Source code for dpgen.generator.lib.abacus_scf
import copy
import os
import re
import numpy as np
from dpdata.abacus.scf import get_cell, get_coords, get_nele_from_stru
from dpgen.auto_test.lib import vasp
bohr2ang = 0.52917721067
def make_abacus_scf_kpt(fp_params):
# Make KPT file for abacus pw scf calculation.
# KPT file is the file containing k points infomation in ABACUS scf calculation.
k_points = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
if "k_points" in fp_params:
k_points = fp_params["k_points"]
if len(k_points) != 6:
raise RuntimeError(
"k_points has to be a list containig 6 integers specifying MP k points generation."
ret = "K_POINTS\n0\nGamma\n"
for i in range(6):
ret += str(k_points[i]) + " "
return ret
def make_abacus_scf_input(fp_params, extra_file_path=""):
# Make INPUT file for abacus pw scf calculation.
# put extra files (such as: deepks_model) to extra_file_path folder
ret += "calculation scf\n"
for key in fp_params:
if key == "ecutwfc":
fp_params["ecutwfc"] = float(fp_params["ecutwfc"])
assert fp_params["ecutwfc"] >= 0, "'ecutwfc' should be non-negative."
ret += "ecutwfc {:f}\n".format(fp_params["ecutwfc"])
elif key == "kspacing":
if isinstance(fp_params["kspacing"], (int, float)):
fp_params["kspacing"] = [float(fp_params["kspacing"])]
elif isinstance(fp_params["kspacing"], (list, tuple)):
fp_params["kspacing"] = list(fp_params["kspacing"])
elif isinstance(fp_params["kspacing"], str):
fp_params["kspacing"] = [
float(i) for i in fp_params["kspacing"].split()
assert (
in [
), "'kspacing' only accept a float, or a list of one or three float, or a string of one or three float"
ret += "kspacing "
for ikspacing in fp_params["kspacing"]:
assert ikspacing >= 0, "'kspacing' should be non-negative."
ret += f"{ikspacing:f} "
ret += "\n"
elif key == "scf_thr":
fp_params["scf_thr"] = float(fp_params["scf_thr"])
ret += "scf_thr {:e}\n".format(fp_params["scf_thr"])
elif key == "scf_nmax":
fp_params["scf_nmax"] = int(fp_params["scf_nmax"])
assert fp_params["scf_nmax"] >= 0 and isinstance(
fp_params["scf_nmax"], int
), "'scf_nmax' should be a positive integer."
ret += "scf_nmax %d\n" % fp_params["scf_nmax"]
elif key == "basis_type":
assert fp_params["basis_type"] in [
], "'basis_type' must in 'pw', 'lcao' or 'lcao_in_pw'."
ret += "basis_type {}\n".format(fp_params["basis_type"])
elif key == "dft_functional":
ret += "dft_functional {}\n".format(fp_params["dft_functional"])
elif key == "gamma_only":
if isinstance(fp_params["gamma_only"], str):
fp_params["gamma_only"] = int(eval(fp_params["gamma_only"]))
assert (
fp_params["gamma_only"] == 0 or fp_params["gamma_only"] == 1
), "'gamma_only' should be either 0 or 1."
ret += "gamma_only %d\n" % fp_params["gamma_only"]
elif key == "mixing_type":
assert fp_params["mixing_type"] in [
ret += "mixing_type {}\n".format(fp_params["mixing_type"])
elif key == "mixing_beta":
fp_params["mixing_beta"] = float(fp_params["mixing_beta"])
assert (
fp_params["mixing_beta"] >= 0 and fp_params["mixing_beta"] < 1
), "'mixing_beta' should between 0 and 1."
ret += "mixing_beta {:f}\n".format(fp_params["mixing_beta"])
elif key == "symmetry":
if isinstance(fp_params["symmetry"], str):
fp_params["symmetry"] = int(eval(fp_params["symmetry"]))
assert (
fp_params["symmetry"] == 0 or fp_params["symmetry"] == 1
), "'symmetry' should be either 0 or 1."
ret += "symmetry %d\n" % fp_params["symmetry"]
elif key == "nbands":
fp_params["nbands"] = int(fp_params["nbands"])
assert fp_params["nbands"] > 0 and isinstance(
fp_params["nbands"], int
), "'nbands' should be a positive integer."
ret += "nbands %d\n" % fp_params["nbands"]
elif key == "nspin":
fp_params["nspin"] = int(fp_params["nspin"])
assert (
fp_params["nspin"] == 1
or fp_params["nspin"] == 2
or fp_params["nspin"] == 4
), "'nspin' can anly take 1, 2 or 4"
ret += "nspin %d\n" % fp_params["nspin"]
elif key == "ks_solver":
assert (
in [
), "'ks_sover' should in 'cgx', 'dav', 'lapack', 'genelpa', 'hpseps', 'scalapack_gvx'."
ret += "ks_solver {}\n".format(fp_params["ks_solver"])
elif key == "smearing_method":
assert (
in [
), "'smearing_method' should in 'gauss', 'gaussian', 'fd', 'fixed', 'mp', 'mp2', 'mv'. "
ret += "smearing_method {}\n".format(fp_params["smearing_method"])
elif key == "smearing_sigma":
fp_params["smearing_sigma"] = float(fp_params["smearing_sigma"])
assert (
fp_params["smearing_sigma"] >= 0
), "'smearing_sigma' should be non-negative."
ret += "smearing_sigma {:f}\n".format(fp_params["smearing_sigma"])
elif key == "cal_force":
if isinstance(fp_params["cal_force"], str):
fp_params["cal_force"] = int(eval(fp_params["cal_force"]))
assert (
fp_params["cal_force"] == 0 or fp_params["cal_force"] == 1
), "'cal_force' should be either 0 or 1."
ret += "cal_force %d\n" % fp_params["cal_force"]
elif key == "cal_stress":
if isinstance(fp_params["cal_stress"], str):
fp_params["cal_stress"] = int(eval(fp_params["cal_stress"]))
assert (
fp_params["cal_stress"] == 0 or fp_params["cal_stress"] == 1
), "'cal_stress' should be either 0 or 1."
ret += "cal_stress %d\n" % fp_params["cal_stress"]
# paras for deepks
elif key == "deepks_out_labels":
if isinstance(fp_params["deepks_out_labels"], str):
fp_params["deepks_out_labels"] = int(
assert (
fp_params["deepks_out_labels"] == 0
or fp_params["deepks_out_labels"] == 1
), "'deepks_out_labels' should be either 0 or 1."
ret += "deepks_out_labels %d\n" % fp_params["deepks_out_labels"]
elif key == "deepks_descriptor_lmax":
fp_params["deepks_descriptor_lmax"] = int(
assert (
fp_params["deepks_descriptor_lmax"] >= 0
), "'deepks_descriptor_lmax' should be a positive integer."
ret += "deepks_descriptor_lmax %d\n" % fp_params["deepks_descriptor_lmax"]
elif key == "deepks_scf":
if isinstance(fp_params["deepks_scf"], str):
fp_params["deepks_scf"] = int(eval(fp_params["deepks_scf"]))
assert (
fp_params["deepks_scf"] == 0 or fp_params["deepks_scf"] == 1
), "'deepks_scf' should be either 0 or 1."
ret += "deepks_scf %d\n" % fp_params["deepks_scf"]
elif key == "deepks_model":
ret += "deepks_model {}\n".format(
extra_file_path, os.path.split(fp_params["deepks_model"])[1]
elif key[0] == "_":
elif key == "calculation":
ret += f"{key} {str(fp_params[key])}\n"
return ret
def make_abacus_scf_stru(
pporb="", # pull all pp orb dpks files to pporb folder
atom_names = sys_data["atom_names"]
atom_numbs = sys_data["atom_numbs"]
if type_map is None:
type_map = atom_names
assert len(atom_names) == len(atom_numbs), "Please check the name of atoms. "
cell = sys_data["cells"].reshape([3, 3])
coord = sys_data["coords"].reshape([sum(atom_numbs), 3])
# volume = np.linalg.det(cell)
# lattice_const = np.power(volume, 1/3)
for iatom in range(len(atom_names)):
assert (
atom_names[iatom] in type_map
), f"element {atom_names[iatom]} is not defined in type_map"
idx = type_map.index(atom_names[iatom])
if "atom_masses" not in sys_data:
ret += (
+ " 1.00 "
+ os.path.join(pporb, fp_pp_files[idx])
+ "\n"
ret += (
+ " {:.3f} ".format(sys_data["atom_masses"][iatom])
+ os.path.join(pporb, fp_pp_files[idx])
+ "\n"
if fp_params is not None and "lattice_constant" in fp_params:
ret += (
str(fp_params["lattice_constant"]) + "\n\n"
) # in Bohr, in this way coord and cell are in Angstrom
ret += str(1 / bohr2ang) + "\n\n"
for ix in range(3):
for iy in range(3):
ret += str(cell[ix][iy]) + " "
ret += "\n"
ret += "\n"
ret += "Cartesian # Cartesian(Unit is LATTICE_CONSTANT)\n"
# ret += "\n"
natom_tot = 0
for iele in range(len(atom_names)):
ret += atom_names[iele] + "\n"
ret += "0.0\n"
ret += str(atom_numbs[iele]) + "\n"
for iatom in range(atom_numbs[iele]):
ret += "%.12f %.12f %.12f %d %d %d\n" % (
coord[natom_tot, 0],
coord[natom_tot, 1],
coord[natom_tot, 2],
natom_tot += 1
assert natom_tot == sum(atom_numbs)
if fp_orb_files is not None:
assert len(fp_orb_files) == len(type_map)
for iatom in range(len(atom_names)):
idx = type_map.index(atom_names[iatom])
ret += os.path.join(pporb, fp_orb_files[idx]) + "\n"
if fp_dpks_descriptor is not None:
ret += os.path.join(pporb, fp_dpks_descriptor) + "\n"
return ret
def get_abacus_input_parameters(INPUT):
with open(INPUT) as fp:
inlines ="\n")
input_parameters = {}
for line in inlines:
sline = re.split("[ \t]", line.split("#")[0].strip(), maxsplit=1)
if len(sline) == 2:
input_parameters[sline[0].strip()] = sline[1].strip()
return input_parameters
def get_mass_from_STRU(geometry_inlines, atom_names):
nele = get_nele_from_stru(geometry_inlines)
assert nele > 0
mass_list = [0 for i in atom_names]
pp_file_list = [i for i in atom_names]
for iline, line in enumerate(geometry_inlines):
if line.split() == []:
if "ATOMIC_SPECIES" == line.split()[0]:
for iele1 in range(1, 1 + nele):
for iele2 in range(nele):
if geometry_inlines[iline + iele1].split()[0] == atom_names[iele2]:
mass_list[iele2] = float(
geometry_inlines[iline + iele1].split()[1]
pp_file_list[iele2] = geometry_inlines[iline + iele1].split()[2]
for iele in range(len(mass_list)):
assert mass_list[iele] > 0
return mass_list, pp_file_list
def get_natoms_from_stru(geometry_inlines):
key_words_list = [
keyword_sequence = []
keyword_line_index = []
atom_names = []
atom_numbs = []
tmp_line = []
for i in geometry_inlines:
if i.strip() != "":
for iline, line in enumerate(tmp_line):
if line.split() == []:
have_key_word = False
for keyword in key_words_list:
if keyword in line and keyword == line.split()[0]:
assert len(keyword_line_index) == len(keyword_sequence)
assert len(keyword_sequence) > 0
for idx, keyword in enumerate(keyword_sequence):
if keyword == "ATOMIC_POSITIONS":
iline = keyword_line_index[idx] + 2
while iline < keyword_line_index[idx + 1] - 1:
atom_numbs.append(int(tmp_line[iline + 2].split()[0]))
iline += 3 + atom_numbs[-1]
return atom_names, atom_numbs
def get_additional_from_STRU(geometry_inlines, nele):
dpks_descriptor_kw = "NUMERICAL_DESCRIPTOR"
orb_file_kw = "NUMERICAL_ORBITAL"
dpks_descriptor = None
orb_file = None
for iline in range(len(geometry_inlines)):
if len(geometry_inlines[iline]) > 0:
if orb_file_kw == geometry_inlines[iline].split()[0]:
orb_file = []
for iele in range(nele):
orb_file.append(geometry_inlines[iline + iele + 1].strip())
if dpks_descriptor_kw == geometry_inlines[iline].split()[0]:
dpks_descriptor = geometry_inlines[iline + 1].strip()
return orb_file, dpks_descriptor
def get_abacus_STRU(STRU, INPUT=None, n_ele=None):
# read in geometry from STRU file. n_ele is the number of elements.
# Either n_ele or INPUT should be provided.
with open(STRU) as fp:
geometry_inlines ="\n")
for iline, line in enumerate(geometry_inlines):
if line.split() == [] or len(line) == 0:
del geometry_inlines[iline]
celldm, cell = get_cell(geometry_inlines)
atom_names, natoms, types, coords = get_coords(celldm, cell, geometry_inlines)
masses, pp_files = get_mass_from_STRU(geometry_inlines, atom_names)
orb_files, dpks_descriptor = get_additional_from_STRU(geometry_inlines, len(masses))
data = {}
data["atom_names"] = atom_names
data["atom_numbs"] = natoms
data["atom_types"] = types
data["cells"] = cell
data["coords"] = coords
data["atom_masses"] = (
masses # Notice that this key is not defined in dpdata system.
data["pp_files"] = pp_files
data["orb_files"] = orb_files
data["dpks_descriptor"] = dpks_descriptor
return data
def make_supercell_abacus(from_struct, super_cell):
to_struct = copy.deepcopy(from_struct)
if "atom_types" in from_struct:
new_types = []
# to_struct["atom_types"] = (
# from_struct["atom_types"] * super_cell[0] * super_cell[1] * super_cell[2]
# )
for idx_atm in from_struct["atom_types"]:
new_types += [idx_atm] * super_cell[0] * super_cell[1] * super_cell[2]
to_struct["atom_types"] = new_types
to_atom_num = (
sum(from_struct["atom_numbs"]) * super_cell[0] * super_cell[1] * super_cell[2]
new_coord = np.zeros((to_atom_num, 3))
idx_atm = 0
for ia in range(sum(from_struct["atom_numbs"])):
for ix in range(super_cell[0]):
for iy in range(super_cell[1]):
for iz in range(super_cell[2]):
# if ix == 0 and iy == 0 and iz == 0:
# continue
coord = (
+ from_struct["cells"][0] * ix
+ from_struct["cells"][1] * iy
+ from_struct["cells"][2] * iz
new_coord[idx_atm] = coord
idx_atm += 1
to_struct["coords"] = new_coord
new_numbs = [
i * super_cell[0] * super_cell[1] * super_cell[2]
for i in from_struct["atom_numbs"]
to_struct["atom_numbs"] = new_numbs
to_struct["cells"][0] *= super_cell[0]
to_struct["cells"][1] *= super_cell[1]
to_struct["cells"][2] *= super_cell[2]
return to_struct
def make_kspacing_kpoints_stru(stru, kspacing):
# adapted from dpgen.autotest.lib.vasp.make_kspacing_kpoints
if not isinstance(kspacing, list):
kspacing = [kspacing, kspacing, kspacing]
box = stru["cells"]
rbox = vasp.reciprocal_box(box)
kpoints = [
max(1, (np.ceil(2 * np.pi * np.linalg.norm(ii) / ks).astype(int)))
for ii, ks in zip(rbox, kspacing)
kpoints += [0, 0, 0]
return kpoints
if __name__ == "__main__":
fp_params = {"k_points": [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]}
ret = make_abacus_scf_kpt(fp_params)