Source code for dpgen.auto_test.ABACUS
import os
from dpdata import LabeledSystem
from monty.serialization import dumpfn
import dpgen.auto_test.lib.abacus as abacus
import dpgen.generator.lib.abacus_scf as abacus_scf
from dpgen import dlog
from dpgen.auto_test.Task import Task
from dpgen.util import sepline
class ABACUS(Task):
def __init__(self, inter_parameter, path_to_poscar):
self.inter = inter_parameter
self.inter_type = inter_parameter["type"]
self.incar = inter_parameter.get("incar", {})
self.potcar_prefix = inter_parameter.get("potcar_prefix", "")
self.potcars = inter_parameter.get("potcars", None)
self.orbfile = inter_parameter.get("orb_files", None)
self.deepks = inter_parameter.get("deepks_desc", None)
self.deepks_model = inter_parameter.get("deepks_model", None)
self.path_to_poscar = path_to_poscar
self.if_define_orb_file = False if self.orbfile is None else True
def make_potential_files(self, output_dir):
stru = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(output_dir, "STRU"))
if not os.path.isfile(stru):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"No file {stru}")
stru_data = abacus_scf.get_abacus_STRU(stru)
atom_names = stru_data["atom_names"]
orb_files = stru_data["orb_files"]
pp_files = stru_data["pp_files"]
dpks_descriptor = stru_data["dpks_descriptor"]
if os.path.islink(os.path.join(output_dir, "STRU")):
stru_path, tmpf = os.path.split(
os.readlink(os.path.join(output_dir, "STRU"))
stru_path = output_dir
if pp_files is None:
raise RuntimeError("No pseudopotential information in STRU file")
pp_dir = os.path.abspath(self.potcar_prefix)
cwd = os.getcwd()
if not os.path.isdir("./pp_orb"):
pp_orb_file = []
for iatom, atomname in enumerate(atom_names):
# pseudopotential file
if not self.potcars:
raise RuntimeError(
"please specify the pseudopotential file for each atom type in 'potcars'"
if atomname not in self.potcars:
raise RuntimeError(
f"please specify the pseudopotential file of '{atomname}'"
pp_orb_file.append([pp_files[iatom], self.potcars[atomname]])
# orbital file
if orb_files:
if not self.orbfile:
raise RuntimeError(
"Orbital file is defined in STRU, so please specify the orbital file for each atom type in parameter setting file by 'orb_files'"
if atomname not in self.orbfile:
raise RuntimeError(
f"please specify the orbital file of '{atomname}'"
pp_orb_file.append([orb_files[iatom], self.orbfile[atomname]])
elif self.orbfile:
"Orbital is not needed by STRU, so ignore the setting of 'orb_files' in parameter setting file"
# dpks_descriptor
if dpks_descriptor:
if not self.deepks:
raise RuntimeError(
"Deepks descriptor file is defined in STRU, so please specify in parameter setting file by 'deepks_desc'"
pp_orb_file.append([dpks_descriptor, self.deepks])
elif self.deepks:
"Deepks descriptor is not needed by STRU, so ignore the setting of 'deepks_desc' in parameter setting file"
# dpks model
if self.deepks_model:
pp_orb_file.append([self.deepks_model, self.deepks_model])
# link the files
for file_stru, file_param in pp_orb_file:
filename_in_stru = os.path.split(file_stru)[1]
filename_in_para = os.path.split(file_param)[1]
if filename_in_stru != filename_in_para:
f"file name in STRU is not match that defined in parameter setting file: '{filename_in_stru}', '{filename_in_para}'."
src_file = os.path.join(pp_dir, file_param)
if not os.path.isfile(src_file):
raise RuntimeError(f"Can not find file {src_file}")
tar_file = os.path.join("pp_orb", filename_in_stru)
if os.path.isfile(tar_file):
os.symlink(src_file, tar_file)
dumpfn(self.inter, os.path.join(output_dir, "inter.json"), indent=4)
def modify_input(self, incar, x, y):
if x in incar and incar[x] != y:"setting {x} to {y}")
incar[x] = y
def make_input_file(self, output_dir, task_type, task_param):
dumpfn(task_param, os.path.join(output_dir, "task.json"), indent=4)
assert os.path.exists(self.incar), "no INPUT file for relaxation"
relax_incar_path = os.path.abspath(self.incar)
incar_relax = abacus_scf.get_abacus_input_parameters(relax_incar_path)
# deal with relaxation
cal_type = task_param["cal_type"]
cal_setting = task_param["cal_setting"]
# user input INCAR for property calculation
if "input_prop" in cal_setting and os.path.isfile(cal_setting["input_prop"]):
incar_prop = os.path.abspath(cal_setting["input_prop"])
incar = abacus_scf.get_abacus_input_parameters(incar_prop)
f"Detected 'input_prop' in 'relaxation', use {incar_prop} as INPUT, and ignore 'cal_setting'"
# revise INCAR based on the INCAR provided in the "interaction"
incar = incar_relax
for key in cal_setting:
if key in ["relax_pos", "relax_shape", "relax_vol", "K_POINTS", ""]:
if key[0] == "_":
if "interaction" in key.lower():
incar[key.lower()] = cal_setting[key]
fix_atom = [False, False, False]
if cal_type == "relaxation":
relax_pos = cal_setting["relax_pos"]
relax_shape = cal_setting["relax_shape"]
relax_vol = cal_setting["relax_vol"]
if [relax_pos, relax_shape, relax_vol] == [True, False, False]:
self.modify_input(incar, "calculation", "relax")
elif [relax_pos, relax_shape, relax_vol] == [True, True, True]:
self.modify_input(incar, "calculation", "cell-relax")
elif [relax_pos, relax_shape, relax_vol] == [True, True, False]:
self.modify_input(incar, "calculation", "cell-relax")
self.modify_input(incar, "fixed_axes", "volume")
elif [relax_pos, relax_shape, relax_vol] == [False, True, False]:
self.modify_input(incar, "calculation", "cell-relax")
self.modify_input(incar, "fixed_axes", "volume")
fix_atom = [True, True, True]
elif [relax_pos, relax_shape, relax_vol] == [False, True, True]:
self.modify_input(incar, "calculation", "cell-relax")
fix_atom = [True, True, True]
elif [relax_pos, relax_shape, relax_vol] == [False, False, True]:
raise RuntimeError(
"relax volume but fix shape is not supported for ABACUS"
elif [relax_pos, relax_shape, relax_vol] == [False, False, False]:
self.modify_input(incar, "calculation", "scf")
raise RuntimeError("not supported calculation setting for ABACUS")
elif cal_type == "static":
self.modify_input(incar, "calculation", "scf")
raise RuntimeError("not supported calculation type for ABACUS")
# modify STRU file base on the value of fix_atom
abacus.stru_fix_atom(os.path.join(output_dir, "STRU"), fix_atom)
if "basis_type" not in incar:"'basis_type' is not defined, set to be 'pw'!")
self.modify_input(incar, "basis_type", "pw")
if "lcao" in incar["basis_type"].lower() and not self.if_define_orb_file:
mess = "The basis_type is {}, but not define orbital file!!!".format(
raise RuntimeError(mess)
if "deepks_model" in incar:
model_file = os.path.split(incar["deepks_model"])[1]
self.modify_input(incar, "deepks_model", os.path.join("pp_orb", model_file))
abacus.write_input(os.path.join(output_dir, "../INPUT"), incar)
cwd = os.getcwd()
if not os.path.islink("INPUT"):
os.symlink("../INPUT", "INPUT")
elif not "../INPUT" == os.readlink("INPUT"):
os.symlink("../INPUT", "INPUT")
if "kspacing" in incar:
if isinstance(incar["kspacing"], str):
kspacing = [float(i) for i in incar["kspacing"].split()]
elif isinstance(incar["kspacing"], (int, float)):
kspacing = [incar["kspacing"]]
kspacing = incar["kspacing"]
if len(kspacing) == 1:
kspacing = 3 * kspacing
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(output_dir, "STRU")):
kpt = abacus.make_kspacing_kpt(
os.path.join(output_dir, "STRU"), kspacing
kpt += [0, 0, 0]
kpt = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
elif "K_POINTS" in cal_setting:
kpt = cal_setting["K_POINTS"]
mess = "K point information is not defined\n"
mess += "You can set key word 'kspacing' (unit in 1/bohr) as one or three float value in INPUT\n"
mess += "or set key word 'K_POINTS' as a list in 'cal_setting', e.g. [1,2,3,0,0,0]\n"
raise RuntimeError(mess)
abacus.write_kpt(os.path.join(output_dir, "KPT"), kpt)
def compute(self, output_dir):
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(output_dir, "INPUT")):
dlog.warning("cannot find INPUT in " + output_dir + " skip")
return None
ls = LabeledSystem(output_dir, fmt="abacus/relax")
outcar_dict = ls.as_dict()
return outcar_dict
def forward_files(self, property_type="relaxation"):
return ["INPUT", "STRU", "KPT", "pp_orb"]