Source code for dpdata.rdkit.sanitize

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import time
from copy import deepcopy

[docs] def get_explicit_valence(atom, verbose=False): exp_val_calculated_from_bonds = int( sum([bond.GetBondTypeAsDouble() for bond in atom.GetBonds()]) ) try: exp_val = atom.GetExplicitValence() if exp_val != exp_val_calculated_from_bonds: if verbose: print( f"Explicit valence given by GetExplicitValence() and sum of bond order are inconsistent on {atom.GetSymbol()}{atom.GetIdx() + 1}, using sum of bond order." ) return exp_val_calculated_from_bonds except Exception: return exp_val_calculated_from_bonds
[docs] def regularize_formal_charges(mol, sanitize=True, verbose=False): """Regularize formal charges of atoms.""" from rdkit import Chem assert isinstance(mol, Chem.rdchem.Mol) for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): assign_formal_charge_for_atom(atom, verbose) if sanitize: try: Chem.SanitizeMol(mol) return mol except Exception: return None else: return mol
[docs] def assign_formal_charge_for_atom(atom, verbose=False): """Assigen formal charge according to 8-electron rule for element B,C,N,O,S,P,As.""" from rdkit import Chem assert isinstance(atom, Chem.rdchem.Atom) valence = get_explicit_valence(atom, verbose) if atom.GetSymbol() == "B": atom.SetFormalCharge(3 - valence) elif atom.GetSymbol() == "C": atom.SetFormalCharge(valence - 4) if valence == 3: print( f"Detect a valence of 3 on #C{atom.GetIdx() + 1}, the formal charge of this atom will be assigned to -1" ) elif valence > 4: raise ValueError(f"#C{atom.GetIdx() + 1} has a valence larger than 4") elif atom.GetSymbol() == "N": if valence > 4: raise ValueError(f"#N{atom.GetIdx() + 1} has a valence larger than 4") else: atom.SetFormalCharge(valence - 3) elif atom.GetSymbol() == "O": atom.SetFormalCharge(valence - 2) elif atom.GetSymbol() == "S": if valence == 1: atom.SetFormalCharge(-1) elif valence == 3: atom.SetFormalCharge(1) elif valence > 6: raise ValueError(f"#S{atom.GetIdx() + 1} has a valence larger than 6") else: atom.SetFormalCharge(0) elif atom.GetSymbol() == "P" or atom.GetSymbol() == "As": if valence == 5: atom.SetFormalCharge(0) elif valence > 5: raise ValueError( f"#{atom.GetSymbol()}{atom.GetIdx() + 1} has a valence larger than 5" ) else: atom.SetFormalCharge(valence - 3)
# print bond and atom information (for debugger)
[docs] def is_terminal_oxygen(O_atom): return len(O_atom.GetNeighbors()) == 1
[docs] def get_terminal_oxygens(atom): terminal_oxygens = [] for nei in atom.GetNeighbors(): if nei.GetSymbol() == "O" or nei.GetSymbol() == "S": if is_terminal_oxygen(nei): terminal_oxygens.append(nei) return terminal_oxygens
[docs] def is_terminal_NR2(N_atom): return len(N_atom.GetNeighbors()) == 3
[docs] def get_terminal_NR2s(atom): terminal_NR2s = [] for nei in atom.GetNeighbors(): if nei.GetSymbol() == "N": if is_terminal_NR2(nei): terminal_NR2s.append(nei) terminal_NR2s.sort( key=lambda N_atom: len( [atom for atom in N_atom.GetNeighbors() if atom.GetSymbol() == "H"] ) ) return terminal_NR2s
[docs] def sanitize_phosphate_Patom(P_atom, verbose=True): from rdkit import Chem if P_atom.GetSymbol() == "P": terminal_oxygens = get_terminal_oxygens(P_atom) mol = P_atom.GetOwningMol() if len(terminal_oxygens) > 1: if verbose: print("Phospate group detected, sanitizing it...") # set one P=O and two P-O bond1 = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms( P_atom.GetIdx(), terminal_oxygens[0].GetIdx() ) bond1.SetBondType(Chem.rdchem.BondType.DOUBLE) for ii in range(1, len(terminal_oxygens)): bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms( P_atom.GetIdx(), terminal_oxygens[ii].GetIdx() ) bond.SetBondType(Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE) terminal_oxygens[ii].SetFormalCharge(-1)
[docs] def sanitize_phosphate(mol): for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): sanitize_phosphate_Patom(atom) return mol
[docs] def sanitize_sulfate_Satom(S_atom, verbose=True): from rdkit import Chem if S_atom.GetSymbol() == "S": terminal_oxygens = get_terminal_oxygens(S_atom) mol = S_atom.GetOwningMol() if len(terminal_oxygens) == 3: if verbose: print("Sulfate group detected, sanitizing it...") # set one S-O and two S=O bond1 = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms( S_atom.GetIdx(), terminal_oxygens[0].GetIdx() ) bond1.SetBondType(Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE) terminal_oxygens[0].SetFormalCharge(-1) for ii in range(1, len(terminal_oxygens)): bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms( S_atom.GetIdx(), terminal_oxygens[ii].GetIdx() ) bond.SetBondType(Chem.rdchem.BondType.DOUBLE)
[docs] def sanitize_sulfate(mol): for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): sanitize_sulfate_Satom(atom) return mol
[docs] def sanitize_carboxyl_Catom(C_atom, verbose=True): from rdkit import Chem if C_atom.GetSymbol() == "C": terminal_oxygens = get_terminal_oxygens(C_atom) mol = C_atom.GetOwningMol() if len(terminal_oxygens) == 2: if verbose: print("Carbonxyl group detected, sanitizing it...") # set one C-O and one C=O bond1 = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms( C_atom.GetIdx(), terminal_oxygens[0].GetIdx() ) bond1.SetBondType(Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE) terminal_oxygens[0].SetFormalCharge(-1) bond2 = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms( C_atom.GetIdx(), terminal_oxygens[1].GetIdx() ) bond2.SetBondType(Chem.rdchem.BondType.DOUBLE) terminal_oxygens[1].SetFormalCharge(0)
[docs] def sanitize_carboxyl(mol): for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): sanitize_carboxyl_Catom(atom) return mol
[docs] def sanitize_guanidine_Catom(C_atom, verbose=True): from rdkit import Chem if C_atom.GetSymbol() == "C": terminal_NR2s = get_terminal_NR2s(C_atom) mol = C_atom.GetOwningMol() if len(terminal_NR2s) == 3: if verbose: print("Guanidyl group detected, sanitizing it...") # set two C-N and one C=N+ bond1 = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(C_atom.GetIdx(), terminal_NR2s[0].GetIdx()) bond1.SetBondType(Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE) terminal_NR2s[0].SetFormalCharge(-1) bond2 = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(C_atom.GetIdx(), terminal_NR2s[1].GetIdx()) bond2.SetBondType(Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE) terminal_NR2s[1].SetFormalCharge(0) bond3 = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(C_atom.GetIdx(), terminal_NR2s[2].GetIdx()) bond3.SetBondType(Chem.rdchem.BondType.DOUBLE) terminal_NR2s[2].SetFormalCharge(1)
[docs] def sanitize_guanidine(mol): for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): sanitize_guanidine_Catom(atom) return mol
[docs] def sanitize_nitro_Natom(N_atom, verbose=True): from rdkit import Chem if N_atom.GetSymbol() == "N": terminal_oxygens = get_terminal_oxygens(N_atom) mol = N_atom.GetOwningMol() if len(terminal_oxygens) == 2: if verbose: print("Nitro group detected, sanitizing it...") # set one N-O and one N=O bond1 = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms( N_atom.GetIdx(), terminal_oxygens[0].GetIdx() ) bond1.SetBondType(Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE) terminal_oxygens[0].SetFormalCharge(-1) bond2 = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms( N_atom.GetIdx(), terminal_oxygens[1].GetIdx() ) bond2.SetBondType(Chem.rdchem.BondType.DOUBLE) terminal_oxygens[1].SetFormalCharge(0)
[docs] def sanitize_nitro(mol): for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): sanitize_nitro_Natom(atom) return mol
[docs] def is_terminal_nitrogen(N_atom): if N_atom.GetSymbol() == "N" and len(N_atom.GetNeighbors()) == 1: return True else: return False
[docs] def sanitize_nitrine_Natom(atom, verbose=True): from rdkit import Chem if atom.GetSymbol() == "N" and len(atom.GetNeighbors()) == 2: mol = atom.GetOwningMol() nei1, nei2 = atom.GetNeighbors()[0], atom.GetNeighbors()[1] if nei1.GetSymbol() == "N" and nei2.GetSymbol() == "N": if is_terminal_nitrogen(nei1): N_terminal = nei1 N_non_terminal = nei2 elif is_terminal_nitrogen(nei2): N_terminal = nei2 N_non_terminal = nei1 else: N_terminal = None N_non_terminal = None if (N_terminal is not None) and (N_non_terminal is not None): # set X-N=[N+]=[N-] if verbose: print("Detecting nitrine group, fixing it...") bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(atom.GetIdx(), N_terminal.GetIdx()) bond.SetBondType(Chem.rdchem.BondType.DOUBLE) N_terminal.SetFormalCharge(-1) bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(atom.GetIdx(), N_non_terminal.GetIdx()) bond.SetBondType(Chem.rdchem.BondType.DOUBLE) atom.SetFormalCharge(1)
[docs] def contain_hetero_aromatic(mol): flag = False for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): if atom.GetSymbol() != "C" and atom.GetIsAromatic(): flag = True break return flag
# for carbon with explicit valence > 4
[docs] def regularize_carbon_bond_order(atom, verbose=True): from rdkit import Chem if atom.GetSymbol() == "C" and get_explicit_valence(atom) > 4: if verbose: print("Detecting carbon with explicit valence > 4, fixing it...") mol = atom.GetOwningMol() double_bond_idx = -1 for nei in atom.GetNeighbors(): bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(atom.GetIdx(), nei.GetIdx()) if bond.GetBondTypeAsDouble() == 2: double_bond_idx = bond.GetIdx() break if double_bond_idx != -1: for bond in atom.GetBonds(): if bond.GetIdx() != double_bond_idx: bond.SetBondType(Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE)
# for nitrogen with explicit valence > 4
[docs] def regularize_nitrogen_bond_order(atom, verbose=True): from rdkit import Chem mol = atom.GetOwningMol() if atom.GetSymbol() == "N" and get_explicit_valence(atom) > 4: O_atoms = get_terminal_oxygens(atom) for O_atom in O_atoms: bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(atom.GetIdx(), O_atom.GetIdx()) if bond.GetBondTypeAsDouble() == 2: bond.SetBondType(Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE) O_atom.SetFormalCharge(-1)
[docs] def sanitize_mol(mol, verbose=False): for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): sanitize_carboxyl_Catom(atom, verbose) sanitize_guanidine_Catom(atom, verbose) sanitize_phosphate_Patom(atom, verbose) sanitize_sulfate_Satom(atom, verbose) sanitize_nitro_Natom(atom, verbose) sanitize_nitrine_Natom(atom, verbose) regularize_carbon_bond_order(atom, verbose) regularize_nitrogen_bond_order(atom, verbose) return mol
# copy from FEprep
[docs] def mol_edit_log(mol, i, j): if not mol.HasProp("edit"): mol.SetProp("edit", "%d_%d" % (i, j)) # noqa: UP031 else: edited = mol.GetProp("edit") mol.SetProp("edit", edited + ",%d_%d" % (i, j)) # noqa: UP031
[docs] def kekulize_aromatic_heterocycles(mol_in, assign_formal_charge=True, sanitize=True): from rdkit import Chem from rdkit.Chem.rdchem import BondType mol = Chem.RWMol(mol_in) rings = Chem.rdmolops.GetSymmSSSR(mol) rings = [list(i) for i in list(rings)] rings.sort(key=lambda r: len(r)) def search_and_assign_ring( mol, ring, hetero, start, forward=True, start_switch=True ): j = start switch = start_switch lring = len(ring) delta = 1 if forward else -1 n_edit = 0 n_double = 0 while not ((j in hetero) & (not switch)): btype = BondType.SINGLE if switch else BondType.DOUBLE bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(ring[j], ring[(j + delta) % lring]) if bond.GetBondType() == BondType.AROMATIC: bond.SetBondType(btype) mol_edit_log(mol, ring[j], ring[(j + delta) % lring]) # print(ring[j], ring[(j + delta) % lring], bond.GetBondType()) if btype == BondType.DOUBLE: n_double += 1 n_edit += 1 else: break j = (j + delta) % lring switch = not switch return n_edit, n_double def print_bondtypes(mol, rings): for ring in rings: lring = len(ring) btype = [] for i in range(lring): btype.append( mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms( ring[i], ring[(i + 1) % lring] ).GetBondType() ) atoms = [mol.GetAtomWithIdx(i).GetSymbol() for i in ring] print(ring) print(atoms) print(btype) def hetero_priority(idx, mol): atom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(idx) sym = atom.GetSymbol() valence = len(atom.GetBonds()) if (sym in ["O", "S"]) & (valence == 2): return 0 elif sym in ["N", "P", "As", "B"]: if valence == 3: return 1 elif valence == 2: return 2 # save carbon/hetero aromatic rings CAr = [] HAr = [] for ring in rings: lring = len(ring) bAllAr = True bAllC = True for i in range(lring): atom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(ring[i]) if atom.GetSymbol() != "C": bAllC = False bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(ring[i], ring[(i + 1) % lring]) if bond.GetBondType() != BondType.AROMATIC: bAllAr = False if bAllAr and bAllC: CAr.append(ring) elif bAllAr and not bAllC: HAr.append(ring) if len(HAr) == 0: # no hetrerocycles return mol_in else: # edit heterocycles for ring in HAr: lring = len(ring) cring = len(CAr) hetero = [] hasDouble = [] fuseCAr = [] fuseDouble = [] for i in range(lring): fuseCAr.append(-1) for j in range(cring): if ring[i] in CAr[j]: fuseCAr[i] = j break if i > 1: if (fuseCAr[i] == fuseCAr[i - 1]) & (fuseCAr[i] >= 0): fuseDouble.append(i) atom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(ring[i]) if atom.GetSymbol() != "C": hetero.append(i) atom_bonds = atom.GetBonds() btype = [bond.GetBondType() for bond in atom_bonds] # print(btype) if BondType.DOUBLE in btype: hasDouble.append(i) bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(ring[i], ring[(i + 1) % lring]) if (fuseCAr[0] == fuseCAr[lring - 1]) & (fuseCAr[0] >= 0): fuseDouble.append(0) if (len(hetero) > 0) | (len(hasDouble) > 0): n_targetDouble = lring // 2 n_targetEdit = lring hetero_prior = {i: hetero_priority(ring[i], mol) for i in hetero} hetero.sort(key=lambda i: hetero_prior[i]) for i in hasDouble: d1, e1 = search_and_assign_ring(mol, ring, hetero, i, forward=True) d2, e2 = search_and_assign_ring(mol, ring, hetero, i, forward=False) n_targetDouble -= d1 + d2 + 1 n_targetEdit -= e1 + e2 for i in fuseDouble: bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(ring[i], ring[(i - 1) % lring]) if bond.GetBondType() == BondType.AROMATIC: bond.SetBondType(BondType.DOUBLE) mol_edit_log(mol, ring[i], ring[(i - 1) % lring]) d1, e1 = search_and_assign_ring(mol, ring, hetero, i, forward=True) d2, e2 = search_and_assign_ring( mol, ring, hetero, (i - 1) % lring, forward=False ) n_targetDouble -= d1 + d2 + 1 n_targetEdit -= e1 + e2 + 1 for i in hetero: atom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(ring[i]) if (hetero_prior[i] == 2) | (n_targetDouble * 2 >= n_targetEdit): forward_btype = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms( ring[i], ring[(i + 1) % lring] ).GetBondType() backward_btype = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms( ring[i], ring[(i - 1) % lring] ).GetBondType() if forward_btype != BondType.AROMATIC: switch = forward_btype == BondType.DOUBLE d1, e1 = search_and_assign_ring( mol, ring, hetero, i, forward=False, start_switch=switch ) d2 = e2 = 0 elif backward_btype != BondType.AROMATIC: switch = backward_btype == BondType.DOUBLE d1, e1 = search_and_assign_ring( mol, ring, hetero, i, forward=True, start_switch=switch ) d2 = e2 = 0 else: d1, e1 = search_and_assign_ring( mol, ring, hetero, i, forward=True, start_switch=True ) d2, e2 = search_and_assign_ring( mol, ring, hetero, i, forward=False, start_switch=False ) n_targetDouble -= d1 + d2 n_targetEdit -= e1 + e2 else: d1, e1 = search_and_assign_ring( mol, ring, hetero, i, forward=True, start_switch=True ) d2, e2 = search_and_assign_ring( mol, ring, hetero, i, forward=False, start_switch=True ) n_targetDouble -= d1 + d2 n_targetEdit -= e1 + e2 for ring in CAr: lring = len(ring) for i in range(lring): bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(ring[i], ring[(i + 1) % lring]) bond.SetBondType(BondType.AROMATIC) print("Manual kekulization for aromatic heterocycles:") print_bondtypes(mol, rings) atoms = mol.GetAtoms() for i in range(len(atoms)): mol.ReplaceAtom(i, Chem.Atom(atoms[i].GetSymbol())) mol_edited = mol.GetMol() # charge assignment if assign_formal_charge: mol_edited = regularize_formal_charges(mol_edited, sanitize=False) if not sanitize: return mol_edited else: try: Chem.SanitizeMol(mol_edited) return mol_edited except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( f"Manual kekulization for aromatic heterocycles failed, below are errors:\n\t {e}" )
[docs] def convert_by_obabel( mol, cache_dir=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".cache"), obabel_path="obabel" ): from openbabel import openbabel from rdkit import Chem if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): os.mkdir(cache_dir) if mol.HasProp("_Name"): name = mol.GetProp("_Name") else: name = f"mol{int(time.time())}" mol_file_in = os.path.join(cache_dir, f"{name}.mol") mol_file_out = os.path.join(cache_dir, f"{name}_obabel.mol") Chem.MolToMolFile(mol, mol_file_in, kekulize=False) obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion() obConversion.SetInAndOutFormats("mol", "mol") mol = openbabel.OBMol() obConversion.ReadFile(mol, mol_file_in) obConversion.WriteFile(mol, mol_file_out) mol_obabel = Chem.MolFromMolFile(mol_file_out, removeHs=False, sanitize=False) return mol_obabel
[docs] def super_sanitize_mol(mol, name=None, verbose=True): from rdkit import Chem if name is None: if mol.HasProp("_Name"): name = mol.GetProp("_Name") else: name = "mol" try: if verbose: print("=====Stage 1: use Hermite procedure=====") # use our procedure mol = sanitize_mol(mol, verbose) mol = regularize_formal_charges(mol, sanitize=False) mol_copy = deepcopy(mol) Chem.SanitizeMol(mol_copy) if verbose: print(name, "Success.") return mol_copy except Exception as e: try: if verbose: print( "Hermite procedure failed, maybe due to unsupported representation of hetero aromatic rings, re-try with obabel" ) print("=====Stage 2: re-try with obabel=====") mol = convert_by_obabel(mol) mol = sanitize_mol(mol, verbose) mol = kekulize_aromatic_heterocycles( mol, assign_formal_charge=False, sanitize=False ) # aromatic heterocycles mol = regularize_formal_charges(mol, sanitize=False) mol_copy = deepcopy(mol) Chem.SanitizeMol(mol_copy) if verbose: print(name, "Success.") return mol_copy except Exception as e: if verbose: print(e) print(name, "Failed!") return None
[docs] class Sanitizer: def __init__(self, level="medium", raise_errors=True, verbose=False): """Set up sanitizer. --------. Parameters ---------- level : 'low', 'medium' or 'high'. `low` - use rdkit.Chem.SanitizeMol() to sanitize `medium` - before using rdkit, assign formal charges of each atom first, which requires the rightness of bond order information `high` - try to regularize bond order of nitro, phosphate, sulfate, nitrine, guanidine, pyridine-oxide function groups and aromatic heterocycles. If failed, the program will call obabel to pre-process the mol object and re-try the procedure. raise_errors : bool, default=True If True, raise SanitizeError when failed. verbose : bool, default=False If True, print error information when failed. """ self._check_level(level) self.level = level self.raise_errors = raise_errors self.verbose = verbose def _check_level(self, level): if level not in ["low", "medium", "high"]: raise ValueError( f"Invalid level '{level}', please set to 'low', 'medium' or 'high'" ) def _handle_exception(self, error_info): if self.raise_errors: raise SanitizeError(error_info) elif self.verbose: print(error_info)
[docs] def sanitize(self, mol): """Sanitize mol according to `self.level`. If failed, return None.""" from rdkit import Chem if self.level == "low": try: Chem.SanitizeMol(mol) return mol except Exception as e: error_info = f"Sanitization Failed, please use more strict sanitizer by setting 'level' to 'medium' or 'high'. The error occurs:\n\t{e}" self._handle_exception(error_info) return None elif self.level == "medium": try: mol = regularize_formal_charges(mol, sanitize=False) Chem.SanitizeMol(mol) return mol except Exception as e: error_info = f"Sanitization Failed, please use more strict sanitizer by setting 'level' to 'high'. The error occurs:\n\t{e}" self._handle_exception(error_info) return None elif self.level == "high": mol = super_sanitize_mol(mol, verbose=self.verbose) error_info = "Sanitization Failed. Please check your molecule file." if mol is None: self._handle_exception(error_info) return mol
[docs] class SanitizeError(Exception): def __init__(self, content="Sanitization Failed."): self.content = content def __str__(self): return self.content def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()