Source code for dpdispatcher.machine

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from dpdispatcher.ssh_context import SSHSession
import json
from dargs import Argument, Variant
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
import pathlib
from dpdispatcher import dlog
from dpdispatcher.base_context import BaseContext


echo 0 > $REMOTE_ROOT/{flag_if_job_task_fail}
test $? -ne 0 && exit 1


cd {task_work_path}
test $? -ne 0 && exit 1
if [ ! -f {task_tag_finished} ] ;then
  {command_env} ( {command} ) {log_err_part}
  if test $? -eq 0; then touch {task_tag_finished}; else echo 1 > $REMOTE_ROOT/{flag_if_job_task_fail};fi
fi &

test $? -ne 0 && exit 1

FLAG_IF_JOB_TASK_FAIL=$(cat {flag_if_job_task_fail})
if test $FLAG_IF_JOB_TASK_FAIL -eq 0; then touch {job_tag_finished}; else exit 1;fi

[docs]class Machine(metaclass=ABCMeta): """A machine is used to handle the connection with remote machines. Parameters ---------- context : SubClass derived from BaseContext The context is used to mainatin the connection with remote machine. """ subclasses_dict = {} options = set() # alias: for subclasses_dict key # notes: this attribute can be inherited alias: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] = tuple() def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls is Machine: subcls = cls.subclasses_dict[kwargs['batch_type']] instance = subcls.__new__(subcls, *args, **kwargs) else: instance = object.__new__(cls) return instance def __init__(self, batch_type=None, context_type=None, local_root=None, remote_root=None, remote_profile={}, *, context=None ): if context is None: assert isinstance(self, self.__class__.subclasses_dict[batch_type]) context = BaseContext( context_type=context_type, local_root=local_root, remote_root=remote_root, remote_profile=remote_profile ) else: pass self.bind_context(context=context)
[docs] def bind_context(self, context): self.context = context
# def __init__ (self, # context): # self.context = context # self.uuid_names = uuid_names # self.upload_tag_name = '%s_job_tag_upload' % self.context.job_uuid # self.finish_tag_name = '%s_job_tag_finished' % self.context.job_uuid # self.sub_script_name = '%s.sub' % self.context.job_uuid # self.job_id_name = '%s_job_id' % self.context.job_uuid def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) alias = [cls.__name__, *cls.alias] for aa in alias: cls.subclasses_dict[aa]=cls cls.subclasses_dict[aa.lower()]=cls cls.options.add(cls.__name__) # cls.subclasses.append(cls)
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_json(cls, json_path): with open(json_path, 'r') as f: machine_dict = json.load(f) machine = cls.load_from_dict(machine_dict=machine_dict) return machine
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_dict(cls, machine_dict): batch_type = machine_dict['batch_type'] try: machine_class = cls.subclasses_dict[batch_type] except KeyError as e: dlog.error(f"KeyError:batch_type; cls.subclasses_dict:{cls.subclasses_dict}; batch_type:{batch_type};") raise e # check dict base = cls.arginfo() machine_dict = base.normalize_value(machine_dict, trim_pattern="_*") base.check_value(machine_dict, strict=False) context = BaseContext.load_from_dict(machine_dict) machine = machine_class(context=context) return machine
[docs] def serialize(self, if_empty_remote_profile=False): machine_dict = {} machine_dict['batch_type'] = self.__class__.__name__ machine_dict['context_type'] = self.context.__class__.__name__ machine_dict['local_root'] = self.context.init_local_root machine_dict['remote_root'] = self.context.init_remote_root if not if_empty_remote_profile: machine_dict['remote_profile'] = self.context.remote_profile else: machine_dict['remote_profile'] = {} return machine_dict
def __eq__(self, other): return self.serialize() == other.serialize()
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, machine_dict): machine = cls.load_from_dict(machine_dict=machine_dict) return machine
[docs] @abstractmethod def check_status(self, job) : raise NotImplementedError('abstract method check_status should be implemented by derived class')
[docs] def default_resources(self, res) : raise NotImplementedError('abstract method default_resources should be implemented by derived class')
[docs] def sub_script_head(self, res) : raise NotImplementedError('abstract method sub_script_head should be implemented by derived class')
[docs] def sub_script_cmd(self, res): raise NotImplementedError('abstract method sub_script_cmd should be implemented by derived class')
[docs] @abstractmethod def do_submit(self, job): ''' submit a single job, assuming that no job is running there. ''' raise NotImplementedError('abstract method do_submit should be implemented by derived class')
[docs] def gen_script(self, job): script_header = self.gen_script_header(job) script_custom_flags = self.gen_script_custom_flags_lines(job) script_env = self.gen_script_env(job) script_command = self.gen_script_command(job) script_end = self.gen_script_end(job) script = script_template.format( script_header=script_header, script_custom_flags=script_custom_flags, script_env=script_env, script_command=script_command, script_end=script_end ) return script
[docs] def check_if_recover(self, submission): submission_hash = submission.submission_hash submission_file_name = "{submission_hash}.json".format(submission_hash=submission_hash) if_recover = self.context.check_file_exists(submission_file_name) return if_recover
[docs] @abstractmethod def check_finish_tag(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError('abstract method check_finish_tag should be implemented by derived class')
[docs] @abstractmethod def gen_script_header(self, job): raise NotImplementedError('abstract method gen_script_header should be implemented by derived class')
[docs] def gen_script_custom_flags_lines(self, job): custom_flags_lines = "" custom_flags = job.resources.custom_flags for ii in custom_flags: line = ii + '\n' custom_flags_lines += line return custom_flags_lines
[docs] def gen_script_env(self, job): source_files_part = "" module_unload_part = "" module_purge = job.resources.module_purge if module_purge: module_unload_part += "module purge\n" module_unload_list = job.resources.module_unload_list for ii in module_unload_list: module_unload_part += f"module unload {ii}\n" module_load_part = "" module_list = job.resources.module_list for ii in module_list: module_load_part += f"module load {ii}\n" source_list = job.resources.source_list for ii in source_list: line = "{ source %s; } \n" % ii source_files_part += line export_envs_part = "" envs = job.resources.envs for k,v in envs.items(): if isinstance(v, list): for each_value in v: export_envs_part += f"export {k}={each_value}\n" else: export_envs_part += f"export {k}={v}\n" flag_if_job_task_fail = job.job_hash + '_flag_if_job_task_fail' script_env = script_env_template.format( flag_if_job_task_fail=flag_if_job_task_fail, remote_root=self.context.remote_root, module_unload_part=module_unload_part, module_load_part=module_load_part, source_files_part=source_files_part, export_envs_part=export_envs_part, ) return script_env
[docs] def gen_script_command(self, job): script_command = "" resources = job.resources # in_para_task_num = 0 for task in job.job_task_list: command_env = "" command_env += self.gen_command_env_cuda_devices(resources=resources) task_tag_finished = task.task_hash + '_task_tag_finished' log_err_part = "" if task.outlog is not None: log_err_part += f"1>>{task.outlog} " if task.errlog is not None: log_err_part += f"2>>{task.errlog} " flag_if_job_task_fail = job.job_hash + '_flag_if_job_task_fail' single_script_command = script_command_template.format( flag_if_job_task_fail=flag_if_job_task_fail, command_env=command_env, task_work_path=pathlib.PurePath(task.task_work_path).as_posix(), command=task.command, task_tag_finished=task_tag_finished, log_err_part=log_err_part) script_command += single_script_command script_command += self.gen_script_wait(resources=resources) return script_command
[docs] def gen_script_end(self, job): job_tag_finished = job.job_hash + '_job_tag_finished' flag_if_job_task_fail = job.job_hash + '_flag_if_job_task_fail' script_end = script_end_template.format( job_tag_finished=job_tag_finished, flag_if_job_task_fail=flag_if_job_task_fail ) return script_end
[docs] def gen_script_wait(self, resources): # if not resources.strategy.get('if_cuda_multi_devices', None): # return "wait \n" para_deg = resources.para_deg resources.task_in_para += 1 # task_need_gpus = task.task_need_gpus if resources.task_in_para >= para_deg: # pbs_script_command += pbs_script_wait resources.task_in_para = 0 if resources.strategy['if_cuda_multi_devices'] is True: resources.gpu_in_use += 1 if resources.gpu_in_use % resources.gpu_per_node == 0: return "wait \n" else: return "" return "wait \n" return ""
[docs] def gen_command_env_cuda_devices(self, resources): # task_need_resources = task.task_need_resources # task_need_gpus = task_need_resources.get('task_need_gpus', 1) command_env = "" # gpu_number = resources.gpu_per_node # resources.gpu_in_use = 0 if resources.strategy['if_cuda_multi_devices'] is True: if resources.gpu_per_node == 0: raise RuntimeError("resources.gpu_per_node can not be 0") gpu_index = resources.gpu_in_use % resources.gpu_per_node command_env+=f"export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={gpu_index};" # for ii in list_CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES: # command_env+="{ii},".format(ii=ii) return command_env
[docs] @classmethod def arginfo(cls): # TODO: change the possible value of batch and context types after we refactor the code doc_batch_type = 'The batch job system type. Option: ' + ', '.join(cls.options) doc_context_type = 'The connection used to remote machine. Option: ' + ', '.join(BaseContext.options) doc_local_root = 'The dir where the tasks and relating files locate. Typically the project dir.' doc_remote_root = 'The dir where the tasks are executed on the remote machine. Only needed when context is not lazy-local.' doc_clean_asynchronously = 'Clean the remote directory asynchronously after the job finishes.' machine_args = [ Argument("batch_type", str, optional=False, doc=doc_batch_type), # TODO: add default to local_root and remote_root after refactor the code Argument("local_root", [str, None], optional=False, doc=doc_local_root), Argument("remote_root", [str, None], optional=True, doc=doc_remote_root), Argument("clean_asynchronously", bool, optional=True, default=False, doc=doc_clean_asynchronously), ] context_variant = Variant( "context_type", [context.machine_arginfo() for context in set(BaseContext.subclasses_dict.values())], optional=False, doc=doc_context_type, ) machine_format = Argument("machine", dict, machine_args, [context_variant]) return machine_format
[docs] @classmethod def resources_arginfo(cls) -> Argument: """Generate the resources arginfo. Returns ------- Argument resources arginfo """ alias = [] for aa in cls.alias: alias.extend(( aa, aa.lower(), )) return Argument( cls.__name__, dict, sub_fields=cls.resources_subfields(), alias=[cls.__name__.lower(), *alias] )
[docs] @classmethod def resources_subfields(cls) -> List[Argument]: """Generate the resources subfields. Returns ------- list[Argument] resources subfields """ return [Argument("kwargs", dict, optional=True, doc="This field is empty for this batch.")]