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import numpy as np

[docs] def rdf(sys, sel_type=[None, None], max_r=5, nbins=100): """Compute the rdf of a system. Parameters ---------- sys : System or LabeledSystem The dpdata system sel_type : list List of size 2. The first element specifies the type of the first atom, while the second element specifies the type of the second atom. Both elements can be ints or list of ints. If the element is None, all types are specified. Examples are sel_type = [0, 0], sel_type = [0, [0, 1]] or sel_type = [0, None] max_r : float Maximal range of rdf calculation nbins : int Number of bins for rdf calculation Returns ------- xx: np.array The lattice of r rdf: np.array The value of rdf at r coord: np.array The coordination number up to r """ return compute_rdf( sys["cells"], sys["coords"], sys["atom_types"], sel_type=sel_type, max_r=max_r, nbins=nbins, )
[docs] def compute_rdf(box, posis, atype, sel_type=[None, None], max_r=5, nbins=100): nframes = box.shape[0] xx = None all_rdf = [] all_cod = [] for ii in range(nframes): xx, rdf, cod = _compute_rdf_1frame( box[ii], posis[ii], atype, sel_type, max_r, nbins ) all_rdf.append(rdf) all_cod.append(cod) all_rdf = np.array(all_rdf).reshape([nframes, -1]) all_cod = np.array(all_cod).reshape([nframes, -1]) all_rdf = np.average(all_rdf, axis=0) all_cod = np.average(all_cod, axis=0) return xx, all_rdf, all_cod
def _compute_rdf_1frame(box, posis, atype, sel_type=[None, None], max_r=5, nbins=100): all_types = list(set(list(np.sort(atype, kind="stable")))) if sel_type[0] is None: sel_type[0] = all_types if sel_type[1] is None: sel_type[1] = all_types if not isinstance(sel_type[0], list): sel_type[0] = [sel_type[0]] if not isinstance(sel_type[1], list): sel_type[1] = [sel_type[1]] natoms = len(posis) import ase.neighborlist from ase import Atoms atoms = Atoms(positions=posis, cell=box, pbc=[1, 1, 1]) nlist = ase.neighborlist.NeighborList( max_r, self_interaction=False, bothways=True, primitive=ase.neighborlist.NewPrimitiveNeighborList, ) nlist.update(atoms) stat = np.zeros(nbins) stat_acc = np.zeros(nbins) hh = max_r / float(nbins) for ii in range(natoms): # atom "0" if atype[ii] in sel_type[0]: indices, offsets = nlist.get_neighbors(ii) for jj, os in zip(indices, offsets): # atom "1" if atype[jj] in sel_type[1]: posi_jj = atoms.positions[jj] +, atoms.get_cell()) diff = posi_jj - atoms.positions[ii] dr = np.linalg.norm(diff) # if (np.linalg.norm(diff- diff_1)) > 1e-12 : # raise RuntimeError si = int(dr / hh) if si < nbins: stat[si] += 1 # count the number of atom1 c0 = 0 for ii in sel_type[0]: c0 += np.sum(atype == ii) # count the number of atom1 c1 = 0 for ii in sel_type[1]: c1 += np.sum(atype == ii) rho1 = c1 / np.linalg.det(box) # compute coordination number for ii in range(1, nbins): stat_acc[ii] = stat_acc[ii - 1] + stat[ii - 1] stat_acc = stat_acc / c0 # compute rdf for ii in range(nbins): vol = 4.0 / 3.0 * np.pi * (((ii + 1) * hh) ** 3 - ((ii) * hh) ** 3) rho = stat[ii] / vol stat[ii] = rho / rho1 / c0 xx = np.arange(0, max_r - 1e-12, hh) return xx, stat, stat_acc if __name__ == "__main__": import dpdata sys = dpdata.System("out.lmp") xx, stat = rdf(sys, sel_type=[[0], None], max_r=8, nbins=100) res = np.concatenate([xx, stat]).reshape([2, -1]) np.savetxt("rdf.out", res.T)