Source code for dpgen.auto_test.common_equi

import glob
import os
import shutil

from monty.serialization import dumpfn
from packaging.version import Version

import dpgen.auto_test.lib.abacus as abacus
import dpgen.auto_test.lib.crys as crys
import dpgen.auto_test.lib.util as util
from dpgen import dlog
from dpgen.auto_test.calculator import make_calculator
from dpgen.auto_test.lib.utils import create_path
from dpgen.auto_test.mpdb import get_structure
from dpgen.dispatcher.Dispatcher import make_submission
from dpgen.remote.decide_machine import convert_mdata

lammps_task_type = ["deepmd", "meam", "eam_fs", "eam_alloy"]

[docs] def make_equi(confs, inter_param, relax_param): # find all POSCARs and their name like mp-xxx # ... dlog.debug("debug info make equi") if "type_map" in inter_param: ele_list = [key for key in inter_param["type_map"].keys()] else: ele_list = [key for key in inter_param["potcars"].keys()] # ele_list = inter_param['type_map'] dlog.debug("ele_list {}".format(":".join(ele_list))) conf_dirs = [] for conf in confs: conf_dirs.extend(glob.glob(conf)) conf_dirs.sort() # generate a list of task names like mp-xxx/relaxation/relax_task # ... cwd = os.getcwd() # generate poscar for single element crystal if len(ele_list) == 1 or "single" in inter_param: if "single" in inter_param: element_label = int(inter_param["single"]) else: element_label = 0 for ii in conf_dirs: os.chdir(ii) crys_type = ii.split("/")[-1] dlog.debug(f"crys_type: {crys_type}") dlog.debug(f"pwd: {os.getcwd()}") if crys_type == "std-fcc": if not os.path.exists("POSCAR"): crys.fcc1(ele_list[element_label]).to("POSCAR", "POSCAR") elif crys_type == "std-hcp": if not os.path.exists("POSCAR"): crys.hcp(ele_list[element_label]).to("POSCAR", "POSCAR") elif crys_type == "std-dhcp": if not os.path.exists("POSCAR"): crys.dhcp(ele_list[element_label]).to("POSCAR", "POSCAR") elif crys_type == "std-bcc": if not os.path.exists("POSCAR"): crys.bcc(ele_list[element_label]).to("POSCAR", "POSCAR") elif crys_type == "std-diamond": if not os.path.exists("POSCAR"): crys.diamond(ele_list[element_label]).to("POSCAR", "POSCAR") elif crys_type == "std-sc": if not os.path.exists("POSCAR"):[element_label]).to("POSCAR", "POSCAR") if inter_param["type"] == "abacus" and not os.path.exists("STRU"): abacus.poscar2stru("POSCAR", inter_param, "STRU") os.remove("POSCAR") os.chdir(cwd) task_dirs = [] # make task directories like mp-xxx/relaxation/relax_task # if mp-xxx/exists then print a warning and exit. # ... for ii in conf_dirs: crys_type = ii.split("/")[-1] dlog.debug(f"crys_type: {crys_type}") if "mp-" in crys_type and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(ii, "POSCAR")): get_structure(crys_type).to("POSCAR", os.path.join(ii, "POSCAR")) if inter_param["type"] == "abacus" and not os.path.exists("STRU"): abacus.poscar2stru( os.path.join(ii, "POSCAR"), inter_param, os.path.join(ii, "STRU") ) os.remove(os.path.join(ii, "POSCAR")) poscar = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ii, "POSCAR")) POSCAR = "POSCAR" if inter_param["type"] == "abacus": shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(ii, "STRU"), os.path.join(ii, "STRU.bk")) abacus.modify_stru_path(os.path.join(ii, "STRU"), "pp_orb/") poscar = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ii, "STRU")) POSCAR = "STRU" if not os.path.exists(poscar): raise FileNotFoundError("no configuration for autotest") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(ii, "relaxation", "jr.json")): os.remove(os.path.join(ii, "relaxation", "jr.json")) relax_dirs = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(ii, "relaxation", "relax_task") ) # to be consistent with property in make dispatcher create_path(relax_dirs) task_dirs.append(relax_dirs) os.chdir(relax_dirs) # copy POSCARs to mp-xxx/relaxation/relax_task # ... if os.path.isfile(POSCAR): os.remove(POSCAR) os.symlink(os.path.relpath(poscar), POSCAR) os.chdir(cwd) task_dirs.sort() # generate task files relax_param["cal_type"] = "relaxation" if "cal_setting" not in relax_param: relax_param["cal_setting"] = { "relax_pos": True, "relax_shape": True, "relax_vol": True, } else: if "relax_pos" not in relax_param["cal_setting"]: relax_param["cal_setting"]["relax_pos"] = True if "relax_shape" not in relax_param["cal_setting"]: relax_param["cal_setting"]["relax_shape"] = True if "relax_vol" not in relax_param["cal_setting"]: relax_param["cal_setting"]["relax_vol"] = True for ii in task_dirs: poscar = os.path.join(ii, "POSCAR") dlog.debug(f"task_dir {ii}") inter = make_calculator(inter_param, poscar) inter.make_potential_files(ii) inter.make_input_file(ii, "relaxation", relax_param)
[docs] def run_equi(confs, inter_param, mdata): # find all POSCARs and their name like mp-xxx # ... conf_dirs = [] for conf in confs: conf_dirs.extend(glob.glob(conf)) conf_dirs.sort() processes = len(conf_dirs) # generate a list of task names like mp-xxx/relaxation/relax_task # ... work_path_list = [] for ii in conf_dirs: work_path_list.append(os.path.join(ii, "relaxation")) all_task = [] for ii in work_path_list: all_task.append(os.path.join(ii, "relax_task")) run_tasks = all_task inter_type = inter_param["type"] # vasp if inter_type in ["vasp", "abacus"]: mdata = convert_mdata(mdata, ["fp"]) elif inter_type in lammps_task_type: mdata = convert_mdata(mdata, ["model_devi"]) else: raise RuntimeError(f"unknown task {inter_type}, something wrong") # dispatch the tasks # POSCAR here is useless virtual_calculator = make_calculator(inter_param, "POSCAR") forward_files = virtual_calculator.forward_files() forward_common_files = virtual_calculator.forward_common_files() backward_files = virtual_calculator.backward_files() # backward_files += logs machine, resources, command, group_size = util.get_machine_info(mdata, inter_type) work_path = os.getcwd() print(f"{work_path} --> Runing... ") api_version = mdata.get("api_version", "1.0") if Version(api_version) < Version("1.0"): raise RuntimeError( f"API version {api_version} has been removed. Please upgrade to 1.0." ) elif Version(api_version) >= Version("1.0"): submission = make_submission( mdata_machine=machine, mdata_resources=resources, commands=[command], work_path=work_path, run_tasks=run_tasks, group_size=group_size, forward_common_files=forward_common_files, forward_files=forward_files, backward_files=backward_files, outlog="outlog", errlog="errlog", ) submission.run_submission()
[docs] def post_equi(confs, inter_param): # find all POSCARs and their name like mp-xxx # ... conf_dirs = [] for conf in confs: conf_dirs.extend(glob.glob(conf)) conf_dirs.sort() task_dirs = [] for ii in conf_dirs: task_dirs.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ii, "relaxation", "relax_task"))) task_dirs.sort() # generate a list of task names like mp-xxx/relaxation # ... # dump the relaxation result. for ii in task_dirs: poscar = os.path.join(ii, "POSCAR") inter = make_calculator(inter_param, poscar) res = inter.compute(ii) dumpfn(res, os.path.join(ii, "result.json"), indent=4)