from __future__ import annotations
import os
import re
import warnings
import numpy as np
from dpdata.utils import open_file
from ..unit import EnergyConversion, LengthConversion, PressureConversion
bohr2ang = LengthConversion("bohr", "angstrom").value()
ry2ev = EnergyConversion("rydberg", "eV").value()
kbar2evperang3 = PressureConversion("kbar", "eV/angstrom^3").value()
def CheckFile(ifile):
if not os.path.isfile(ifile):
print(f"Can not find file {ifile}")
return False
return True
def get_block(lines, keyword, skip=0, nlines=None):
ret = []
found = False
if not nlines:
nlines = 1e6
for idx, ii in enumerate(lines):
if keyword in ii:
found = True
blk_idx = idx + 1 + skip
line_idx = 0
while len(re.split(r"\s+", lines[blk_idx])) == 0:
blk_idx += 1
while line_idx < nlines and blk_idx != len(lines):
if len(re.split(r"\s+", lines[blk_idx])) == 0 or lines[blk_idx] == "":
blk_idx += 1
blk_idx += 1
line_idx += 1
if not found:
return None
return ret
def get_stru_block(lines, keyword):
# return the block of lines after keyword in STRU file, and skip the blank lines
def clean_comment(line):
return re.split("[#]", line)[0]
ret = []
found = False
for i in range(len(lines)):
if clean_comment(lines[i]).strip() == keyword:
found = True
for j in range(i + 1, len(lines)):
if clean_comment(lines[j]).strip() == "":
elif clean_comment(lines[j]).strip() in ABACUS_STRU_KEYS:
if not found:
return None
return ret
def get_geometry_in(fname, inlines):
geometry_path_in = os.path.join(fname, "STRU")
for line in inlines:
if "stru_file" in line and "stru_file" == line.split()[0]:
atom_file = line.split()[1]
geometry_path_in = os.path.join(fname, atom_file)
return geometry_path_in
def get_path_out(fname, inlines):
path_out = os.path.join(fname, "OUT.ABACUS/running_scf.log")
for line in inlines:
if "suffix" in line and "suffix" == line.split()[0]:
suffix = line.split()[1]
path_out = os.path.join(fname, f"OUT.{suffix}/running_scf.log")
return path_out
def get_cell(geometry_inlines):
cell_lines = get_stru_block(geometry_inlines, "LATTICE_VECTORS")
celldm_lines = get_stru_block(geometry_inlines, "LATTICE_CONSTANT")
celldm = float(celldm_lines[0].split()[0]) * bohr2ang # lattice const is in Bohr
cell = []
for ii in range(3):
cell.append([float(jj) for jj in cell_lines[ii].split()[0:3]])
cell = celldm * np.array(cell)
return celldm, cell
def parse_stru_pos(pos_line):
"""Parses a line from the atom position block in a structure file.
The content in atom position block can include:
- `m` or NO key word: Three numbers (0 or 1) controlling atom movement in geometry relaxation calculations.
- `v`, `vel`, or `velocity`: Three components of initial velocity of atoms in geometry relaxation calculations.
- `mag` or `magmom`: Start magnetization for each atom. Can be one number (colinear) or three numbers (non-colinear).
- `angle1`: In non-colinear case, angle between c-axis and real spin (in degrees).
- `angle2`: In non-colinear case, angle between a-axis and real spin projection in ab-plane (in degrees).
- `cs` or `constrain`: Three numbers (0 or 1) controlling the spin constraint of the atom.
- `lambda`: Three numbers controlling the lambda of the atom.
pos_line : A line from the atom position block.
tuple: A tuple containing:
- pos (list of float): The position coordinates.
- move (list of int or None): Movement control values.
- velocity (list of float or None): Initial velocity components.
- magmom (float, list of float, or None): Magnetization values.
- angle1 (float or None): Angle1 value.
- angle2 (float or None): Angle2 value.
- constrain (list of bool or None): Spin constraint values.
- lambda1 (float, list of float, or None): Lambda values.
0.0 0.0 0.0 m 0 0 0 mag 1.0 angle1 90 angle2 0 cs 0 0 0
0.5 0.5 0.5 m 1 1 1 mag 1.0 angle1 90 angle2 180
pos_line = pos_line.split("#")[0] # remove comments
sline = pos_line.split()
pos = [float(i) for i in sline[:3]]
move = None
velocity = None
magmom = None
angle1 = None
angle2 = None
constrain = None
lambda1 = None
if len(sline) > 3:
mag_list = None
velocity_list = None
move_list = []
angle1_list = None
angle2_list = None
constrain_list = None
lambda_list = None
label = "move"
for i in range(3, len(sline)):
# firstly read the label
if sline[i] == "m":
label = "move"
elif sline[i] in ["v", "vel", "velocity"]:
label = "velocity"
velocity_list = []
elif sline[i] in ["mag", "magmom"]:
label = "magmom"
mag_list = []
elif sline[i] == "angle1":
label = "angle1"
angle1_list = []
elif sline[i] == "angle2":
label = "angle2"
angle2_list = []
elif sline[i] in ["constrain", "sc"]:
label = "constrain"
constrain_list = []
elif sline[i] in ["lambda"]:
label = "lambda"
lambda_list = []
# the read the value to the list
elif label == "move":
elif label == "velocity":
elif label == "magmom":
elif label == "angle1":
elif label == "angle2":
elif label == "constrain":
elif label == "lambda":
if move_list is not None and len(move_list) > 0:
if len(move_list) == 3:
move = move_list
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid setting of move: {pos_line}")
if velocity_list is not None:
if len(velocity_list) == 3:
velocity = velocity_list
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid setting of velocity: {pos_line}")
if mag_list is not None:
if len(mag_list) == 3:
magmom = mag_list
elif len(mag_list) == 1:
magmom = mag_list[0]
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid magnetic moment {pos_line}")
if angle1_list is not None:
if len(angle1_list) == 1:
angle1 = angle1_list[0]
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid angle1 {pos_line}")
if angle2_list is not None:
if len(angle2_list) == 1:
angle2 = angle2_list[0]
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid angle2 {pos_line}")
if constrain_list is not None:
if len(constrain_list) == 3:
constrain = constrain_list
elif len(constrain_list) == 1:
constrain = constrain_list[0]
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid constrain {pos_line}")
if lambda_list is not None:
if len(lambda_list) == 3:
lambda1 = lambda_list
elif len(lambda_list) == 1:
lambda1 = lambda_list[0]
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid lambda {pos_line}")
return pos, move, velocity, magmom, angle1, angle2, constrain, lambda1
def get_atom_mag_cartesian(atommag, angle1, angle2):
"""Transform atommag, angle1, angle2 to magmom in cartesian coordinates.
atommag : float/list of float/None
Atom magnetic moment.
angle1 : float/None
value of angle1.
angle2 : float/None
value of angle2.
ABACUS support defining mag, angle1, angle2 at the same time.
angle1 is the angle between z-axis and real spin (in degrees).
angle2 is the angle between x-axis and real spin projection in xy-plane (in degrees).
If only mag is defined, then transfer it to magmom directly.
And if mag, angle1, angle2 are defined, then mag is only the norm of magmom, and the direction is defined by angle1 and angle2.
if atommag is None:
return None
if not (isinstance(atommag, list) or isinstance(atommag, float)):
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid atommag: {atommag}")
if angle1 is None and angle2 is None:
if isinstance(atommag, list):
return atommag
return [0, 0, atommag]
a1 = 0
a2 = 0
if angle1 is not None:
a1 = angle1
if angle2 is not None:
a2 = angle2
if isinstance(atommag, list):
mag_norm = np.linalg.norm(atommag)
mag_norm = atommag
return [
mag_norm * np.sin(np.radians(a1)) * np.cos(np.radians(a2)),
mag_norm * np.sin(np.radians(a1)) * np.sin(np.radians(a2)),
mag_norm * np.cos(np.radians(a1)),
def get_coords(celldm, cell, geometry_inlines, inlines=None):
coords_lines = get_stru_block(geometry_inlines, "ATOMIC_POSITIONS")
# assuming that ATOMIC_POSITIONS is at the bottom of the STRU file
coord_type = coords_lines[0].split()[0].lower() # cartisan or direct
atom_names = [] # element abbr in periodic table
atom_types = [] # index of atom_names of each atom in the geometry
atom_numbs = [] # of atoms for each element
coords = [] # coordinations of atoms
move = [] # move flag of each atom
velocity = [] # velocity of each atom
mags = [] # magnetic moment of each atom
sc = [] # spin constraint flag of each atom
lambda_ = [] # lambda of each atom
ntype = get_nele_from_stru(geometry_inlines)
line_idx = 1 # starting line of first element
for it in range(ntype):
atom_type_mag = float(coords_lines[line_idx + 1].split()[0])
line_idx += 2
line_idx += 1
for iline in range(atom_numbs[it]):
pos, imove, ivelocity, imagmom, iangle1, iangle2, iconstrain, ilambda1 = (
xyz = np.array(pos)
if coord_type == "cartesian":
xyz = xyz * celldm
elif coord_type == "direct":
tmp = np.matmul(xyz, cell)
xyz = tmp
print(f"coord_type = {coord_type}")
raise RuntimeError(
"Input coordination type is invalid.\n Only direct and cartesian are accepted."
if imove is not None:
# calculate the magnetic moment in cartesian coordinates
mag = get_atom_mag_cartesian(imagmom, iangle1, iangle2)
if mag is None:
mag = [0, 0, atom_type_mag]
line_idx += 1
coords = np.array(coords) # need transformation!!!
atom_types = np.array(atom_types)
move = np.array(move, dtype=bool)
return atom_names, atom_numbs, atom_types, coords, move, mags
def get_energy(outlines):
Etot = None
for line in reversed(outlines):
if "final etot is" in line:
Etot = float(line.split()[-2]) # in eV
return Etot, True
elif "convergence has NOT been achieved!" in line:
return Etot, False
elif "convergence has not been achieved" in line:
return Etot, False
return Etot, False
def collect_force(outlines):
force = []
for i, line in enumerate(outlines):
if "TOTAL-FORCE (eV/Angstrom)" in line:
value_pattern = re.compile(
j = i
# find the first line of force
noforce = False
while not value_pattern.match(outlines[j]):
j += 1
if (
j >= i + 10
): # if can not find the first line of force in 10 lines, then stop
warnings.warn("Warning: can not find the first line of force")
noforce = True
if noforce:
while value_pattern.match(outlines[j]):
force[-1].append([float(ii) for ii in outlines[j].split()[1:4]])
j += 1
return force # only return the last force
def get_force(outlines, natoms):
force = collect_force(outlines)
if len(force) == 0:
return None
return np.array(force[-1]) # only return the last force
def collect_stress(outlines):
stress = []
for i, line in enumerate(outlines):
if "TOTAL-STRESS (KBAR)" in line:
value_pattern = re.compile(
j = i
nostress = False
while not value_pattern.match(outlines[j]):
j += 1
if (
j >= i + 10
): # if can not find the first line of stress in 10 lines, then stop
warnings.warn("Warning: can not find the first line of stress")
nostress = True
if nostress:
while value_pattern.match(outlines[j]):
list(map(lambda x: float(x), outlines[j].split()[0:3]))
j += 1
return stress
def get_stress(outlines):
stress = collect_stress(outlines)
if len(stress) == 0:
return None
return np.array(stress[-1]) * kbar2evperang3 # only return the last stress
def get_mag_force(outlines):
"""Read atomic magmom and magnetic force from OUT.ABACUS/running_scf.log.
magmom: list of list of atomic magnetic moments (three dimensions: ION_STEP * NATOMS * 1/3)
magforce: list of list of atomic magnetic forces (three dimensions: ION_STEP * NATOMS * 1/3)
Total Magnetism (uB)
Fe 0.0000000001 0.0000000000 3.0000000307
Fe -0.0000000000 -0.0000000000 3.0000001151
Magnetic force (eV/uB)
Fe 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 -1.2117698671
Fe 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 -1.2117928796
mags = []
magforces = []
for i, line in enumerate(outlines):
if "Total Magnetism (uB)" in line:
j = i + 2
mag = []
while "-------------------------" not in outlines[j]:
imag = [float(ii) for ii in outlines[j].split()[1:]]
if len(imag) == 1:
imag = [0, 0, imag[0]]
j += 1
if "Magnetic force (eV/uB)" in line:
j = i + 2
magforce = []
while "-------------------------" not in outlines[j]:
imagforce = [float(ii) for ii in outlines[j].split()[1:]]
if len(imagforce) == 1:
imagforce = [0, 0, imagforce[0]]
j += 1
return np.array(mags), np.array(magforces)
def get_frame(fname):
data = {
"atom_names": [],
"atom_numbs": [],
"atom_types": [],
"cells": np.array([]),
"coords": np.array([]),
"energies": np.array([]),
"forces": np.array([]),
if isinstance(fname, str):
# if the input parameter is only one string, it is assumed that it is the
# base directory containing INPUT file;
path_in = os.path.join(fname, "INPUT")
raise RuntimeError("invalid input")
if not CheckFile(path_in):
return data
with open_file(path_in) as fp:
inlines ="\n")
geometry_path_in = get_geometry_in(fname, inlines)
path_out = get_path_out(fname, inlines)
if not (CheckFile(geometry_path_in) and CheckFile(path_out)):
return data
with open_file(geometry_path_in) as fp:
geometry_inlines ="\n")
with open_file(path_out) as fp:
outlines ="\n")
celldm, cell = get_cell(geometry_inlines)
atom_names, natoms, types, coords, move, magmom = (
get_coords( # here the magmom is the initial magnetic moment in STRU
celldm, cell, geometry_inlines, inlines
magmom, magforce = get_mag_force(outlines)
if len(magmom) > 0:
magmom = magmom[-1:]
if len(magforce) > 0:
magforce = magforce[-1:]
data["atom_names"] = atom_names
data["atom_numbs"] = natoms
data["atom_types"] = types
energy, converge = get_energy(outlines)
if not converge:
return data
force = get_force(outlines, natoms)
stress = get_stress(outlines)
if stress is not None:
stress *= np.abs(np.linalg.det(cell))
data["cells"] = cell[np.newaxis, :, :]
data["coords"] = coords[np.newaxis, :, :]
data["energies"] = np.array(energy)[np.newaxis]
data["forces"] = np.empty((0,)) if force is None else force[np.newaxis, :, :]
if stress is not None:
data["virials"] = stress[np.newaxis, :, :]
data["orig"] = np.zeros(3)
if len(magmom) > 0:
data["spins"] = magmom
if len(magforce) > 0:
data["force_mags"] = magforce
if len(move) > 0:
data["move"] = move[np.newaxis, :, :]
# print("atom_names = ", data['atom_names'])
# print("natoms = ", data['atom_numbs'])
# print("types = ", data['atom_types'])
# print("cells = ", data['cells'])
# print("coords = ", data['coords'])
# print("energy = ", data['energies'])
# print("force = ", data['forces'])
# print("virial = ", data['virials'])
return data
def get_nele_from_stru(geometry_inlines):
key_words_list = [
keyword_sequence = []
keyword_line_index = []
for iline, line in enumerate(geometry_inlines):
if line.split() == []:
for keyword in key_words_list:
if keyword in line and keyword == line.split()[0]:
assert len(keyword_line_index) == len(keyword_sequence)
assert len(keyword_sequence) > 0
nele = 0
for idx, keyword in enumerate(keyword_sequence):
if keyword == "ATOMIC_SPECIES":
for iline in range(
keyword_line_index[idx] + 1, keyword_line_index[idx + 1]
if len(re.split(r"\s+", geometry_inlines[iline])) >= 3:
nele += 1
return nele
def get_frame_from_stru(fname):
assert isinstance(fname, str)
with open_file(fname) as fp:
geometry_inlines ="\n")
nele = get_nele_from_stru(geometry_inlines)
inlines = [f"ntype {nele}"]
celldm, cell = get_cell(geometry_inlines)
atom_names, natoms, types, coords, move, magmom = get_coords(
celldm, cell, geometry_inlines, inlines
data = {}
data["atom_names"] = atom_names
data["atom_numbs"] = natoms
data["atom_types"] = types
data["cells"] = cell[np.newaxis, :, :]
data["coords"] = coords[np.newaxis, :, :]
data["orig"] = np.zeros(3)
data["spins"] = np.array([magmom])
if len(move) > 0:
data["move"] = move[np.newaxis, :, :]
return data
def make_unlabeled_stru(
"""Make an unlabeled STRU file from a dictionary.
data : dict
System data
frame_idx : int
The index of the frame to dump
pp_file : list of string or dict
List of pseudo potential files, or a dictionary of pseudo potential files for each atomnames
numerical_orbital : list of string or dict, optional
List of orbital files, or a dictionary of orbital files for each atomnames
numerical_descriptor : str, optional
numerical descriptor file
mass : list of float, optional
List of atomic masses
move : list of (list of list of bool), optional
List of the move flag of each xyz direction of each atom for each frame
velocity : list of list of float, optional
List of the velocity of each xyz direction of each atom
mag : list of (list of float or float), optional
List of the magnetic moment of each atom, can be a list of three floats or one float
For noncollinear, three floats are the xyz component of the magnetic moment.
For collinear, one float is the norm of the magnetic moment.
angle1 : list of float, optional
List of the angle1 of each atom. For noncollinear calculation, it is the angle between the magnetic moment and the z-axis.
angle2 : list of float, optional
List of the angle2 of each atom. For noncollinear calculation, it is the angle between the projection of magnetic moment on xy plane and the x-axis.
sc : list of (bool or list of 3 bool), optional
List of the spin constraint flag of each atom. Each element can be a bool or a list of three bools or None.
lambda_ : list of (float or list of 3 float), optional
List of the lambda of each atom. Each element can be a float or a list of three floats.
link_file : bool, optional
Whether to link the pseudo potential files and orbital files in the STRU file.
If True, then only filename will be written in the STRU file, and make a soft link to the real file.
dest_dir : str, optional
The destination directory to make the soft link of the pseudo potential files and orbital files.
For velocity, mag, angle1, angle2, sc, and lambda_, if the value is None, then the corresponding information will not be written.
ABACUS support defining "mag" and "angle1"/"angle2" at the same time, and in this case, the "mag" only define the norm of the magnetic moment, and "angle1" and "angle2" define the direction of the magnetic moment.
If data has spins, then it will be written as mag to STRU file; while if mag is passed at the same time, then mag will be used.
def _link_file(dest_dir, src_file):
if not os.path.isfile(src_file):
print(f"ERROR: link_file: {src_file} is not a file.")
return False
src_file = os.path.abspath(src_file)
if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir):
dest_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, os.path.basename(src_file))
if os.path.isfile(dest_file):
if os.path.samefile(src_file, dest_file):
return True
os.symlink(src_file, dest_file)
return True
def ndarray2list(i):
if isinstance(i, np.ndarray):
return i.tolist()
return i
def process_file_input(file_input, atom_names, input_name):
# For pp_file and numerical_orbital, process the file input, and return a list of file names
# file_input can be a list of file names, or a dictionary of file names for each atom names
if isinstance(file_input, (list, tuple)):
if len(file_input) != len(atom_names):
raise ValueError(
f"{input_name} length is not equal to the number of atom types"
return file_input
elif isinstance(file_input, dict):
for element in atom_names:
if element not in file_input:
raise KeyError(f"{input_name} does not contain {element}")
return [file_input[element] for element in atom_names]
raise ValueError(f"Invalid {input_name}: {file_input}")
if link_file and dest_dir is None:
"WARNING: make_unlabeled_stru: link_file is True, but dest_dir is None. Will write the filename to STRU but not making soft link."
if dest_dir is not None and dest_dir.strip() == "":
dest_dir = "."
if mag is None and data.get("spins") is not None and len(data["spins"]) > 0:
mag = data["spins"][frame_idx]
if move is None and data.get("move", None) is not None and len(data["move"]) > 0:
move = data["move"][frame_idx]
atom_numbs = sum(data["atom_numbs"])
for key in [move, velocity, mag, angle1, angle2, sc, lambda_]:
if key is not None:
if (
not isinstance(ndarray2list(key), (list, tuple))
and len(key) != atom_numbs
key_name = [name for name, value in locals().items() if value is key][0]
f"ERROR: make_unlabeled_stru: the length of '{key_name}' ({len(key)}) should be equal to the number of atom number ({atom_numbs})."
return ""
if pp_file is not None:
ppfiles = process_file_input(
ndarray2list(pp_file), data["atom_names"], "pp_file"
"pp_file is not provided, will use empty string for pseudo potential file."
ppfiles = [""] * len(data["atom_names"])
for iele in range(len(data["atom_names"])):
if data["atom_numbs"][iele] == 0:
out += data["atom_names"][iele] + " "
if mass is not None:
out += f"{mass[iele]:.3f} "
out += "1 "
ipp_file = ppfiles[iele]
if ipp_file != "":
if not link_file:
out += ipp_file
out += os.path.basename(ipp_file.rstrip("/"))
if dest_dir is not None:
_link_file(dest_dir, ipp_file)
out += "\n"
out += "\n"
if numerical_orbital is not None:
numerical_orbital = ndarray2list(numerical_orbital)
orbfiles = process_file_input(
numerical_orbital, data["atom_names"], "numerical_orbital"
orbfiles = [
for i in range(len(data["atom_names"]))
if data["atom_numbs"][i] != 0
for iorb in orbfiles:
if not link_file:
out += iorb
out += os.path.basename(iorb.rstrip("/"))
if dest_dir is not None:
_link_file(dest_dir, iorb)
out += "\n"
out += "\n"
# deepks block
if numerical_descriptor is not None:
assert isinstance(numerical_descriptor, str)
if not link_file:
out += f"NUMERICAL_DESCRIPTOR\n{numerical_descriptor}\n"
out += f"NUMERICAL_DESCRIPTOR\n{os.path.basename(numerical_descriptor)}\n"
if dest_dir is not None:
_link_file(dest_dir, numerical_descriptor)
out += "\n"
out += str(1 / bohr2ang) + "\n\n"
for ix in range(3):
for iy in range(3):
out += str(data["cells"][frame_idx][ix][iy]) + " "
out += "\n"
out += "\n"
out += "Cartesian # Cartesian(Unit is LATTICE_CONSTANT)\n"
# ret += "\n"
natom_tot = 0 # in for loop, it is also the atom index
for iele in range(len(data["atom_names"])):
if data["atom_numbs"][iele] == 0:
out += data["atom_names"][iele] + "\n"
out += "0.0\n"
out += str(data["atom_numbs"][iele]) + "\n"
for iatom in range(data["atom_numbs"][iele]):
iatomtype = np.nonzero(data["atom_types"] == iele)[0][iatom]
iout = f"{data['coords'][frame_idx][iatomtype, 0]:.12f} {data['coords'][frame_idx][iatomtype, 1]:.12f} {data['coords'][frame_idx][iatomtype, 2]:.12f}"
# add flags for move, velocity, mag, angle1, angle2, and sc
if move is not None:
if (
isinstance(ndarray2list(move[natom_tot]), (list, tuple))
and len(move[natom_tot]) == 3
iout += " " + " ".join(
["1" if ii else "0" for ii in move[natom_tot]]
elif isinstance(ndarray2list(move[natom_tot]), (int, float, bool)):
iout += " 1 1 1" if move[natom_tot] else " 0 0 0"
iout += " 1 1 1"
if (
velocity is not None
and isinstance(ndarray2list(velocity[natom_tot]), (list, tuple))
and len(velocity[natom_tot]) == 3
iout += " v " + " ".join([f"{ii:.12f}" for ii in velocity[natom_tot]])
if mag is not None:
if isinstance(ndarray2list(mag[natom_tot]), (list, tuple)) and len(
) in [1, 3]:
iout += " mag " + " ".join([f"{ii:.12f}" for ii in mag[natom_tot]])
elif isinstance(ndarray2list(mag[natom_tot]), (int, float)):
iout += " mag " + f"{mag[natom_tot]:.12f}"
if angle1 is not None and isinstance(
ndarray2list(angle1[natom_tot]), (int, float)
iout += " angle1 " + f"{angle1[natom_tot]:.12f}"
if angle2 is not None and isinstance(
ndarray2list(angle2[natom_tot]), (int, float)
iout += " angle2 " + f"{angle2[natom_tot]:.12f}"
if sc is not None:
if isinstance(ndarray2list(sc[natom_tot]), (list, tuple)) and len(
) in [1, 3]:
iout += " sc " + " ".join(
["1" if ii else "0" for ii in sc[natom_tot]]
elif isinstance(ndarray2list(sc[natom_tot]), (int, float, bool)):
iout += " sc " + "1" if sc[natom_tot] else "0"
if lambda_ is not None:
if isinstance(ndarray2list(lambda_[natom_tot]), (list, tuple)) and len(
) in [1, 3]:
iout += " lambda " + " ".join(
[f"{ii:.12f}" for ii in lambda_[natom_tot]]
elif isinstance(ndarray2list(lambda_[natom_tot]), (int, float)):
iout += " lambda " + f"{lambda_[natom_tot]:.12f}"
out += iout + "\n"
natom_tot += 1
assert natom_tot == sum(data["atom_numbs"])
return out
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# path = "/home/lrx/work/12_ABACUS_dpgen_interface/dpdata/dpdata/tests/abacus.scf"
# data = get_frame(path)