Source code for dpgen.auto_test.EOS

import glob
import json
import os
import re

import numpy as np
from monty.serialization import dumpfn, loadfn

import dpgen.auto_test.lib.abacus as abacus
import dpgen.auto_test.lib.vasp as vasp
import dpgen.generator.lib.abacus_scf as abacus_scf
from dpgen import dlog
from dpgen.auto_test.Property import Property
from dpgen.auto_test.refine import make_refine
from dpgen.auto_test.reproduce import make_repro, post_repro

[docs] class EOS(Property): def __init__(self, parameter, inter_param=None): parameter["reproduce"] = parameter.get("reproduce", False) self.reprod = parameter["reproduce"] if not self.reprod: if not ("init_from_suffix" in parameter and "output_suffix" in parameter): self.vol_start = parameter["vol_start"] self.vol_end = parameter["vol_end"] self.vol_step = parameter["vol_step"] parameter["vol_abs"] = parameter.get("vol_abs", False) self.vol_abs = parameter["vol_abs"] parameter["cal_type"] = parameter.get("cal_type", "relaxation") self.cal_type = parameter["cal_type"] default_cal_setting = { "relax_pos": True, "relax_shape": True, "relax_vol": False, } if "cal_setting" not in parameter: parameter["cal_setting"] = default_cal_setting else: if "relax_pos" not in parameter["cal_setting"]: parameter["cal_setting"]["relax_pos"] = default_cal_setting[ "relax_pos" ] if "relax_shape" not in parameter["cal_setting"]: parameter["cal_setting"]["relax_shape"] = default_cal_setting[ "relax_shape" ] if "relax_vol" not in parameter["cal_setting"]: parameter["cal_setting"]["relax_vol"] = default_cal_setting[ "relax_vol" ] self.cal_setting = parameter["cal_setting"] else: parameter["cal_type"] = "static" self.cal_type = parameter["cal_type"] default_cal_setting = { "relax_pos": False, "relax_shape": False, "relax_vol": False, } if "cal_setting" not in parameter: parameter["cal_setting"] = default_cal_setting else: if "relax_pos" not in parameter["cal_setting"]: parameter["cal_setting"]["relax_pos"] = default_cal_setting[ "relax_pos" ] if "relax_shape" not in parameter["cal_setting"]: parameter["cal_setting"]["relax_shape"] = default_cal_setting[ "relax_shape" ] if "relax_vol" not in parameter["cal_setting"]: parameter["cal_setting"]["relax_vol"] = default_cal_setting[ "relax_vol" ] self.cal_setting = parameter["cal_setting"] parameter["init_from_suffix"] = parameter.get("init_from_suffix", "00") self.init_from_suffix = parameter["init_from_suffix"] self.parameter = parameter self.inter_param = inter_param if inter_param is not None else {"type": "vasp"}
[docs] def make_confs(self, path_to_work, path_to_equi, refine=False): path_to_work = os.path.abspath(path_to_work) if os.path.exists(path_to_work): dlog.warning(f"{path_to_work} already exists") else: os.makedirs(path_to_work) path_to_equi = os.path.abspath(path_to_equi) if "start_confs_path" in self.parameter and os.path.exists( self.parameter["start_confs_path"] ): init_path_list = glob.glob( os.path.join(self.parameter["start_confs_path"], "*") ) struct_init_name_list = [] for ii in init_path_list: struct_init_name_list.append(ii.split("/")[-1]) struct_output_name = path_to_work.split("/")[-2] assert struct_output_name in struct_init_name_list path_to_equi = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( self.parameter["start_confs_path"], struct_output_name, "relaxation", "relax_task", ) ) cwd = os.getcwd() task_list = [] if self.reprod: print("eos reproduce starts") if "init_data_path" not in self.parameter: raise RuntimeError("please provide the initial data path to reproduce") init_data_path = os.path.abspath(self.parameter["init_data_path"]) task_list = make_repro( self.inter_param, init_data_path, self.init_from_suffix, path_to_work, self.parameter.get("reprod_last_frame", True), ) os.chdir(cwd) else: if refine: print("eos refine starts") task_list = make_refine( self.parameter["init_from_suffix"], self.parameter["output_suffix"], path_to_work, ) os.chdir(cwd) init_from_path = re.sub( self.parameter["output_suffix"][::-1], self.parameter["init_from_suffix"][::-1], path_to_work[::-1], count=1, )[::-1] task_list_basename = list(map(os.path.basename, task_list)) for ii in task_list_basename: init_from_task = os.path.join(init_from_path, ii) output_task = os.path.join(path_to_work, ii) os.chdir(output_task) if os.path.isfile("eos.json"): os.remove("eos.json") if os.path.islink("eos.json"): os.remove("eos.json") os.symlink( os.path.relpath(os.path.join(init_from_task, "eos.json")), "eos.json", ) os.chdir(cwd) else: print( "gen eos from " + str(self.vol_start) + " to " + str(self.vol_end) + " by every " + str(self.vol_step) ) if self.vol_abs:"treat vol_start and vol_end as absolute volume") else:"treat vol_start and vol_end as relative volume") if self.inter_param["type"] == "abacus": equi_contcar = os.path.join( path_to_equi, abacus.final_stru(path_to_equi) ) else: equi_contcar = os.path.join(path_to_equi, "CONTCAR") if not os.path.isfile(equi_contcar): raise RuntimeError( f"Can not find {equi_contcar}, please do relaxation first" ) if self.inter_param["type"] == "abacus": stru_data = abacus_scf.get_abacus_STRU(equi_contcar) vol_to_poscar = ( abs(np.linalg.det(stru_data["cells"])) / np.array(stru_data["atom_numbs"]).sum() ) else: vol_to_poscar = vasp.poscar_vol(equi_contcar) / vasp.poscar_natoms( equi_contcar ) self.parameter["scale2equi"] = [] task_num = 0 while self.vol_start + self.vol_step * task_num < self.vol_end: # for vol in np.arange(int(self.vol_start * 100), int(self.vol_end * 100), int(self.vol_step * 100)): # vol = vol / 100.0 vol = self.vol_start + task_num * self.vol_step # task_num = int((vol - self.vol_start) / self.vol_step) output_task = os.path.join(path_to_work, "task.%06d" % task_num) os.makedirs(output_task, exist_ok=True) os.chdir(output_task) if self.inter_param["type"] == "abacus": POSCAR = "STRU" POSCAR_orig = "STRU.orig" scale_func = abacus.stru_scale else: POSCAR = "POSCAR" POSCAR_orig = "POSCAR.orig" scale_func = vasp.poscar_scale for ii in [ "INCAR", "POTCAR", POSCAR_orig, POSCAR, "conf.lmp", "in.lammps", ]: if os.path.exists(ii): os.remove(ii) task_list.append(output_task) os.symlink(os.path.relpath(equi_contcar), POSCAR_orig) # scale = (vol / vol_to_poscar) ** (1. / 3.) if self.vol_abs: scale = (vol / vol_to_poscar) ** (1.0 / 3.0) eos_params = {"volume": vol, "scale": scale} else: scale = vol ** (1.0 / 3.0) eos_params = {"volume": vol * vol_to_poscar, "scale": scale} dumpfn(eos_params, "eos.json", indent=4) self.parameter["scale2equi"].append(scale) # 06/22 scale_func(POSCAR_orig, POSCAR, scale) task_num += 1 os.chdir(cwd) return task_list
[docs] def post_process(self, task_list): pass
[docs] def task_type(self): return self.parameter["type"]
[docs] def task_param(self): return self.parameter
def _compute_lower(self, output_file, all_tasks, all_res): output_file = os.path.abspath(output_file) res_data = {} ptr_data = "conf_dir: " + os.path.dirname(output_file) + "\n" if not self.reprod: ptr_data += " VpA(A^3) EpA(eV)\n" for ii in range(len(all_tasks)): # vol = self.vol_start + ii * self.vol_step vol = loadfn(os.path.join(all_tasks[ii], "eos.json"))["volume"] task_result = loadfn(all_res[ii]) res_data[vol] = task_result["energies"][-1] / sum( task_result["atom_numbs"] ) ptr_data += "{:7.3f} {:8.4f} \n".format( vol, task_result["energies"][-1] / sum(task_result["atom_numbs"]), ) # res_data[vol] = all_res[ii]['energy'] / len(all_res[ii]['force']) # ptr_data += '%7.3f %8.4f \n' % (vol, all_res[ii]['energy'] / len(all_res[ii]['force'])) else: if "init_data_path" not in self.parameter: raise RuntimeError("please provide the initial data path to reproduce") init_data_path = os.path.abspath(self.parameter["init_data_path"]) res_data, ptr_data = post_repro( init_data_path, self.parameter["init_from_suffix"], all_tasks, ptr_data, self.parameter.get("reprod_last_frame", True), ) with open(output_file, "w") as fp: json.dump(res_data, fp, indent=4) return res_data, ptr_data