Source code for dpgen.auto_test.Task

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

[docs] class Task(ABC): @abstractmethod def __init__(self, inter_parameter, path_to_poscar): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- inter_parameter : dict A dict that specifies the interaction. path_to_poscar : str The path to POSCAR. Indicating in which system the task will be initialized. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def make_potential_files(self, output_dir): """Prepare potential files for a computational task. For example, the VASP prepares POTCAR. DeePMD prepares frozen model(s). IMPORTANT: Interaction should be stored in output_dir/inter.json. Parameters ---------- output_dir : str The directory storing the potential files. Notes ----- The following files are generated: inter.json: output file The task information is stored in `output_dir/inter.json` """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def make_input_file(self, output_dir, task_type, task_param): """Prepare input files for a computational task For example, the VASP prepares INCAR. LAMMPS (including DeePMD, MEAM...) prepares in.lammps. Parameters ---------- output_dir : str The directory storing the input files. task_type : str Can be - "relaxation:": structure relaxation - "static": static computation calculates the energy, force... of a strcture task_param : dict The parameters of the task. For example the VASP interaction can be provided with { "ediff": 1e-6, "ediffg": 1e-5 } """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute(self, output_dir): """Compute output of the task. IMPORTANT: The output configuration should be converted and stored in a CONTCAR file. Parameters ---------- output_dir : str The directory storing the input and output files. Returns ------- result_dict: dict A dict that storing the result. For example: { "energy": xxx, "force": [xxx] } Notes ----- The following files are generated: CONTCAR: output file The output configuration is converted to CONTCAR and stored in the `output_dir` """ pass
@property @staticmethod @abstractmethod def forward_files(self): """Return forward files.""" pass @property @staticmethod @abstractmethod def forward_common_files(self): """Return forward common files.""" pass @property @staticmethod @abstractmethod def backward_files(self): """Return backward files.""" pass