Source code for dpdispatcher.lsf

from dpdispatcher.machine import Machine
from dpdispatcher import dlog
from dpdispatcher.JobStatus import JobStatus
from typing import List
from dargs import Argument

lsf_script_header_template = """\
#!/bin/bash -l
#BSUB -e %J.err
#BSUB -o %J.out

[docs]class LSF(Machine): """ LSF batch """
[docs] def gen_script(self, job): lsf_script = super(LSF, self).gen_script(job) return lsf_script
[docs] def gen_script_header(self, job): resources = job.resources script_header_dict = { 'lsf_nodes_line': "#BSUB -n {number_cores}".format( number_cores=resources.number_node * resources.cpu_per_node), 'lsf_ptile_line': "#BSUB -R 'span[ptile={cpu_per_node}]'".format( cpu_per_node=resources.cpu_per_node), 'lsf_partition_line': "#BSUB -q {queue_name}".format( queue_name=resources.queue_name) } gpu_usage_flag = resources.kwargs.get('gpu_usage', False) gpu_new_syntax_flag = resources.kwargs.get('gpu_new_syntax', False) gpu_exclusive_flag = resources.kwargs.get('gpu_exclusive', True) custom_gpu_line = resources.kwargs.get("custom_gpu_line", None) if not custom_gpu_line: if gpu_usage_flag is True: if gpu_new_syntax_flag is True: if gpu_exclusive_flag is True: script_header_dict['lsf_number_gpu_line'] = "#BSUB -gpu 'num={gpu_per_node}:mode=shared:" \ "j_exclusive=yes'".format( gpu_per_node=resources.gpu_per_node) else: script_header_dict['lsf_number_gpu_line'] = "#BSUB -gpu 'num={gpu_per_node}:mode=shared:" \ "j_exclusive=no'".format( gpu_per_node=resources.gpu_per_node) else: script_header_dict['lsf_number_gpu_line'] = '#BSUB -R "select[ngpus >0] rusage[' \ 'ngpus_excl_p={gpu_per_node}]"'.format( gpu_per_node=resources.gpu_per_node) else: script_header_dict['lsf_number_gpu_line'] = "" else: script_header_dict['lsf_number_gpu_line'] = custom_gpu_line lsf_script_header = lsf_script_header_template.format(**script_header_dict) return lsf_script_header
[docs] def do_submit(self, job): script_file_name = job.script_file_name script_str = self.gen_script(job) job_id_name = job.job_hash + '_job_id' self.context.write_file(fname=script_file_name, write_str=script_str) stdin, stdout, stderr = self.context.block_checkcall( 'cd %s && %s %s' % (self.context.remote_root, 'bsub < ', script_file_name) ) subret = (stdout.readlines()) job_id = subret[0].split()[1][1:-1] self.context.write_file(job_id_name, job_id) return job_id
# TODO: derive abstract methods
[docs] def default_resources(self, resources): pass
[docs] def sub_script_cmd(self, res): pass
[docs] def sub_script_head(self, res): pass
[docs] def check_status(self, job): try: job_id = job.job_id except AttributeError: return JobStatus.terminated if job_id == "": return JobStatus.unsubmitted ret, stdin, stdout, stderr \ = self.context.block_call("bjobs " + job_id) err_str ='utf-8') if ("Job <%s> is not found" % job_id) in err_str: if self.check_finish_tag(job): return JobStatus.finished else: return JobStatus.terminated elif ret != 0: raise RuntimeError("status command bjobs fails to execute.\n error info: %s \nreturn code %d\n" % (err_str, ret)) status_out ='utf-8').split('\n') if len(status_out) < 2: return JobStatus.unknown else: status_line = status_out[1] status_word = status_line.split()[2] # ref: if status_word in ["PEND", "WAIT", "PSUSP"]: return JobStatus.waiting elif status_word in ["RUN", "USUSP"]: return JobStatus.running elif status_word in ["DONE", "EXIT"]: if self.check_finish_tag(job):"job: {job.job_hash} {job.job_id} finished") return JobStatus.finished else: return JobStatus.terminated else: return JobStatus.unknown
[docs] def check_finish_tag(self, job): job_tag_finished = job.job_hash + '_job_tag_finished' return self.context.check_file_exists(job_tag_finished)
[docs] @classmethod def resources_subfields(cls) -> List[Argument]: """Generate the resources subfields. Returns ------- list[Argument] resources subfields """ doc_custom_gpu_line = "Custom GPU configuration, starting with #BSUB" doc_gpu_usage = "Choosing if GPU is used in the calculation step. " doc_gpu_new_syntax = "For LFS >=, new option -gpu for #BSUB could be used. " \ "If False, and old syntax would be used." doc_gpu_exclusive = "Only take effect when new syntax enabled. " \ "Control whether submit tasks in exclusive way for GPU." return [Argument("kwargs", dict, [ Argument("gpu_usage", bool, optional=True, default=False, doc=doc_gpu_usage), Argument("gpu_new_syntax", bool, optional=True, default=False, doc=doc_gpu_new_syntax), Argument("gpu_exclusive", bool, optional=True, default=True, doc=doc_gpu_exclusive), Argument("custom_gpu_line", str, optional=True, default=None, doc=doc_custom_gpu_line) ], optional=False, doc="Extra arguments.")]