Source code for dpgen.auto_test.mpdb

import os

from dpgen import dlog

web = ""

[docs] def check_apikey(): from pymatgen.ext.matproj import MPRester, MPRestError try: apikey = os.environ["MAPI_KEY"] except KeyError: print("You have to get a MAPI_KEY from " + web) print("and execute following command:") print('echo "export MAPI_KEY=yourkey">> ~/.bashrc') print("source ~/.bashrc") os._exit(0) try: return MPRester(apikey) except MPRestError:"MPRester Error, you need to prepare POSCAR manually") os._exit(0)
[docs] def get_structure(mp_id): mpr = check_apikey() return mpr.get_structure_by_material_id(mp_id)