Source code for dpdata.pwmat.movement

import warnings

import numpy as np

from ..periodic_table import ELEMENTS

[docs] def system_info(lines, type_idx_zero=False): atom_names = [] atom_numbs = [] nelm = 0 natoms = int(lines[0].split()[0]) iteration = float(lines[0].split("Etot")[0].split("=")[1].split(",")[0]) # print(iteration) if iteration > 0: nelm = 40 else: nelm = 100 atomic_number = [] for idx, ii in enumerate(lines): if ("Position" in ii) and ("nonperiodic_Position" not in ii): for kk in range(idx + 1, idx + 1 + natoms): min = kk for jj in range(kk + 1, idx + 1 + natoms): if int(lines[jj].split()[0]) < int(lines[min].split()[0]): min = jj lines[min], lines[kk] = lines[kk], lines[min] for gg in range(idx + 1, idx + 1 + natoms): tmpn = int(lines[gg].split()[0]) atomic_number.append(tmpn) for ii in np.unique(sorted(atomic_number)): atom_numbs.append(atomic_number.count(ii)) atom_types = [] for idx, ii in enumerate(atom_numbs): for jj in range(ii): if type_idx_zero: atom_types.append(idx) else: atom_types.append(idx + 1) for ii in np.unique(sorted(atomic_number)): atom_names.append(ELEMENTS[ii - 1]) return atom_names, atom_numbs, np.array(atom_types, dtype=int), nelm
[docs] def get_movement_block(fp): blk = [] for ii in fp: if not ii: return blk blk.append(ii.rstrip("\n")) if "------------" in ii: return blk return blk
# we assume that the force is printed ...
[docs] def get_frames(fname, begin=0, step=1, convergence_check=True): fp = open(fname) blk = get_movement_block(fp) atom_names, atom_numbs, atom_types, nelm = system_info(blk, type_idx_zero=True) ntot = sum(atom_numbs) all_coords = [] all_cells = [] all_energies = [] all_atomic_energy = [] all_forces = [] all_virials = [] cc = 0 rec_failed = [] while len(blk) > 0: if cc >= begin and (cc - begin) % step == 0: coord, cell, energy, force, virial, is_converge = analyze_block( blk, ntot, nelm ) if len(coord) == 0: break if is_converge or not convergence_check: all_coords.append(coord) all_cells.append(cell) all_energies.append(energy) all_forces.append(force) if virial is not None: all_virials.append(virial) if not is_converge: rec_failed.append(cc + 1) blk = get_movement_block(fp) cc += 1 if len(rec_failed) > 0: prt = ( "so they are not collected." if convergence_check else "but they are still collected due to the requirement for ignoring convergence checks." ) warnings.warn( f"The following structures were unconverged: {rec_failed}; " + prt ) if len(all_virials) == 0: all_virials = None else: all_virials = np.array(all_virials) fp.close() return ( atom_names, atom_numbs, atom_types, np.array(all_cells), np.array(all_coords), np.array(all_energies), np.array(all_forces), all_virials, )
[docs] def analyze_block(lines, ntot, nelm): coord = [] cell = [] energy = None # atomic_energy = [] force = [] virial = None is_converge = True sc_index = 0 for idx, ii in enumerate(lines): if "Iteration" in ii: sc_index = int(ii.split("SCF =")[1]) if sc_index >= nelm: is_converge = False energy = float( ii.split("Etot,Ep,Ek (eV)")[1].split()[2] ) # use Ep, not Etot=Ep+Ek elif "----------" in ii: assert (force is not None) and len(coord) > 0 and len(cell) > 0 # all_coords.append(coord) # all_cells.append(cell) # all_energies.append(energy) # all_forces.append(force) # if virial is not None : # all_virials.append(virial) return coord, cell, energy, force, virial, is_converge # elif 'NPT' in ii: # tmp_v = [] elif "Lattice vector" in ii: if "stress" in lines[idx + 1]: tmp_v = [] for dd in range(3): tmp_l = lines[idx + 1 + dd] cell.append([float(ss) for ss in tmp_l.split()[0:3]]) tmp_v.append([float(stress) for stress in tmp_l.split()[5:8]]) virial = np.zeros([3, 3]) virial[0][0] = tmp_v[0][0] virial[0][1] = tmp_v[0][1] virial[0][2] = tmp_v[0][2] virial[1][0] = tmp_v[1][0] virial[1][1] = tmp_v[1][1] virial[1][2] = tmp_v[1][2] virial[2][0] = tmp_v[2][0] virial[2][1] = tmp_v[2][1] virial[2][2] = tmp_v[2][2] volume = np.linalg.det(np.array(cell)) virial = virial * 160.2 * 10.0 / volume else: for dd in range(3): tmp_l = lines[idx + 1 + dd] cell.append([float(ss) for ss in tmp_l.split()[0:3]]) # else : # for dd in range(3) : # tmp_l = lines[idx+1+dd] # cell.append([float(ss) # for ss in tmp_l.split()[0:3]]) # virial = np.zeros([3,3]) elif ("Position" in ii) and ("nonperiodic_Position" not in ii): for kk in range(idx + 1, idx + 1 + ntot): min = kk for jj in range(kk + 1, idx + 1 + ntot): if int(lines[jj].split()[0]) < int(lines[min].split()[0]): min = jj lines[min], lines[kk] = lines[kk], lines[min] for gg in range(idx + 1, idx + 1 + ntot): info = [float(jj) for jj in lines[gg].split()[1:4]] info = np.matmul(np.array(info), np.array(cell)) coord.append(info) elif "Force" in ii: for kk in range(idx + 1, idx + 1 + ntot): min = kk for jj in range(kk + 1, idx + 1 + ntot): if int(lines[jj].split()[0]) < int(lines[min].split()[0]): min = jj lines[min], lines[kk] = lines[kk], lines[min] for gg in range(idx + 1, idx + 1 + ntot): info = [ -float(ss) for ss in lines[gg].split() ] # forces in MOVEMENT file are dE/dR, lacking a minus sign force.append(info[1:4]) # elif 'Atomic-Energy' in ii: # for jj in range(idx+1, idx+1+ntot) : # tmp_l = lines[jj] # info = [float(ss) for ss in tmp_l.split()] # atomic_energy.append(info[1]) return coord, cell, energy, force, virial, is_converge