Source code for

import numpy as np

from .pbc import posi_diff, posi_shift

[docs] def compute_bonds(box, posis, atype, oh_sel=[0, 1], max_roh=1.3, uniq_hbond=True): try: # nlist implemented by ase return compute_bonds_ase(box, posis, atype, oh_sel, max_roh, uniq_hbond) except ImportError: # nlist naivly implemented , scales as O(N^2) return compute_bonds_naive(box, posis, atype, oh_sel, max_roh, uniq_hbond)
[docs] def compute_bonds_ase(box, posis, atype, oh_sel=[0, 1], max_roh=1.3, uniq_hbond=True): natoms = len(posis) import ase.neighborlist from ase import Atoms atoms = Atoms(positions=posis, cell=box, pbc=[1, 1, 1]) nlist = ase.neighborlist.NeighborList( max_roh, self_interaction=False, bothways=True, primitive=ase.neighborlist.NewPrimitiveNeighborList, ) nlist.update(atoms) bonds = [] o_type = oh_sel[0] h_type = oh_sel[1] for ii in range(natoms): bonds.append([]) for ii in range(natoms): if atype[ii] == o_type: nn, ss = nlist.get_neighbors(ii) for jj in nn: if atype[jj] == h_type: dr = posi_diff(box, posis[ii], posis[jj]) if np.linalg.norm(dr) < max_roh: bonds[ii].append(jj) bonds[jj].append(ii) if uniq_hbond: for jj in range(natoms): if atype[jj] == h_type: if len(bonds[jj]) > 1: orig_bonds = bonds[jj] min_bd = 1e10 min_idx = -1 for ii in bonds[jj]: dr = posi_diff(box, posis[ii], posis[jj]) drr = np.linalg.norm(dr) # print(ii,jj, posis[ii], posis[jj], drr) if drr < min_bd: min_idx = ii min_bd = drr bonds[jj] = [min_idx] orig_bonds.remove(min_idx) # print(min_idx, orig_bonds, bonds[jj]) for ii in orig_bonds: bonds[ii].remove(jj) return bonds
[docs] def compute_bonds_naive(box, posis, atype, oh_sel=[0, 1], max_roh=1.3, uniq_hbond=True): natoms = len(posis) bonds = [] o_type = oh_sel[0] h_type = oh_sel[1] for ii in range(natoms): bonds.append([]) for ii in range(natoms): if atype[ii] == o_type: for jj in range(natoms): if atype[jj] == h_type: dr = posi_diff(box, posis[ii], posis[jj]) if np.linalg.norm(dr) < max_roh: bonds[ii].append(jj) bonds[jj].append(ii) if uniq_hbond: for jj in range(natoms): if atype[jj] == h_type: if len(bonds[jj]) > 1: orig_bonds = bonds[jj] min_bd = 1e10 min_idx = -1 for ii in bonds[jj]: dr = posi_diff(box, posis[ii], posis[jj]) drr = np.linalg.norm(dr) # print(ii,jj, posis[ii], posis[jj], drr) if drr < min_bd: min_idx = ii min_bd = drr bonds[jj] = [min_idx] orig_bonds.remove(min_idx) # print(min_idx, orig_bonds, bonds[jj]) for ii in orig_bonds: bonds[ii].remove(jj) return bonds
# def ions_count (atype, # bonds, # oh_sel = [0, 1]) : # no = 0 # noh = 0 # noh2 = 0 # noh3 = 0 # nh = 0 # natoms = len(atype) # o_type = oh_sel[0] # h_type = oh_sel[1] # for ii in range(natoms) : # if atype[ii] == o_type : # if len(bonds[ii] ) != 2 : # # print('# ', ii, bonds[ii]) # pass # if len(bonds[ii] ) == 0 : # no += 1 # elif len(bonds[ii] ) == 1 : # noh += 1 # elif len(bonds[ii] ) == 2 : # noh2 += 1 # elif len(bonds[ii] ) == 3 : # noh3 += 1 # else : # raise RuntimeError("unknow case: numb of H bonded to O > 3") # for ii in range(natoms) : # if atype[ii] == h_type : # if len(bonds[ii] ) != 1 : # print('# ', ii, bonds[ii]) # if len(bonds[ii] ) == 0 : # nh += 1 # elif len(bonds[ii] ) == 1 : # pass # else : # raise RuntimeError("unknow case: numb of O bonded to H > 1") # return no, noh, noh2, noh3, nh
[docs] def find_ions(atype, bonds, oh_sel=[0, 1], ret_h2o=True): no = [] noh = [] noh2 = [] noh3 = [] nh = [] natoms = len(atype) o_type = oh_sel[0] h_type = oh_sel[1] for ii in range(natoms): if atype[ii] == o_type: if len(bonds[ii]) == 0: no.append(ii) elif len(bonds[ii]) == 1: noh.append(ii) elif len(bonds[ii]) == 2: if ret_h2o: noh2.append(ii) elif len(bonds[ii]) == 3: noh3.append(ii) else: raise RuntimeError("unknow case: numb of H bonded to O > 3") for ii in range(natoms): if atype[ii] == h_type: if len(bonds[ii]) == 0: nh.append(ii) elif len(bonds[ii]) == 1: pass else: raise RuntimeError("unknow case: numb of O bonded to H > 1") return no, noh, noh2, noh3, nh
[docs] def pbc_coords(cells, coords, atom_types, oh_sel=[0, 1], max_roh=1.3): bonds = compute_bonds( cells, coords, atom_types, oh_sel=oh_sel, max_roh=max_roh, uniq_hbond=True ) new_coords = np.copy(coords) natoms = len(atom_types) o_type = oh_sel[0] h_type = oh_sel[1] for ii in range(natoms): if atom_types[ii] == o_type: assert len(bonds[ii]) == 2, "O has more than 2 bonded Hs, stop" for jj in bonds[ii]: assert atom_types[jj] == h_type, "The atom bonded to O is not H, stop" shift = posi_shift(cells, coords[jj], coords[ii]) new_coords[jj] = coords[jj] + np.matmul(shift, cells) return new_coords