and LabeledSystem
This section gives some examples on how dpdata works. Firstly one needs to import the module in a python 3.x compatible code.
import dpdata
The typicall workflow of dpdata
Load data from vasp or lammps or deepmd-kit data files.
Manipulate data
Dump data to in a desired format
Load data#
d_poscar = dpdata.System("POSCAR", fmt="vasp/poscar")
or let dpdata infer the format (vasp/poscar
) of the file from the file name extension
d_poscar = dpdata.System("my.POSCAR")
The number of atoms, atom types, coordinates are loaded from the POSCAR
and stored to a data System
called d_poscar
. A data System
(a concept used by deepmd-kit) contains frames that has the same number of atoms of the same type. The order of the atoms should be consistent among the frames in one System
. It is noted that POSCAR
only contains one frame. If the multiple frames stored in, for example, a OUTCAR
is wanted,
d_outcar = dpdata.LabeledSystem("OUTCAR")
The labels provided in the OUTCAR
, i.e. energies, forces and virials (if any), are loaded by LabeledSystem
. It is noted that the forces of atoms are always assumed to exist. LabeledSystem
is a derived class of System
The System
or LabeledSystem
can be constructed from the supported file formats with the format key
in the table passed to argument fmt
Access data#
These properties stored in System
and LabeledSystem
can be accessed by operator []
with the key of the property supplied, for example
coords = d_outcar["coords"]
Available properties are (nframe: number of frames in the system, natoms: total number of atoms in the system)
key | type | dimension | are labels | description |
‘atom_names’ | list of str | ntypes | False | The name of each atom type |
‘atom_numbs’ | list of int | ntypes | False | The number of atoms of each atom type |
‘atom_types’ | np.ndarray | natoms | False | Array assigning type to each atom |
‘cells’ | np.ndarray | nframes x 3 x 3 | False | The cell tensor of each frame |
‘coords’ | np.ndarray | nframes x natoms x 3 | False | The atom coordinates |
‘energies’ | np.ndarray | nframes | True | The frame energies |
‘forces’ | np.ndarray | nframes x natoms x 3 | True | The atom forces |
‘virials’ | np.ndarray | nframes x 3 x 3 | True | The virial tensor of each frame |
Dump data#
The data stored in System
or LabeledSystem
can be dumped in ‘lammps/lmp’ or ‘vasp/poscar’ format, for example:"lammps/lmp", "conf.lmp", frame_idx=0)
The first frames of d_outcar
will be dumped to ‘conf.lmp’"vasp/poscar", "POSCAR", frame_idx=-1)
The last frames of d_outcar
will be dumped to ‘POSCAR’.
The data stored in LabeledSystem
can be dumped to deepmd-kit raw format, for example"deepmd/raw", "dpmd_raw")
Or a simpler command:
dpdata.LabeledSystem("OUTCAR").to("deepmd/raw", "dpmd_raw")
Frame selection can be implemented by
dpdata.LabeledSystem("OUTCAR").sub_system([0, -1]).to("deepmd/raw", "dpmd_raw")
by which only the first and last frames are dumped to dpmd_raw
dpdata will create a super cell of the current atom configuration.
tuple(1,2,3) means don’t copy atom configuration in x direction, make 2 copys in y direction, make 3 copys in z direction.
By the following example, each frame of the original system (dpdata.System('./POSCAR')
) is perturbed to generate three new frames. For each frame, the cell is perturbed by 5% and the atom positions are perturbed by 0.6 Angstrom. atom_pert_style
indicates that the perturbation to the atom positions is subject to normal distribution. Other available options to atom_pert_style
(uniform in a ball), and const
(uniform on a sphere).
perturbed_system = dpdata.System("./POSCAR").perturb(
By the following example, Random 8 Hf atoms in the system will be replaced by Zr atoms with the atom postion unchanged.
s = dpdata.System("tests/poscars/POSCAR.P42nmc", fmt="vasp/poscar")
s.replace("Hf", "Zr", 8)