Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import argparse
import glob
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess as sp
import sys

import numpy as np
from import general_surface

# -----ASE-------
# -----PMG---------
import as bcc
import as diamond
import as fcc
import as hcp
import as sc
from dpgen import dlog
from dpgen.dispatcher.Dispatcher import make_submission_compat
from dpgen.generator.lib.utils import symlink_user_forward_files
from dpgen.remote.decide_machine import convert_mdata
from dpgen.util import load_file

[docs] def create_path(path): path += "/" if os.path.isdir(path): dirname = os.path.dirname(path) counter = 0 while True: bk_dirname = dirname + ".bk%03d" % counter if not os.path.isdir(bk_dirname): shutil.move(dirname, bk_dirname) break counter += 1 os.makedirs(path) return path
[docs] def replace(file_name, pattern, subst): file_handel = open(file_name) file_string = file_handel.close() file_string = re.sub(pattern, subst, file_string) file_handel = open(file_name, "w") file_handel.write(file_string) file_handel.close()
""" 1 make unit cell copy to make super cell place element make vasp relax 1a vasp relax 2 scale system perturb system 3 make vasp md 3a vasp md 4 collect md data """ global_dirname_02 = "00.place_ele" global_dirname_03 = "01.scale_pert" global_dirname_04 = "" max_layer_numb = 50
[docs] def out_dir_name(jdata): super_cell = jdata["super_cell"] from_poscar = jdata.get("from_poscar", False) if from_poscar: from_poscar_path = jdata["from_poscar_path"] poscar_name = os.path.basename(from_poscar_path) cell_str = "%02d" % (super_cell[0]) for ii in range(1, len(super_cell)): cell_str = cell_str + ("x%02d" % super_cell[ii]) return poscar_name + "." + cell_str else: cell_type = jdata["cell_type"] elements = jdata["elements"] super_cell = jdata["super_cell"] ele_str = "surf." for ii in elements: ele_str = ele_str + ii.lower() cell_str = "%02d" % (super_cell[0]) for ii in range(1, len(super_cell)): cell_str = cell_str + ("x%02d" % super_cell[ii]) return ele_str + "." + cell_type + "." + cell_str
[docs] def class_cell_type(jdata): ct = jdata["cell_type"] if ct == "hcp": cell_type = hcp elif ct == "fcc": cell_type = fcc elif ct == "diamond": cell_type = diamond elif ct == "sc": cell_type = sc elif ct == "bcc": cell_type = bcc else: raise RuntimeError(f"unknow cell type {ct}") return cell_type
[docs] def poscar_ele(poscar_in, poscar_out, eles, natoms): ele_line = "" natom_line = "" for ii in eles: ele_line += str(ii) + " " for ii in natoms: natom_line += str(ii) + " " with open(poscar_in) as fin: lines = list(fin) lines[5] = ele_line + "\n" lines[6] = natom_line + "\n" with open(poscar_out, "w") as fout: fout.write("".join(lines))
def _poscar_natoms(lines): numb_atoms = 0 for ii in lines[6].split(): numb_atoms += int(ii) return numb_atoms
[docs] def poscar_natoms(poscar_in): with open(poscar_in) as fin: lines = list(fin) return _poscar_natoms(lines)
[docs] def poscar_shuffle(poscar_in, poscar_out): with open(poscar_in) as fin: lines = list(fin) numb_atoms = _poscar_natoms(lines) idx = np.arange(8, 8 + numb_atoms) np.random.shuffle(idx) out_lines = lines[0:8] for ii in range(numb_atoms): out_lines.append(lines[idx[ii]]) with open(poscar_out, "w") as fout: fout.write("".join(out_lines))
[docs] def poscar_scale_direct(str_in, scale): lines = str_in.copy() numb_atoms = _poscar_natoms(lines) pscale = float(lines[1]) pscale = pscale * scale lines[1] = str(pscale) + "\n" return lines
[docs] def poscar_elong(poscar_in, poscar_out, elong, shift_center=True): from pymatgen.core import Structure with open(poscar_in) as fin: lines = list(fin) if lines[7][0].upper() != "C": raise RuntimeError("only works for Cartesian POSCAR") sboxz = lines[4].split() boxz = np.array([float(sboxz[0]), float(sboxz[1]), float(sboxz[2])]) boxzl = np.linalg.norm(boxz) elong_ratio = elong / boxzl boxz = boxz * (1.0 + elong_ratio) lines[4] = f"{boxz[0]:.16e} {boxz[1]:.16e} {boxz[2]:.16e}\n" if shift_center: poscar_str = "".join(lines) st = Structure.from_str(poscar_str, fmt="poscar") cart_coords = st.cart_coords z_mean = cart_coords[:, 2].mean() z_shift = st.lattice.c / 2 - z_mean cart_coords[:, 2] = cart_coords[:, 2] + z_shift nst = Structure( st.lattice, st.species, coords=cart_coords, coords_are_cartesian=True ), "poscar") else: with open(poscar_out, "w") as fout: fout.write("".join(lines))
[docs] def make_unit_cell(jdata): from_poscar = jdata.get("from_poscar", False) if not from_poscar: latt = jdata["latt"] cell_type = class_cell_type(jdata) out_dir = jdata["out_dir"] path_uc = os.path.join(out_dir, global_dirname_02) cwd = os.getcwd() # for ii in scale : # path_work = create_path(os.path.join(path_uc, '%.3f' % ii)) path_work = create_path(path_uc) os.chdir(path_work) if not from_poscar: with open("POSCAR.unit", "w") as fp: fp.write(cell_type.poscar_unit(latt)) os.chdir(cwd)
[docs] def make_super_cell_pymatgen(jdata): from pymatgen.core import Element, Structure from import AseAtomsAdaptor make_unit_cell(jdata) out_dir = jdata["out_dir"] path_uc = os.path.join(out_dir, global_dirname_02) elements = [Element(ii) for ii in jdata["elements"]] if "vacuum_min" in jdata: vacuum_min = jdata["vacuum_min"] else: vacuum_min = max([float(ii.atomic_radius) for ii in elements]) from_poscar = jdata.get("from_poscar", False) if from_poscar: from_poscar_path = jdata["from_poscar_path"] poscar_name = os.path.basename(from_poscar_path) ss = Structure.from_file(poscar_name) else: from_path = path_uc from_file = os.path.join(from_path, "POSCAR.unit") ss = Structure.from_file(from_file) # ase only support X type element for i in range(len(ss)): ss[i] = "X" ss = AseAtomsAdaptor.get_atoms(ss) all_millers = jdata["millers"] path_sc = os.path.join(out_dir, global_dirname_02) user_layer_numb = None # set default value z_min = None if "layer_numb" in jdata: user_layer_numb = jdata["layer_numb"] else: z_min = jdata["z_min"] super_cell = jdata["super_cell"] cwd = os.getcwd() path_work = path_sc path_work = os.path.abspath(path_work) os.chdir(path_work) for miller in all_millers: miller_str = "" for ii in miller: miller_str += str(ii) path_cur_surf = create_path("surf-" + miller_str) os.chdir(path_cur_surf) # slabgen = SlabGenerator(ss, miller, z_min, 1e-3) if user_layer_numb: slab = general_surface.surface( ss, indices=miller, vacuum=vacuum_min, layers=user_layer_numb ) else: # build slab according to z_min value for layer_numb in range(1, max_layer_numb + 1): slab = general_surface.surface( ss, indices=miller, vacuum=vacuum_min, layers=layer_numb ) if slab.cell.lengths()[-1] >= z_min: break if layer_numb == max_layer_numb: raise RuntimeError("can't build the required slab") # all_slabs = slabgen.get_slabs() #"Miller %s: The slab has %s termination, use the first one" %(str(miller), len(all_slabs))) # all_slabs[0].to('POSCAR', 'POSCAR') slab.write("POSCAR", vasp5=True) if super_cell[0] > 1 or super_cell[1] > 1: st = Structure.from_file("POSCAR") st.make_supercell([super_cell[0], super_cell[1], 1])"POSCAR", "POSCAR") os.chdir(path_work) os.chdir(cwd)
[docs] def make_combines(dim, natoms): if dim == 1: return [[natoms]] else: res = [] for ii in range(natoms + 1): rest = natoms - ii tmp_combines = make_combines(dim - 1, rest) for jj in tmp_combines: jj.append(ii) if len(res) == 0: res = tmp_combines else: res += tmp_combines return res
[docs] def place_element(jdata): out_dir = jdata["out_dir"] super_cell = jdata["super_cell"] cell_type = class_cell_type(jdata) elements = jdata["elements"] from_poscar = jdata.get("from_poscar", False) path_sc = os.path.join(out_dir, global_dirname_02) path_pe = os.path.join(out_dir, global_dirname_02) path_sc = os.path.abspath(path_sc) path_pe = os.path.abspath(path_pe) assert os.path.isdir(path_sc) assert os.path.isdir(path_pe) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path_sc) surf_list = glob.glob("surf-*") surf_list.sort() os.chdir(cwd) for ss in surf_list: path_surf = os.path.join(path_sc, ss) pos_in = os.path.join(path_surf, "POSCAR") natoms = poscar_natoms(pos_in) combines = np.array(make_combines(len(elements), natoms), dtype=int) for ii in combines: if any(ii == 0): continue comb_name = "sys-" for idx, jj in enumerate(ii): comb_name += "%04d" % jj if idx != len(ii) - 1: comb_name += "-" path_work = os.path.join(path_surf, comb_name) create_path(path_work) pos_out = os.path.join(path_work, "POSCAR") if from_poscar: shutil.copy2(pos_in, pos_out) else: poscar_ele(pos_in, pos_out, elements, ii) poscar_shuffle(pos_out, pos_out)
[docs] def make_vasp_relax(jdata): out_dir = jdata["out_dir"] potcars = jdata["potcars"] cwd = os.getcwd() work_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, global_dirname_02) assert os.path.isdir(work_dir) work_dir = os.path.abspath(work_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(work_dir, "INCAR")): os.remove(os.path.join(work_dir, "INCAR")) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(work_dir, "POTCAR")): os.remove(os.path.join(work_dir, "POTCAR")) shutil.copy2(jdata["relax_incar"], os.path.join(work_dir, "INCAR")) out_potcar = os.path.join(work_dir, "POTCAR") with open(out_potcar, "w") as outfile: for fname in potcars: with open(fname) as infile: outfile.write( os.chdir(work_dir) sys_list = glob.glob(os.path.join("surf-*", "sys-*")) for ss in sys_list: os.chdir(ss) ln_src = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(work_dir, "INCAR")) os.symlink(ln_src, "INCAR") ln_src = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(work_dir, "POTCAR")) os.symlink(ln_src, "POTCAR") os.chdir(work_dir) os.chdir(cwd)
[docs] def poscar_scale_cartesian(str_in, scale): lines = str_in.copy() numb_atoms = _poscar_natoms(lines) # scale box for ii in range(2, 5): boxl = lines[ii].split() boxv = [float(ii) for ii in boxl] boxv = np.array(boxv) * scale lines[ii] = f"{boxv[0]:.16e} {boxv[1]:.16e} {boxv[2]:.16e}\n" # scale coord for ii in range(8, 8 + numb_atoms): cl = lines[ii].split() cv = [float(ii) for ii in cl] cv = np.array(cv) * scale lines[ii] = f"{cv[0]:.16e} {cv[1]:.16e} {cv[2]:.16e}\n" return lines
[docs] def poscar_scale(poscar_in, poscar_out, scale): from import Poscar with open(poscar_in) as fin: lines = list(fin) if "D" == lines[7][0] or "d" == lines[7][0]: lines = poscar_scale_direct(lines, scale) elif "C" == lines[7][0] or "c" == lines[7][0]: lines = poscar_scale_cartesian(lines, scale) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknow poscar style at line 7: {lines[7]}") try: poscar = Poscar.from_string("".join(lines)) except AttributeError: poscar = Poscar.from_str("".join(lines)) with open(poscar_out, "w") as fout: try: fout.write(poscar.get_string(direct=False)) except AttributeError: fout.write(poscar.get_str(direct=False))
[docs] def make_scale(jdata): out_dir = jdata["out_dir"] scale = jdata["scale"] skip_relax = jdata["skip_relax"] cwd = os.getcwd() init_path = os.path.join(out_dir, global_dirname_02) init_path = os.path.abspath(init_path) work_path = os.path.join(out_dir, global_dirname_03) os.chdir(init_path) init_sys = glob.glob(os.path.join("surf-*", "sys-*")) init_sys.sort() os.chdir(cwd) create_path(work_path) for ii in init_sys: for jj in scale: if skip_relax: pos_src = os.path.join(os.path.join(init_path, ii), "POSCAR") else: pos_src = os.path.join(os.path.join(init_path, ii), "CONTCAR") if not os.path.isfile(pos_src): raise RuntimeError( f"file {pos_src} not found, vasp relaxation should be run before scale poscar" ) scale_path = os.path.join(work_path, ii) scale_path = os.path.join(scale_path, f"scale-{jj:.3f}") create_path(scale_path) os.chdir(scale_path) poscar_scale(pos_src, "POSCAR", jj) os.chdir(cwd)
[docs] def pert_scaled(jdata): out_dir = jdata["out_dir"] scale = jdata["scale"] pert_box = jdata["pert_box"] pert_atom = jdata["pert_atom"] pert_numb = jdata["pert_numb"] vacuum_max = jdata["vacuum_max"] vacuum_resol = jdata.get("vacuum_resol", []) if vacuum_resol: if len(vacuum_resol) == 1: elongs = np.arange(vacuum_resol[0], vacuum_max, vacuum_resol[0]) elif len(vacuum_resol) == 2: mid_point = jdata.get("mid_point") head_elongs = np.arange( vacuum_resol[0], mid_point, vacuum_resol[0] ).tolist() tail_elongs = np.arange(mid_point, vacuum_max, vacuum_resol[1]).tolist() elongs = np.unique(head_elongs + tail_elongs).tolist() else: raise RuntimeError("the length of vacuum_resol must equal 1 or 2") else: vacuum_num = jdata["vacuum_numb"] # the total number of vacuum layers head_ratio = jdata[ "head_ratio" ] # deciding the mid_point by vacum_max * head_ratio, which point separates the nearby region with denser intervals (head region) and the far-away region with sparser intervals (tail region). mid_point = jdata["mid_point"] # the mid point of head region and tail region head_numb = int(vacuum_num * head_ratio) tail_numb = vacuum_num - head_numb head_elongs = np.linspace(0, mid_point, head_numb).tolist() tail_elongs = np.linspace( mid_point, vacuum_max, tail_numb + 1 ).tolist() # the far-away region with sparser intervals (tail region) elongs = np.unique(head_elongs + tail_elongs).tolist() cwd = os.getcwd() path_sp = os.path.join(out_dir, global_dirname_03) assert os.path.isdir(path_sp) path_sp = os.path.abspath(path_sp) os.chdir(path_sp) sys_pe = glob.glob(os.path.join("surf-*", "sys-*")) sys_pe.sort() os.chdir(cwd) ### Construct the perturbation command python_exec = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "tools", "" ) pert_cmd = f"{sys.executable} {python_exec} -etmax {pert_box} -ofmt vasp POSCAR {pert_numb} {pert_atom} > /dev/null" ### Loop over each system and scale for ii in sys_pe: for jj in scale: path_scale = os.path.join(path_sp, ii, f"scale-{jj:.3f}") assert os.path.isdir(path_scale) os.chdir(path_scale) poscar_in = os.path.join(path_scale, "POSCAR") assert os.path.isfile(poscar_in) ### Loop over each perturbation for ll in elongs: path_elong = os.path.join(path_scale, f"elong-{ll:3.3f}") create_path(path_elong) os.chdir(path_elong) poscar_elong(poscar_in, "POSCAR", ll) sp.check_call(pert_cmd, shell=True) for kk in range(pert_numb): pos_in = f"POSCAR{kk+1}.vasp" dir_out = f"{kk+1:06d}" create_path(dir_out) pos_out = os.path.join(dir_out, "POSCAR") poscar_shuffle(pos_in, pos_out) os.remove(pos_in) ### Handle special case (unperturbed ?) kk = -1 pos_in = "POSCAR" dir_out = f"{kk+1:06d}" create_path(dir_out) pos_out = os.path.join(dir_out, "POSCAR") poscar_shuffle(pos_in, pos_out) os.chdir(cwd)
def _vasp_check_fin(ii): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(ii, "OUTCAR")): with open(os.path.join(ii, "OUTCAR")) as fp: content = count = content.count("Elapse") if count != 1: return False else: return False return True
[docs] def run_vasp_relax(jdata, mdata): fp_command = mdata["fp_command"] fp_group_size = mdata["fp_group_size"] fp_resources = mdata["fp_resources"] # machine_type = mdata['fp_machine']['machine_type'] work_dir = os.path.join(jdata["out_dir"], global_dirname_02) forward_files = ["POSCAR", "INCAR", "POTCAR"] backward_files = ["OUTCAR", "CONTCAR"] forward_common_files = [] work_path_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(work_dir, "surf-*")) task_format = {"fp": "sys-*"} for work_path in work_path_list: symlink_user_forward_files( mdata=mdata, task_type="fp", work_path=work_path, task_format=task_format ) user_forward_files = mdata.get("fp" + "_user_forward_files", []) forward_files += [os.path.basename(file) for file in user_forward_files] backward_files += mdata.get("fp" + "_user_backward_files", []) # if 'cvasp' in mdata['fp_resources']: # if mdata['fp_resources']['cvasp']: # forward_common_files=[''] relax_tasks = glob.glob(os.path.join(work_dir, "surf-*/", "sys-*")) relax_tasks.sort() #"work_dir",work_dir) #"relax_tasks",relax_tasks) if len(relax_tasks) == 0: return relax_run_tasks = [] for ii in relax_tasks: if not _vasp_check_fin(ii): relax_run_tasks.append(ii) run_tasks = [ii.replace(work_dir + "/", "") for ii in relax_run_tasks] # make_submission_compat( mdata["fp_machine"], fp_resources, [fp_command], work_dir, run_tasks, fp_group_size, forward_common_files, forward_files, backward_files, api_version=mdata.get("api_version", "0.9"), )
[docs] def gen_init_surf(args): jdata = load_file(args.PARAM) out_dir = out_dir_name(jdata) jdata["out_dir"] = out_dir"# working dir {out_dir}") if args.MACHINE is not None: mdata = load_file(args.MACHINE) # Decide a proper machine mdata = convert_mdata(mdata, ["fp"]) # disp = make_dispatcher(mdata["fp_machine"]) # stage = args.STAGE stage_list = [int(i) for i in jdata["stages"]] for stage in stage_list: if stage == 1: create_path(out_dir) make_super_cell_pymatgen(jdata) place_element(jdata) make_vasp_relax(jdata) if args.MACHINE is not None: run_vasp_relax(jdata, mdata) elif stage == 2: make_scale(jdata) pert_scaled(jdata) else: raise RuntimeError("unknown stage %d" % stage)
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Generating initial data for surface systems." ) parser.add_argument("PARAM", type=str, help="parameter file, json/yaml format") parser.add_argument( "MACHINE", type=str, default=None, nargs="?", help="machine file, json/yaml format", ) args = parser.parse_args() gen_init_surf(args)