Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""ASE Atoms convert to LAMMPS configuration
Some functions are adapted from ASE


import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm

[docs] def dir2car(v, A): """Direct to cartesian coordinates.""" return, A)
[docs] def car2dir(v, Ainv): """Cartesian to direct coordinates.""" return, Ainv)
[docs] def stress9_to_stress6(s9): # S6: xx yy zz yz xz xy s6 = np.zeros(6) s6[0] = s9[0][0] s6[1] = s9[1][1] s6[2] = s9[2][2] s6[3] = s9[1][2] s6[4] = s9[0][2] s6[5] = s9[0][1] return s6
[docs] def stress6_to_stress9(s6): # S6: xx yy zz yz xz xy s9 = np.zeros((3, 3)) s9[0, :] = np.array([s6[0], s6[5], s6[4]]) s9[1, :] = np.array([s6[5], s6[1], s6[3]]) s9[2, :] = np.array([s6[4], s6[3], s6[2]]) return s9
[docs] def is_upper_triangular(mat): """Test if 3x3 matrix is upper triangular LAMMPS has a rule for cell matrix definition. """ def near0(x): """Test if a float is within .00001 of 0.""" return abs(x) < 0.00001 return near0(mat[1, 0]) and near0(mat[2, 0]) and near0(mat[2, 1])
[docs] def convert_cell(ase_cell): """Convert a parallel piped (forming right hand basis) to lower triangular matrix LAMMPS can accept. This function transposes cell matrix so the bases are column vectors. """ # if ase_cell is lower triangular, cell is upper tri-angular cell = np.matrix.transpose(ase_cell) if not is_upper_triangular(cell): # rotate bases into triangular matrix tri_mat = np.zeros((3, 3)) A = cell[:, 0] B = cell[:, 1] C = cell[:, 2] tri_mat[0, 0] = norm(A) Ahat = A / norm(A) AxBhat = np.cross(A, B) / norm(np.cross(A, B)) tri_mat[0, 1] =, Ahat) tri_mat[1, 1] = norm(np.cross(Ahat, B)) tri_mat[0, 2] =, Ahat) tri_mat[1, 2] =, np.cross(AxBhat, Ahat)) tri_mat[2, 2] = norm(, AxBhat)) # create and save the transformation for coordinates volume = np.linalg.det(ase_cell) trans = np.array([np.cross(B, C), np.cross(C, A), np.cross(A, B)]) trans = trans / volume coord_transform = tri_mat * trans return tri_mat.T # return the lower-tri-angular else: return ase_cell
[docs] def convert_positions(pos0, cell0, cell_new, direct=False): if direct: pos =, cell_new) # positions in new cellmatrix else: cell0_inv = np.linalg.inv(cell0) R =, cell0_inv) pos =, R) """ print(R) print(R.T) print(np.linalg.inv(R)) print(np.linalg.det(R)) """ return pos
[docs] def convert_forces(forces0, cell0, cell_new): forces = convert_positions(forces0, cell0, cell_new, direct=False) return forces
[docs] def convert_stress(s6_0, cell0, cell_new): s9_0 = stress6_to_stress9(s6_0) cell0_inv = np.linalg.inv(cell0) R =, cell0_inv) R_T = R.T s9 =, s9_0), R_T) s6 = stress9_to_stress6(s9) return s6
[docs] def get_atoms_ntypes(atoms): atomic_numbers = atoms.numbers Uatomic_numbers = np.unique(atomic_numbers) # unique atomic numbers ntypes = Uatomic_numbers.size return ntypes
[docs] def set_atoms_typeids(atoms): csymbols = atoms.get_chemical_symbols() U_csymbols = np.unique(csymbols) # unique atomic numbers ntypes = U_csymbols.size typeids = {} for i in range(ntypes): typeids[U_csymbols[i]] = i + 1 # typeid start from 1 return typeids
[docs] def set_atoms_typeids_with_atomic_numbers(atoms): # set typeids as atomic numbers, which can be robust when several # configuration with different atomic types were used # however, lammps do not allow it. csymbols = atoms.get_chemical_symbols() U_csymbols = np.unique(csymbols) # unique atomic numbers ntypes = U_csymbols.size typeids = {} for i in range(ntypes): cs = U_csymbols[i] typeids[cs] =[cs] return typeids
[docs] def get_typeid(typeids, csymbol): return typeids[csymbol]
[docs] def ase2lammpsdata(atoms, typeids=None, fout="out.lmp"): # atoms: ase.Atoms # typeids: eg. {'Zr': 1, 'Nb': 2, 'Hf': 3}, should start with 1 and continuous # fout: output file name fw = open(fout, "w") fw.write("# LAMMPS data written by PotGen-ASE\n") fw.write("\n") # write number of atoms natoms = atoms.get_global_number_of_atoms() fw.write("%d atoms\n" % natoms) fw.write("\n") # write number of types ntypes = get_atoms_ntypes(atoms) fw.write("%d atom types\n" % ntypes) fw.write("\n") # write cell information # transfer the cell into lammps' style cell0 = atoms.get_cell() cell = convert_cell(cell0) xhi = cell[0, 0] yhi = cell[1, 1] zhi = cell[2, 2] # low triangular matrix xy = cell[1, 0] xz = cell[2, 0] yz = cell[2, 1] fw.write(f"{0:f}\t{xhi:f}\t xlo xhi\n") fw.write(f"{0:f}\t{yhi:f}\t ylo yhi\n") fw.write(f"{0:f}\t{zhi:f}\t zlo zhi\n") fw.write(f"{xy:f}\t{xz:f}\t{yz:f}\t xy xz yz\n") fw.write("\n") # write mases masses = np.unique(atoms.get_masses()) fw.write("Masses\n") fw.write("\n") for i in range(ntypes): fw.write("%d\t%f\n" % (i + 1, masses[i])) fw.flush() fw.write("\n") # convert positions atoms.set_cell(cell, scale_atoms=True) pos = atoms.get_positions() """ pos0 = atoms.get_positions() pos = convert_positions(pos0, cell0, cell) # positions in new cellmatrix """ # === Write postions === fw.write("Atoms\n") fw.write("\n") symbols = atoms.get_chemical_symbols() if typeids is None: typeids = set_atoms_typeids(atoms) for i in range(natoms): cs = symbols[i] typeid = get_typeid(typeids, cs) # typeid start from 1~N # typeid =[cs] # typeid as their atomic # numbers fw.write( "%d\t%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n" % (i + 1, typeid, pos[i][0], pos[i][1], pos[i][2]) ) fw.flush() fw.close() return
# test if __name__ == "__main__": import sys fin = sys.argv[1] ATOMS = ase2lammpsdata(ATOMS) ase2lammpsdata(ATOMS, typeids={"Al": 1}, fout=fin + ".lmp") sep = "=" * 40 pos0 = ATOMS.get_positions() cell0 = ATOMS.get_cell() print(cell0) print(pos0) print(sep) """ cell_new = np.eye(3)*4.05 """ delta = 4.05 * 0.02 """ cell_new = 4.05*np.array([[1, delta, 0], [delta, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1 / (1 - delta**2)]]) """ cell_new = 4.05 * np.array( [[1 + delta, 0, 0], [0, 1 + delta, 0], [0, 0, 1 / (1 + delta**2)]] ) pos = convert_positions(pos0, cell0, cell_new) print(cell0) print(cell_new) # print(np.linalg.det(cell0), np.linalg.det(cell_new)) print(pos) print(sep) # anothother transoformation for LAMMPS low-tri-angle matrix cell_new = convert_cell(cell_new) pos = convert_positions(pos0, cell0, cell_new) print(cell0) print(cell_new) # print(np.linalg.det(cell0), np.linalg.det(cell_new)) print(pos) print(sep) # test for stress tensor transformation stress0 = np.array([0.000593, 0.000593, 0.000593, 0.0, 0.00, 0.00]) stress_new = convert_stress(stress0, cell0, cell_new) print(stress0) print(stress_new)