Source code for dpgen.auto_test.common_prop

import glob
import os
from multiprocessing import Pool

from packaging.version import Version

import dpgen.auto_test.lib.util as util
from dpgen import dlog
from dpgen.auto_test.calculator import make_calculator
from dpgen.auto_test.Elastic import Elastic
from dpgen.auto_test.EOS import EOS
from dpgen.auto_test.Gamma import Gamma
from dpgen.auto_test.Interstitial import Interstitial
from dpgen.auto_test.lib.utils import create_path
from dpgen.auto_test.Surface import Surface
from dpgen.auto_test.Vacancy import Vacancy
from dpgen.dispatcher.Dispatcher import make_submission
from dpgen.remote.decide_machine import convert_mdata
from dpgen.util import sepline

lammps_task_type = ["deepmd", "meam", "eam_fs", "eam_alloy"]

[docs] def make_property_instance(parameters, inter_param): """Make an instance of Property.""" prop_type = parameters["type"] if prop_type == "eos": return EOS(parameters, inter_param) elif prop_type == "elastic": return Elastic(parameters, inter_param) elif prop_type == "vacancy": return Vacancy(parameters, inter_param) elif prop_type == "interstitial": return Interstitial(parameters, inter_param) elif prop_type == "surface": return Surface(parameters, inter_param) elif prop_type == "gamma": return Gamma(parameters, inter_param) else: raise RuntimeError(f"unknown property type {prop_type}")
[docs] def make_property(confs, inter_param, property_list): # find all POSCARs and their name like mp-xxx # ... # conf_dirs = glob.glob(confs) # conf_dirs.sort() conf_dirs = [] for conf in confs: conf_dirs.extend(glob.glob(conf)) conf_dirs.sort() for ii in conf_dirs: sepline(ch=ii, screen=True) for jj in property_list: if jj.get("skip", False): continue if "init_from_suffix" and "output_suffix" in jj: do_refine = True suffix = jj["output_suffix"] elif "reproduce" in jj and jj["reproduce"]: do_refine = False suffix = "reprod" else: do_refine = False suffix = "00" # generate working directory like mp-xxx/eos_00 if jj['type'] == 'eos' # handel the exception that the working directory exists # ... # determine the suffix: from scratch or refine # ... property_type = jj["type"] path_to_equi = os.path.join(ii, "relaxation", "relax_task") path_to_work = os.path.join(ii, property_type + "_" + suffix) create_path(path_to_work) inter_param_prop = inter_param if "cal_setting" in jj and "overwrite_interaction" in jj["cal_setting"]: inter_param_prop = jj["cal_setting"]["overwrite_interaction"] prop = make_property_instance(jj, inter_param_prop) task_list = prop.make_confs(path_to_work, path_to_equi, do_refine) for kk in task_list: poscar = os.path.join(kk, "POSCAR") inter = make_calculator(inter_param_prop, poscar) inter.make_potential_files(kk) dlog.debug(prop.task_type()) ### debug inter.make_input_file(kk, prop.task_type(), prop.task_param()) prop.post_process( task_list ) # generate same KPOINTS file for elastic when doing VASP
[docs] def run_property(confs, inter_param, property_list, mdata): # find all POSCARs and their name like mp-xxx # ... # conf_dirs = glob.glob(confs) # conf_dirs.sort() processes = len(property_list) pool = Pool(processes=processes) print("Submit job via %d processes" % processes) conf_dirs = [] for conf in confs: conf_dirs.extend(glob.glob(conf)) conf_dirs.sort() task_list = [] work_path_list = [] multiple_ret = [] for ii in conf_dirs: sepline(ch=ii, screen=True) for jj in property_list: # determine the suffix: from scratch or refine # ... if jj.get("skip", False): continue if "init_from_suffix" and "output_suffix" in jj: suffix = jj["output_suffix"] elif "reproduce" in jj and jj["reproduce"]: suffix = "reprod" else: suffix = "00" property_type = jj["type"] path_to_work = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(ii, property_type + "_" + suffix) ) work_path_list.append(path_to_work) tmp_task_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path_to_work, "task.[0-9]*[0-9]")) tmp_task_list.sort() task_list.append(tmp_task_list) inter_param_prop = inter_param if "cal_setting" in jj and "overwrite_interaction" in jj["cal_setting"]: inter_param_prop = jj["cal_setting"]["overwrite_interaction"] # dispatch the tasks # POSCAR here is useless virtual_calculator = make_calculator(inter_param_prop, "POSCAR") forward_files = virtual_calculator.forward_files(property_type) forward_common_files = virtual_calculator.forward_common_files( property_type ) backward_files = virtual_calculator.backward_files(property_type) # backward_files += logs # ... inter_type = inter_param_prop["type"] # vasp if inter_type in ["vasp", "abacus"]: mdata = convert_mdata(mdata, ["fp"]) elif inter_type in lammps_task_type: mdata = convert_mdata(mdata, ["model_devi"]) else: raise RuntimeError("unknown task %s, something wrong" % inter_type) work_path = path_to_work all_task = tmp_task_list run_tasks = util.collect_task(all_task, inter_type) if len(run_tasks) == 0: continue else: ret = pool.apply_async( worker, ( work_path, all_task, forward_common_files, forward_files, backward_files, mdata, inter_type, ), ) multiple_ret.append(ret) pool.close() pool.join() for ii in range(len(multiple_ret)): if not multiple_ret[ii].successful(): print("ERROR:", multiple_ret[ii].get()) raise RuntimeError("Job %d is not successful!" % ii) print("%d jobs are finished" % len(multiple_ret))
[docs] def worker( work_path, all_task, forward_common_files, forward_files, backward_files, mdata, inter_type, ): run_tasks = [os.path.basename(ii) for ii in all_task] machine, resources, command, group_size = util.get_machine_info(mdata, inter_type) api_version = mdata.get("api_version", "1.0") if Version(api_version) < Version("1.0"): raise RuntimeError( "API version %s has been removed. Please upgrade to 1.0." % api_version ) elif Version(api_version) >= Version("1.0"): submission = make_submission( mdata_machine=machine, mdata_resources=resources, commands=[command], work_path=work_path, run_tasks=run_tasks, group_size=group_size, forward_common_files=forward_common_files, forward_files=forward_files, backward_files=backward_files, outlog="outlog", errlog="errlog", ) submission.run_submission()
[docs] def post_property(confs, inter_param, property_list): # find all POSCARs and their name like mp-xxx # ... # task_list = [] # conf_dirs = glob.glob(confs) # conf_dirs.sort() conf_dirs = [] for conf in confs: conf_dirs.extend(glob.glob(conf)) conf_dirs.sort() for ii in conf_dirs: for jj in property_list: # determine the suffix: from scratch or refine # ... if jj.get("skip", False): continue if "init_from_suffix" and "output_suffix" in jj: suffix = jj["output_suffix"] elif "reproduce" in jj and jj["reproduce"]: suffix = "reprod" else: suffix = "00" inter_param_prop = inter_param if "cal_setting" in jj and "overwrite_interaction" in jj["cal_setting"]: inter_param_prop = jj["cal_setting"]["overwrite_interaction"] property_type = jj["type"] path_to_work = os.path.join(ii, property_type + "_" + suffix) prop = make_property_instance(jj, inter_param_prop) prop.compute( os.path.join(path_to_work, "result.json"), os.path.join(path_to_work, "result.out"), path_to_work, )