3dmol format
Class: Py3DMolFormat
3DMol format.
To use this format, py3Dmol should be installed in advance.
Convert from System to this format
- dpdata.System.to(fmt: Literal['3dmol'], f_idx: 'int' = 0, size: 'tuple[int]' = (300, 300), style: 'dict' = {'stick': {}, 'sphere': {'radius': 0.4}})
- dpdata.System.to_3dmol(f_idx: 'int' = 0, size: 'tuple[int]' = (300, 300), style: 'dict' = {'stick': {}, 'sphere': {'radius': 0.4}})
Show 3D structure of a frame in jupyter.
- Parameters:
- f_idxint
frame index to show
- sizetuple[int]
(width, height) of the widget
- styledict
style of 3DMol. Read 3DMol documentation for details.
>>> system.to_3dmol()
Convert from LabeledSystem to this format
- dpdata.LabeledSystem.to(fmt: Literal['3dmol'], f_idx: 'int' = 0, size: 'tuple[int]' = (300, 300), style: 'dict' = {'stick': {}, 'sphere': {'radius': 0.4}})
- dpdata.LabeledSystem.to_3dmol(f_idx: 'int' = 0, size: 'tuple[int]' = (300, 300), style: 'dict' = {'stick': {}, 'sphere': {'radius': 0.4}})
Show 3D structure of a frame in jupyter.
- Parameters:
- f_idxint
frame index to show
- sizetuple[int]
(width, height) of the widget
- styledict
style of 3DMol. Read 3DMol documentation for details.
>>> system.to_3dmol()