - The order of frames stored in `'atom_types'`, `'cells'` and `'coords'` should be consistent. - The order of atoms in **all** frames of `'atom_types'` and `'coords'` should be consistent. Restrictions: - `d_example['orig']` is always [0, 0, 0] - `d_example['cells'][ii]` is always lower triangular (lammps cell tensor convention) Attributes ---------- DTYPES : tuple[DataType, ...] data types of this class """ DTYPES: tuple[DataType, ...] = ( DataType("atom_numbs", list, (Axis.NTYPES,)), DataType("atom_names", list, (Axis.NTYPES,)), DataType("atom_types", np.ndarray, (Axis.NATOMS,)), DataType("orig", np.ndarray, (3,)), DataType("cells", np.ndarray, (Axis.NFRAMES, 3, 3), deepmd_name="box"), DataType( "coords", np.ndarray, (Axis.NFRAMES, Axis.NATOMS, 3), deepmd_name="coord" ), DataType( "real_atom_types", np.ndarray, (Axis.NFRAMES, Axis.NATOMS), required=False ), DataType("real_atom_names", list, (Axis.NTYPES,), required=False), DataType("nopbc", bool, required=False), ) def __init__( self, # some formats do not use string as input file_name: Any = None, fmt: str = "auto", type_map: list[str] | None = None, begin: int = 0, step: int = 1, data: dict[str, Any] | None = None, convergence_check: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- file_name : str The file to load the system fmt : str Format of the file, supported formats are - ``auto``: infered from `file_name`'s extension - ``lammps/lmp``: Lammps data - ``lammps/dump``: Lammps dump - ``deepmd/raw``: deepmd-kit raw - ``deepmd/npy``: deepmd-kit compressed format (numpy binary) - ``vasp/poscar``: vasp POSCAR - ``vasp/contcar``: vasp contcar - ``vasp/string``: vasp string - ``vasp/outcar``: vasp outcar - ``vasp/xml``: vasp xml - ``qe/cp/traj``: Quantum Espresso CP trajectory files. should have: file_name+'.in' and file_name+'.pos' - ``qe/pw/scf``: Quantum Espresso PW single point calculations. Both input and output files are required. If file_name is a string, it denotes the output file name. Input file name is obtained by replacing 'out' by 'in' from file_name. Or file_name is a list, with the first element being the input file name and the second element being the output filename. - ``abacus/scf``: ABACUS pw/lcao scf. The directory containing INPUT file is required. - ``abacus/md``: ABACUS pw/lcao MD. The directory containing INPUT file is required. - ``abacus/relax``: ABACUS pw/lcao relax or cell-relax. The directory containing INPUT file is required. - ``abacus/stru``: abacus stru - ``abacus/lcao/scf``: abacus lcao scf - ``abacus/pw/scf``: abacus pw scf - ``abacus/lcao/md``: abacus lcao md - ``abacus/pw/md``: abacus pw md - ``abacus/lcao/relax``: abacus lcao relax - ``abacus/pw/relax``: abacus pw relax - ``siesta/output``: siesta SCF output file - ``siesta/aimd_output``: siesta aimd output file - ``pwmat/atom.config``: pwmat atom.config - ``pwmat/movement``: pwmat movement - ``pwmat/output``: pwmat output - ``pwmat/mlmd``: pwmat mlmd - ``pwmat/final.config``: pwmat final.config - ``quip/gap/xyz_file``: quip gap xyz_file - ``quip/gap/xyz``: quip gap xyz - ``fhi_aims/output``: fhi_aims output - ``fhi_aims/md``: fhi_aims md - ``fhi_aims/scf``: fhi_aims scf - ``pymatgen/structure``: pymatgen structure - ``pymatgen/molecule``: pymatgen molecule - ``pymatgen/computedstructureentry``: pymatgen computedstructureentry - ``amber/md``: amber md - ``sqm/out``: sqm out - ``sqm/in``: sqm in - ``ase/structure``: ase structure - ``gaussian/log``: gaussian log - ``gaussian/md``: gaussian md - ``gaussian/gjf``: gaussian gjf - ``deepmd/comp``: deepmd comp - ``deepmd/hdf5``: deepmd hdf5 - ``gromacs/gro``: gromacs gro - ``cp2k/aimd_output``: cp2k aimd_output - ``cp2k/output``: cp2k output type_map : list of str Needed by formats lammps/lmp and lammps/dump. Maps atom type to name. The atom with type `ii` is mapped to `type_map[ii]`. If not provided the atom names are assigned to `'Type_1'`, `'Type_2'`, `'Type_3'`... begin : int The beginning frame when loading MD trajectory. step : int The number of skipped frames when loading MD trajectory. data : dict The raw data of System class. convergence_check : boolean Whether to request a convergence check. **kwargs : dict other parameters """ = {}["atom_numbs"] = []["atom_names"] = []["atom_types"] = []["orig"] = np.array([0, 0, 0])["cells"] = []["coords"] = [] if data: = data self.check_data() return if file_name is None: return self.from_fmt( file_name, fmt, type_map=type_map, begin=begin, step=step, convergence_check=convergence_check, **kwargs, ) if type_map is not None: self.apply_type_map(type_map)
[docs] def check_data(self): """Check if data is correct. Raises ------ DataError if data is not correct """ if not isinstance(, dict): raise DataError("data is not a dict!") for dd in self.DTYPES: dd.check(self) if sum(self.get_atom_numbs()) != self.get_natoms(): raise DataError( "Sum of atom_numbs (%d) is not equal to natoms (%d)." # noqa: UP031 % (sum(self.get_atom_numbs()), self.get_natoms()) )
post_funcs = Plugin()
[docs] def from_fmt(self, file_name: Any, fmt: str = "auto", **kwargs: Any): fmt = fmt.lower() if fmt == "auto": fmt = os.path.basename(file_name).split(".")[-1].lower() return self.from_fmt_obj(load_format(fmt), file_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def from_fmt_obj(self, fmtobj: Format, file_name: Any, **kwargs: Any): data = fmtobj.from_system(file_name, **kwargs) if data: if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): for dd in data: self.append(System(data=dd)) else: = {**, **data} self.check_data() if hasattr(fmtobj.from_system, "post_func"): for post_f in fmtobj.from_system.post_func: # type: ignore self.post_funcs.get_plugin(post_f)(self) return self
[docs] def to(self, fmt: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> System: """Dump systems to the specific format. Parameters ---------- fmt : str format *args arguments **kwargs keyword arguments Returns ------- System self """ return self.to_fmt_obj(load_format(fmt), *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_fmt_obj(self, fmtobj: Format, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): return fmtobj.to_system(, *args, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): ret = "Data Summary" ret += "\nUnlabeled System" ret += "\n-------------------" ret += "\nFrame Numbers : %d" % self.get_nframes() # noqa: UP031 ret += "\nAtom Numbers : %d" % self.get_natoms() # noqa: UP031 ret += "\nElement List :" ret += "\n-------------------" ret += "\n" + " ".join(map(str, self.get_atom_names())) ret += "\n" + " ".join(map(str, self.get_atom_numbs())) return ret @overload def __getitem__(self, key: int | slice | list | np.ndarray) -> System: ... @overload def __getitem__( self, key: Literal["atom_names", "real_atom_names"] ) -> list[str]: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, key: Literal["atom_numbs"]) -> list[int]: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, key: Literal["nopbc"]) -> bool: ... @overload def __getitem__( self, key: Literal["orig", "coords", "energies", "forces", "virials"] ) -> np.ndarray: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: # other cases, for example customized data ... def __getitem__(self, key): """Returns proerty stored in System by key or by idx.""" if isinstance(key, (int, slice, list, np.ndarray)): return self.sub_system(key) return[key] def __len__(self) -> int: """Returns number of frames in the system.""" return self.get_nframes() def __add__(self, others): """Magic method "+" operation.""" self_copy = self.copy() if isinstance(others, System): other_copy = others.copy() self_copy.append(other_copy) elif isinstance(others, list): for ii in others: assert isinstance(ii, System) ii_copy = ii.copy() self_copy.append(ii_copy) else: raise RuntimeError("Unspported data structure") return self.__class__.from_dict({"data":})
[docs] def dump(self, filename: str, indent: int = 4): """Dump .json or .yaml file.""" from monty.serialization import dumpfn dumpfn(self.as_dict(), filename, indent=indent)
[docs] def map_atom_types( self, type_map: dict[str, int] | list[str] | None = None ) -> np.ndarray: """Map the atom types of the system. Parameters ---------- type_map dict : {"H":0,"O":1} or list ["H","C","O","N"] The map between elements and index if no map_dict is given, index will be set according to atomic number Returns ------- new_atom_types : np.ndarray The mapped atom types """ if isinstance(type_map, dict) or type_map is None: pass elif isinstance(type_map, list): type_map = dict(zip(type_map, range(len(type_map)))) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown format") if type_map is None: type_map = elements_index_map(self.get_atom_names().copy(), standard=True) _set1 = set(self.get_atom_names()) _set2 = set(list(type_map.keys())) assert _set1.issubset(_set2) atom_types_list = [] for name, numb in zip(self.get_atom_names(), self.get_atom_numbs()): atom_types_list.extend([name] * numb) new_atom_types = np.array([type_map[ii] for ii in atom_types_list], dtype=int) return new_atom_types
[docs] @staticmethod def load(filename: str): """Rebuild System obj. from .json or .yaml file.""" from monty.serialization import loadfn return loadfn(filename)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict): """Construct a System instance from a data dict.""" from monty.serialization import MontyDecoder # type: ignore decoded = { k: MontyDecoder().process_decoded(v) for k, v in data.items() if not k.startswith("@") } return cls(**decoded)
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict: """Returns data dict of System instance.""" d = { "@module": self.__class__.__module__, "@class": self.__class__.__name__, "data":, } return d
[docs] def get_atom_names(self) -> list[str]: """Returns name of atoms.""" return["atom_names"]
[docs] def get_atom_types(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns type of atoms.""" return["atom_types"]
[docs] def get_atom_numbs(self) -> list[int]: """Returns number of atoms.""" return["atom_numbs"]
[docs] def get_nframes(self) -> int: """Returns number of frames in the system.""" return len(["cells"])
[docs] def get_natoms(self) -> int: """Returns total number of atoms in the system.""" return len(["atom_types"])
[docs] def get_ntypes(self) -> int: """Returns total number of atom types in the system.""" return len(["atom_names"])
[docs] def copy(self): """Returns a copy of the system.""" return self.__class__.from_dict({"data": deepcopy(})
[docs] def sub_system(self, f_idx: int | slice | list | np.ndarray): """Construct a subsystem from the system. Parameters ---------- f_idx : int or index Which frame to use in the subsystem Returns ------- sub_system : System The subsystem """ tmp = self.__class__() # convert int to array_like if isinstance(f_idx, numbers.Integral): f_idx = np.array([f_idx]) assert not isinstance(f_idx, int) for tt in self.DTYPES: if not in # skip optional data continue if tt.shape is not None and Axis.NFRAMES in tt.shape: axis_nframes = tt.shape.index(Axis.NFRAMES) new_shape: list[slice | np.ndarray | list] = [ slice(None) for _ in[].shape ] new_shape[axis_nframes] = f_idx[] =[][tuple(new_shape)] else: # keep the original data[] =[] return tmp
[docs] def append(self, system: System) -> bool: """Append a system to this system. Parameters ---------- system : System The system to append """ if not len(["atom_numbs"]): # skip if the system to append is non-converged return False elif not len(["atom_numbs"]): # this system is non-converged but the system to append is converged = return False if system.uniq_formula != self.uniq_formula: raise RuntimeError( f"systems with inconsistent formula could not be append: {self.uniq_formula} v.s. {system.uniq_formula}" ) if["atom_names"] !=["atom_names"]: # prevent original system to be modified system = system.copy() # allow to append a system with different atom_names order system.sort_atom_names() self.sort_atom_names() if (["atom_types"] !=["atom_types"]).any(): # prevent original system to be modified system = system.copy() # allow to append a system with different atom_types order system.sort_atom_types() self.sort_atom_types() for ii in ["atom_numbs", "atom_names"]: assert[ii] ==[ii] for ii in ["atom_types", "orig"]: eq = [v1 == v2 for v1, v2 in zip([ii],[ii])] assert all(eq) for tt in self.DTYPES: # check if the first shape is nframes if tt.shape is not None and Axis.NFRAMES in tt.shape: if not in and in raise RuntimeError(f"system has {}, but this does not") elif in and not in raise RuntimeError(f"this has {}, but system does not") elif not in and not in # skip if both not exist continue # concat any data in nframes axis axis_nframes = tt.shape.index(Axis.NFRAMES)[] = np.concatenate( ([], system[]), axis=axis_nframes ) if self.nopbc and not system.nopbc: # appended system uses PBC, cancel nopbc["nopbc"] = False return True
[docs] def convert_to_mixed_type(self, type_map: list[str] | None = None): """Convert the data dict to mixed type format structure, in order to append systems with different formula but the same number of atoms. Change the 'atom_names' to one placeholder type 'MIXED_TOKEN' and add 'real_atom_types' to store the real type vectors according to the given type_map. Parameters ---------- type_map : list type_map """ if "real_atom_types" in return if type_map is None: type_map = self.get_atom_names() type_index = [type_map.index(i) for i in["atom_names"]] frames = self.get_nframes()["real_atom_types"] = np.tile( np.array([type_index[i] for i in["atom_types"]]), [frames, 1] )["real_atom_names"] = type_map natoms = self.get_natoms()["atom_types"] = np.zeros((natoms,), dtype=int)["atom_numbs"] = [natoms]["atom_names"] = ["MIXED_TOKEN"]
[docs] def sort_atom_names(self, type_map: list[str] | None = None): """Sort atom_names of the system and reorder atom_numbs and atom_types accoarding to atom_names. If type_map is not given, atom_names will be sorted by alphabetical order. If type_map is given, atom_names will be type_map. Parameters ---------- type_map : list type_map """ = sort_atom_names(, type_map=type_map)
[docs] def check_type_map(self, type_map: list[str] | None): """Assign atom_names to type_map if type_map is given and different from atom_names. Parameters ---------- type_map : list type_map """ if type_map is not None and type_map !=["atom_names"]: self.sort_atom_names(type_map=type_map)
[docs] def apply_type_map(self, type_map: list[str]): """Customize the element symbol order and it should maintain order consistency in dpgen or deepmd-kit. It is especially recommended for multiple complexsystems with multiple elements. Parameters ---------- type_map : list type_map """ if type_map is not None and isinstance(type_map, list): self.check_type_map(type_map) else: raise RuntimeError("invalid type map, cannot be applied")
[docs] def sort_atom_types(self) -> np.ndarray: """Sort atom types. Returns ------- idx : np.ndarray new atom index in the Axis.NATOMS """ idx = np.argsort(["atom_types"], kind="stable") for tt in self.DTYPES: if not in # skip optional data continue if tt.shape is not None and Axis.NATOMS in tt.shape: axis_natoms = tt.shape.index(Axis.NATOMS) new_shape: list[slice | np.ndarray] = [ slice(None) for _ in[].shape ] new_shape[axis_natoms] = idx[] =[][tuple(new_shape)] return idx
@property def formula(self) -> str: """Return the formula of this system, like C3H5O2.""" return "".join( [ f"{symbol}{numb}" for symbol, numb in zip(["atom_names"],["atom_numbs"] ) ] ) @property def uniq_formula(self) -> str: """Return the uniq_formula of this system. The uniq_formula sort the elements in formula by names. Systems with the same uniq_formula can be append together. """ return "".join( [ f"{symbol}{numb}" for symbol, numb in sorted( zip(["atom_names"],["atom_numbs"]) ) ] ) @property def short_formula(self) -> str: """Return the short formula of this system. Elements with zero number will be removed. """ return "".join( [ f"{symbol}{numb}" for symbol, numb in zip(["atom_names"],["atom_numbs"] ) if numb ] ) @property def formula_hash(self) -> str: """Return the hash of the formula of this system.""" return hashlib.sha256(self.formula.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() @property def short_name(self) -> str: """Return the short name of this system (no more than 255 bytes), in the following order: - formula - short_formula - formula_hash. """ formula = self.formula if utf8len(formula) <= 255: return formula short_formula = self.short_formula if utf8len(short_formula) <= 255: return short_formula return self.formula_hash
[docs] def extend(self, systems: Iterable[System]): """Extend a system list to this system. Parameters ---------- systems : [System1, System2, System3 ] The list to extend """ for system in systems: self.append(system.copy())
[docs] def apply_pbc(self): """Append periodic boundary condition.""" ncoord =["coords"],["cells"]) ncoord = ncoord % 1["coords"] = np.matmul(ncoord,["cells"])
[docs] @post_funcs.register("remove_pbc") def remove_pbc(self, protect_layer: int = 9): """This method does NOT delete the definition of the cells, it (1) revises the cell to a cubic cell and ensures that the cell boundary to any atom in the system is no less than `protect_layer` (2) translates the system such that the center-of-geometry of the system locates at the center of the cell. Parameters ---------- protect_layer : the protect layer between the atoms and the cell boundary """ assert protect_layer >= 0, "the protect_layer should be no less than 0" remove_pbc(, protect_layer)
[docs] def affine_map(self, trans, f_idx: int | numbers.Integral = 0): assert np.linalg.det(trans) != 0["cells"][f_idx] = np.matmul(["cells"][f_idx], trans)["coords"][f_idx] = np.matmul(["coords"][f_idx], trans)
@post_funcs.register("shift_orig_zero") def _shift_orig_zero(self): for ff in["coords"]: for ii in ff: ii = ii -["orig"]["orig"] =["orig"] -["orig"] assert (np.zeros([3]) ==["orig"]).all()
[docs] @post_funcs.register("rot_lower_triangular") def rot_lower_triangular(self): for ii in range(self.get_nframes()): self.rot_frame_lower_triangular(ii)
[docs] def rot_frame_lower_triangular(self, f_idx: int | numbers.Integral = 0): qq, rr = np.linalg.qr(["cells"][f_idx].T) if np.linalg.det(qq) < 0: qq = -qq rr = -rr self.affine_map(qq, f_idx=f_idx) rot = np.eye(3) if["cells"][f_idx][0][0] < 0: rot[0][0] = -1 if["cells"][f_idx][1][1] < 0: rot[1][1] = -1 if["cells"][f_idx][2][2] < 0: rot[2][2] = -1 assert np.linalg.det(rot) == 1 self.affine_map(rot, f_idx=f_idx) return np.matmul(qq, rot)
[docs] def add_atom_names(self, atom_names: list[str]): """Add atom_names that do not exist.""" = add_atom_names(, atom_names)
[docs] def replicate(self, ncopy: list[int] | tuple[int, int, int]): """Replicate the each frame in the system in 3 dimensions. Each frame in the system will become a supercell. Parameters ---------- ncopy list: [4,2,3] or tuple: (4,2,3,) make `ncopy[0]` copys in x dimensions, make `ncopy[1]` copys in y dimensions, make `ncopy[2]` copys in z dimensions. Returns ------- tmp : System The system after replication. """ if len(ncopy) != 3: raise RuntimeError("ncopy must be a list or tuple with 3 int") for ii in ncopy: if not isinstance(ii, int): raise RuntimeError("ncopy must be a list or tuple must with 3 int") tmp = System() nframes = self.get_nframes() data =["atom_names"] = list(np.copy(data["atom_names"]))["atom_numbs"] = list( np.array(np.copy(data["atom_numbs"])) * )["atom_types"] = np.tile( np.copy(data["atom_types"]), (int(,) + (1,) )["atom_types"] = np.transpose(["atom_types"]).reshape([-1])["cells"] = np.copy(data["cells"]) for ii in range(3):["cells"][:, ii, :] *= ncopy[ii]["coords"] = np.tile(np.copy(data["coords"]), tuple(ncopy) + (1, 1, 1)) for xx in range(ncopy[0]): for yy in range(ncopy[1]): for zz in range(ncopy[2]):["coords"][xx, yy, zz, :, :, :] += ( xx * np.reshape(data["cells"][:, 0, :], [-1, 1, 3]) + yy * np.reshape(data["cells"][:, 1, :], [-1, 1, 3]) + zz * np.reshape(data["cells"][:, 2, :], [-1, 1, 3]) )["coords"] = np.reshape( np.transpose(["coords"], [3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 5]), (nframes, -1, 3) ) return tmp
[docs] def replace(self, initial_atom_type: str, end_atom_type: str, replace_num: int): if type(self) is not dpdata.System: raise RuntimeError( "Must use method replace() of the instance of class dpdata.System" ) if not isinstance(replace_num, int): raise ValueError(f"replace_num must be a integer. Now is {replace_num}") if replace_num <= 0: raise ValueError(f"replace_num must be larger than 0.Now is {replace_num}") try: initial_atom_index =["atom_names"].index(initial_atom_type) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( "atom_type {initial_atom_type} not in {atom_names}".format( initial_atom_type=initial_atom_type,["atom_names"], ) ) max_replace_num =["atom_numbs"][initial_atom_index] if replace_num > max_replace_num: raise RuntimeError( f"not enough {initial_atom_type} atom, only {max_replace_num} available, less than {replace_num}.Please check." ) may_replace_indices = [ i for i, x in enumerate(["atom_types"]) if x == initial_atom_index ] to_replace_indices = np.random.choice( may_replace_indices, size=replace_num, replace=False ) if end_atom_type not in["atom_names"]:["atom_names"].append(end_atom_type)["atom_numbs"].append(0) end_atom_index =["atom_names"].index(end_atom_type) for ii in to_replace_indices:["atom_types"][ii] = end_atom_index["atom_numbs"][initial_atom_index] -= replace_num["atom_numbs"][end_atom_index] += replace_num self.sort_atom_types()
[docs] def perturb( self, pert_num: int, cell_pert_fraction: float, atom_pert_distance: float, atom_pert_style: str = "normal", atom_pert_prob: float = 1.0, ): """Perturb each frame in the system randomly. The cell will be deformed randomly, and atoms will be displaced by a random distance in random direction. Parameters ---------- pert_num : int Each frame in the system will make `pert_num` copies, and all the copies will be perturbed. That means the system to be returned will contain `pert_num` * frame_num of the input system. cell_pert_fraction : float A fraction determines how much (relatively) will cell deform. The cell of each frame is deformed by a symmetric matrix perturbed from identity. The perturbation to the diagonal part is subject to a uniform distribution in [-cell_pert_fraction, cell_pert_fraction), and the perturbation to the off-diagonal part is subject to a uniform distribution in [-0.5*cell_pert_fraction, 0.5*cell_pert_fraction). atom_pert_distance : float unit: Angstrom. A distance determines how far atoms will move. Atoms will move about `atom_pert_distance` in random direction. The distribution of the distance atoms move is determined by atom_pert_style atom_pert_style : str Determines the distribution of the distance atoms move is subject to. Avaliable options are - `'normal'`: the `distance` will be object to `chi-square distribution with 3 degrees of freedom` after normalization. The mean value of the distance is `atom_pert_fraction*side_length` - `'uniform'`: will generate uniformly random points in a 3D-balls with radius as `atom_pert_distance`. These points are treated as vector used by atoms to move. Obviously, the max length of the distance atoms move is `atom_pert_distance`. - `'const'`: The distance atoms move will be a constant `atom_pert_distance`. atom_pert_prob : float Determine the proportion of the total number of atoms in a frame that are perturbed. Returns ------- perturbed_system : System The perturbed_system. It contains `pert_num` * frame_num of the input system frames. """ if type(self) is not dpdata.System: raise RuntimeError( f"Using method perturb() of an instance of {type(self)}. " f"Must use method perturb() of the instance of class dpdata.System." ) perturbed_system = System() nframes = self.get_nframes() for ii in range(nframes): for jj in range(pert_num): tmp_system = self[ii].copy() cell_perturb_matrix = get_cell_perturb_matrix(cell_pert_fraction)["cells"][0] = np.matmul(["cells"][0], cell_perturb_matrix )["coords"][0] = np.matmul(["coords"][0], cell_perturb_matrix ) pert_natoms = int(atom_pert_prob * len(["coords"][0])) pert_atom_id = sorted( np.random.choice( range(len(["coords"][0])), pert_natoms, replace=False, ).tolist() ) for kk in pert_atom_id: atom_perturb_vector = get_atom_perturb_vector( atom_pert_distance, atom_pert_style )["coords"][0][kk] += atom_perturb_vector tmp_system.rot_lower_triangular() perturbed_system.append(tmp_system) return perturbed_system
@property def nopbc(self): if"nopbc", False): return True return False @nopbc.setter def nopbc(self, value: bool):["nopbc"] = value
[docs] def shuffle(self): """Shuffle frames randomly.""" idx = np.random.permutation(self.get_nframes()) = self.sub_system(idx).data return idx
[docs] def predict( self, *args: Any, driver: str | Driver = "dp", **kwargs: Any ) -> LabeledSystem: """Predict energies and forces by a driver. Parameters ---------- *args : iterable Arguments passing to the driver driver : str, default=dp The assigned driver. For compatibility, default is dp **kwargs : dict Other arguments passing to the driver Returns ------- labeled_sys : LabeledSystem A new labeled system. Examples -------- The default driver is DP: >>> labeled_sys = ori_sys.predict("frozen_model_compressed.pb") """ if not isinstance(driver, Driver): driver = Driver.get_driver(driver)(*args, **kwargs) data = driver.label( return LabeledSystem(data=data)
[docs] def minimize( self, *args: Any, minimizer: str | Minimizer, **kwargs: Any ) -> LabeledSystem: """Minimize the geometry. Parameters ---------- *args : iterable Arguments passing to the minimizer minimizer : str or Minimizer The assigned minimizer **kwargs : dict Other arguments passing to the minimizer Returns ------- labeled_sys : LabeledSystem A new labeled system. """ if not isinstance(minimizer, Minimizer): minimizer = Minimizer.get_minimizer(minimizer)(*args, **kwargs) data = minimizer.minimize( return LabeledSystem(data=data)
[docs] def pick_atom_idx( self, idx: int | numbers.Integral | list[int] | slice | np.ndarray, nopbc: bool | None = None, ): """Pick atom index. Parameters ---------- idx : int or list or slice atom index nopbc : Boolen (default: None) If nopbc is True or False, set nopbc Returns ------- new_sys: System new system """ new_sys = self.copy() if isinstance(idx, numbers.Integral): idx = np.array([idx]) assert not isinstance(idx, int) for tt in self.DTYPES: if not in # skip optional data continue if tt.shape is not None and Axis.NATOMS in tt.shape: axis_natoms = tt.shape.index(Axis.NATOMS) new_shape: list[slice | np.ndarray | list[int]] = [ slice(None) for _ in[].shape ] new_shape[axis_natoms] = idx[] =[][tuple(new_shape)] # recalculate atom_numbs according to atom_types atom_numbs = np.bincount(["atom_types"], minlength=len(self.get_atom_names()) )["atom_numbs"] = list(atom_numbs) if nopbc is True or nopbc is False: new_sys.nopbc = nopbc return new_sys
[docs] def remove_atom_names(self, atom_names: str | list[str]): """Remove atom names and all such atoms. For example, you may not remove EP atoms in TIP4P/Ew water, which is not a real atom. """ if isinstance(atom_names, str): atom_names = [atom_names] removed_atom_idx = [] for an in atom_names: # get atom name idx idx =["atom_names"].index(an) atom_idx =["atom_types"] == idx removed_atom_idx.append(atom_idx) picked_atom_idx = ~np.any(removed_atom_idx, axis=0) assert not isinstance(picked_atom_idx, np.bool_) new_sys = self.pick_atom_idx(picked_atom_idx) # let's remove atom_names # firstly, rearrange atom_names and put these atom_names in the end new_atom_names = list( [xx for xx in["atom_names"] if xx not in atom_names] ) new_sys.sort_atom_names(type_map=new_atom_names + atom_names) # remove atom_names and atom_numbs["atom_names"] = new_atom_names["atom_numbs"] =["atom_numbs"][: len(new_atom_names)] return new_sys
[docs] def pick_by_amber_mask( self, param: str | parmed.Structure, maskstr: str, pass_coords: bool = False, nopbc: bool | None = None, ): """Pick atoms by amber mask. Parameters ---------- param : str or parmed.Structure filename of Amber param file or parmed.Structure maskstr : str Amber masks pass_coords : Boolen (default: False) If pass_coords is true, the function will pass coordinates and return a MultiSystem. Otherwise, the result is coordinate-independent, and the function will return System or LabeledSystem. nopbc : Boolen (default: None) If nopbc is True or False, set nopbc """ parm = load_param_file(param) if pass_coords: ms = MultiSystems() for sub_s in self: # TODO: this can computed in pararrel idx = pick_by_amber_mask(parm, maskstr, sub_s["coords"][0]) ms.append(sub_s.pick_atom_idx(idx, nopbc=nopbc)) return ms else: idx = pick_by_amber_mask(parm, maskstr) return self.pick_atom_idx(idx, nopbc=nopbc)
[docs] @classmethod def register_data_type(cls, *data_type: DataType): """Register data type. Parameters ---------- *data_type : tuple[DataType] data type to be regiestered """ all_dtypes = cls.DTYPES + tuple(data_type) dtypes_dict = {} for dt in all_dtypes: if in dtypes_dict: warnings.warn( f"Data type {} is registered twice; only the newly registered one will be used.", UserWarning, ) dtypes_dict[] = dt cls.DTYPES = tuple(dtypes_dict.values())
[docs] def get_cell_perturb_matrix(cell_pert_fraction: float): if cell_pert_fraction < 0: raise RuntimeError("cell_pert_fraction can not be negative") e0 = np.random.rand(6) e = e0 * 2 * cell_pert_fraction - cell_pert_fraction cell_pert_matrix = np.array( [ [1 + e[0], 0.5 * e[5], 0.5 * e[4]], [0.5 * e[5], 1 + e[1], 0.5 * e[3]], [0.5 * e[4], 0.5 * e[3], 1 + e[2]], ] ) return cell_pert_matrix
[docs] def get_atom_perturb_vector( atom_pert_distance: float, atom_pert_style: str = "normal", ): random_vector = None if atom_pert_distance < 0: raise RuntimeError("atom_pert_distance can not be negative") if atom_pert_style == "normal": e = np.random.randn(3) random_vector = (atom_pert_distance / np.sqrt(3)) * e elif atom_pert_style == "uniform": e = np.random.randn(3) while np.linalg.norm(e) < 0.1: e = np.random.randn(3) random_unit_vector = e / np.linalg.norm(e) v0 = np.random.rand(1) v = np.power(v0, 1 / 3) random_vector = atom_pert_distance * v * random_unit_vector elif atom_pert_style == "const": e = np.random.randn(3) while np.linalg.norm(e) < 0.1: e = np.random.randn(3) random_unit_vector = e / np.linalg.norm(e) random_vector = atom_pert_distance * random_unit_vector else: raise RuntimeError(f"unsupported options atom_pert_style={atom_pert_style}") return random_vector
[docs] class LabeledSystem(System): """The labeled data System. For example, a labeled water system named `d_example` has two molecules (6 atoms) and `nframes` frames. The labels can be accessed by - `d_example['energies']` : a numpy array of size nframes - `d_example['forces']` : a numpy array of size nframes x 6 x 3 - `d_example['virials']` : optional, a numpy array of size nframes x 3 x 3 It is noted that - The order of frames stored in `'energies'`, `'forces'` and `'virials'` should be consistent with `'atom_types'`, `'cells'` and `'coords'`. - The order of atoms in **every** frame of `'forces'` should be consistent with `'coords'` and `'atom_types'`. Parameters ---------- file_name : str The file to load the system fmt : str Format of the file, supported formats are - ``auto``: infered from `file_name`'s extension - ``vasp/xml``: vasp xml - ``vasp/outcar``: vasp OUTCAR - ``deepmd/raw``: deepmd-kit raw - ``deepmd/npy``: deepmd-kit compressed format (numpy binary) - ``qe/cp/traj``: Quantum Espresso CP trajectory files. should have: file_name+'.in', file_name+'.pos', file_name+'.evp' and file_name+'.for' - ``qe/pw/scf``: Quantum Espresso PW single point calculations. Both input and output files are required. If file_name is a string, it denotes the output file name. Input file name is obtained by replacing 'out' by 'in' from file_name. Or file_name is a list, with the first element being the input file name and the second element being the output filename. - ``siesta/output``: siesta SCF output file - ``siesta/aimd_output``: siesta aimd output file - ``gaussian/log``: gaussian logs - ``gaussian/md``: gaussian ab initio molecular dynamics - ``cp2k/output``: cp2k output file - ``cp2k/aimd_output``: cp2k aimd output dir(contains *pos*.xyz and *.log file); optional `restart=True` if it is a cp2k restarted task. - ``pwmat/movement``: pwmat md output file - ``pwmat/out.mlmd``: pwmat scf output file type_map : list of str Maps atom type to name. The atom with type `ii` is mapped to `type_map[ii]`. If not provided the atom names are assigned to `'Type_1'`, `'Type_2'`, `'Type_3'`... begin : int The beginning frame when loading MD trajectory. step : int The number of skipped frames when loading MD trajectory. """ DTYPES: tuple[DataType, ...] = System.DTYPES + ( DataType("energies", np.ndarray, (Axis.NFRAMES,), deepmd_name="energy"), DataType( "forces", np.ndarray, (Axis.NFRAMES, Axis.NATOMS, 3), required=False, deepmd_name="force", ), DataType( "virials", np.ndarray, (Axis.NFRAMES, 3, 3), required=False, deepmd_name="virial", ), DataType("atom_pref", np.ndarray, (Axis.NFRAMES, Axis.NATOMS), required=False), ) post_funcs = Plugin() + System.post_funcs
[docs] def from_fmt_obj(self, fmtobj, file_name, **kwargs): data = fmtobj.from_labeled_system(file_name, **kwargs) if data: if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): for dd in data: self.append(LabeledSystem(data=dd)) else: = {**, **data} self.check_data() if hasattr(fmtobj.from_labeled_system, "post_func"): for post_f in fmtobj.from_labeled_system.post_func: # type: ignore self.post_funcs.get_plugin(post_f)(self) return self
[docs] def to_fmt_obj(self, fmtobj, *args, **kwargs): return fmtobj.to_labeled_system(, *args, **kwargs)
def __str__(self): ret = "Data Summary" ret += "\nLabeled System" ret += "\n-------------------" ret += "\nFrame Numbers : %d" % self.get_nframes() # noqa: UP031 ret += "\nAtom Numbers : %d" % self.get_natoms() # noqa: UP031 status = "Yes" if self.has_virial() else "No" ret += f"\nIncluding Virials : {status}" ret += "\nElement List :" ret += "\n-------------------" ret += "\n" + " ".join(map(str, self.get_atom_names())) ret += "\n" + " ".join(map(str, self.get_atom_numbs())) return ret def __add__(self, others): """Magic method "+" operation.""" self_copy = self.copy() if isinstance(others, LabeledSystem): other_copy = others.copy() self_copy.append(other_copy) elif isinstance(others, list): for ii in others: assert isinstance(ii, LabeledSystem) ii_copy = ii.copy() self_copy.append(ii_copy) else: raise RuntimeError("Unspported data structure") return self.__class__.from_dict({"data":})
[docs] def has_forces(self) -> bool: return "forces" in
[docs] def has_virial(self) -> bool: # return ('virials' in and (len(['virials']) > 0) return "virials" in
[docs] def affine_map_fv(self, trans, f_idx: int | numbers.Integral): assert np.linalg.det(trans) != 0 if self.has_forces():["forces"][f_idx] = np.matmul(["forces"][f_idx], trans) if self.has_virial():["virials"][f_idx] = np.matmul( trans.T, np.matmul(["virials"][f_idx], trans) )
[docs] def rot_frame_lower_triangular(self, f_idx: int | numbers.Integral = 0): trans = System.rot_frame_lower_triangular(self, f_idx=f_idx) self.affine_map_fv(trans, f_idx=f_idx) return trans
[docs] def correction(self, hl_sys: LabeledSystem) -> LabeledSystem: """Get energy and force correction between self and a high-level LabeledSystem. The self's coordinates will be kept, but energy and forces will be replaced by the correction between these two systems. Note: The function will not check whether coordinates and elements of two systems are the same. The user should make sure by itself. Parameters ---------- hl_sys : LabeledSystem high-level LabeledSystem Returns ------- corrected_sys: LabeledSystem Corrected LabeledSystem """ if not isinstance(hl_sys, LabeledSystem): raise RuntimeError("high_sys should be LabeledSystem") corrected_sys = self.copy()["energies"] =["energies"] -["energies"] if "forces" in and "forces" in["forces"] =["forces"] -["forces"] if "virials" in and "virials" in["virials"] = (["virials"] -["virials"] ) return corrected_sys
[docs] def remove_outlier(self, threshold: float = 8.0) -> LabeledSystem: r"""Remove outlier frames from the system. Remove the frames whose energies satisfy the condition .. math:: \frac{\left \| E - \bar{E} \right \|}{\sigma(E)} \geq \text{threshold} where :math:`\bar{E}` and :math:`\sigma(E)` are the mean and standard deviation of the energies in the system. Parameters ---------- threshold : float The threshold of outlier detection. The default value is 8.0. Returns ------- LabeledSystem The system without outlier frames. References ---------- .. [1] Gao, X.; Ramezanghorbani, F.; Isayev, O.; Smith, J. S.; Roitberg, A. E. TorchANI: A Free and Open Source PyTorch-Based Deep Learning Implementation of the ANI Neural Network Potentials. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2020, 60, 3408-3415. .. [2] Zeng, J.; Tao, Y.; Giese, T. J.; York, D. M.. QDπ: A Quantum Deep Potential Interaction Model for Drug Discovery. J. Comput. Chem. 2023, 19, 1261-1275. """ energies =["energies"] std = np.std(energies) if np.isclose(std, 0.0): return self.copy() idx = np.abs(energies - np.mean(energies)) / std < threshold return self.sub_system(idx)
[docs] class MultiSystems: """A set containing several systems.""" def __init__(self, *systems, type_map=None): """Parameters ---------- *systems : System The systems contained type_map : list of str Maps atom type to name """ dict[str, System] = {} if type_map is not None: self.atom_names: list[str] = type_map else: self.atom_names: list[str] = [] self.append(*systems)
[docs] def from_fmt_obj( self, fmtobj: Format, directory, labeled: bool = True, **kwargs: Any ): if not isinstance(fmtobj, dpdata.plugins.deepmd.DeePMDMixedFormat): for dd in fmtobj.from_multi_systems(directory, **kwargs): if labeled: system = LabeledSystem().from_fmt_obj(fmtobj, dd, **kwargs) else: system = System().from_fmt_obj(fmtobj, dd, **kwargs) system.sort_atom_names() self.append(system) return self else: system_list = [] for dd in fmtobj.from_multi_systems(directory, **kwargs): if labeled: data_list = fmtobj.from_labeled_system_mix(dd, **kwargs) for data_item in data_list: system_list.append(LabeledSystem(data=data_item, **kwargs)) else: data_list = fmtobj.from_system_mix(dd, **kwargs) for data_item in data_list: system_list.append(System(data=data_item, **kwargs)) self.append(*system_list) return self
[docs] def to_fmt_obj(self, fmtobj: Format, directory, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): if not isinstance(fmtobj, dpdata.plugins.deepmd.DeePMDMixedFormat): for fn, ss in zip( fmtobj.to_multi_systems( [ss.short_name for ss in], directory, **kwargs ),, ): ss.to_fmt_obj(fmtobj, fn, *args, **kwargs) else: mixed_systems = fmtobj.mix_system( *list(, type_map=self.atom_names, **kwargs ) for fn in mixed_systems: mixed_systems[fn].to_fmt_obj( fmtobj, os.path.join(directory, fn), *args, **kwargs ) return self
[docs] def to(self, fmt: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> MultiSystems: """Dump systems to the specific format. Parameters ---------- fmt : str format *args : list arguments **kwargs : dict keyword arguments Returns ------- MultiSystems self """ return self.to_fmt_obj(load_format(fmt), *args, **kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, key): """Returns proerty stored in System by key or by idx.""" if isinstance(key, int): return list([key] return[key] def __len__(self): return len( def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): return f"MultiSystems ({len(} systems containing {self.get_nframes()} frames)" def __add__(self, others): """Magic method "+" operation.""" self_copy = deepcopy(self) if isinstance(others, System) or isinstance(others, MultiSystems): return self.__class__(self, others) elif isinstance(others, list): return self.__class__(self, *others) raise RuntimeError("Unspported data structure")
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, file_name, fmt: str, **kwargs: Any): multi_systems = cls() multi_systems.load_systems_from_file(file_name=file_name, fmt=fmt, **kwargs) return multi_systems
[docs] @classmethod def from_dir( cls, dir_name: str, file_name: str, fmt: str = "auto", type_map: list[str] | None = None, ): multi_systems = cls() target_file_list = sorted( glob.glob(f"./{dir_name}/**/{file_name}", recursive=True) ) for target_file in target_file_list: multi_systems.append( LabeledSystem(file_name=target_file, fmt=fmt, type_map=type_map) ) return multi_systems
[docs] def load_systems_from_file(self, file_name=None, fmt: str | None = None, **kwargs): assert fmt is not None fmt = fmt.lower() return self.from_fmt_obj(load_format(fmt), file_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_nframes(self) -> int: """Returns number of frames in all systems.""" return sum(len(system) for system in
[docs] def append(self, *systems: System | MultiSystems): """Append systems or MultiSystems to systems. Parameters ---------- *systems : System The system to append """ for system in systems: if isinstance(system, System): self.__append(system) elif isinstance(system, MultiSystems): for sys in system: self.__append(sys) else: raise RuntimeError("Object must be System or MultiSystems!")
def __append(self, system: System): if not system.formula: return # prevent changing the original system system = system.copy() self.check_atom_names(system) formula = system.formula if formula in[formula].append(system) else:[formula] = system.copy()
[docs] def check_atom_names(self, system: System): """Make atom_names in all systems equal, prevent inconsistent atom_types.""" # new_in_system = set(system["atom_names"]) - set(self.atom_names) # new_in_self = set(self.atom_names) - set(system["atom_names"]) new_in_system = [e for e in system["atom_names"] if e not in self.atom_names] new_in_self = [e for e in self.atom_names if e not in system["atom_names"]] if len(new_in_system): # A new atom_name appear, add to self.atom_names self.atom_names.extend(new_in_system) # Add this atom_name to each system, and change their names new_systems = {} for each_system in each_system.add_atom_names(new_in_system) each_system.sort_atom_names(type_map=self.atom_names) new_systems[each_system.formula] = each_system = new_systems if len(new_in_self): # Previous atom_name not in this system system.add_atom_names(new_in_self) system.sort_atom_names(type_map=self.atom_names)
[docs] def predict( self, *args: Any, driver: str | Driver = "dp", **kwargs: Any ) -> MultiSystems: """Predict energies and forces by a driver. Parameters ---------- *args : iterable Arguments passing to the driver driver : str, default=dp The assigned driver. For compatibility, default is dp **kwargs : dict Other arguments passing to the driver Returns ------- MultiSystems A new labeled MultiSystems. """ if not isinstance(driver, Driver): driver = Driver.get_driver(driver)(*args, **kwargs) new_multisystems = dpdata.MultiSystems(type_map=self.atom_names) for ss in self: new_multisystems.append(ss.predict(*args, driver=driver, **kwargs)) return new_multisystems
[docs] def minimize( self, *args: Any, minimizer: str | Minimizer, **kwargs: Any ) -> MultiSystems: """Minimize geometry by a minimizer. Parameters ---------- *args : iterable Arguments passing to the minimizer minimizer : str or Minimizer The assigned minimizer **kwargs : dict Other arguments passing to the minimizer Returns ------- MultiSystems A new labeled MultiSystems. Examples -------- Minimize a system using ASE BFGS along with a DP driver: >>> from dpdata.driver import Driver >>> from ase.optimize import BFGS >>> driver = Driver.get_driver("dp")("some_model.pb") >>> some_system.minimize(minimizer="ase", driver=driver, optimizer=BFGS, fmax=1e-5) """ if not isinstance(minimizer, Minimizer): minimizer = Minimizer.get_minimizer(minimizer)(*args, **kwargs) new_multisystems = dpdata.MultiSystems(type_map=self.atom_names) for ss in self: new_multisystems.append(ss.minimize(*args, minimizer=minimizer, **kwargs)) return new_multisystems
[docs] def pick_atom_idx( self, idx: int | numbers.Integral | list[int] | slice | np.ndarray, nopbc: bool | None = None, ): """Pick atom index. Parameters ---------- idx : int or list or slice atom index nopbc : Boolen (default: None) If nopbc is True or False, set nopbc Returns ------- new_sys: MultiSystems new system """ new_sys = MultiSystems() for ss in self: new_sys.append(ss.pick_atom_idx(idx, nopbc=nopbc)) return new_sys
[docs] def correction(self, hl_sys: MultiSystems) -> MultiSystems: """Get energy and force correction between self (assumed low-level) and a high-level MultiSystems. The self's coordinates will be kept, but energy and forces will be replaced by the correction between these two systems. Notes ----- This method will not check whether coordinates and elements of two systems are the same. The user should make sure by itself. Parameters ---------- hl_sys : MultiSystems high-level MultiSystems Returns ------- corrected_sys : MultiSystems Corrected MultiSystems Examples -------- Get correction between a low-level system and a high-level system: >>> low_level = dpdata.MultiSystems().from_deepmd_hdf5("low_level.hdf5") >>> high_level = dpdata.MultiSystems().from_deepmd_hdf5("high_level.hdf5") >>> corr = low_level.correction(high_lebel) >>> corr.to_deepmd_hdf5("corr.hdf5") """ if not isinstance(hl_sys, MultiSystems): raise RuntimeError("high_sys should be MultiSystems") corrected_sys = MultiSystems(type_map=self.atom_names) for nn in ll_ss = self[nn] hl_ss = hl_sys[nn] assert isinstance(ll_ss, LabeledSystem) assert isinstance(hl_ss, LabeledSystem) corrected_sys.append(ll_ss.correction(hl_ss)) return corrected_sys
[docs] def train_test_split( self, test_size: float | int, seed: int | None = None ) -> tuple[MultiSystems, MultiSystems, dict[str, np.ndarray]]: """Split systems into random train and test subsets. Parameters ---------- test_size : float or int If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the test split. If int, represents the absolute number of test samples. seed : int, default=None Random seed Returns ------- MultiSystems The training set MultiSystems The testing set Dict[str, np.ndarray] The bool array of training and testing sets for each system. False for training set and True for testing set. """ nframes = self.get_nframes() if isinstance(test_size, float): assert 0 <= test_size <= 1 test_size = int(np.floor(test_size * nframes)) elif isinstance(test_size, int): assert 0 <= test_size <= nframes else: raise RuntimeError("test_size should be float or int") # get random indices rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed) test_idx = rng.choice(nframes, test_size, replace=False) select_test = np.zeros(nframes, dtype=bool) select_test[test_idx] = True select_train = np.logical_not(select_test) # flatten systems dict system_names, system_sizes = zip( *((kk, len(vv)) for (kk, vv) in ) system_idx = np.empty(len(system_sizes) + 1, dtype=int) system_idx[0] = 0 np.cumsum(system_sizes, out=system_idx[1:]) # make new systems train_systems = MultiSystems(type_map=self.atom_names) test_systems = MultiSystems(type_map=self.atom_names) test_system_idx = {} for ii, nn in enumerate(system_names): sub_train = self[nn][select_train[system_idx[ii] : system_idx[ii + 1]]] if len(sub_train): train_systems.append(sub_train) sub_test = self[nn][select_test[system_idx[ii] : system_idx[ii + 1]]] if len(sub_test): test_systems.append(sub_test) test_system_idx[nn] = select_test[system_idx[ii] : system_idx[ii + 1]] return train_systems, test_systems, test_system_idx
[docs] def get_cls_name(cls: type[Any]) -> str: """Returns the fully qualified name of a class, such as `np.ndarray`. Parameters ---------- cls : object the class Returns ------- str the fully qualified name of a class """ return ".".join([cls.__module__, cls.__name__])
[docs] def add_format_methods(): """Add format methods to System, LabeledSystem, and MultiSystems; add data types to System and LabeledSystem. Notes ----- Ensure all plugins have been loaded before execuating this function! """ # automatically register from/to functions for formats # for example, deepmd/npy will be registered as from_deepmd_npy and to_deepmd_npy for key, formatcls in Format.get_formats().items(): formattedkey = key.replace("/", "_").replace(".", "") from_func_name = "from_" + formattedkey to_func_name = "to_" + formattedkey Format.register_from(from_func_name)(formatcls) Format.register_to(to_func_name)(formatcls) for method, formatcls in Format.get_from_methods().items(): def get_func_from(ff): # ff is not initized when defining from_format so cannot be polluted def from_format(self, file_name, **kwargs): return self.from_fmt_obj(ff(), file_name, **kwargs) from_format.__doc__ = f"Read data from :class:`{get_cls_name(ff)}` format." return from_format setattr(System, method, get_func_from(formatcls)) setattr(LabeledSystem, method, get_func_from(formatcls)) setattr(MultiSystems, method, get_func_from(formatcls)) for method, formatcls in Format.get_to_methods().items(): def get_func_to(ff): def to_format(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.to_fmt_obj(ff(), *args, **kwargs) to_format.__doc__ = f"Dump data to :class:`{get_cls_name(ff)}` format." return to_format setattr(System, method, get_func_to(formatcls)) setattr(LabeledSystem, method, get_func_to(formatcls)) setattr(MultiSystems, method, get_func_to(formatcls)) # at this point, System.DTYPES and LabeledSystem.DTYPES has been initialized System.register_data_type(*get_data_types(labeled=False)) LabeledSystem.register_data_type(*get_data_types(labeled=False)) LabeledSystem.register_data_type(*get_data_types(labeled=True))