Source code for dpgen.auto_test.lib.lmp

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import numpy as np

def _get_block(lines, keys):
    for idx in range(len(lines)):
        if keys in lines[idx]:
    if idx == len(lines) - 1:
        return None
    idx_s = idx + 2
    idx = idx_s
    ret = []
    while True:
        if len(lines[idx].split()) == 0:
        idx += 1
    return ret

[docs] def lmpbox2box(lohi, tilt): xy = tilt[0] xz = tilt[1] yz = tilt[2] orig = np.array([lohi[0][0], lohi[1][0], lohi[2][0]]) lens = [] for dd in range(3): lens.append(lohi[dd][1] - lohi[dd][0]) xx = [lens[0], 0, 0] yy = [xy, lens[1], 0] zz = [xz, yz, lens[2]] return orig, np.array([xx, yy, zz])
[docs] def box2lmpbox(orig, box): lohi = np.zeros([3, 2]) for dd in range(3): lohi[dd][0] = orig[dd] tilt = np.zeros(3) tilt[0] = box[1][0] tilt[1] = box[2][0] tilt[2] = box[2][1] lens = np.zeros(3) lens[0] = box[0][0] lens[1] = box[1][1] lens[2] = box[2][2] for dd in range(3): lohi[dd][1] = lohi[dd][0] + lens[dd] return lohi, tilt
[docs] def get_atoms(lines): return _get_block(lines, "Atoms")
[docs] def get_natoms(lines): for ii in lines: if "atoms" in ii: return int(ii.split()[0]) return None
[docs] def get_natomtypes(lines): for ii in lines: if "atom types" in ii: return int(ii.split()[0]) return None
def _atom_info_mol(line): vec = line.split() # idx, mole_type, atom_type, charge, x, y, z return ( int(vec[0]), int(vec[1]), int(vec[2]), float(vec[3]), float(vec[4]), float(vec[5]), float(vec[6]), ) def _atom_info_atom(line): vec = line.split() # idx, atom_type, x, y, z return int(vec[0]), int(vec[1]), float(vec[2]), float(vec[3]), float(vec[4])
[docs] def get_natoms_vec(lines): atype = get_atype(lines) natoms_vec = [] natomtypes = get_natomtypes(lines) for ii in range(natomtypes): natoms_vec.append(sum(atype == ii + 1)) assert sum(natoms_vec) == get_natoms(lines) return natoms_vec
[docs] def get_atype(lines): alines = get_atoms(lines) atype = [] for ii in alines: # idx, mt, at, q, x, y, z = _atom_info_mol(ii) idx, at, x, y, z = _atom_info_atom(ii) atype.append(at) return np.array(atype, dtype=int)
[docs] def get_posi(lines): atom_lines = get_atoms(lines) posis = [] for ii in atom_lines: # posis.append([float(jj) for jj in ii.split()[4:7]]) posis.append([float(jj) for jj in ii.split()[2:5]]) return np.array(posis)
[docs] def get_lmpbox(lines): box_info = [] tilt = np.zeros(3) for ii in lines: if "xlo" in ii and "xhi" in ii: box_info.append([float(ii.split()[0]), float(ii.split()[1])]) break for ii in lines: if "ylo" in ii and "yhi" in ii: box_info.append([float(ii.split()[0]), float(ii.split()[1])]) break for ii in lines: if "zlo" in ii and "zhi" in ii: box_info.append([float(ii.split()[0]), float(ii.split()[1])]) break for ii in lines: if "xy" in ii and "xz" in ii and "yz" in ii: tilt = np.array([float(jj) for jj in ii.split()[0:3]]) return box_info, tilt
[docs] def system_data(lines): system = {} system["atom_numbs"] = get_natoms_vec(lines) system["atom_names"] = [] for ii in range(len(system["atom_numbs"])): system["atom_names"].append("Type_%d" % ii) lohi, tilt = get_lmpbox(lines) orig, cell = lmpbox2box(lohi, tilt) system["orig"] = np.array(orig) system["cell"] = np.array(cell) natoms = sum(system["atom_numbs"]) system["atom_types"] = get_atype(lines) system["coordinates"] = get_posi(lines) return system
[docs] def to_system_data(lines): return system_data(lines)
[docs] def from_system_data(system): ret = "" ret += "\n" natoms = sum(system["atom_numbs"]) ntypes = len(system["atom_numbs"]) ret += "%d atoms\n" % natoms ret += "%d atom types\n" % ntypes ret += "0 {:f} xlo xhi\n".format(system["cell"][0][0]) ret += "0 {:f} ylo yhi\n".format(system["cell"][1][1]) ret += "0 {:f} zlo zhi\n".format(system["cell"][2][2]) ret += "{:f} {:f} {:f} xy xz yz\n".format( system["cell"][1][0], system["cell"][2][0], system["cell"][2][1], ) ret += "\n" ret += "Atoms # atomic\n" ret += "\n" for ii in range(natoms): ret += "%d %d %f %f %f\n" % ( ii + 1, system["atom_types"][ii], system["coordinates"][ii][0] - system["orig"][0], system["coordinates"][ii][1] - system["orig"][1], system["coordinates"][ii][2] - system["orig"][2], ) return ret
if __name__ == "__main__": fname = "" lines = open(fname).read().split("\n") bonds, tilt = get_lmpbox(lines) # print(bonds, tilt) orig, box = lmpbox2box(bonds, tilt) # print(orig, box) bonds1, tilt1 = box2lmpbox(orig, box) # print(bonds1, tilt1) print(bonds1 - bonds) print(tilt1 - tilt) print(box) print(get_atype(lines)) print(get_posi(lines))