Source code for dpdispatcher.slurm

import pathlib
import shlex
from typing import List

from dargs import Argument

from dpdispatcher.machine import Machine
from dpdispatcher.JobStatus import JobStatus
from dpdispatcher import dlog
from dpdispatcher.machine import script_command_template
from dpdispatcher.utils import retry, RetrySignal
# from dpdispatcher.submission import Resources

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --parsable

[docs]class Slurm(Machine):
[docs] def gen_script(self, job): slurm_script = super(Slurm, self).gen_script(job) return slurm_script
[docs] def gen_script_header(self, job): resources = job.resources script_header_dict = {} script_header_dict['slurm_nodes_line']="#SBATCH --nodes {number_node}".format(number_node=resources.number_node) script_header_dict['slurm_ntasks_per_node_line']="#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node {cpu_per_node}".format(cpu_per_node=resources.cpu_per_node) custom_gpu_line = resources.kwargs.get("custom_gpu_line", None) if not custom_gpu_line: script_header_dict['slurm_number_gpu_line'] = "#SBATCH --gres=gpu:{gpu_per_node}".format(gpu_per_node=resources.gpu_per_node) else: script_header_dict['slurm_number_gpu_line'] = custom_gpu_line script_header_dict['slurm_partition_line']="#SBATCH --partition {queue_name}".format(queue_name=resources.queue_name) slurm_script_header = slurm_script_header_template.format(**script_header_dict) return slurm_script_header
@retry() def do_submit(self, job): script_file_name = job.script_file_name script_str = self.gen_script(job) job_id_name = job.job_hash + '_job_id' # script_str = self.sub_script(job_dirs, cmd, args=args, resources=resources, outlog=outlog, errlog=errlog) self.context.write_file(fname=script_file_name, write_str=script_str) # self.context.write_file(fname=os.path.join(self.context.submission.work_base, script_file_name), write_str=script_str) ret, stdin, stdout, stderr = self.context.block_call('cd %s && %s %s' % (shlex.quote(self.context.remote_root), 'sbatch', shlex.quote(script_file_name))) if ret != 0: err_str ='utf-8') if "Socket timed out on send/recv operation" in err_str or "Unable to contact slurm controller" in err_str: # server network error, retry 3 times raise RetrySignal("Get error code %d in submitting through ssh with job: %s . message: %s" % (ret, job.job_hash, err_str)) elif "Job violates accounting/QOS policy" in err_str: # job number exceeds, skip the submitting return '' raise RuntimeError\ ("status command squeue fails to execute\nerror message:%s\nreturn code %d\n" % (err_str, ret)) subret = (stdout.readlines()) # --parsable # Outputs only the job id number and the cluster name if present. # The values are separated by a semicolon. Errors will still be displayed. job_id = subret[0].split(";")[0].strip() self.context.write_file(job_id_name, job_id) return job_id
[docs] def default_resources(self, resources) : pass
@retry() def check_status(self, job): job_id = job.job_id if job_id == '' : return JobStatus.unsubmitted ret, stdin, stdout, stderr \ = self.context.block_call ('squeue -o "%.18i %.2t" -j ' + job_id) if (ret != 0) : err_str ='utf-8') if str("Invalid job id specified") in err_str : if self.check_finish_tag(job) :"job: {job.job_hash} {job.job_id} finished") return JobStatus.finished else : return JobStatus.terminated elif "Socket timed out on send/recv operation" in err_str or "Unable to contact slurm controller" in err_str: # retry 3 times raise RetrySignal("Get error code %d in checking status through ssh with job: %s . message: %s" % (ret, job.job_hash, err_str)) raise RuntimeError("status command squeue fails to execute." "job_id:%s \n error message:%s\n return code %d\n" % (job_id, err_str, ret)) status_line ='utf-8').split ('\n')[-2] status_word = status_line.split ()[-1] if not (len(status_line.split()) == 2 and status_word.isupper()): raise RuntimeError("Error in getting job status, " + f"status_line = {status_line}, " + f"parsed status_word = {status_word}") if status_word in ["PD","CF","S"] : return JobStatus.waiting elif status_word in ["R"] : return JobStatus.running elif status_word in ["CG"] : return JobStatus.completing elif status_word in ["C","E","K","BF","CA","CD","F","NF","PR","SE","ST","TO"] : if self.check_finish_tag(job):"job: {job.job_hash} {job.job_id} finished") return JobStatus.finished else : return JobStatus.terminated else : return JobStatus.unknown
[docs] def check_finish_tag(self, job): job_tag_finished = job.job_hash + '_job_tag_finished' return self.context.check_file_exists(job_tag_finished)
[docs] @classmethod def resources_subfields(cls) -> List[Argument]: """Generate the resources subfields. Returns ------- list[Argument] resources subfields """ doc_custom_gpu_line = "Custom GPU configuration, starting with #SBATCH" return [Argument("kwargs", dict, [ Argument("custom_gpu_line", str, optional=True, default=None, doc=doc_custom_gpu_line) ], optional=True, doc="Extra arguments.")]
[docs]class SlurmJobArray(Slurm): """Slurm with job array enabled for multiple tasks in a job"""
[docs] def gen_script_header(self, job): if job.fail_count > 0: # resubmit jobs, check if some of tasks have been finished job_array = [] for ii, task in enumerate(job.job_task_list): task_tag_finished = (pathlib.PurePath(task.task_work_path)/(task.task_hash + '_task_tag_finished')).as_posix() if not self.context.check_file_exists(task_tag_finished): job_array.append(ii) return super().gen_script_header(job) + "\n#SBATCH --array=%s" % (",".join(map(str, job_array))) return super().gen_script_header(job) + "\n#SBATCH --array=0-%d" % (len(job.job_task_list)-1)
[docs] def gen_script_command(self, job): resources = job.resources # SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID: 0 ~ n_jobs-1 script_command = "case $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID in\n" for ii, task in enumerate(job.job_task_list): command_env = "" command_env += self.gen_command_env_cuda_devices(resources=resources) task_tag_finished = task.task_hash + '_task_tag_finished' log_err_part = "" if task.outlog is not None: log_err_part += f"1>>{shlex.quote(task.outlog)} " if task.errlog is not None: log_err_part += f"2>>{shlex.quote(task.errlog)} " flag_if_job_task_fail = job.job_hash + '_flag_if_job_task_fail' single_script_command = script_command_template.format( flag_if_job_task_fail=flag_if_job_task_fail, command_env=command_env, task_work_path=shlex.quote(pathlib.PurePath(task.task_work_path).as_posix()), command=task.command, task_tag_finished=task_tag_finished, log_err_part=log_err_part) script_command += f"{ii})\n" script_command += single_script_command script_command += self.gen_script_wait(resources=resources) script_command += "\n;;\n" script_command += "*)\nexit 1\n;;\nesac\n" return script_command
[docs] def gen_script_end(self, job): # We cannot have a end script for job array # we may check task tag instead return ""
@retry() def check_status(self, job): job_id = job.job_id if job_id == '' : return JobStatus.unsubmitted ret, stdin, stdout, stderr \ = self.context.block_call ('squeue -h -o "%.18i %.2t" -j ' + job_id) if (ret != 0) : err_str ='utf-8') if str("Invalid job id specified") in err_str : if self.check_finish_tag(job) :"job: {job.job_hash} {job.job_id} finished") return JobStatus.finished else : return JobStatus.terminated elif "Socket timed out on send/recv operation" in err_str or "Unable to contact slurm controller" in err_str: # retry 3 times raise RetrySignal("Get error code %d in checking status through ssh with job: %s . message: %s" % (ret, job.job_hash, err_str)) raise RuntimeError("status command squeue fails to execute." "job_id:%s \n error message:%s\n return code %d\n" % (job_id, err_str, ret)) status_lines ='utf-8').split ('\n')[:-1] status = [] for status_line in status_lines: status_word = status_line.split ()[-1] if not (len(status_line.split()) == 2 and status_word.isupper()): raise RuntimeError("Error in getting job status, " + f"status_line = {status_line}, " + f"parsed status_word = {status_word}") if status_word in ["PD","CF","S"] : status.append(JobStatus.waiting) elif status_word in ["R"] : status.append(JobStatus.running) elif status_word in ["CG"] : status.append(JobStatus.completing) elif status_word in ["C","E","K","BF","CA","CD","F","NF","PR","SE","ST","TO"] : status.append(JobStatus.finished) else : status.append(JobStatus.unknown) # running if any job is running if JobStatus.running in status: return JobStatus.running elif JobStatus.waiting in status: return JobStatus.waiting elif JobStatus.completing in status: return JobStatus.completing elif JobStatus.unknown in status: return JobStatus.unknown else: if self.check_finish_tag(job):"job: {job.job_hash} {job.job_id} finished") return JobStatus.finished else : return JobStatus.terminated
[docs] def check_finish_tag(self, job): results = [] for task in job.job_task_list: task_tag_finished = (pathlib.PurePath(task.task_work_path)/(task.task_hash + '_task_tag_finished')).as_posix() results.append(self.context.check_file_exists(task_tag_finished)) return all(results)