Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import warnings

import numpy as np

from dpdata.utils import open_file

from .scf import (

# Read in geometries from an ABACUS MD trajectory.
# The atomic coordinates are read in from generated files in OUT.XXXX.
# Energies, forces
# IMPORTANT: the program defaultly takes STRU input file as standard cell information,
# therefore the direct and cartesan coordinates read could be different from the ones in
# the output cif files!!!
# It is highly recommanded to use ORTHOGANAL coordinates in STRU file if you wish to get
# same coordinates in both dpdata and output cif files.

[docs] def get_path_out(fname, inlines): # This function is different from the same-name function in # This function returns OUT.XXXX's base directory. path_out = os.path.join(fname, "OUT.ABACUS/") for line in inlines: if len(line) > 0 and "suffix" in line and "suffix" == line.split()[0]: suffix = line.split()[1] path_out = os.path.join(fname, f"OUT.{suffix}/") break return path_out
[docs] def get_coord_dump_freq(inlines): for line in inlines: if len(line) > 0 and "md_dumpfreq" in line and "md_dumpfreq" == line.split()[0]: return int(line.split()[1]) return 1
[docs] def get_coords_from_dump(dumplines, natoms): nlines = len(dumplines) total_natoms = sum(natoms) # The output of VIRIAL, FORCE, and VELOCITY are controlled by INPUT parameters dump_virial, dump_force, and dump_vel, respectively. # So the search of keywords can determine whether these datas are printed into MD_dump. calc_stress = False calc_force = False check_line = 6 if "VIRIAL" in dumplines[6]: calc_stress = True check_line = 10 assert "POSITION" in dumplines[check_line], ( "keywords 'POSITION' cannot be found in the 6th line. Please check." ) if "FORCE" in dumplines[check_line]: calc_force = True nframes_dump = -1 if calc_stress: nframes_dump = int(nlines / (total_natoms + 13)) else: nframes_dump = int(nlines / (total_natoms + 9)) assert nframes_dump > 0, ( "Number of lines in MD_dump file = %d. Number of atoms = %d. The MD_dump file is incomplete." # noqa: UP031 % (nlines, total_natoms) ) cells = np.zeros([nframes_dump, 3, 3]) stresses = np.zeros([nframes_dump, 3, 3]) forces = np.zeros([nframes_dump, total_natoms, 3]) coords = np.zeros([nframes_dump, total_natoms, 3]) iframe = 0 for iline in range(nlines): if "MDSTEP" in dumplines[iline]: # read in LATTICE_CONSTANT # for abacus version >= v3.1.4, the unit is angstrom, and "ANGSTROM" is added at the end # for abacus version < v3.1.4, the unit is bohr celldm = float(dumplines[iline + 1].split()[1]) newversion = True if "Angstrom" not in dumplines[iline + 1]: celldm *= bohr2ang # transfer unit to ANGSTROM newversion = False # read in LATTICE_VECTORS for ix in range(3): cells[iframe, ix] = ( np.array([float(i) for i in dumplines[iline + 3 + ix].split()[0:3]]) * celldm ) if calc_stress: stresses[iframe, ix] = np.array( [float(i) for i in dumplines[iline + 7 + ix].split()[0:3]] ) if calc_stress: skipline = 11 else: skipline = 7 for iat in range(total_natoms): # INDEX LABEL POSITION (Angstrom) FORCE (eV/Angstrom) VELOCITY (Angstrom/fs) # 0 Sn 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 -0.000000000000 -0.000000000001 -0.000000000001 0.001244557166 -0.000346684288 0.000768457739 # 1 Sn 0.000000000000 3.102800034079 3.102800034079 -0.000186795145 -0.000453823768 -0.000453823768 0.000550996187 -0.000886442775 0.001579501983 # for abacus version >= v3.1.4, the value of POSITION is the real cartessian position, and unit is angstrom, and if cal_force the VELOCITY is added at the end. # for abacus version < v3.1.4, the real position = POSITION * celldm coords[iframe, iat] = np.array( [float(i) for i in dumplines[iline + skipline + iat].split()[2:5]] ) if not newversion: coords[iframe, iat] *= celldm if calc_force: forces[iframe, iat] = np.array( [ float(i) for i in dumplines[iline + skipline + iat].split()[5:8] ] ) iframe += 1 assert iframe == nframes_dump, ( "iframe=%d, nframe_dump=%d. Number of frames does not match number of lines in MD_dump." # noqa: UP031 % (iframe, nframes_dump) ) stresses *= kbar2evperang3 return coords, cells, forces, stresses
[docs] def get_energy(outlines, ndump, dump_freq): energy = [] nenergy = 0 for line_idx, line in enumerate(outlines): if "final etot is" in line: if nenergy % dump_freq == 0: energy.append(float(line.split()[-2])) nenergy += 1 elif "!! convergence has not been achieved" in line: if nenergy % dump_freq == 0: energy.append(np.nan) nenergy += 1 assert ndump == len(energy), ( "Number of total energies in running_md.log = %d. Number of frames in MD_dump = %d. Please check." # noqa: UP031 % (len(energy), ndump) ) energy = np.array(energy) return energy
[docs] def get_frame(fname): if isinstance(fname, str): # if the input parameter is only one string, it is assumed that it is the # base directory containing INPUT file; path_in = os.path.join(fname, "INPUT") else: raise RuntimeError("invalid input") with open_file(path_in) as fp: inlines ="\n") geometry_path_in = get_geometry_in(fname, inlines) # base dir of STRU path_out = get_path_out(fname, inlines) with open_file(geometry_path_in) as fp: geometry_inlines ="\n") celldm, cell = get_cell(geometry_inlines) atom_names, natoms, types, coords, move, magmom = get_coords( celldm, cell, geometry_inlines, inlines ) # This coords is not to be used. dump_freq = get_coord_dump_freq(inlines=inlines) # ndump = int(os.popen("ls -l %s | grep 'md_pos_' | wc -l" %path_out).readlines()[0]) # number of dumped geometry files # coords = get_coords_from_cif(ndump, dump_freq, atom_names, natoms, types, path_out, cell) with open_file(os.path.join(path_out, "MD_dump")) as fp: dumplines ="\n") coords, cells, force, stress = get_coords_from_dump(dumplines, natoms) ndump = np.shape(coords)[0] with open_file(os.path.join(path_out, "running_md.log")) as fp: outlines ="\n") energy = get_energy(outlines, ndump, dump_freq) unconv_stru = "" for i, iene in enumerate(energy): if np.isnan(iene): coords = np.delete(coords, i - ndump, axis=0) cells = np.delete(cells, i - ndump, axis=0) force = np.delete(force, i - ndump, axis=0) stress = np.delete(stress, i - ndump, axis=0) energy = np.delete(energy, i - ndump, axis=0) unconv_stru += "%d " % i # noqa: UP031 ndump = len(energy) if unconv_stru != "": warnings.warn(f"Structure {unconv_stru} are unconverged and not collected!") for iframe in range(ndump): stress[iframe] *= np.linalg.det(cells[iframe, :, :].reshape([3, 3])) if np.sum(np.abs(stress[0])) < 1e-10: stress = None magmom, magforce = get_mag_force(outlines) data = {} data["atom_names"] = atom_names data["atom_numbs"] = natoms data["atom_types"] = types data["cells"] = cells # for idx in range(ndump): # data['cells'][:, :, :] = cell data["coords"] = coords data["energies"] = energy data["forces"] = force data["virials"] = stress if not isinstance(data["virials"], np.ndarray): del data["virials"] data["orig"] = np.zeros(3) if len(magmom) > 0: data["spins"] = magmom if len(magforce) > 0: data["force_mags"] = magforce if len(move) > 0: data["move"] = move return data