dpdata.md package
dpdata.md.msd module
dpdata.md.pbc module
dpdata.md.rdf module
- dpdata.md.rdf.rdf(sys, sel_type=[None, None], max_r=5, nbins=100)[source]
Compute the rdf of a system.
- Parameters:
- sysSystem or LabeledSystem
The dpdata system
- sel_typelist
List of size 2. The first element specifies the type of the first atom, while the second element specifies the type of the second atom. Both elements can be ints or list of ints. If the element is None, all types are specified. Examples are sel_type = [0, 0], sel_type = [0, [0, 1]] or sel_type = [0, None]
- max_rfloat
Maximal range of rdf calculation
- nbinsint
Number of bins for rdf calculation
- Returns:
- xx: np.array
The lattice of r
- rdf: np.array
The value of rdf at r
- coord: np.array
The coordination number up to r
dpdata.md.water module
- dpdata.md.water.compute_bonds(box, posis, atype, oh_sel=[0, 1], max_roh=1.3, uniq_hbond=True)[source]
- dpdata.md.water.compute_bonds_ase(box, posis, atype, oh_sel=[0, 1], max_roh=1.3, uniq_hbond=True)[source]