Source code for dpdispatcher.ssh_context

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

from dpdispatcher.base_context import BaseContext
import os, paramiko, tarfile, time
import uuid
from glob import glob
from dpdispatcher import dlog
from dargs.dargs import Argument
from typing import List
import pathlib
# from dpdispatcher.submission import Machine
from dpdispatcher.utils import get_sha256, generate_totp

[docs]class SSHSession (object): def __init__(self, hostname, username, password=None, port=22, key_filename=None, passphrase=None, timeout=10, totp_secret=None, ): self.hostname = hostname self.username = username self.password = password self.port = port self.key_filename = key_filename self.passphrase = passphrase self.timeout = timeout self.totp_secret = totp_secret self.ssh = None self._setup_ssh() # @classmethod # def deserialize(cls, jdata): # instance = cls(**jdata) # return instance # def bk_ensure_alive(self, # max_check = 10, # sleep_time = 10): # count = 1 # while not self._check_alive(): # if count == max_check: # raise RuntimeError('cannot connect ssh after %d failures at interval %d s' % # (max_check, sleep_time)) #'connection check failed, try to reconnect to ' + self.remote_host) # self._setup_ssh(hostname=self.remote_host, # port=self.remote_port, # username=self.remote_uname, # password=self.remote_password, # key_filename=self.local_key_filename, # timeout=self.remote_timeout, # passphrase=self.local_key_passphrase) # count += 1 # time.sleep(sleep_time)
[docs] def ensure_alive(self, max_check = 10, sleep_time = 10): count = 1 while not self._check_alive(): if count == max_check: raise RuntimeError('cannot connect ssh after %d failures at interval %d s' % (max_check, sleep_time))'connection check failed, try to reconnect to ' + self.remote_root) self._setup_ssh() count += 1 time.sleep(sleep_time)
def _check_alive(self): if self.ssh is None: return False try : transport = self.ssh.get_transport() transport.send_ignore() return True except EOFError: return False # def bk_setup_ssh(self, # hostname, # port=22, # username=None, # password=None, # key_filename=None, # timeout=None, # passphrase=None): # self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() # # ssh_client.load_system_host_keys() # self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.WarningPolicy) # self.ssh.connect(hostname=hostname, port=port, # username=username, password=password, # key_filename=key_filename, timeout=timeout, passphrase=passphrase) # assert(self.ssh.get_transport().is_active()) # transport = self.ssh.get_transport() # transport.set_keepalive(60) def _setup_ssh(self): # machine = self.machine self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy) if self.totp_secret and self.password is None: self.password = generate_totp(self.totp_secret) self.ssh.connect(hostname=self.hostname, port=self.port, username=self.username, password=self.password, key_filename=self.key_filename, timeout=self.timeout,passphrase=self.passphrase, compress=True, ) assert(self.ssh.get_transport().is_active()) transport = self.ssh.get_transport() transport.set_keepalive(60) # reset sftp self._sftp = None
[docs] def get_ssh_client(self) : return self.ssh
# def get_session_root(self): # return self.remote_root
[docs] def close(self) : self.ssh.close()
[docs] def exec_command(self, cmd, retry = 0): """Calling self.ssh.exec_command but has an exception check.""" try: return self.ssh.exec_command(cmd) except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: # SSH session not active # retry for up to 3 times if retry < 3: dlog.warning("SSH session not active in calling %s, retry the command..." % cmd) # ensure alive self.ensure_alive() return self.exec_command(cmd, retry = retry+1) raise RuntimeError("SSH session not active")
@property def sftp(self): """Returns sftp. Open a new one if not existing.""" if self._sftp is None: self.ensure_alive() self._sftp = self.ssh.open_sftp() return self._sftp
[docs] @staticmethod def arginfo(): doc_hostname = 'hostname or ip of ssh connection.' doc_username = 'username of target linux system' doc_password = 'password of linux system' doc_port = 'ssh connection port.' doc_key_filename = 'key filename used by ssh connection. If left None, find key in ~/.ssh or ' \ 'use password for login' doc_passphrase = 'passphrase of key used by ssh connection' doc_timeout = 'timeout of ssh connection' doc_totp_secret = 'Time-based one time password secret. It should be a base32-encoded string' \ ' extracted from the 2D code.' ssh_remote_profile_args = [ Argument("hostname", str, optional=False, doc=doc_hostname), Argument("username", str, optional=False, doc=doc_username), Argument("password", str, optional=True, doc=doc_password), Argument("port", int, optional=True, default=22, doc=doc_port), Argument("key_filename", [str, None], optional=True, default=None, doc=doc_key_filename), Argument("passphrase", [str, None], optional=True, default=None, doc=doc_passphrase), Argument("timeout", int, optional=True, default=10, doc=doc_timeout), Argument("totp_secret", str, optional=True, default=None, doc=doc_totp_secret), ] ssh_remote_profile_format = Argument("ssh_session", dict, ssh_remote_profile_args) return ssh_remote_profile_format
[docs]class SSHContext(BaseContext): def __init__ (self, local_root, remote_root, remote_profile, clean_asynchronously=False, *args, **kwargs, ): assert(type(local_root) == str) self.init_local_root = local_root self.init_remote_root = remote_root self.temp_local_root = os.path.abspath(local_root) assert os.path.isabs(remote_root), f"remote_root must be a abspath" self.temp_remote_root = remote_root self.remote_profile = remote_profile # self.job_uuid = None self.clean_asynchronously = clean_asynchronously # self.job_uuid = job_uuid # if job_uuid: # self.job_uuid=job_uuid # else: # self.job_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.ssh_session = SSHSession(**remote_profile) # self.temp_remote_root = os.path.join(self.ssh_session.get_session_root()) self.ssh_session.ensure_alive() try: self.sftp.mkdir(self.temp_remote_root) except OSError: pass
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_dict(cls, context_dict): # instance = cls() # input = dict( # hostname = jdata['hostname'], # remote_root = jdata['remote_root'], # username = jdata['username'], # password = jdata.get('password', None), # port = jdata.get('port', 22), # key_filename = jdata.get('key_filename', None), # passphrase = jdata.get('passphrase', None), # timeout = jdata.get('timeout', 10), # ) local_root = context_dict['local_root'] remote_root = context_dict['remote_root'] remote_profile = context_dict['remote_profile'] clean_asynchronously = context_dict.get('clean_asynchronously', False) ssh_context = cls( local_root=local_root, remote_root=remote_root, remote_profile=remote_profile, clean_asynchronously=clean_asynchronously ) # local_root = jdata['local_root'] # ssh_session = SSHSession(**input) # ssh_context = SSHContext( # local_root=local_root, # ssh_session=ssh_session, # clean_asynchronously=jdata.get('clean_asynchronously', False), # ) return ssh_context
@property def ssh(self): return self.ssh_session.get_ssh_client() @property def sftp(self): return self.ssh_session.sftp
[docs] def close(self): self.ssh_session.close()
[docs] def get_job_root(self) : return self.remote_root
[docs] def bind_submission(self, submission): self.submission = submission self.local_root = pathlib.PurePath(os.path.join(self.temp_local_root, submission.work_base)).as_posix() # self.remote_root = os.path.join(self.temp_remote_root, self.submission.submission_hash, self.submission.work_base ) self.remote_root = pathlib.PurePath(os.path.join(self.temp_remote_root, self.submission.submission_hash)).as_posix() sftp = self.ssh_session.ssh.open_sftp() try: sftp.mkdir(self.remote_root) except OSError: pass
# self.job_uuid = submission.submission_hash # dlog.debug("debug:SSHContext.bind_submission" # "{submission.submission_hash}; {self.local_root}; {self.remote_root") # try: # print('self.remote_root', self.remote_root) # sftp = self.ssh_session.ssh.open_sftp() # sftp.mkdir(self.remote_root) # sftp.close() # except: # pass def _walk_directory(self, files, work_path, file_list, directory_list): """Convert input path to list of files and directories.""" for jj in files : file_name = os.path.join(work_path, jj) if os.path.isfile(file_name): file_list.append(file_name) elif os.path.isdir(file_name): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_name, topdown=False): if not files: directory_list.append(root) for name in files: file_list.append(os.path.join(root, name)) elif glob(file_name): # If the file name contains a wildcard, os.path functions will fail to identify it. Use glob to get the complete list of filenames which match the wildcard. abs_file_list = glob(file_name) rel_file_list = [os.path.relpath(ii, start=work_path) for ii in abs_file_list] self._walk_directory(rel_file_list, work_path, file_list, directory_list) else: raise RuntimeError(f'cannot find upload file {work_path} {jj}')
[docs] def upload(self, # job_dirs, submission, # local_up_files, dereference = True) :'remote path: {self.remote_root}') # remote_cwd = self.ssh_session.sftp.chdir(self.temp_remote_root) recover = False try: self.ssh_session.sftp.mkdir(os.path.basename(self.remote_root)) except OSError: # mkdir failed meaning it exists, thus the job is recovered recover = True self.ssh_session.sftp.chdir(None) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.local_root) file_list = [] directory_list = [] for task in submission.belonging_tasks: directory_list.append(task.task_work_path) # file_list.append(ii) self._walk_directory(task.forward_files, task.task_work_path, file_list, directory_list) self._walk_directory(submission.forward_common_files, self.local_root, file_list, directory_list) # check if the same file exists on the remote file # only check sha256 when the job is recovered if recover: # generate local sha256 file sha256_list = [] for jj in file_list: sha256 = get_sha256(jj) jj_rel = pathlib.PurePath(os.path.relpath(jj, self.local_root)).as_posix() sha256_list.append(f"{sha256} {jj_rel}") # write to remote sha256_file = os.path.join(self.remote_root, ".tmp.sha256." + str(uuid.uuid4())) self.write_file(sha256_file, "\n".join(sha256_list)) # check sha256 # `:` means pass: _, stdout, _ = self.block_checkcall("sha256sum -c %s --quiet || :" % sha256_file) self.sftp.remove(sha256_file) # regenerate file list file_list = [] for ii in stdout: file_list.append(ii.split(":")[0]) else: # convert to relative path to local_root file_list = [os.path.relpath(jj, self.local_root) for jj in file_list] self._put_files(file_list, dereference = dereference, directories=directory_list) os.chdir(cwd)
[docs] def download(self, submission, # job_dirs, # remote_down_files, check_exists = False, mark_failure = True, back_error=False) : self.ssh_session.ensure_alive() cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.local_root) file_list = [] # for ii in job_dirs : for task in submission.belonging_tasks : for jj in task.backward_files: file_name = pathlib.PurePath(os.path.join(task.task_work_path, jj)).as_posix() if check_exists: if self.check_file_exists(file_name): file_list.append(file_name) elif mark_failure : with open(os.path.join(self.local_root, task.task_work_path, 'tag_failure_download_%s' % jj), 'w') as fp: pass else: pass else: file_list.append(file_name) if back_error: errors=glob(os.path.join(task.task_work_path, 'error*')) file_list.extend(errors) file_list.extend(submission.backward_common_files) if len(file_list) > 0: self._get_files(file_list) os.chdir(cwd)
[docs] def block_checkcall(self, cmd, asynchronously=False, stderr_whitelist=None) : """Run command with arguments. Wait for command to complete. If the return code was zero then return, otherwise raise RuntimeError. Parameters ---------- cmd: str The command to run. asynchronously: bool, optional, default=False Run command asynchronously. If True, `nohup` will be used to run the command. """ self.ssh_session.ensure_alive() if asynchronously: cmd = "nohup %s >/dev/null &" % cmd stdin, stdout, stderr = self.ssh_session.exec_command(('cd %s ;' % self.remote_root) + cmd) exit_status = if exit_status != 0: raise RuntimeError("Get error code %d in calling %s through ssh with job: %s . message: %s" % (exit_status, cmd, self.submission.submission_hash,'utf-8'))) return stdin, stdout, stderr
[docs] def block_call(self, cmd) : self.ssh_session.ensure_alive() stdin, stdout, stderr = self.ssh_session.exec_command(('cd %s ;' % self.remote_root) + cmd) exit_status = return exit_status, stdin, stdout, stderr
[docs] def clean(self) : self.ssh_session.ensure_alive() self._rmtree(self.remote_root)
[docs] def write_file(self, fname, write_str): self.ssh_session.ensure_alive() with, fname)).as_posix(), 'w') as fp : fp.write(write_str)
[docs] def read_file(self, fname): self.ssh_session.ensure_alive() with, fname)).as_posix(), 'r') as fp: ret ='utf-8') return ret
[docs] def check_file_exists(self, fname): self.ssh_session.ensure_alive() try: self.sftp.stat(pathlib.PurePath(os.path.join(self.remote_root, fname)).as_posix()) ret = True except IOError: ret = False return ret
[docs] def call(self, cmd): stdin, stdout, stderr = self.ssh_session.exec_command(cmd) # stdin, stdout, stderr = self.ssh.exec_command('echo $$; exec ' + cmd) # pid = stdout.readline().strip() # print(pid) return {'stdin':stdin, 'stdout':stdout, 'stderr':stderr}
[docs] def check_finish(self, cmd_pipes): return cmd_pipes['stdout'].channel.exit_status_ready()
[docs] def get_return(self, cmd_pipes): if not self.check_finish(cmd_pipes): return None, None, None else : retcode = cmd_pipes['stdout'].channel.recv_exit_status() return retcode, cmd_pipes['stdout'], cmd_pipes['stderr']
[docs] def kill(self, cmd_pipes) : raise RuntimeError('dose not work! we do not know how to kill proc through paramiko.SSHClient')
#self.block_checkcall('kill -15 %s' % cmd_pipes['pid']) def _rmtree(self, remotepath, verbose = False): """Remove the remote path.""" # The original implementation method removes files one by one using sftp. # If the latency of the remote server is high, it is very slow. # Thus, it's better to use system's `rm` to remove a directory, which may # save a lot of time. if verbose:'removing %s' % remotepath) # In some supercomputers, it's very slow to remove large numbers of files # (e.g. directory containing trajectory) due to bad I/O performance. # So an asynchronously option is provided. self.block_checkcall('rm -rf %s' % remotepath, asynchronously=self.clean_asynchronously) def _put_files(self, files, dereference = True, directories = None, ) : """Upload files to server. Parameters ---------- files: list uploaded files dereference: bool, default: True If dereference is False, add symbolic and hard links to the archive. If it is True, add the content of the target files to the archive. This has no effect on systems that do not support symbolic links. directories: list, default: None uploaded directories non-recursively. Use `files` for uploading recursively """ of = self.submission.submission_hash + '.tgz' # local tar cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.local_root) if os.path.isfile(of) : os.remove(of) with, "w:gz", dereference = dereference, compresslevel=6) as tar: for ii in files : tar.add(ii) if directories is not None: for ii in directories: tar.add(ii, recursive=False) os.chdir(cwd) self.ssh_session.ensure_alive() try: self.sftp.mkdir(self.remote_root) except OSError: pass # trans from_f = pathlib.PurePath(os.path.join(self.local_root, of)).as_posix() to_f = pathlib.PurePath(os.path.join(self.remote_root, of)).as_posix() try: self.sftp.put(from_f, to_f) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError("from %s to %s @ %s : %s Error!"%(from_f, self.ssh_session.username, self.ssh_session.hostname, to_f)) # remote extract self.block_checkcall('tar xf %s' % of) # clean up os.remove(from_f) self.sftp.remove(to_f) def _get_files(self, files) : of = self.submission.submission_hash + '.tar.gz' # remote tar # If the number of files are large, we may get "Argument list too long" error. # Thus, we may run tar commands for serveral times and tar only 100 files for # each time. per_nfile = 100 ntar = len(files) // per_nfile + 1 if ntar <= 1: self.block_checkcall('tar czfh %s %s' % (of, " ".join(files))) else: of_tar = self.submission.submission_hash + '.tar' for ii in range(ntar): ff = files[per_nfile * ii : per_nfile * (ii+1)] if ii == 0: # tar cf for the first time self.block_checkcall('tar cfh %s %s' % (of_tar, " ".join(ff))) else: # append using tar rf # -r, --append append files to the end of an archive self.block_checkcall('tar rfh %s %s' % (of_tar, " ".join(ff))) # compress the tar file using gzip, and will get a tar.gz file # overwrite considering dpgen may stop and restart # -f, --force force overwrite of output file and compress links self.block_checkcall('gzip -f %s' % of_tar) # trans from_f = pathlib.PurePath(os.path.join(self.remote_root, of)).as_posix() to_f = pathlib.PurePath(os.path.join(self.local_root, of)).as_posix() if os.path.isfile(to_f) : os.remove(to_f) self.sftp.get(from_f, to_f) # extract cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.local_root) with, "r:gz") as tar: tar.extractall() os.chdir(cwd) # cleanup os.remove(to_f) self.sftp.remove(from_f)
[docs] @classmethod def machine_subfields(cls) -> List[Argument]: """Generate the machine subfields. Returns ------- list[Argument] machine subfields """ doc_remote_profile = 'The information used to maintain the connection with remote machine.' remote_profile_format = SSHSession.arginfo() = "remote_profile" remote_profile_format.doc = doc_remote_profile return [remote_profile_format]