Source code for dpgen.auto_test.lib.abacus

import glob
import os

import dpdata
import numpy as np
from dpdata.abacus.scf import make_unlabeled_stru
from dpdata.utils import uniq_atom_names
from dpdata.vasp import poscar as dpdata_poscar

import dpgen.generator.lib.abacus_scf as abacus_scf

A2BOHR = 1.8897261254578281
    "H": 1.0079,
    "He": 4.0026,
    "Li": 6.941,
    "Be": 9.0122,
    "B": 10.811,
    "C": 12.0107,
    "N": 14.0067,
    "O": 15.9994,
    "F": 18.9984,
    "Ne": 20.1797,
    "Na": 22.9897,
    "Mg": 24.305,
    "Al": 26.9815,
    "Si": 28.0855,
    "P": 30.9738,
    "S": 32.065,
    "Cl": 35.453,
    "K": 39.0983,
    "Ar": 39.948,
    "Ca": 40.078,
    "Sc": 44.9559,
    "Ti": 47.867,
    "V": 50.9415,
    "Cr": 51.9961,
    "Mn": 54.938,
    "Fe": 55.845,
    "Ni": 58.6934,
    "Co": 58.9332,
    "Cu": 63.546,
    "Zn": 65.39,
    "Ga": 69.723,
    "Ge": 72.64,
    "As": 74.9216,
    "Se": 78.96,
    "Br": 79.904,
    "Kr": 83.8,
    "Rb": 85.4678,
    "Sr": 87.62,
    "Y": 88.9059,
    "Zr": 91.224,
    "Nb": 92.9064,
    "Mo": 95.94,
    "Tc": 98,
    "Ru": 101.07,
    "Rh": 102.9055,
    "Pd": 106.42,
    "Ag": 107.8682,
    "Cd": 112.411,
    "In": 114.818,
    "Sn": 118.71,
    "Sb": 121.76,
    "I": 126.9045,
    "Te": 127.6,
    "Xe": 131.293,
    "Cs": 132.9055,
    "Ba": 137.327,
    "La": 138.9055,
    "Ce": 140.116,
    "Pr": 140.9077,
    "Nd": 144.24,
    "Pm": 145,
    "Sm": 150.36,
    "Eu": 151.964,
    "Gd": 157.25,
    "Tb": 158.9253,
    "Dy": 162.5,
    "Ho": 164.9303,
    "Er": 167.259,
    "Tm": 168.9342,
    "Yb": 173.04,
    "Lu": 174.967,
    "Hf": 178.49,
    "Ta": 180.9479,
    "W": 183.84,
    "Re": 186.207,
    "Os": 190.23,
    "Ir": 192.217,
    "Pt": 195.078,
    "Au": 196.9665,
    "Hg": 200.59,
    "Tl": 204.3833,
    "Pb": 207.2,
    "Bi": 208.9804,
    "Po": 209,
    "At": 210,
    "Rn": 222,
    "Fr": 223,
    "Ra": 226,
    "Ac": 227,
    "Pa": 231.0359,
    "Th": 232.0381,
    "Np": 237,
    "U": 238.0289,
    "Am": 243,
    "Pu": 244,
    "Cm": 247,
    "Bk": 247,
    "Cf": 251,
    "Es": 252,
    "Fm": 257,
    "Md": 258,
    "No": 259,
    "Rf": 261,
    "Lr": 262,
    "Db": 262,
    "Bh": 264,
    "Sg": 266,
    "Mt": 268,
    "Rg": 272,
    "Hs": 277,
key_words_list = [

[docs] def poscar2stru(poscar, inter_param, stru="STRU"): """- poscar: POSCAR for input - inter_param: dictionary of 'interaction' from param.json some key words for ABACUS are: - atom_masses: a dictionary of atoms' masses - orb_files: a dictionary of orbital files - deepks_desc: a string of deepks descriptor file - stru: output filename, usally is 'STRU'. """ # if use dpdata.System, the structure will be rotated to make cell to be lower triangular with open(poscar) as fp: lines = [line.rstrip("\n") for line in fp] stru_data = dpdata_poscar.to_system_data(lines) stru_data = uniq_atom_names(stru_data) atom_mass = [] pseudo = None orb = None deepks_desc = None if "atom_masses" not in inter_param: atom_mass_dict = { i: 1.0 if i not in MASS_DICT else MASS_DICT[i] for i in stru_data["atom_names"] } else: atom_mass_dict = inter_param["atom_masses"] for atom in stru_data["atom_names"]: assert ( atom in atom_mass_dict ), f"the mass of {atom} is not defined in interaction:atom_masses" atom_mass.append(atom_mass_dict[atom]) if "potcars" in inter_param: pseudo = [] for atom in stru_data["atom_names"]: assert ( atom in inter_param["potcars"] ), f"the pseudopotential of {atom} is not defined in interaction:potcars" pseudo.append("./pp_orb/" + inter_param["potcars"][atom].split("/")[-1]) if "orb_files" in inter_param: orb = [] for atom in stru_data["atom_names"]: assert ( atom in inter_param["orb_files"] ), f"orbital file of {atom} is not defined in interaction:orb_files" orb.append("./pp_orb/" + inter_param["orb_files"][atom].split("/")[-1]) if "deepks_desc" in inter_param: deepks_desc = "./pp_orb/{}\n".format(inter_param["deepks_desc"]) stru_string = make_unlabeled_stru( data=stru_data, frame_idx=0, pp_file=pseudo, numerical_orbital=orb, numerical_descriptor=deepks_desc, mass=atom_mass, ) with open(stru, "w") as fp: fp.write(stru_string)
[docs] def stru_fix_atom(struf, fix_atom=[True, True, True]): """... ATOMIC_POSITIONS Cartesian #Cartesian(Unit is LATTICE_CONSTANT) Si #Name of element 0.0 #Magnetic for this element. 2 #Number of atoms 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 #x,y,z, move_x, move_y, move_z 0.25 0.25 0.25 0 0 0. """ fix_xyz = ["0" if i else "1" for i in fix_atom] if os.path.isfile(struf): with open(struf) as f1: lines = f1.readlines() for i in range(len(lines)): if "ATOMIC_POSITIONS" in lines[i]: break i += 1 flag_read_coord_type = False flag_read_atom_number = 2 flag_atom_number = 0 while i < len(lines): if lines[i].strip() == "": pass elif lines[i].split()[0] in key_words_list: break elif not flag_read_coord_type: flag_read_coord_type = True elif flag_atom_number: flag_atom_number -= 1 x, y, z = lines[i].split()[:3] lines[i] = "{} {} {} {} {} {}\n".format(*tuple([x, y, z] + fix_xyz)) elif flag_read_coord_type and flag_read_atom_number: flag_read_atom_number -= 1 elif not flag_read_atom_number: flag_read_atom_number = 2 flag_atom_number = int(lines[i].split()[0]) i += 1 with open(struf, "w") as f1: f1.writelines(lines) else: raise RuntimeError( f"Error: Try to modify struc file {struf}, but can not find it" )
[docs] def stru_scale(stru_in, stru_out, scale): with open(stru_in) as fin: lines = fin.readlines() for i in range(len(lines)): if "LATTICE_CONSTANT" in lines[i]: lines[i + 1] = str(float(lines[i + 1].strip()) * scale) + "\n" break with open(stru_out, "w") as f1: f1.writelines(lines)
[docs] def write_kpt(kptf, kptlist): context = "K_POINTS\n0\nGamma\n" for i in kptlist: context += str(i) + " " with open(kptf, "w") as f1: f1.write(context)
[docs] def write_input(inputf, inputdict): context = "INPUT_PARAMETERS\n" for key in inputdict.keys(): if key[0] in ["_", "#"]: continue context += key + " " + str(inputdict[key]) + "\n" with open(inputf, "w") as f1: f1.write(context)
[docs] def make_kspacing_kpt(struf, kspacing): if isinstance(kspacing, (int, float)): kspacing = [kspacing] * 3 elif isinstance(kspacing, list) and len(kspacing) == 1: kspacing = 3 * kspacing assert len(kspacing) == 3, "kspacing need 3 values" stru_data = abacus_scf.get_abacus_STRU(struf) cell = stru_data["cells"] / abacus_scf.bohr2ang volume = abs(cell[0].dot(np.cross(cell[1], cell[2]))) coef = [2 * np.pi / volume / i for i in kspacing] kpt = [ max(1, int(np.linalg.norm(np.cross(cell[ixy[0]], cell[ixy[1]])) * coef[i] + 1)) for i, ixy in enumerate([[1, 2], [2, 0], [0, 1]]) ] return kpt
[docs] def check_finished(fname): with open(fname) as fp: return "Total Time :" in
[docs] def final_stru(abacus_path): with open(os.path.join(abacus_path, "INPUT")) as f1: lines = f1.readlines() suffix = "ABACUS" calculation = "scf" out_stru = False for line in lines: if "suffix" in line and line.split()[0] == "suffix": suffix = line.split()[1] elif "calculation" in line and line.split()[0] == "calculation": calculation = line.split()[1] elif "out_stru" in line and line.split()[0] == "out_stru": out_stru = bool(line.split()[1]) logf = os.path.join(abacus_path, f"OUT.{suffix}/running_{calculation}.log") if calculation in ["relax", "cell-relax"]: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(abacus_path, f"OUT.{suffix}/STRU_ION_D")): return f"OUT.{suffix}/STRU_ION_D" else: # find the final name by STRU_ION*_D, # for abacus version < v3.2.2, there has no STRU_ION_D file but has STRU_ION0_D STRU_ION1_D ... STRU_ION10_D ... # so we need to find the last STRU_ION*_D file stru_ions = glob.glob( os.path.join(abacus_path, f"OUT.{suffix}/STRU_ION*_D") ) if len(stru_ions) > 0: # sort the file name by the number in the file name stru_ions.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.split("_")[-2][3:])) final_stru_ion = os.path.basename(stru_ions[-1]) return f"OUT.{suffix}/{final_stru_ion}" else: # if there has no STRU_ION_D, return the input STRU return "STRU" elif calculation == "md": with open(logf) as f1: lines = f1.readlines() for i in range(1, len(lines)): if lines[-i][1:27] == "STEP OF MOLECULAR DYNAMICS": max_step = int(lines[-i].split()[-1]) break return "OUT.%s/STRU_MD_%d" % (suffix, max_step) elif calculation == "scf": return "STRU" else: print(f"Unrecognized calculation type in {abacus_path}/INPUT") return "STRU"
[docs] def stru2Structure(struf): from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure stru = dpdata.System(struf, fmt="stru")"poscar", "POSCAR.tmp") ss = Structure.from_file("POSCAR.tmp") os.remove("POSCAR.tmp") return ss
[docs] def check_stru_fixed(struf, fixed): block = {} with open(struf) as f1: lines = f1.readlines() for line in lines: if line.strip() == "": continue elif line.split()[0] in key_words_list: key = line.split()[0] block[key] = [] else: block[key].append(line) i = 3 while i < len(block["ATOMIC_POSITIONS"]): natom = int(block["ATOMIC_POSITIONS"][i]) for j in range(natom): i += 1 for k in block["ATOMIC_POSITIONS"][i].split()[3:6]: if fixed and bool(int(k)): return False elif not fixed and not bool(int(k)): return False i += 1 return True
[docs] def modify_stru_path(strucf, tpath): if tpath[-1] != "/": tpath += "/" with open(strucf) as f1: lines = f1.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "ATOMIC_SPECIES" in line and line.split()[0] == "ATOMIC_SPECIES": file_numb = 2 elif ( "NUMERICAL_ORBITAL" in line and line.split()[0] == "NUMERICAL_ORBITAL" ) or ( "NUMERICAL_DESCRIPTOR" in line and line.split()[0] == "NUMERICAL_DESCRIPTOR" ): file_numb = 0 else: continue for j in range(i + 1, len(lines)): if lines[j].strip() in key_words_list: break elif lines[j].strip() == "": continue ppfile = tpath + os.path.split(lines[j].split()[file_numb])[1] tmp_line = "" for k in range(file_numb): tmp_line += lines[j].split()[k] + " " lines[j] = tmp_line + ppfile + "\n" with open(strucf, "w") as f1: f1.writelines(lines)