Source code for dpgen.auto_test.lib.lammps

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os

import dpdata
from dpdata.periodic_table import Element
from packaging.version import Version

import dpgen.auto_test.lib.util as util

[docs] def cvt_lammps_conf(fin, fout, type_map, ofmt="lammps/data"): """Format convert from fin to fout, specify the output format by ofmt Imcomplete situation. """ supp_ofmt = ["lammps/dump", "lammps/data", "vasp/poscar"] supp_exts = ["dump", "lmp", "poscar/POSCAR"] if "dump" in fout: ofmt = "lammps/dump" elif "lmp" in fout: ofmt = "lammps/data" elif "poscar" in fout or "POSCAR" in fout: ofmt = "vasp/poscar" if ofmt not in supp_ofmt: raise RuntimeError( "output format " + ofmt + " is not supported. use one of " + str(supp_ofmt) ) if "lmp" in fout: d_poscar = dpdata.System(fin, fmt="vasp/poscar", type_map=type_map) d_poscar.to_lammps_lmp(fout, frame_idx=0) elif "poscar" in fout or "POSCAR" in fout: d_dump = dpdata.System(fin, fmt="lammps/dump", type_map=type_map) d_dump.to_vasp_poscar(fout, frame_idx=-1)
[docs] def apply_type_map(conf_file, deepmd_type_map, ptypes): """Apply type map. conf_file: conf file converted from POSCAR deepmd_type_map: deepmd atom type map ptypes: atom types defined in POSCAR. """ natoms = _get_conf_natom(conf_file) ntypes = len(deepmd_type_map) with open(conf_file) as fp: lines ="\n") # with open(conf_file+'.bk', 'w') as fp: # fp.write("\n".join(lines)) new_lines = lines # revise ntypes idx_ntypes = -1 for idx, ii in enumerate(lines): if "atom types" in ii: idx_ntypes = idx if idx_ntypes == -1: raise RuntimeError("cannot find the entry 'atom types' in ", conf_file) words = lines[idx_ntypes].split() words[0] = str(ntypes) new_lines[idx_ntypes] = " ".join(words) # find number of atoms idx_atom_entry = -1 for idx, ii in enumerate(lines): if "Atoms" in ii: idx_atom_entry = idx if idx_atom_entry == -1: raise RuntimeError("cannot find the entry 'Atoms' in ", conf_file) # revise atom type for idx in range(idx_atom_entry + 2, idx_atom_entry + 2 + natoms): ii = lines[idx] words = ii.split() assert len(words) >= 5 old_id = int(words[1]) new_id = deepmd_type_map.index(ptypes[old_id - 1]) + 1 words[1] = str(new_id) ii = " ".join(words) new_lines[idx] = ii with open(conf_file, "w") as fp: fp.write("\n".join(new_lines))
def _get_ntype(conf): with open(conf) as fp: lines ="\n") for ii in lines: if "atom types" in ii: return int(ii.split()[0]) raise RuntimeError("cannot find line indicate atom types in ", conf) def _get_conf_natom(conf): with open(conf) as fp: lines ="\n") for ii in lines: if "atoms" in ii: return int(ii.split()[0]) raise RuntimeError("cannot find line indicate atom types in ", conf)
[docs] def inter_deepmd(param): models = param["model_name"] deepmd_version = param["deepmd_version"] ret = "pair_style deepmd " model_list = "" for ii in models: model_list += ii + " " if Version(deepmd_version) < Version("1"): ## DeePMD-kit version == 0.x if len(models) > 1: ret += "%s 10 model_devi.out\n" % model_list else: ret += models[0] + "\n" else: ## DeePMD-kit version >= 1 if len(models) > 1: ret += "%s out_freq 10 out_file model_devi.out\n" % model_list else: ret += models[0] + "\n" ret += "pair_coeff * *\n" return ret
[docs] def inter_meam(param): ret = "" line = "pair_style meam \n" line += "pair_coeff * * %s " % param["model_name"][0] for ii in param["param_type"]: line += ii + " " line += "%s " % param["model_name"][1] for ii in param["param_type"]: line += ii + " " line += "\n" ret += line return ret
[docs] def inter_eam_fs(param): # 06/08 eam.fs interaction ret = "" line = "pair_style eam/fs \n" line += "pair_coeff * * %s " % param["model_name"][0] for ii in param["param_type"]: line += ii + " " line += "\n" ret += line return ret
[docs] def inter_eam_alloy(param): # 06/08 eam.alloy interaction ret = "" line = "pair_style eam/alloy \n" line += "pair_coeff * * %s " % param["model_name"] for ii in param["param_type"]: line += ii + " " line += "\n" ret += line return ret
[docs] def element_list(type_map): type_map_reverse = {k: v for v, k in type_map.items()} type_map_list = [] tmp_list = list(type_map_reverse.keys()) tmp_list.sort() for ii in tmp_list: type_map_list.append(type_map_reverse[ii]) return type_map_list
[docs] def make_lammps_eval(conf, type_map, interaction, param): type_map_list = element_list(type_map) """ make lammps input for static calcualtion """ ret = "" ret += "clear\n" ret += "units metal\n" ret += "dimension 3\n" ret += "boundary p p p\n" ret += "atom_style atomic\n" ret += "box tilt large\n" ret += "read_data %s\n" % conf for ii in range(len(type_map)): ret += "mass %d %.3f\n" % (ii + 1, Element(type_map_list[ii]).mass) ret += "neigh_modify every 1 delay 0 check no\n" ret += interaction(param) ret += "compute mype all pe\n" ret += "thermo 100\n" ret += ( "thermo_style custom step pe pxx pyy pzz pxy pxz pyz lx ly lz vol c_mype\n" ) ret += "dump 1 all custom 100 dump.relax id type xs ys zs fx fy fz\n" # 06/09 give dump.relax ret += "run 0\n" ret += "variable N equal count(all)\n" ret += "variable V equal vol\n" ret += 'variable E equal "c_mype"\n' ret += "variable tmplx equal lx\n" ret += "variable tmply equal ly\n" ret += "variable Pxx equal pxx\n" ret += "variable Pyy equal pyy\n" ret += "variable Pzz equal pzz\n" ret += "variable Pxy equal pxy\n" ret += "variable Pxz equal pxz\n" ret += "variable Pyz equal pyz\n" ret += "variable Epa equal ${E}/${N}\n" ret += "variable Vpa equal ${V}/${N}\n" ret += "variable AA equal (${tmplx}*${tmply})\n" ret += 'print "All done"\n' ret += 'print "Total number of atoms = ${N}"\n' ret += 'print "Final energy per atoms = ${Epa}"\n' ret += 'print "Final volume per atoms = ${Vpa}"\n' ret += 'print "Final Base area = ${AA}"\n' ret += 'print "Final Stress (xx yy zz xy xz yz) = ${Pxx} ${Pyy} ${Pzz} ${Pxy} ${Pxz} ${Pyz}"\n' return ret
[docs] def make_lammps_equi( conf, type_map, interaction, param, etol=0, ftol=1e-10, maxiter=5000, maxeval=500000, change_box=True, ): type_map_list = element_list(type_map) """ make lammps input for equilibritation """ ret = "" ret += "clear\n" ret += "units metal\n" ret += "dimension 3\n" ret += "boundary p p p\n" ret += "atom_style atomic\n" ret += "box tilt large\n" ret += "read_data %s\n" % conf for ii in range(len(type_map)): ret += "mass %d %.3f\n" % (ii + 1, Element(type_map_list[ii]).mass) ret += "neigh_modify every 1 delay 0 check no\n" ret += interaction(param) ret += "compute mype all pe\n" ret += "thermo 100\n" ret += ( "thermo_style custom step pe pxx pyy pzz pxy pxz pyz lx ly lz vol c_mype\n" ) ret += "dump 1 all custom 100 dump.relax id type xs ys zs fx fy fz\n" ret += "min_style cg\n" if change_box: ret += "fix 1 all box/relax iso 0.0 \n" ret += "minimize %e %e %d %d\n" % (etol, ftol, maxiter, maxeval) ret += "fix 1 all box/relax aniso 0.0 \n" ret += "minimize %e %e %d %d\n" % (etol, ftol, maxiter, maxeval) ret += "fix 1 all box/relax tri 0.0 \n" ret += "minimize %e %e %d %d\n" % (etol, ftol, maxiter, maxeval) ret += "variable N equal count(all)\n" ret += "variable V equal vol\n" ret += 'variable E equal "c_mype"\n' ret += "variable tmplx equal lx\n" ret += "variable tmply equal ly\n" ret += "variable Pxx equal pxx\n" ret += "variable Pyy equal pyy\n" ret += "variable Pzz equal pzz\n" ret += "variable Pxy equal pxy\n" ret += "variable Pxz equal pxz\n" ret += "variable Pyz equal pyz\n" ret += "variable Epa equal ${E}/${N}\n" ret += "variable Vpa equal ${V}/${N}\n" ret += "variable AA equal (${tmplx}*${tmply})\n" ret += 'print "All done"\n' ret += 'print "Total number of atoms = ${N}"\n' ret += 'print "Final energy per atoms = ${Epa}"\n' ret += 'print "Final volume per atoms = ${Vpa}"\n' ret += 'print "Final Base area = ${AA}"\n' ret += 'print "Final Stress (xx yy zz xy xz yz) = ${Pxx} ${Pyy} ${Pzz} ${Pxy} ${Pxz} ${Pyz}"\n' return ret
[docs] def make_lammps_elastic( conf, type_map, interaction, param, etol=0, ftol=1e-10, maxiter=5000, maxeval=500000 ): type_map_list = element_list(type_map) """ make lammps input for elastic calculation """ ret = "" ret += "clear\n" ret += "units metal\n" ret += "dimension 3\n" ret += "boundary p p p\n" ret += "atom_style atomic\n" ret += "box tilt large\n" ret += "read_data %s\n" % conf for ii in range(len(type_map)): ret += "mass %d %.3f\n" % (ii + 1, Element(type_map_list[ii]).mass) ret += "neigh_modify every 1 delay 0 check no\n" ret += interaction(param) ret += "compute mype all pe\n" ret += "thermo 100\n" ret += ( "thermo_style custom step pe pxx pyy pzz pxy pxz pyz lx ly lz vol c_mype\n" ) ret += "dump 1 all custom 100 dump.relax id type xs ys zs fx fy fz\n" ret += "min_style cg\n" ret += "minimize %e %e %d %d\n" % (etol, ftol, maxiter, maxeval) ret += "variable N equal count(all)\n" ret += "variable V equal vol\n" ret += 'variable E equal "c_mype"\n' ret += "variable Pxx equal pxx\n" ret += "variable Pyy equal pyy\n" ret += "variable Pzz equal pzz\n" ret += "variable Pxy equal pxy\n" ret += "variable Pxz equal pxz\n" ret += "variable Pyz equal pyz\n" ret += "variable Epa equal ${E}/${N}\n" ret += "variable Vpa equal ${V}/${N}\n" ret += 'print "All done"\n' ret += 'print "Total number of atoms = ${N}"\n' ret += 'print "Final energy per atoms = ${Epa}"\n' ret += 'print "Final volume per atoms = ${Vpa}"\n' ret += 'print "Final Stress (xx yy zz xy xz yz) = ${Pxx} ${Pyy} ${Pzz} ${Pxy} ${Pxz} ${Pyz}"\n' return ret
[docs] def make_lammps_press_relax( conf, type_map, scale2equi, interaction, param, B0=70, bp=0, etol=0, ftol=1e-10, maxiter=5000, maxeval=500000, ): type_map_list = element_list(type_map) """ make lammps input for relaxation at a certain volume scale2equi: the volume scale with respect to equilibrium volume """ ret = "" ret += "clear\n" ret += "variable GPa2bar equal 1e4\n" ret += "variable B0 equal %f\n" % B0 ret += "variable bp equal %f\n" % bp ret += "variable xx equal %f\n" % scale2equi ret += "variable yeta equal 1.5*(${bp}-1)\n" ret += "variable Px0 equal 3*${B0}*(1-${xx})/${xx}^2*exp(${yeta}*(1-${xx}))\n" ret += "variable Px equal ${Px0}*${GPa2bar}\n" ret += "units metal\n" ret += "dimension 3\n" ret += "boundary p p p\n" ret += "atom_style atomic\n" ret += "box tilt large\n" ret += "read_data %s\n" % conf for ii in range(len(type_map)): ret += "mass %d %.3f\n" % (ii + 1, Element(type_map_list[ii]).mass) ret += "neigh_modify every 1 delay 0 check no\n" ret += interaction(param) ret += "compute mype all pe\n" ret += "thermo 100\n" ret += ( "thermo_style custom step pe pxx pyy pzz pxy pxz pyz lx ly lz vol c_mype\n" ) ret += "dump 1 all custom 100 dump.relax id type xs ys zs fx fy fz\n" ret += "min_style cg\n" ret += "fix 1 all box/relax iso ${Px} \n" ret += "minimize %e %e %d %d\n" % (etol, ftol, maxiter, maxeval) ret += "fix 1 all box/relax aniso ${Px} \n" ret += "minimize %e %e %d %d\n" % (etol, ftol, maxiter, maxeval) ret += "variable N equal count(all)\n" ret += "variable V equal vol\n" ret += 'variable E equal "c_mype"\n' ret += "variable Pxx equal pxx\n" ret += "variable Pyy equal pyy\n" ret += "variable Pzz equal pzz\n" ret += "variable Pxy equal pxy\n" ret += "variable Pxz equal pxz\n" ret += "variable Pyz equal pyz\n" ret += "variable Epa equal ${E}/${N}\n" ret += "variable Vpa equal ${V}/${N}\n" ret += 'print "All done"\n' ret += 'print "Total number of atoms = ${N}"\n' ret += 'print "Relax at Press = ${Px} Bar"\n' ret += 'print "Final energy per atoms = ${Epa} eV"\n' ret += 'print "Final volume per atoms = ${Vpa} A^3"\n' ret += 'print "Final Stress (xx yy zz xy xz yz) = ${Pxx} ${Pyy} ${Pzz} ${Pxy} ${Pxz} ${Pyz}"\n' return ret
[docs] def make_lammps_phonon( conf, masses, interaction, param, etol=0, ftol=1e-10, maxiter=5000, maxeval=500000 ): """Make lammps input for elastic calculation.""" ret = "" ret += "clear\n" ret += "units metal\n" ret += "dimension 3\n" ret += "boundary p p p\n" ret += "atom_style atomic\n" ret += "box tilt large\n" ret += "read_data %s\n" % conf ntypes = len(masses) for ii in range(ntypes): ret += "mass %d %f\n" % (ii + 1, masses[ii]) ret += "neigh_modify every 1 delay 0 check no\n" ret += interaction(param) return ret
def _get_epa(lines): for ii in lines: if ("Final energy per atoms" in ii) and ("print" not in ii): return float(ii.split("=")[1].split()[0]) raise RuntimeError( 'cannot find key "Final energy per atoms" in lines, something wrong' ) def _get_vpa(lines): for ii in lines: if ("Final volume per atoms" in ii) and ("print" not in ii): return float(ii.split("=")[1].split()[0]) raise RuntimeError( 'cannot find key "Final volume per atoms" in lines, something wrong' ) def _get_natoms(lines): for ii in lines: if ("Total number of atoms" in ii) and ("print" not in ii): return int(ii.split("=")[1].split()[0]) raise RuntimeError( 'cannot find key "Total number of atoms" in lines, something wrong' )
[docs] def get_nev(log): """Get natoms, energy_per_atom and volume_per_atom from lammps log.""" with open(log) as fp: lines ="\n") epa = _get_epa(lines) vpa = _get_vpa(lines) natoms = _get_natoms(lines) return natoms, epa, vpa
[docs] def get_base_area(log): """Get base area.""" with open(log) as fp: lines ="\n") for ii in lines: if ("Final Base area" in ii) and ("print" not in ii): return float(ii.split("=")[1].split()[0])
[docs] def get_stress(log): """Get stress from lammps log.""" with open(log) as fp: lines ="\n") for ii in lines: if ("Final Stress" in ii) and ("print" not in ii): vstress = [float(jj) for jj in ii.split("=")[1].split()] stress = util.voigt_to_stress(vstress) return stress
[docs] def poscar_from_last_dump(dump, poscar_out, deepmd_type_map): """Get poscar from the last frame of a lammps MD traj (dump format).""" with open(dump) as fp: lines ="\n") step_idx = -1 for idx, ii in enumerate(lines): if "ITEM: TIMESTEP" in ii: step_idx = idx if step_idx == -1: raise RuntimeError("cannot find timestep in lammps dump, something wrong") with open("tmp_dump", "w") as fp: fp.write("\n".join(lines[step_idx:])) cvt_lammps_conf("tmp_dump", poscar_out, ofmt="vasp") os.remove("tmp_dump") with open(poscar_out) as fp: lines ="\n") types = [deepmd_type_map[int(ii.split("_")[1])] for ii in lines[5].split()] lines[5] = " ".join(types) with open(poscar_out, "w") as fp: lines = fp.write("\n".join(lines))
[docs] def check_finished_new(fname, keyword): with open(fname) as fp: lines ="\n") flag = False for jj in lines: if (keyword in jj) and ("print" not in jj): flag = True return flag
[docs] def check_finished(fname): with open(fname) as fp: return "Total wall time:" in