Source code for dpgen.generator.lib.make_calypso

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import glob
import json
import os
import shutil

import numpy as np

[docs] def make_calypso_input( nameofatoms, numberofatoms, numberofformula, volume, distanceofion, psoratio, popsize, maxstep, icode, split, vsc, maxnumatom, ctrlrange, pstress, fmax, ): ret = "################################ The Basic Parameters of CALYPSO ################################\n" ret += "# A string of one or several words contain a descriptive name of the system (max. 40 characters).\n" assert nameofatoms is not None ret += "SystemName = {}\n".format("".join(nameofatoms)) ret += "# Number of different atomic species in the simulation.\n" ret += "NumberOfSpecies = %d\n" % (len(nameofatoms)) ret += "# Element symbols of the different chemical species.\n" ret += "NameOfAtoms = {}\n".format(" ".join(nameofatoms)) ret += "# Number of atoms for each chemical species in one formula unit. \n" assert numberofatoms is not None and len(numberofatoms) == len(nameofatoms) ret += "NumberOfAtoms = {}\n".format(" ".join(list(map(str, numberofatoms)))) ret += "# The range of formula unit per cell in your simulation. \n" assert ( numberofformula is not None and len(numberofformula) == 2 and isinstance(numberofformula, list) ) ret += "NumberOfFormula = {}\n".format(" ".join(list(map(str, numberofformula)))) ret += "# The volume per formula unit. Unit is in angstrom^3.\n" if volume is None: ret += "# volume not found, CALYPSO will set one!\n" else: ret += f"Volume = {volume}\n" ret += "# Minimal distance between atoms of each chemical species. Unit is in angstrom.\n" assert len(distanceofion) == len( nameofatoms ) # "check distance of ions and the number of atoms" assert len(distanceofion[0]) == len(nameofatoms) ret += "@DistanceOfIon \n" for temp in distanceofion: ret += "%4s \n" % (" ".join(list(map(str, temp)))) ret += "@End\n" ret += "# It determines which algorithm should be adopted in the simulation.\n" ret += "Ialgo = 2\n" ret += "# Ialgo = 1 for Global PSO\n" ret += "# Ialgo = 2 for Local PSO (default value)\n" ret += "# The proportion of the structures generated by PSO.\n" assert 0 <= psoratio <= 1 ret += f"PsoRatio = {psoratio}\n" ret += ( "# The population size. Normally, it has a larger number for larger systems.\n" ) assert popsize is not None and isinstance(popsize, int) ret += "PopSize = %d\n" % (popsize) assert maxstep is not None and isinstance(maxstep, int) ret += "# The Max step for iteration\n" ret += "MaxStep = %d\n" % (maxstep) ret += "#It determines which method should be adopted in generation the random structure. \n" ret += "GenType= 1 \n" ret += "# 1 under symmetric constraints\n" ret += "# 2 grid method for large system\n" ret += "# 3 and 4 core grow method \n" ret += "# 0 combination of all method\n" ret += "# If GenType=3 or 4, it determined the small unit to grow the whole structure\n" ret += "# It determines which local optimization method should be interfaced in the simulation.\n" assert icode is not None and isinstance(icode, int) ret += "ICode= %d\n" % (icode) ret += "# ICode= 1 interfaced with VASP\n" ret += "# ICode= 2 interfaced with SIESTA\n" ret += "# ICode= 3 interfaced with GULP\n" ret += "# The number of lbest for local PSO\n" ret += "NumberOfLbest=4\n" ret += "# The Number of local optimization for each structure.\n" ret += "NumberOfLocalOptim= 3\n" ret += "# The command to perform local optimiztion calculation (e.g., VASP, SIESTA) on your computer.\n" ret += "Command = sh\n" ret += "MaxTime = 9000 \n" ret += "# If True, a previous calculation will be continued.\n" ret += "PickUp = F\n" ret += "# At which step will the previous calculation be picked up.\n" ret += "PickStep = 1\n" ret += "# If True, the local optimizations performed by parallel\n" ret += "Parallel = F\n" ret += "# The number node for parallel \n" ret += "NumberOfParallel = 4\n" assert split is not None ret += f"Split = {split}\n" assert pstress is not None and ( isinstance(pstress, int) or isinstance(pstress, float) ) ret += f"PSTRESS = {pstress:f}\n" assert fmax is not None or isinstance(fmax, float) ret += f"fmax = {fmax:f}\n" ret += "################################ End of The Basic Parameters of CALYPSO #######################\n" if vsc == "T": assert len(ctrlrange) == len( nameofatoms ) #'check distance of ions and the number of atoms' ret += "##### The Parameters For Variational Stoichiometry ##############\n" ret += ( "## If True, Variational Stoichiometry structure prediction is performed\n" ) ret += f"VSC = {vsc}\n" ret += "# The Max Number of Atoms in unit cell\n" ret += f"MaxNumAtom = {maxnumatom}\n" ret += "# The Variation Range for each type atom \n" ret += "@CtrlRange\n" for ttemp in ctrlrange: ret += "%4s \n" % (" ".join(list(map(str, ttemp)))) ret += "@end\n" ret += "###################End Parameters for VSC ##########################\n" return ret
def _make_model_devi_buffet(jdata, calypso_run_opt_path): calypso_input_path = jdata.get("calypso_input_path") if jdata.get("vsc", False): # [input.dat.Li.250, input.dat.Li.300] one_ele_inputdat_list = list( set( glob.glob( f"{jdata.get('calypso_input_path')}/input.dat.{jdata.get('type_map')[0]}.*" ) ) ) # [input.dat.La, input.dat.H, input.dat.LaH,] only one pressure if len(one_ele_inputdat_list) == 0: os.system(f"cp {calypso_input_path}/input.dat.* {calypso_run_opt_path[0]}") # different pressure, 250GPa and 300GPa # [input.dat.La.250, input.dat.H.250, input.dat.LaH.250, input.dat.La.300, input.dat.H.300, input.dat.LaH.300,] else: pressures_list = [temp.split(".")[-1] for temp in one_ele_inputdat_list] pressures_list = list(map(int, pressures_list)) # calypso_run_opt_path = ['gen_struc_analy.000','gen_struc_analy.001'] for press_idx, temp_calypso_run_opt_path in enumerate(calypso_run_opt_path): cur_press = pressures_list[press_idx] os.system( f"cp {calypso_input_path}/input.dat.*.{cur_press} {temp_calypso_run_opt_path}" ) elif not jdata.get("vsc", False): shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(calypso_input_path, "input.dat"), os.path.join(calypso_run_opt_path[0], "input.dat"), ) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(calypso_run_opt_path[0], "input.dat")): raise FileNotFoundError("input.dat") def _make_model_devi_native_calypso(iter_index, model_devi_jobs, calypso_run_opt_path): for iiidx, jobbs in enumerate(model_devi_jobs): if iter_index in jobbs.get("times"): cur_job = model_devi_jobs[iiidx] work_path = os.path.dirname(calypso_run_opt_path[0]) # cur_job.json with open(os.path.join(work_path, "cur_job.json"), "w") as outfile: json.dump(cur_job, outfile, indent=4) # Crystal Parameters nameofatoms = cur_job.get("NameOfAtoms") numberofatoms = cur_job.get("NumberOfAtoms") numberofformula = cur_job.get("NumberOfFormula", [1, 1]) volume = cur_job.get("Volume") distanceofion = cur_job.get("DistanceOfIon") psoratio = cur_job.get("PsoRatio", 0.6) popsize = cur_job.get("PopSize", 30) maxstep = cur_job.get("MaxStep", 5) icode = cur_job.get("ICode", 1) split = cur_job.get("Split", "T") # Cluster # 2D # VSC Control maxnumatom = None ctrlrange = None vsc = cur_job.get("VSC", "F") if vsc == "T": maxnumatom = cur_job.get("MaxNumAtom") ctrlrange = cur_job.get("CtrlRange") # Optimization fmax = cur_job.get("fmax", 0.01) # pstress is a List which contains the target stress pstress = cur_job.get("PSTRESS", [0.001]) # pressures for press_idx, temp_calypso_run_opt_path in enumerate(calypso_run_opt_path): # cur_press cur_press = pstress[press_idx] file_c = make_calypso_input( nameofatoms, numberofatoms, numberofformula, volume, distanceofion, psoratio, popsize, maxstep, icode, split, vsc, maxnumatom, ctrlrange, cur_press, fmax, ) with open(os.path.join(temp_calypso_run_opt_path, "input.dat"), "w") as cin: cin.write(file_c)
[docs] def write_model_devi_out(devi, fname): assert devi.shape[1] == 8 # assert devi.shape[1] == 7 header = "%5s" % "step" for item in "vf": header += "%16s%16s%16s" % ( f"max_devi_{item}", f"min_devi_{item}", f"avg_devi_{item}", ) header += "%16s" % "min_dis" np.savetxt( fname, devi, fmt=["%5d"] + ["%17.6e" for _ in range(7)], delimiter="", header=header, ) return devi