Source code for dpdispatcher.pbs

import shlex

from dpdispatcher.JobStatus import JobStatus
from dpdispatcher import dlog
from dpdispatcher.machine import Machine

#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -j oe

[docs]class PBS(Machine):
[docs] def gen_script(self, job): pbs_script = super(PBS, self).gen_script(job) return pbs_script
[docs] def gen_script_header(self, job): resources = job.resources pbs_script_header_dict= {} pbs_script_header_dict['select_node_line']="#PBS -l select={number_node}:ncpus={cpu_per_node}".format( number_node=resources.number_node, cpu_per_node=resources.cpu_per_node ) if (resources.gpu_per_node != 0): pbs_script_header_dict['select_node_line'] += ":ngpus={gpu_per_node}".format(gpu_per_node=resources.gpu_per_node) pbs_script_header_dict['queue_name_line']="#PBS -q {queue_name}".format(queue_name=resources.queue_name) pbs_script_header = pbs_script_header_template.format(**pbs_script_header_dict) return pbs_script_header
[docs] def do_submit(self, job): script_file_name = job.script_file_name script_str = self.gen_script(job) job_id_name = job.job_hash + '_job_id' # script_str = self.sub_script(job_dirs, cmd, args=args, resources=resources, outlog=outlog, errlog=errlog) self.context.write_file(fname=script_file_name, write_str=script_str) # self.context.write_file(fname=os.path.join(self.context.submission.work_base, script_file_name), write_str=script_str) # script_file_dir = os.path.join(self.context.submission.work_base) script_file_dir = self.context.remote_root # stdin, stdout, stderr = self.context.block_checkcall('cd %s && %s %s' % (self.context.remote_root, 'qsub', script_file_name)) stdin, stdout, stderr = self.context.block_checkcall('cd %s && %s %s' % (shlex.quote(script_file_dir), 'qsub', shlex.quote(script_file_name))) subret = (stdout.readlines()) job_id = subret[0].split()[0] self.context.write_file(job_id_name, job_id) return job_id
[docs] def default_resources(self, resources) : pass
[docs] def check_status(self, job): job_id = job.job_id if job_id == "" : return JobStatus.unsubmitted ret, stdin, stdout, stderr\ = self.context.block_call ("qstat -x " + job_id) err_str ='utf-8') if (ret != 0) : if str("qstat: Unknown Job Id") in err_str or str("Job has finished") in err_str: if self.check_finish_tag(job=job) : return JobStatus.finished else : return JobStatus.terminated else : raise RuntimeError ("status command qstat fails to execute. erro info: %s return code %d" % (err_str, ret)) status_line ='utf-8').split ('\n')[-2] status_word = status_line.split ()[-2] # (status_word) if status_word in ["Q","H"] : return JobStatus.waiting elif status_word in ["R"] : return JobStatus.running elif status_word in ["C", "E", "K", "F"] : if self.check_finish_tag(job):"job: {job.job_hash} {job.job_id} finished") return JobStatus.finished else : return JobStatus.terminated else : return JobStatus.unknown
[docs] def check_finish_tag(self, job): job_tag_finished = job.job_hash + '_job_tag_finished' return self.context.check_file_exists(job_tag_finished)
[docs]class Torque(PBS):
[docs] def check_status(self, job): job_id = job.job_id if job_id == "" : return JobStatus.unsubmitted ret, stdin, stdout, stderr\ = self.context.block_call ("qstat -l " + job_id) err_str ='utf-8') if (ret != 0) : if str("qstat: Unknown Job Id") in err_str or str("Job has finished") in err_str: if self.check_finish_tag(job=job) : return JobStatus.finished else : return JobStatus.terminated else : raise RuntimeError ("status command qstat fails to execute. erro info: %s return code %d" % (err_str, ret)) status_line ='utf-8').split ('\n')[-2] status_word = status_line.split ()[-2] # (status_word) if status_word in ["Q","H"] : return JobStatus.waiting elif status_word in ["R"] : return JobStatus.running elif status_word in ["C", "E", "K", "F"] : if self.check_finish_tag(job):"job: {job.job_hash} {job.job_id} finished") return JobStatus.finished else : return JobStatus.terminated else : return JobStatus.unknown
[docs] def gen_script_header(self, job): # ref: resources = job.resources pbs_script_header_dict= {} pbs_script_header_dict['select_node_line']="#PBS -l nodes={number_node}:ppn={cpu_per_node}".format( number_node=resources.number_node, cpu_per_node=resources.cpu_per_node ) if (resources.gpu_per_node != 0): pbs_script_header_dict['select_node_line'] += ":gpus={gpu_per_node}".format(gpu_per_node=resources.gpu_per_node) pbs_script_header_dict['queue_name_line']="#PBS -q {queue_name}".format(queue_name=resources.queue_name) pbs_script_header = pbs_script_header_template.format(**pbs_script_header_dict) return pbs_script_header