Source code for dpdata.bond_order_system

# %%
# Bond Order System
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from rdkit.Chem import Conformer

import dpdata.rdkit.utils
from dpdata.rdkit.sanitize import Sanitizer
from dpdata.system import Axis, DataType, System

# import dpdata.rdkit.mol2

[docs] class BondOrderSystem(System): """The system with chemical bond and formal charges information. For example, a labeled methane system named `d_example` has one molecule (5 atoms, 4 bonds) and `n_frames` frames. The bond order and formal charge information can be accessed by - `d_example['bonds']` : a numpy array of size 4 x 3, and the first column represents the index of begin atom, the second column represents the index of end atom, the third columen represents the bond order: 1 - single bond, 2 - double bond, 3 - triple bond, 1.5 - aromatic bond - `d_example['formal_charges']` : a numpy array of size 5 x 1 """ DTYPES = System.DTYPES + ( DataType("bonds", np.ndarray, (Axis.NBONDS, 3)), DataType("formal_charges", np.ndarray, (Axis.NATOMS,)), ) def __init__( self, file_name=None, fmt="auto", type_map=None, begin=0, step=1, data=None, rdkit_mol=None, sanitize_level="medium", raise_errors=True, verbose=False, **kwargs, ): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- file_name : str The file to load the system fmt : str Format of the file, supported formats are - ``auto`` : inferred from `file_name`'s extention - ``mol`` : .mol file - ``sdf`` : .sdf file type_map : list of str Needed by formats deepmd/raw and deepmd/npy. Maps atom type to name. The atom with type `ii` is mapped to `type_map[ii]`. If not provided the atom names are assigned to `'Type_1'`, `'Type_2'`, `'Type_3'`... begin : int The beginning frame when loading MD trajectory. step : int The number of skipped frames when loading MD trajectory. data : dict System data dict. rdkit_mol : rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol If `file_name` is None, you must init with a rdkit Mol type. sanitize_level : str The level of sanitizer, 'low', 'medium' or 'high'. raise_errors : bool whether to raise an Exception if sanitization procedure fails. verbose : bool whether to print information in the sanitization procedure. **kwargs : dict Additional arguments for the format. """ System.__init__(self) self.sanitizer = Sanitizer(sanitize_level, raise_errors, verbose) if data: mol = dpdata.rdkit.utils.system_data_to_mol(data) self.from_rdkit_mol(mol) if file_name: self.from_fmt( file_name, fmt, type_map=type_map, begin=begin, step=step, **kwargs ) elif rdkit_mol: self.from_rdkit_mol(rdkit_mol) else: raise ValueError("Please specify a mol/sdf file or a rdkit Mol object") if type_map: self.apply_type_map(type_map) self.check_data()
[docs] def from_fmt_obj(self, fmtobj, file_name, **kwargs): mol = fmtobj.from_bond_order_system(file_name, **kwargs) self.from_rdkit_mol(mol) if hasattr(fmtobj.from_bond_order_system, "post_func"): for post_f in fmtobj.from_bond_order_system.post_func: self.post_funcs.get_plugin(post_f)(self) return self
[docs] def to_fmt_obj(self, fmtobj, *args, **kwargs): self.rdkit_mol.RemoveAllConformers() for ii in range(self.get_nframes()): conf = Conformer() for idx in range(self.get_natoms()): conf.SetAtomPosition(idx,["coords"][ii][idx]) self.rdkit_mol.AddConformer(conf, assignId=True) return fmtobj.to_bond_order_system(, self.rdkit_mol, *args, **kwargs)
def __str__(self): """A brief summary of the system.""" ret = "Data Summary" ret += "\nBondOrder System" ret += "\n-------------------" ret += f"\nFrame Numbers : {self.get_nframes()}" ret += f"\nAtom Numbers : {self.get_natoms()}" ret += f"\nBond Numbers : {self.get_nbonds()}" ret += "\nElement List :" ret += "\n-------------------" ret += "\n" + " ".join(map(str, self.get_atom_names())) ret += "\n" + " ".join(map(str, self.get_atom_numbs())) return ret
[docs] def get_nbonds(self): """Return the number of bonds.""" return len(["bonds"])
[docs] def get_charge(self): """Return the total formal charge of the moleclue.""" return sum(["formal_charges"])
[docs] def get_mol(self): """Return the rdkit.Mol object.""" return self.rdkit_mol
[docs] def get_bond_order(self, begin_atom_idx, end_atom_idx): """Return the bond order between given atoms.""" return["bond_dict"][f"{int(begin_atom_idx)}-{int(end_atom_idx)}"]
[docs] def get_formal_charges(self): """Return the formal charges on each atom.""" return["formal_charges"]
[docs] def copy(self): new_mol = deepcopy(self.rdkit_mol) self.__class__(data=deepcopy(, rdkit_mol=new_mol)
def __add__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError( "magic method '+' has not been implemented on BondOrderSystem" ) # ''' # magic method "+" operation # ''' # if isinstance(other, BondOrderSystem): # if dpdata.rdkit.utils.check_same_molecule(self.rdkit_mol, other.rdkit_mol): # self.__class__(self, # else: # raise RuntimeError("The two systems are not of the same topology.") # else: # raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported data structure: {type(other)}")
[docs] def from_rdkit_mol(self, rdkit_mol): """Initialize from a rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol object.""" rdkit_mol = self.sanitizer.sanitize(rdkit_mol) = dpdata.rdkit.utils.mol_to_system_data(rdkit_mol)["bond_dict"] = dict( [(f"{int(bond[0])}-{int(bond[1])}", bond[2]) for bond in["bonds"]] ) self.rdkit_mol = rdkit_mol