Source code for dpdata.vasp.xml

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

import numpy as np

[docs] def check_name(item, name): assert ( item.attrib["name"] == name ), "item attrib '{}' dose not math required '{}'".format(item.attrib["name"], name)
[docs] def get_varray(varray): array = [] for vv in varray.findall("v"): array.append([float(ii) for ii in vv.text.split()]) return np.array(array)
[docs] def analyze_atominfo(atominfo_xml): check_name(atominfo_xml.find("array"), "atoms") eles = [] types = [] visited = set() for ii in atominfo_xml.find("array").find("set"): atom_type = int(ii.findall("c")[1].text) if atom_type not in visited: eles.append(ii.findall("c")[0].text.strip()) visited.add(atom_type) types.append(atom_type) return eles, types
[docs] def analyze_calculation(cc): structure_xml = cc.find("structure") check_name(structure_xml.find("crystal").find("varray"), "basis") check_name(structure_xml.find("varray"), "positions") cell = get_varray(structure_xml.find("crystal").find("varray")) posi = get_varray(structure_xml.find("varray")) strs = None for vv in cc.findall("varray"): if vv.attrib["name"] == "forces": forc = get_varray(vv) elif vv.attrib["name"] == "stress": strs = get_varray(vv) for ii in cc.find("energy").findall("i"): if ii.attrib["name"] == "e_fr_energy": ener = float(ii.text) # print(ener) # return 'a' return posi, cell, ener, forc, strs
[docs] def formulate_config(eles, types, posi, cell, ener, forc, strs_): strs = strs_ / 1602 natoms = len(types) ntypes = len(eles) ret = "" ret += "#N %d %d\n" % (natoms, ntypes - 1) ret += "#C " for ii in eles: ret += " " + ii ret += "\n" ret += "##\n" ret += f"#X {cell[0][0]:13.8f} {cell[0][1]:13.8f} {cell[0][2]:13.8f}\n" ret += f"#Y {cell[1][0]:13.8f} {cell[1][1]:13.8f} {cell[1][2]:13.8f}\n" ret += f"#Z {cell[2][0]:13.8f} {cell[2][1]:13.8f} {cell[2][2]:13.8f}\n" ret += "#W 1.0\n" ret += "#E %.10f\n" % (ener / natoms) ret += f"#S {strs[0][0]:.9e} {strs[1][1]:.9e} {strs[2][2]:.9e} {strs[0][1]:.9e} {strs[1][2]:.9e} {strs[0][2]:.9e}\n" ret += "#F\n" for ii in range(natoms): sp = np.matmul(cell.T, posi[ii]) ret += "%d" % (types[ii] - 1) ret += f" {sp[0]:12.6f} {sp[1]:12.6f} {sp[2]:12.6f}" ret += f" {forc[ii][0]:12.6f} {forc[ii][1]:12.6f} {forc[ii][2]:12.6f}" ret += "\n" return ret
[docs] def analyze(fname, type_idx_zero=False, begin=0, step=1): """Deal with broken xml file.""" all_posi = [] all_cell = [] all_ener = [] all_forc = [] all_strs = [] cc = 0 try: for event, elem in ET.iterparse(fname): if elem.tag == "atominfo": eles, types = analyze_atominfo(elem) types = np.array(types, dtype=int) if type_idx_zero: types = types - 1 if elem.tag == "calculation": posi, cell, ener, forc, strs = analyze_calculation(elem) if cc >= begin and (cc - begin) % step == 0: all_posi.append(posi) all_cell.append(cell) all_ener.append(ener) all_forc.append(forc) if strs is not None: all_strs.append(strs) cc += 1 except ET.ParseError: return ( eles, types, np.array(all_cell), np.array(all_posi), np.array(all_ener), np.array(all_forc), np.array(all_strs), ) return ( eles, types, np.array(all_cell), np.array(all_posi), np.array(all_ener), np.array(all_forc), np.array(all_strs), )