Source code for dpdata.fhi_aims.output

import re
import warnings

import numpy as np

latt_patt = "\|\s+([0-9]{1,}[.][0-9]*)\s+([0-9]{1,}[.][0-9]*)\s+([0-9]{1,}[.][0-9]*)"
pos_patt_first = "\|\s+[0-9]{1,}[:]\s\w+\s(\w+)(\s.*[-]?[0-9]{1,}[.][0-9]*)(\s+[-]?[0-9]{1,}[.][0-9]*)(\s+[-]?[0-9]{1,}[.][0-9]*)"
pos_patt_other = "\s+[a][t][o][m]\s+([-]?[0-9]{1,}[.][0-9]*)\s+([-]?[0-9]{1,}[.][0-9]*)\s+([-]?[0-9]{1,}[.][0-9]*)\s+(\w{1,2})"
force_patt = "\|\s+[0-9]{1,}\s+([-]?[0-9]{1,}[.][0-9]*[E][+-][0-9]{1,})\s+([-]?[0-9]{1,}[.][0-9]*[E][+-][0-9]{1,})\s+([-]?[0-9]{1,}[.][0-9]*[E][+-][0-9]{1,})"
eng_patt = "Total energy uncorrected.*([-]?[0-9]{1,}[.][0-9]*[E][+-][0-9]{1,})\s+eV"
# atom_numb_patt="Number of atoms.*([0-9]{1,})"

debug = False

[docs] def get_info(lines, type_idx_zero=False): atom_types = [] atom_names = [] cell = [] atom_numbs = None _atom_names = [] contents = "\n".join(lines) # cell # _tmp=re.findall(latt_patt,contents) # for ii in _tmp: # vect=[float(kk) for kk in ii] # cell.append(vect) # ------------------ for ln, l in enumerate(lines): if l.startswith(" | Unit cell"): break _tmp = lines[ln + 1 : ln + 4] for ii in _tmp: v_str = ii.split("|")[1].split() vect = [float(kk) for kk in v_str] cell.append(vect) _tmp = re.findall(pos_patt_first, contents) for ii in _tmp: _atom_names.append(ii[0]) atom_names = [] for ii in _atom_names: if ii not in atom_names: atom_names.append(ii) atom_numbs = [_atom_names.count(ii) for ii in atom_names] if type_idx_zero: type_map = dict(zip(atom_names, range(len(atom_names)))) else: type_map = dict(zip(atom_names, range(1, len(atom_names) + 1))) atom_types = list(map(lambda k: type_map[k], _atom_names)) assert atom_numbs is not None, "cannot find ion type info in aims output" return [cell, atom_numbs, atom_names, atom_types]
[docs] def get_fhi_aims_block(fp): blk = [] for ii in fp: if not ii: return blk blk.append(ii.rstrip("\n")) if "Begin self-consistency loop: Re-initialization" in ii: return blk return blk
[docs] def get_frames(fname, md=True, begin=0, step=1, convergence_check=True): fp = open(fname) blk = get_fhi_aims_block(fp) ret = get_info(blk, type_idx_zero=True) cell, atom_numbs, atom_names, atom_types = ret[0], ret[1], ret[2], ret[3] ntot = sum(atom_numbs) all_coords = [] all_cells = [] all_energies = [] all_forces = [] all_virials = [] cc = 0 rec_failed = [] while len(blk) > 0: if debug: with open(str(cc), "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(blk)) if cc >= begin and (cc - begin) % step == 0: if cc == 0: coord, _cell, energy, force, virial, is_converge = analyze_block( blk, first_blk=True, md=md ) else: coord, _cell, energy, force, virial, is_converge = analyze_block( blk, first_blk=False ) if len(coord) == 0: break if is_converge or not convergence_check: all_coords.append(coord) if _cell: all_cells.append(_cell) else: all_cells.append(cell) all_energies.append(energy) all_forces.append(force) if virial is not None: all_virials.append(virial) if not is_converge: rec_failed.append(cc + 1) blk = get_fhi_aims_block(fp) cc += 1 if len(rec_failed) > 0: prt = ( "so they are not collected." if convergence_check else "but they are still collected due to the requirement for ignoring convergence checks." ) warnings.warn( f"The following structures were unconverged: {rec_failed}; " + prt ) if len(all_virials) == 0: all_virials = None else: all_virials = np.array(all_virials) fp.close() return ( atom_names, atom_numbs, np.array(atom_types), np.array(all_cells), np.array(all_coords), np.array(all_energies), np.array(all_forces), all_virials, )
[docs] def analyze_block(lines, first_blk=False, md=True): coord = [] cell = [] energy = None force = [] virial = None atom_names = [] _atom_names = [] contents = "\n".join(lines) try: natom = int(re.findall("Number of atoms.*([0-9]{1,})", lines)[0]) except Exception: natom = 0 if first_blk: if md: _tmp = re.findall(pos_patt_other, contents)[:] for ii in _tmp[slice(int(len(_tmp) / 2), len(_tmp))]: coord.append([float(kk) for kk in ii[:-1]]) else: _tmp = re.findall(pos_patt_first, contents) for ii in _tmp: coord.append([float(kk) for kk in ii[1:]]) else: _tmp = re.findall(pos_patt_other, contents) for ii in _tmp: coord.append([float(kk) for kk in ii[:-1]]) _tmp = re.findall(force_patt, contents) for ii in _tmp: force.append([float(kk) for kk in ii]) if "Self-consistency cycle converged" in contents: is_converge = True else: is_converge = False try: _eng_patt = re.compile(eng_patt) energy = float([-2]) except Exception: energy = None if not energy: is_converge = False if energy: assert (force is not None) and len(coord) > 0 return coord, cell, energy, force, virial, is_converge
if __name__ == "__main__": import sys ret = get_frames(sys.argv[1], begin=0, step=1) print(ret)