#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import numpy as np
from dpdata.utils import open_file
from .traj import (
from .traj import (
length_convert as bohr2ang,
def get_block(lines, keyword, skip=0):
ret = []
for idx, ii in enumerate(lines):
if keyword in ii:
blk_idx = idx + 1 + skip
while len(lines[blk_idx].split()) == 0:
blk_idx += 1
while (
len(lines[blk_idx].split()) != 0
and (lines[blk_idx].split()[0] not in _QE_BLOCK_KEYWORDS)
) and blk_idx != len(lines):
blk_idx += 1
return ret
def get_cell(lines):
ret = []
for idx, ii in enumerate(lines):
if "ibrav" in ii:
blk = lines[idx : idx + 2]
ibrav = int(blk[0].replace(",", "").split("=")[-1])
if ibrav == 0:
for iline in lines:
if "CELL_PARAMETERS" in iline and "angstrom" not in iline.lower():
raise RuntimeError(
"CELL_PARAMETERS must be written in Angstrom. Other units are not supported yet."
blk = get_block(lines, "CELL_PARAMETERS")
for ii in blk:
ret.append([float(jj) for jj in ii.split()[0:3]])
ret = np.array(ret)
elif ibrav == 1:
a = None
for iline in lines:
line = iline.replace("=", " ").replace(",", "").split()
if len(line) >= 2 and "a" == line[0]:
# print("line = ", line)
a = float(line[1])
if len(line) >= 2 and "celldm(1)" == line[0]:
a = float(line[1]) * bohr2ang
# print("a = ", a)
if not a:
raise RuntimeError("parameter 'a' or 'celldm(1)' cannot be found.")
ret = np.array([[a, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, a, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, a]])
raise RuntimeError("ibrav > 1 not supported yet.")
return ret
def get_coords(lines, cell):
coord = []
atom_symbol_list = []
for iline in lines:
if "ATOMIC_POSITIONS" in iline and (
"angstrom" not in iline.lower() and "crystal" not in iline.lower()
raise RuntimeError(
"ATOMIC_POSITIONS must be written in Angstrom or crystal. Other units are not supported yet."
if "ATOMIC_POSITIONS" in iline and "angstrom" in iline.lower():
blk = get_block(lines, "ATOMIC_POSITIONS")
for ii in blk:
coord.append([float(jj) for jj in ii.split()[1:4]])
coord = np.array(coord)
elif "ATOMIC_POSITIONS" in iline and "crystal" in iline.lower():
blk = get_block(lines, "ATOMIC_POSITIONS")
for ii in blk:
coord.append([float(jj) for jj in ii.split()[1:4]])
coord = np.array(coord)
coord = np.matmul(coord, cell)
atom_symbol_list = np.array(atom_symbol_list)
tmp_names, symbol_idx = np.unique(atom_symbol_list, return_index=True)
atom_types = []
atom_numbs = []
# preserve the atom_name order
atom_names = atom_symbol_list[np.sort(symbol_idx, kind="stable")]
for jj in atom_symbol_list:
for idx, ii in enumerate(atom_names):
if jj == ii:
for idx in range(len(atom_names)):
atom_types = np.array(atom_types)
return list(atom_names), atom_numbs, atom_types, coord
def get_energy(lines):
energy = None
for ii in lines:
if "! total energy" in ii:
energy = ry2ev * float(ii.split("=")[1].split()[0])
return energy
def get_force(lines, natoms):
blk = get_block(lines, "Forces acting on atoms", skip=1)
ret = []
blk = blk[0 : sum(natoms)]
for ii in blk:
ret.append([float(jj) for jj in ii.split("=")[1].split()])
ret = np.array(ret)
ret *= ry2ev / bohr2ang
return ret
def get_stress(lines):
blk = get_block(lines, "total stress")
if len(blk) == 0:
return None
ret = []
for ii in blk:
ret.append([float(jj) for jj in ii.split()[3:6]])
ret = np.array(ret)
ret *= kbar2evperang3
return ret
def get_frame(fname):
if isinstance(fname, str):
path_out = fname
outname = os.path.basename(path_out)
# the name of the input file is assumed to be different from the output by 'in' and 'out'
inname = outname.replace("out", "in")
path_in = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path_out), inname)
elif isinstance(fname, list) and len(fname) == 2:
path_in = fname[0]
path_out = fname[1]
raise RuntimeError("invalid input")
with open_file(path_out) as fp:
outlines = fp.read().split("\n")
with open_file(path_in) as fp:
inlines = fp.read().split("\n")
cell = get_cell(inlines)
atom_names, natoms, types, coords = get_coords(inlines, cell)
energy = get_energy(outlines)
force = get_force(outlines, natoms)
stress = get_stress(outlines)
if stress is not None:
stress = (stress * np.linalg.det(cell))[np.newaxis, :, :]
return (
cell[np.newaxis, :, :],
coords[np.newaxis, :, :],
force[np.newaxis, :, :],